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Review Requests: ON
2,542 Public Reviews Given
2,704 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I'll give a quick summary of your item. Afterwards, I'll talk about your characters, any Spelling or Grammar issues, and perhaps suggest some things, like adding the item to a Genre that it would fit into.
I'm good at...
Speed Reading/reviewing- 1000 word story won't even take me five minutes to read, and you'll get a review within 10 minutes of me reading it. As it is, my reviews are usually around 300 Characters- minus my Review Sig. However, sometimes they'll reach the 1,000 Character mark. Depends on the Story/item. *Bigsmile*
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Animal
Least Favorite Genres
Can't think of any I don't like.
Favorite Item Types
I like them all.
Least Favorite Item Types
I've yet to not like any item types. Of course, images can be tricky- hard to correct Spelling and Grammar on those. *Bigsmile*
I will not review...
Interactives that don't have an actual story started - Give me some meat to eat there before you ask me to look at it, with at least one thread being at least 10 chapters long, and not just choices that aren't even developed, preferably written by your own hand. Books - well, not through a Review Request page anyways, as I'd would have to review the book itself and not the Chapter, in order to get paid, but I will review them if you ask me in an email. Anything that doesn't allow reviews. *Bigsmile*
Public Reviews
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, I hope to hear from you in the future. Of course, I am interested in checking out other groups, to see if I have some things in common with them, so I may not necassarally be devoted full time to this group if others let me jion, but that doesn't mean that I won't stop reviewing and helping people out every chance that I get.

See you later.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I would like to hear from you at some point. After all, newbes do deserve our help so that their stories can blossom to their full potential and be the best stories that they can possibly be.

PS I posted that one review as a public one if you want to see it. the guy goes by the handle of comedy, or something along those lines, and you will see it, as it is one of the longest public reviews that I have made.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hey guys, I also like to help people out and I would like to join. While I am relatively new to WdC, joined just last month, I have been a guest for over a year, due to a chance google search that took me to dragonx's profile. Anyways, I have seen many stories that only have a few things in them, like this one story that had the intro page and the options for male and female charactors, and some jokers, at least two of them, gave the poor guy, who had just joined that day, somewheres between a 1 and a 2. I mean, 3 pages are not enough to really rate as either a 1 or even a 5. Well I gave him a five, some GPs, told him to ignore those who gave him low ratings but no tips on how to improve his work, and to see me, either so that I could help him, or so that I could get in touch with those who could, like Twiga, who helped me start my first story, Planet Animalus.

Anyways, I hope to hear from you soon. See you later.
Review of Smile~Worldwide  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey man, wheather or not you make me a member of your group, know this, those new witers out there will have me to watch their backs, because I will help them out to the best of my abilities, after all, they need our help.

What, what am I saying, I only joined a month and a half ago myself.
Review of Interested?  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey man, I'd like to join this group. I like to help people out and encurage them to do their best. After all, we writers have to help each other out, so that we can be the best that we all can be.

Well, if you guys what to check me out, go right ahead.

PS, the one review that I made for that kid was public. go check it out.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
WHOW talk about intence. Every time that the girl should of been hurt, her father is the one who recieves the injuries. Very interesting. I tell yah, I wouldn't know if I'd want to, or didn't want to, be him. I wouldn't know if it would be a blessing, as the girl was kept safe from harm, or a curse, as the father recieves the injuries. Very good. Well, see you around.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
My friend, while I didn't lose any friends or loved ones on that day, as I live in Western New York, and was in the sixth grade, I feel your pain. After all, it is one thing for someone to pass away due to natural causes, like old age or desease, no one should go like what happened that day. You have my deepest sympathies. I hope that you treasure your friend's memory, like most people do when a loved one dies.

( A large wolf gives a hug to comfort a greving person.)
Review of A Volunteer  
Rated: E | (5.0)
My friend, this was beautifully. A poem about a soldier who fights to protects those he cares for at home. This is why a soldier fights, not for glory, not for medles, not for anything, other than those back home. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people out there who weep when they read this. I should know, there is a tear in my eye as I read this, and I don't have any relations or friends in the service.

By the way, if you wish to do so, check out my stuff. A few of my own charactors life stories might make you cry as well, due to the hardships that they have faced.
Review of The WDC Review  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A review about reviewing a review. Now this might be a challange to review, as it were. To be honest, I have writen over one hundred reviews myself, but you have done more than ten times that. I mean, how often do people rate another's items? I have not encountered many people who have any review recognitions on their comunity recognitions. My hat goes off to you.

By the way, when you get the chance, check my stuff out and tell me what you think of them.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey man, I really like Writing.com. So far I have made 4 interactives, added to about a dozen others, helped people out with stories that they hadn't added to due to a lack of intrest, as people were not adding to them, or even reading them. I have also made several friends, and I have enjoyed my time so far. See you around, StoryMistress.
Review of Bug Reporting  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
While I have not had any major virus problems yet myself, they are annoying even when they are small. So, I will do my part to help keep this site clean and virus free by keeping my computer clean, as it were. Of course, I am sure that many people will agree with this, and I hope that they also do their part, in some small way, even if they only preform a virus scan on their own computers.
Review of Noticing Newbies  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello StoryMistress, I hope that you, and the others check out my stories when you get the chance to do so. I would aprectate any advice that you could give me. I do hope to hear from you and your friends when you guys get the chance to do so. See you later.
Review of Sensual Fantasy  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, Alockwood1 here. While my story may, or may not, be eliagiable for the contest itself, I would still like it if you would check it out and read it for yourself, if only for pleasure. I garente that you will have never seen anything like it. Trust me on that. I have the feeling that you will like it.
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