March 6th
So, I guess this is my new diary. I don’t really know how to start these things, so I’ll just introduce everyone in my life.
First, there’s me. Mollie. Fourteen years old, but if you looked at me, you’d probably guess I was, like, ten. I’m only 3’8—yeah, seriously. I swear the universe just forgot to hit the "grow" button on me. Everyone else in my class is getting taller, developing, looking more like teenagers. Meanwhile, I still look like a lost elementary schooler. No height, no curves, no nothing. It’s like my body just refuses to start puberty. It sucks. But, I try to stay positive. Small in size, but big in heart, right? That’s what I tell myself.
Then there’s Hillary, my little sister. Except, she’s not so little. She’s twelve years old and already 4'6—which is almost a whole foot taller than me. I know, it's ridiculous. And trust me, she loves to rub it in my face every chance she gets. “Hey, Mollie, can you reach the top shelf? Oh wait—you can’t.” Ugh. And it’s not just the height thing. She’s already getting curves, too. It’s so unfair. She’s two years younger than me, but she looks older. Meanwhile, I still have the body of a little kid. I swear, life has a twisted sense of humor.
Next up, Mom. Her name’s Rebecca, and she’s pretty short too—only 5'2—so at least I know where I get it from. She’s really nice and always tells me to be patient, that I’ll grow when my body is ready. I want to believe her, I really do, but it’s hard when you’re stuck looking like a fourth grader while your twelve-year-old sister already looks like she’s in middle school. She’s always trying to keep the peace between me and Hillary, especially when things get a little... heated.
And finally, Dad. Daniel. He’s the giant of the family at 6'2, so clearly, I didn’t inherit his genes. Lucky Hillary probably did. He’s pretty chill, always cracking dad jokes and making me roll my eyes. But when I’m feeling down, he’s one of the first people to try to cheer me up. He even lifts me up sometimes so I can “see the world from a normal height.” I pretend to hate it, but... it’s kind of nice.
So yeah. That’s my family. A short girl with a tall little sister, a peacekeeping mom, and a dad who thinks he’s funny.
And me? I just want to grow already.