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Review of The Coward  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is so sad...

Thirty years later, what had happened that day wouldn't have even mattered to the teenage girl. It might not have even mattered six months to a year from then.

However, on that day, it seemed to her as if the world had ended, so she made a decision about which she felt good at the time and carried it out.

Was it the right decision?

If she had made another decision, where do you see her in six months, a year, and thirty years from then?
Rated: E | (5.0)
Fifty-five words making up a very funny story about mother and daughter antics as observed by the toy store clerk.

The mother's power-of-suggestion worked well in the managing of her bratty little girl--but, also, costs the salesperson a sale.

You'll just have to read it to see what I mean!
Review of At the Pharmacy  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This reminds me of an episode of The Golden Girls--and, also, reminds me of that smarty-pants study hall teacher who happened to also be young and sooooooooooo cute!

When there was a need to go to the restroom, the acceptable way of giving this message to your teacher (male or female) was to raise your hand and asked to be excused.

I did this in study hall during my freshman year of high school with the only difference being that you would go up to the teacher and ask for a pass. I asked him for a pass, and he asked me to where. I told him that I needed a pass to be excused. He asked "Excused to where?" And I said, "You know. Just to be excused..." He wrote a pass for me and printed "Restroom" on the destination line.

"You didn't have to write that, did you!?!" I asked--to which he replied in this purring drawl:

"Don't worry about little things like that!"

A few days later, I had my period, so I went to the principal's office and spoke to his secretary begging her to write me a pass so that I wouldn't have to get it from that hottie teacher. She made me out a pass to the principal's office. When I got to study hall, I showed it to my teacher, and he dismissed me with no questions asked.
Review of No Turning Back  
Rated: E | (5.0)
It's almost six in the morning at the time I'm reviewing this, and I can hardly wait to call my own mom just to let her know that I love her.

These are the kind of feelings that reading this story bring out--that you need to appreciate not only your mom and/or dad but, also, the other people who are a part of your life...
Rated: E | (5.0)
Is the main character in this story making a mountain out of a molehill?

What has caused him to grieve to the point of experiencing a deep depression?

Is he depressed just for himself? or Is he depressed due to the widespread effects of how things turned out?

The author doesn't tell what he might have done to relieve his depression. That will be for you to decide...
Review of The Wait  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This story really had a surprise ending for me.

Was I expecting a sad ending and got a happy ending?


Was I expecting a happy ending and got a sad ending?


Did I end up with what I'd been expecting all along?

How will it play out for you when you read it?

Find out for yourself...
Review of Secret of Success  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is the story of a student taking a very important exam.

Will he/she make a passing grade or not?

I'm not going to tell you--only suggest that you read this story in order to feel what he/she is feeling from before the test to during the test to after the test is finally over and he/she knows the results.

At one time or another, most of us have been put into a situation like this, and the story will make you recall what it might have been like for you...
Review of Fred & Deborah  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Now, THIS chihuahua of a story makes me think of something one might see on an episode of I Love Lucy.

The part of Deborah is played by Lucy.

The part of Fred is played by Ricky.

Fred played by Ricky!?! What's going on here? What's going on!?!

The parts of the other friends are played by Fred, Ethel, and Ricky's orchestra.

If you're a fellow fan of the TV show, I Love Lucy, I think you'll get my drift!
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

This story--though written in a very tasteful way--is definitely for adults only.

Kids shouldn't try this at home--or anywhere else.

However consenting adults might like to try out this--or a similar--recipe for a very scrumptious time behind closed doors...
Review of Love & Betrayal  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A very touching love story that manages to beautifully squeeze many years into 55 words without making the telling of the story seem hurried.

This is a story that is timeless.

Right now in some classroom the first part of it is taking place, with the rest of it happening in the future.

It has already been told from one end to another during many times over history.

Enough said! You need to go read it now!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Does prosperity always bring bliss?

Is it really worth it?

Sometimes, it is...Other times, it isn't.

The answer varies from person to person and situation to situation.

As you read this, think about the various choices the characters in this story might make.

Where do you see everybody twelve months from the day when this story takes place?

How about twelve years from then?

Is it really worth it?

Sometimes, it is...Other times, it isn't.

The answer varies from person to person and situation to situation.
Rated: E | (5.0)
In just 55 words, this talented author has covered several years of the challenges faced by a mother and son.

Without giving away too much of the story, I'm simply going to say that it starts out very sad, ends up very happy, and reminds us to never say "Never!"
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This itsy-bitsy story has a happy ending but, also, contains a secret lie.

Read it to find out what the happy ending is along with the nature of the lie that has been told.

Only one person outside of this family and only one person within this family know the nature of the secret lie.

Will the outsider take the secret to the grave as the insider would surely wish that he would do? This issue isn't even covered within the 55 words, but it could be one question that each reader will take with him/ her after finishing this read...
Review of Laws of Nature  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is not a happy story--or is it?

There just might be some members of the cast of members making up this story who would fall under the category of not only being just a little happy but, instead, in the mood to really enjoy a celebration dinner.

Can you find the members of the celebration?
Review of Thrifty Times  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I've found a treasure trove of itsy-bitsy stories for those times when I'm in the mood to be treated to a smorgasbord of wonderful reads--or should I say experience these reads as one might experience cheese and other tasty bites at Hickory Farms and/or from an assortment of chocolates.

At this time, I've already sampled one of the goodies and found it to be wonderful. Somehow, I'm suspecting that the rest won't disappoint.

Why not check out the contents of this folder for yourself and come to your own conclusions!?!
Review of The Weary Mother  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a very outstanding piece of 55-word storytelling.

I could give you a spoiler--but it would be, indeed, just that: a spoiler.

You need to read this story about a mother, her baby, and the consequences of carelessness.

It doesn't even take up a page so far as space goes--but that doesn't keep it from being a page-turner!

I'm going to check out this author's port to see what else might be there in the way of miniature page-turners and other great things to digest...
Review of Tea For One  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Dreams - Anon, who are you? --

Long time, no see!

I'm just now playing catch-up here at WDC after being a lot less active for the past few years, due to other issues involving such things as health and finances.

If not for the goodness of God and loved ones, both my mom and I might be in similar shoes to those worn by the woman in this very-well-written account of helping the homeless.

I won't stretch this review out by getting into writing a novel about the various challenges going on in our lives--challenges outnumbered by the blessings--but I just wanted to let you know that the reason you haven't been seeing me around hasn't been personal. I've really missed you!

Today, I'm in the process of putting a blog-entry together that will be a meaningful way of remembering 9-11 (will be sharing that later after it's finished), and I remembered that wonderful journal you had on display at one time.

When I went to your port for the purpose of finding it and sharing it, I found that it was no longer visible--although there were other very helpful items still on display.

However, I had the good fortune of coming across this story. As you know, I've always had a special place in my heart for homeless people--have had this long before my mom and I have come so close to joining them.

I would highly recommend this piece for important reading--as well as the many other items now visible in your port (which, hopefully, will soon also include your journal).

This isn't the last from me on getting this story a much larger reading audience!

I'm multitasking bigtime, so I'm not sure just when except to say a.s.a.p.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of The Fun House  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

That was definitely a scary story fit for telling around a campfire.

I wonder if the TV show called Goosebumps is still on, as I could see this story made into an episode of the same.

Years ago, the late, great Rod Serling had a show called Night Gallery where he would show a picture hanging in an art gallery--and, then, switch to a story that went along with it. If I remember right, there used to be three stories with each episode--each based on a different painting.

Your picture of the entrance to the un House is perfect for Night Gallery--which, unfortunately, is no longer a TV series, but just think if it were brought back again!

Your story could be dramatized.

Anyway, you did yourself proud with this one!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Martha  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a bittersweet and well-told story. I could picture this also being done as a film festival kind of drama.

Although its setting comes from 95 years ago, the same kind of story could be told as a contemporary one, because we still have parents watching their kids go off to war and not return and/or surviving some sort of local disaster that hits too close to home.

And we still have people who find comfort in old memories and photographs of better times.

I believe that one of the best ways to make people grow weary of war and to find a common bond between "us" and "them" is to remember that Martha might, at times, be named Fatma who lives in the mountains of Afghanistan instead of on a prairie in Kansas surrounded by misty watercolored memories of a son who was named Omar instead of Ben.

You've told the story beautifully of Martha who has managed to escape into her memories of happier times for comfort whenever the reality current life becomes too much to bear.

I think that all of us have walked in Martha's simple, black shoes at times...

God bless her--and God bless her concerned children and friends who help her to find joy and comfort in her current situation by both reminding her that she still had them around and showing compassion and understanding by welcoming the people in her memories with open arms to a time of fellowship.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of When i Died  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a really interesting story, and the last part is so true. We might not always have the best of things happen to us, but we can, to a point, choose whether or not to make them a heaven or hell by either hanging onto hope to make the experiences more heavenly or else choosing to look on the dark side.

My advice to you is to aim high and choose heaven!!!

That was quite a surprise ending.

You need to look this piece over and think about how to divide it into paragraphs in order to make it easier to read and so that each part of it stands out. However, when it comes to the story, itself, it's excellent and a page-turner with many twists and turns.

It actually looks as if you've divided it into paragraphs but need to make them more distinct by spacing between them.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Trayvon Martin  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I've been reading about this young man all day over at Facebook and have come over here to find your wonderful poem and its commentary. This is very much worth reading--and sharing!!! This story needs to keep on getting out there so that it can no longer be ignored and/or shrugged off while life goes on!!!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
I've just finished sending a Thank You note to The StoryMaster for giving me a very nice gift when I needed it, and your adorable cNote really fits the occasion, because the penguins look as happy as I feel right now!

Keep up the wonderful work! I'll be back to shop here again!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This story has a lot of heart in it and depicts this ill-fated family well.

It makes me want to know what their lives became like as the years passed.

The Momma in the story certainly made some wonderful decisions: to pray and to try to give her kids a better life.

Sadly, things like this happen more than one might imagine, and we've got to be looking for people like this who are falling through the cracks.

I have so much more to say but not a lot of energy to say it at this time, so I'll be back to see you again soon. Will probably look in your portfolio for another story by you before I sign off.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Georgie Flies  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This story is so moving and beautifully-written. It could become a short TV story such as Rod Serling used to write for The Twilight Zone.

Time really does fly quickly, like a freed and soaring dragon!!!

Life and its different phases unfold like a long scroll.

You have painted this here in a way that has brought tears to my eyes!

I would give you $25 to include this story (fully credited with your byline) as a story within a story in my upcoming book. Let me know if you would like for this to happen! If you agree to this, I'll make plans to include it within something I plan on writing. If not, I will, at least (though I won't give you $25) recommend your story for reading to go along with my own.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of The field  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm guessing that English is your second language, and I believe that you really have worked well with what you know of it. Below, find an example of how it would look written by someone (such as myself) who has English as a first language.

It will be your choice after that whether to keep it as it is--which, probably, reflects on how you feel most comfortable using English at this time, and that's okay--or to change it.

I've also changed some of the punctuation and whether letters are upper-case or lower-case.

In free verse such as this (that is, without rhyme and/or regular rhythm), the poem is, usually, written just as a sentence would be, only placed in a nice, poetic arrangement on the page.

Besides that, I've made some line breaks in the poem to make the different parts stand out.

These are just suggestions. Use any, some, or all of them if you like them. If not, don't.

Either way, it's a lovely poem about the changes a field goes through in a year's time...

The Field

Every day, I go by the field--
a field that is covered with snow.

Every day, as I go by the field,
I cannot wait for the snow to melt.

Then comes the day the snow melts.
This time, it stays away.

The field of white
is now a field of brown.

Every day, as I go by the field,
I see the farmer working in the field.

The field of brown
turns into the field of green.

Every day, as I go by the field,
the field gets greener and
the leaves get larger.

Some years, they are there.
Some years, they are not.
I cannot wait to see.

Some years, Mother Nature gives us a trick.
Some years, she gives us a treat.

Overnight, the field of green disappears
to be replaced by a field of orange.

This year, Mother Nature has given us a treat
with many big orange pumpkins.

Is that why they call it Trick or Treat?

Best wishes with your writing. This little poem would make a great children's story illustrated with pictures.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
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