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Review of Snot  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I found this little piece by doing a search using one keyword: Goldberg

Original goal: To see if there were any other Stuart V. Goldberg fans over here at WDC.

Looks as if I'm going to have to do a campaign for him, as Stuart V. Goldberg richly deserves to have fans at WDC.

I found a handful of items using that one keyword: Goldberg

Which one do I choose for my first read?

The one about snot.

Does my choice of reading material say something about me or something about the writer (who happens to have the last name of Goldberg)?

It says something about both of us.

About me, it says that I either must have a personal interest in snot or else have been made curious about why somebody has decided to write about it--or both! The answer is both.

It also says that the writer was able to both capture and hold my interest. Capture with the promise of subject matter that somehow had to do with snot and hold with her amazing treatment of the same.

This might not be the first time that I've contemplated the subject of snot--but this IS the first time that I was given such a thorough and thoughtful piece about it to read.

Reading this has also inspired me to write my own piece (or pieces) about snot.

Will do that later. For now, just wanted to give my kudos to the writer for this interesting piece. I'm also very curious about whatever workshop this is that assigned this gooey subject matter to be written about.

This won't be the last piece I'll be reading by her!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm glad that you're interested in education trends at such a young age, and you've made some great points.

We definitely do need to have more school funding, because a lot of offerings that help to build whole kids are being cut from the program.

It's possible that those offerings can be put back into the schools even without a great deal of funding by getting people in the community interested in keeping them going.

Something you didn't mention is that, in order to keep kids in school, they need to feel safe and happy there. A lot of taunting/bullying/gang activity goes on that makes feeling safe in several school districts next-to-impossible.

Those issues need to be addressed instead of being brushed aside.

I would love to talk with you more in the future.

I can remember when I was in school that I seldom made the honor roll, because I usually had at least one C on my report card.

The reason for this was that I often chose courses to learn about them as much as I could. I might not have done well enough in them to earn an A or B, but I had the satisfaction of learning some new information. That, to me, should be the goal of education.

The honor roll was nice, and I was thrilled when I made it, but, if I had it to do over again, I would make the very same choices, even if some of them caused me to pull a C, because I was having fun and learning.

I'd like to think of school being a safe and fun experience once more as it was when I was growing up!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Such a sad story! I wonder about the woman/girl who wrote the journal entry found in the room with the flowered wallpaper.

Was she middle-aged (or, at least, in her late twenties or thirtysomething) and looking back on her youth?

Or was she still that young but had just had a falling out with her friends?

How did her life end up? Suicide? Attempted suicide that led her to get help so that, somewhere out there, she now lives happily?

Perhaps the fire in the house was a turning point for her that made her count her blessings after she had been relocated and left everything behind.

Was she the mother of the child/children who once lived there? The sister? An aunt? A nanny?

Your house tour has left my soul and imagination wondering...
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Why am I not surprised when I see that the fashion is something called sagging where the jeans are already on their way down and all they would have to do would be to pull down their boxers and squat!?!

Seriously, I've never heard of that trend.

When I was in high school almost 40 years ago, some guys liked to pass gas in the classroom, but, at least, they would hold the poop until they got to the restroom.

I think it's some kind of mating call. Like dogs marking their territory.

One thing I remember back during my senior year of high school (1970-71) was that, during the second semester, I sat beside two guys who were always doing it.

The gas wasn't just slipping out. They were grunting it out. So they were definitely doing it on purpose.

This was the journalism classroom (which, also, contained the office for the school newspaper farther in), and the assistant coach was known to bring in sports scores for the newspaper.

I kept telling those guys to cut it out in case Ron came in, because I didn't want him to think that it was coming out of me!

Their response?

Ernnnnnnyggggggghhhhhhh! "Poot!" (repeat...repeat...repeat...)

It was like a scene out of blazing saddles!!!

Thankfully, Ron never came in during any of their ceremonies!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

Review of Reprogrammed  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is cute!

Very light and comical--and, yet, it has deeper meaning and makes me think at the same time that it's amusing me.

Both the human and the computer have a sort of Garfield-style way of communicating with each other--in other words, a kind of dry wit.

Really neat!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! I found one more chapter that I hadn't connected to. This one doesn't have a connecting link, either. This is going to be quite a book when you get it finished, because it's already quite a story!

I happened to glance at your profile and noticed that you were still in high school, but you have the writing ability of somebody considerably older.

Keep up the great work!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Now, I know what kind of feedback you were wanting for this story--whether or not to finish it!

My answer is a resounding YES!

No wonder you've been so generous with all of those GPs!

You want people to buy your book when you get it finished. Unless it's out of my price range, the answer to that is also a resounding YES!

You've really knocked yourself out with this one!

My final answer: When people read this, they'll want to buy the completed book!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is really sinister!

What does John have that Meg doesn't when it comes to her cousin?

Is this something her cousin has chosen to be into and has gone into it with his eyes wide open or was he, like Meg, just a very unfortunate person who had followed bait into a trap?

I'm going to read on now to see...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Meg has definitely found herself in The Twilight Zone!

I don't know how this story is going to end, but I can say at this particular time that this would (from what I know now) make a great script for that series--a series that, I believe, they're still making new episodes of even though Rod Serling passed away years ago.

What kind of a set-up is this anyway?

I'm giving you part of those GPs I keep getting for reading the different parts back to you. Thanks for all of them. I know the remaining ones will come in handy for encouraging others.

Are you sure that you can afford to give that many away?

As I've said, this story, obviously, means a lot to you and so does your desire for feedback. I think it's very well-written. Definitely a page-turner for me!

I see it as being something that's relatively-easy to read while packing a punch and being far from fluff!

Are you going to turn this into a book, use it as a guide for a TV script, or what?

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good night! Her cousin truly HAS changed.

Meg (the main character) seems to have been chosen to become a pawn in something sinister, and I don't know if that something sinister is going to simply be getting turned into a sex toy or if her cousin and his friend have even worse plans for her.

Stay tuned! I'm going to be taking you with me and giving my impressions of this without giving away any spoilers.

I'll only say that this is a spellbinding piece to read, and I can hardly wait to get a better handle of what's going on...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was a real downer for the main character in this story to have her cousin to treat her in such a way. It's as if he sold his soul to the devil or something.

You've ended the first part at a very teasing point that makes me really want to get going to the next part of see what's going to happen next.

Will the woman finally find her long lost cousin in this appearance-conscious person with whom she has just had the unpleasant encounter?

I notice that you're offering 7,500 GPs for a review of 250 characters or more for this, so this must be a very personal story to you. Is it true--or, at least, based on truth?

Well--after advertising (public reviewing) this slice-of-life that, obviously, means a lot to you to where you want it read and given feedback--I hope that I've helped you to get some of the readers you want.

As for myself, I'm off to the next part...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like that attention-grabbing title used to ask people an important question. The poll is closed, but my answer is Yes! If people want to find out how to hug our Constitution, they should check out this creation!]

Long time, no write. Sorry about that! My computer fizzled in late August, and it took until yesterday evening to get me up-and-running again (long story).

I have so much catching up to do!

Hope all's well with you! Let me know!

Again, I hope that anyone reading this review will check you out to find out how to hug our Constitution!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Exercise poll  
Rated: E | (5.0)
When I'm in better shape than I am now where I can, I love taking tours through Mammoth Cave. I never grow tired of being inside of that beautiful place.

I've never done aerobic dancing, but I love to do just plain dancing--like keeping time to the music and really getting into it!

Due to my legs not currently working well enough for me to safely do this, I've had to give up (for now) one of my favorite forms of exercise: swimming.

Best wishes with your weight-loss goals! You'll be in my prayers, as I know how difficult that can be.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very inspirational!!!

Could it be that fighting the war on drugs or getting tough on crimes isn't about building more prisons, making punishments more severe, etc.?

Could it be, instead, that wars fought against drugs, terrorism, crime, and other unpleasantries aren't done with bombs, guns, stronger prisons, and execution machines but, instead, are fought using concern for others and extended hands so that people will have an overall feeling of caring about each other and feeling cared about instead of feeling antisocial & hostile?

What are each of us doing personally to make this world a better place to live?

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Daddys Girl  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a sad and beautiful poem that teaches the lesson to never be afraid or hesitant to share your feelings with others, because you never how long you get to be together before they're called away.

It was sad that this woman had to wait until her dad was on his deathbed before learning that he hadn't left because he wanted to but, instead because he had little or no choice in the matter.

Welcome to WDC!!!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of happy  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A sad poem about wanting to be happy while not knowing how to be.

I'll keep you in my prayers and love, and hope that you'll always remember that you matter more than you think that you do.

I went through something like this when I was in my early twenties, and I'm writing a book about it now.

If it's of any comfort to you, I've lived long enough to experience some of my friends becoming really depressed--and, eventually, coming out on the other side of the dark cloud and being happy.

Once you've gone through a time of depression, it's easier to occasionally get the blues than before on some occasions, but things not only get better. They eventually get good! You've just got to believe this!!!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Awake  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The descriptions you gave paints a picture not unlike the scene of a tragedy such as 9-11 or the aftermath of a fierce storm.

But it's about feeling betrayed by friends.

This is a wonderful description, because it does sometimes feel like the end of the world when people on whom you always thought you could count end up letting you down.

Now, I must go looking through your portfolio in search of a smile that I hope you were able to find and don to wear!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Excellent parable.

I don't know if it's the truth or not (that is, what it implies about our going to war with Iraq), but you've definitely spoken a greater truth here--which is that it's easier to hate people if we see them as being obviously different than ourselves, whether that's due to skin color, religion, language, or something else.

This holds true on the large scale of country to country and on the smaller scale of what takes places in our schools, neighborhoods, etc.

Perhaps, we should think about how much we really are alike and, by doing so, come to appreciate our differences...


AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Don't think that the 5.0 rating means that this can't be improved upon, because there's some interfereance currently at the bottom of this page that runs some things together, and that needs to be fixed.

But it's a perfect site because it gives a very understandable explanation re: Wicca and busts some of the myths about it.

Many of your ideas would enhance my own Christian beliefs--and should enhance the beliefs of any Christian--because I see those ideals promoted in my own scripture in your practices while too many believers seem to overlook this message.

We need to take VERY seriously being caretakers of our planet and doing harm to nobody including ourselves! Not just Wicca but the Bible tells us so!!!

Both a "Blessed Be!" and 777 GPs to you and yours!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hope all's well with you! Love your stuck online cNote and have just sent a message to Mark & Barbara using it.

They're moving to Indiana in July! WooHoo! It's about time!

We've just had a great five days together, and everything's falling into place! They'll get cNote when they get back to their current jail from the bus station.

Love your selection of cNotes and definitely will be sending more!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
After reading "Invalid Item, I was thrilled to find out that you have a million of them--or, at least, eleven!

While I'm not going to give each one a public review (as I want people reading the reviewing page to start tearing into them right from this folder and not missing a one of them--and I don't want to give away any spoilers), I'll be leaving you some private comments about each one!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
While it isn't commonplace for people to do something like this (an understatement!), there are a lot of things done "in the name of God" that should never be done in the name of God.

Things such as Salem Witch Trials, organizations practicing racism, and even doing things that are just simply sinful but "justified" in your particular case.

Reading this should make anyone take inventory of their relationship with God, others, and ourselves to see if we're on the right track.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Let's be Fruity!  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

This doesn't exactly describe me, because I'm actually very close to several people. However, Russell can tell you that I'm definitely a social butterfly by the way I "chit-chat" all of the time.

Of course, his idea of how much I chit-chat is slightly exaggerated--or is it!?! Not according to Russell!

I think he imagines me spending tons of time on Yahoo IM or else off in some chatroom "blabbering" away! LOL

Which IS true part of the time at least!

Anyway, Russell doesn't do too bad of a job of flapping his jaws, either!

He has a great storytelling style that I never grow tired of listening to!

He's hoping to start doing some public speaking again this summer! When I know more about this, I'll tell you just in case he happens to be in your neighborhood!

This is a really fun test, and I'd recommend it to anyone! I'd love to see some of the other results!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Jesus Loves Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This testimony in poetic form is nothing short of amazing!

Written in such a simple way but packing a punch and really warming my heart with yet another born-again experience as I read it!

I'm sharing this one--and linking to it in my 2008 positive thinking blog here!

Thank you for blessing me--not to mention countless others--with this beautiful modern day psalm!!!

Amen & Amen!!!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Real  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A beautiful and haunting story!

There are some people who come into you life for a little bit like this.

In my own life, there was one named Walter L. English.

We met at a motel in 1997.

Unlike Real, though, he was very open and bubbly, and he was dressed like the executive that he was.

We actually only saw each other for about ten minutes at the most when we met as I was on my way down to breakfast, and he was on his way to work.

After that, we stayed in touch by a limited amount of snail-mail and a few phone conversations--but our most frequent way of communicating was by FAX machine.

He had one at his workplace, and I had one in my home at the time.

We were like a couple of middle-aged kids playing with a new toy when it came to that FAX machine--and were also acting like a couple of adolescents with definite symptoms of puppy love.

I'll never forget that summer for as long as I live for a lot of reasons, and I've written a story about it--to which I'm sharing a link.

To those reading this public review, I would request that they read your story before they read what I wrote about Walter and the year of 1997 because reading what I wrote would be a spoiler to your story.

I'm now sitting here thinking about 1997 with tears running down my face. I have so many sweet memories from that year, and not all of them about Walter, either.

My folks went on a road-trip through the South for their Golden Anniversary, as this had been their honeymoon back in 1947. Then, my dad had almost passed away that spring from a viral infection, but he had sprung back. That year, he was in and out of the hospital but kept coming out, and his neurologist called him his miracle man.

When I think about it, I had my dad with me for almost seven more years than it looked as if I would in the spring of that year.

I remember that he had to go to two nursing homes. In the first one--where he, unfortunately, only had insurance to cover two weeks--he was really worked with and was getting better. In the next one, he was just left to lie around.

We got him out of there and took him on a trip to Chicago we'd already planned to have him analyzed in a medical center up there we'd heard about.

I remember that trip. I think he was wondering if he would ever see the outside of a nursing home again and be on a family vacation.

We stayed at The Hampton Inn in Joliet going and coming, and at this hotel in Chicago for the night before he was to go to the clinic, and I'll never forget my folks looking so sweet sharing the same bed and all snuggled up to each other. I took a picture of them like that.

Those were sweet and special moments, and 1997 was a sweet and special year.

Walter kinda drifted out of my life as the year went on until we were no longer in touch at all. I would find out the rest of the story near the end of 2000 when talking to his business partner.

It was a lot like it was with Real and Joe.

Thanks for taking me back to 1997 with your story. I'm going now to re-read what I wrote about it and to re-live it again...


AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
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