March 20th
Okay. I don’t even know how to start this entry because so much has happened.
First of all—IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING. My body actually decided to wake up and start puberty! I’m not even joking. It’s like the universe finally went, “Oops, forgot about that one,” and hit the switch.
It started a few days ago when I noticed my chest was feeling a little sore. At first, I thought I just slept weird, but then I looked in the mirror and—BAM. Tiny little bumps. Actual breast buds. I had to do a double-take because I honestly thought I was imagining it. But nope, they’re really there. I literally cried. Not because it hurt, but because I’ve been waiting forever for this to happen. I was starting to think I was just going to stay a little kid forever.
And then, as if my body wanted to make extra sure I knew puberty was here—I got my first period.
I don’t even know how to describe that moment. Shock? Panic? A little bit of excitement? One second, I was in the bathroom, and the next, I was just staring like, "Oh. OH." I had to sit there for a minute to process what was happening. I knew it would happen eventually, but it actually happening? That was a whole different story.
Of course, Hillary had to be dramatic about it. When I told her, she just smirked and went, “Wow, finally.” Like she’s some kind of expert just because she got hers last year. Yeah. My 12-year-old sister has been dealing with periods longer than me. Can you believe how unfair that is? But honestly, I didn’t even care about her teasing this time because I finally caught up. Well, sort of. She’s still taller, and I’m pretty sure she has more curves than me, but at least now I feel like I’m not totally stuck in a child’s body anymore.
Mom was really sweet about it. She hugged me and said, “See? I told you it would happen when your body was ready.” Then she gave me a chocolate bar and explained how to use pads (which, by the way, are the weirdest, most uncomfortable things ever).
Dad… well, Dad awkwardly said, “Congratulations?” and then immediately left the room. Classic Dad.
So yeah. Puberty is here. It took forever, but it’s finally happening. I still have a long way to go, but at least now I don’t feel like I’m stuck.
And Hillary? She can’t tease me about being a late bloomer anymore. Well… okay, she totally still will. But at least now, I can roll my eyes and say, “Whatever, at least I’m growing now.”
One step closer to catching up.