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Rated: 13+ · Book · Family · #2058371
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My blog was filled up. I'm too lazy to clean it out. So I started a new one.
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February 24, 2017 at 11:25pm
February 24, 2017 at 11:25pm
         I have never liked horror movies. They scared me when I was young, and my younger brother was obsessed with them. I couldn't even follow what was going on, but he would explain them to me. It took years for me to work up the courage to watch Cujo with my husband, only to discover it wasn't a horror movie after all.

         Now one of my favorite TV shows is Grimm. Go figure. It's full of blood and gore. People morph suddenly into scary ugly creatures. I can't get enough of it! But it's the story line that keeps me coming back, not the hideous effects or violence.

          I've seentoo many creepy movies with no decent story line. The action didn't make sense. And there's usually gratuitous sex or nudity in horror movies. Why female breasts and horror are so closely tied I don't know. Or maybe I do. At least to men, both are thrilling, just in a different way. It just cheapens the movie for the women viewers.

         Still, I liked the movie Needful Things with Gregory Peck. But it was a good story told by Stephen King. It wasn't horror just for the sake of horror. And it was scary and creepy. But then Gregory Peck added class to everything he did.

February 22, 2017 at 11:24pm
February 22, 2017 at 11:24pm
         Don't know why I'm wasting time thinking about this, like one of the meaningless scenes from Seinfeld. There are some things that you can add to any dish and not go wrong. You can overdo it, but that seldom happens.

         The first one I think of is bacon. It's not my personal favorite, but it's very trendy now, especially maple bacon. Crumble it on doughnuts, cupcakes or in cookie batter. I haven't tried any of these, but they are everywhere. There's even bacon crusted pizza. That sounds like a heart attack I'm not ready to have. Bacon sales must be way up. If you're a baker, or run a restaurant, and need something new, just add bacon crumbles to something tried and true.

         Parmesan cheese is one I like. A lot. Sprinkle it on pasta pizza, buttered bread, a salad, a casserole or soup. It's yummy. This one is hard to overdo. Freshly grated, or canned, it works for me. I forgot eggs; sprinkle it on eggs.

         Pecans are my favorite nut. Not only do they go in and on desserts, they go in a lot of breads and salads. Put them on ice cream, with or without chocolate syrup. Eat them plain, or mixed with raisins or craisins. They really go well with sweet potatoes or winter squashes.

         Coconut is not just for desserts. It goes with homemade trail mix and works with fruit salads. It's great with oranges, fresh pineapple, cherries optional.

         I had a brother who could eat any and everything with ketchup. I never acquired the habit. He put ketchup on mashed potatoes, eggs, all meats, and anything that wasn't sweet. My husband used it on hot dogs, which was new to me.

         I like cinnamon on almost anything. Other people don't, so I don't add it to recipes. I put it in my tea, and sometimes to meat dishes. Any baked item works with it, and it makes the house smell good. It goes with fruit and apple cider or party mixes.

         These are staples to keep on hand. Try some when you entertain, and see what the reaction is.
February 20, 2017 at 11:48pm
February 20, 2017 at 11:48pm
         The other night I walked into the room where my father was watching a movie already in progress. The first person I saw was my hero (one of them) James Drury. I was hooked immediately. It didn't take long before I was wondering if this movie was a spoof. I grabbed the clicker to get a little background, and all I found was that it was made in 2005 and had the name "Hell To Pay".

         Drury's lines were very brief, and the younger actors dominated the story. Soon I was thinking about the terrible dialog. From that point on, I tried desperately to find something redeeming about it, but it was very difficult. The script was just pitiful. I seldom watch a movie and think about the script writing or the lousy story line. I might pick at the costuming according to the time in history or historical facts or maybe one actor's lousy acting. But this film was just terrible. I kept watching because of my devotion to Drury and hoped that he would appear again. (Actually, the leading lady's wig was horrible-an unreal color with enough hair for two or three humans.)

         There were a couple of very brief appearances by some marshal, which I discovered later was Lee Majors. His hat was low on his face which was expressionless. His lines were brief and stiff. The other characters acted like he was a beloved presence in the town, but it was never demonstrated in this film.

         When one actor was allowed some solo time and spoke paragraphs, he or she usually did a commendable job. I felt like even the ones unknown to me would do better in some other film. The acting wasn't bad considering they had such lousy roles and lines. Stella Stevens was one of those who did okay when allowed. I discovered later, when I did research, that Peter Brown and Andrew Prine were also in the film. They probably were done before I started watching or I just didn't recognize them. They were stars in shows back in the 50's, 60's and 70's, so I wouldn't know how they've aged. (Prine played Helen Keller's brother in The Miracle Worker.) Brown died in 2016.

         There was some terrible editing, when a kaleidascope of still shots and brief action shots told several chapters in a few seconds. That wasn't artistic. It was garbage. The listing of so many older stars spoke volumes. The director/writer Chris something or other was trying to showcase of the big names from the past and didn't really have a good story or direction. It didn't work. It was cheesy, cheesy, cheesy. The cliches and corniness were there. You can put good actors in a lousy film, and it's still going to be lousy.

February 18, 2017 at 11:33pm
February 18, 2017 at 11:33pm
         I'm sick of this war between the media and the politicians. The news is about the news, not what's going on. They need to stop worrying about themselves or how they are perceived and just report without emotion. Get mad behind the scenes, not on camera. The more you complain and rant, the more fuel you give the speech makers.

         I just witnessed an interview with a journalist on the left guessing what was in someone's heart and assuming things about her life. What kind of news is that? What self-righteousness is this that passes for news? Stick to the facts. Where did he get his degree in psychiatry?

         Reporters and commentators are not supposed to be the subject of the news. They need to back off comments by others and just do an unbiased job. It might be hard, but that's part of your profession. Do not make your business the news. As long as you do the news with integrity, let your opposition roll off your back.

         Celebrities are self-indulgent, self-righteous and feel like their opinions are more important than the rest of the public. Their children brag that they write their own books because there are no good books out there to read. The parents then brag about how smart and creative their children are. They aren't dealing with reality. They think the world revolves around them. Please, news people, don't follow behind them. Don't believe that you are the center of the universe.

         Move onto other subjects. Your public gets tired of the same old stories and whining.
February 14, 2017 at 12:14am
February 14, 2017 at 12:14am
         Whether you're in a relationship or not, have a good day.
February 13, 2017 at 2:18pm
February 13, 2017 at 2:18pm
         Turning the other cheek has always been a dilemma for me. How do you do that without being a doormat? Yet, I am a Pacifist at heart. I want to demonstrate tolerance, peace, and forgiveness without becoming a victim of bullies. I finally heard a different take on the Biblical passage which cautions us to be forgiving.

         In the Sermon on The Mount, Jesus told the crowds to turn the other cheek when slapped in the face, and gave two other parallel examples. This new lesson on it explained that when striking someone, usually the back hand was used. You'd backhand a servant or a lower class person. But to someone of equal station, you'd use the palm of your hand. Most people are right handed, so to use the palm, you'd be striking the right side of the one facing you. This was not done frequently in that culture at that time. Backhanding was done frequently, so the assumption is that if you have been slapped, it was a back hand. To offer the other cheek is to say to the first party that "I am of equal station. Do it properly." It is actually standing up to the person without retaliation. It's not submitting to abuse.

         The next example is to offer your cloak if the offender demands your coat. The coat is the outer garment that keeps you warm on the cold nights. No one at that time would take your inner garment and leave you in your underwear. That would be beneath them and make them look bad to everyone else. To offer him even your inner garment (their garments were a little weird to us) is telling him to go ahead and degrade you, he has not offended you. It just wouldn't have been done back then. It's a way of showing you haven't lost complete control.

         The last example is to walk a second mile with one who demands you walk a first mile with him. The implication is that if you walk with him, you must carry his package or luggage. By offering the second mile, you are showing that you are in control. You are making the decision and doing more than asked. You take back your dignity in this way.

         None of these prevent the bullying. There is no guarantee that the bully will relent or back off. At some point you may have to defend yourself or a loved one. These admonitions are about attitude. You face the enemy, the abuse, or degradation with your dignity and peace of mind intact. It is not a directive to be spineless, to lie down and let people walk on you. Jesus was not telling the crowd to be wimps, but to be bigger than their aggressors.

         We have all known very strong people who did not react to a bully, who did not retaliate when provoked. Being able to stare down, or use soft words, or compromise works better than striking back.
February 12, 2017 at 11:52pm
February 12, 2017 at 11:52pm
         We are living in such a sick, distorted world. It's always had the potential for evil, but it seems it is on the surface more now. There is no pretense of civility. We can disagree with each other, even not like each other, without being vile, profane, or violent. But society as a whole seems to have lost that ability.

         Some groups seem to have forgotten that we are all God's children. Each of us has the right to believe as we choose without criticism or condescension from others. We can live as we choose as long as we do not violate the rights of others. Blocking a highway that is not closed by highway department for repair, and therefore has detours, is a violation of our rights to use tax paid highways. Breaking windows or burning cars is a violation of others rights as well as violation of the laws. People who do those things need to be jailed and prosecuted, no excuses. We need an orderly society.

         Overturning civilization as we know it is not the way to solve problems or disagreements. People who are screaming profanities in public and making exhibitions are hurting themselves. The working American will retaliate. The tide will turn against those who mock our laws. Frightening innocent citizens, who might even have the same sentiments, will not help your cause.

         No matter how strongly you feel, you must remember that everyone has a right to an opinion, and there is a non-violent way to accomplish your purpose and make yourself heard. Peaceful protesters are taken more seriously. And all these high school kids don't even know the issues, the people involved, or why they are protesting. For them, it's a social event. They should be taking that time to learn what's going on and finding peaceful, legal resolutions where there are legitimate concerns. There's too much hysteria and little knowledge.

         Making our citizens fearful of fellow citizens is not clear thinking and accomplishes nothing.
February 9, 2017 at 11:47pm
February 9, 2017 at 11:47pm
         All these ads and TV shows are killing me. Why do people think that it is necessary to give gifts on Valentine's to demonstrate love and or affection? Despite the wonderful tale of the man Valentine who later became a saint in the Catholic Church (you have to be a martyr to be sainted), the Day that commemorates him is an overblown commercial day.

         Now granted, if my boyfriend or spouse was filthy rich, I would expect some tokens that needed to be insured. Everyday people, however, can get by cheaper or free. A nice dinner, flowers, a handmade gift, or something like that would do. The couple could work out their routine, whether they wanted the exact same thing every year, or wanted variety, or agreed to stay within a low spending level.

         In fact, they could agree to give each other a dozen roses or red carnations and go to a senior community or homeless shelter and hand them out one by one to people they meet. A hospital waiting room would work as well. They could express their love to each other by sharing the joy with others.

         I just witnessed a commercial for footie pajamas in pink. Ew. No thank you. It's too cute, too impractical and stupid. I like pajamas, mind you. Mine are Joe Boxers from K-Mart. They're flannel, they're loose, they're warm, they're comfy. But don't give me any as a Valentine present. I don't want stuffed animals, coloring books, gadgets, or knick knacks (dust collectors). I personally have enough cologne, but many women might appreciate that as a Valentine gift.

         Candy is acceptable, but women like me have a temptation problem with candy. Don't give it to me, and I won't have a chocolate coma. I want it, but I don't need it. The same with Girl Scout cookies. I want them, but I can't buy them.

         A hand drawn card from one of the children means more. I guess that's what it really boils down to. Is the gift a sincere expression of love and respect. Or is it just a token? Even a diamond, if given by a false lover, can be meaningless. A small potted plant from someone who treats you well every day means a whole lot more.
February 8, 2017 at 11:58pm
February 8, 2017 at 11:58pm
         Today I was in the furnace room which is also storage. I got rid of some things, old parts to refrigerators, and so forth, while my Dad wasn't looking. But I found a shoe box inside another box, and I was shocked by what was in it.

         Whether I put it together years ago, or my mother collected them, I don't know. There were report cards from junior high, awards from church which had meaning for me, postcards, and so forth. I took a trip down Memory Lane. There was a faintly typed list on onion skin of names and addresses. It took a few reads for me to realize they were girls from my freshman dormitory. I don't remember making or receiving the list. (A sign of age.) There was a gross thing in a box under a folded sheet of paer. The sheet had the names of "donors" and they were high school chums. The gross thing was a mass of hair in different colors. Eww. One of the names is that of a guy who is a prominent doctor in town. There were some other things from college so I probably collected them with Mom's help. Who knows how the bow the box ended up there, neglected, unmarked.

         I wouldn't part with these things for any reason. That trip down the Lane almost left me in tears. Where have the decades gone? When I die, someone no doubt will throw these things away. They mean nothing to anyone. They have no historical or monetary value. But at the time they were important to me, to my mother. A lifetime has gone by and those tokens don't matter to anyone, except me in these rare moments. This is what our lives come to, a box of yellowed papers and forgotten trinkets.
February 7, 2017 at 12:00am
February 7, 2017 at 12:00am
         What a liberating thing! I threw away a whole folder of resumes today. With computer software it's easy enough to recreate one if necessary. If I can't remember everything, I shouldn't be working. I can't imagine needing one for anything else. I am not ever job hunting again if I can help it. I'll wait out my time in this lowly position with low wages.

         Today I sorted through some things I had stored on a shelf. it was a small space, so I didn't realize how much I had jammed in there. Surprise, not only a folder of resumes from years ago, not the last batch I used, but the remainder of two novels I started before I moved here that I thought were gone forever. Of course, it's not all there, but enough to get me started again.

         One item was a notebook from 30 years ago. I read the poems. It was in amazingly good shape. I had to read a few to figure out where I was working at the time. They weren't very good, but I might post a few for laughs in my poetry folder. It amazed me that I've been scribbling that long, but with so little to show for it.

         Anyway, I threw away two bags of trash (including a pair of shoes). It was a small space, so the room doesn't look any different, but it felt freeing to rid of some clutter. Old Internet jokes and recipes I'll never use are out on the curb now. I even picked out a diet book and the Praxis teaching license study guide to donate to Purple Heart sales.

         Feels good.

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