Orihime was quite pleased with herself, not only had she gotten rid of that nasty stomach ache she'd just had to deal with, she was on a shopping trip with Ogami and she was going to make him buy her everything she wanted. Without really thinking, Orihime went right to some of her own favorite shops to look for something for herself.
And as Ogami held who he thought was Iris's hand, he found the young girl was leading him to a section of the shopping district different from Iris' normal shopping routine. "Say Iris, I'm glad you're having a nice time looking at the grown up dresses, but why don't we go out and look at some new headbands and bows like you wanted, or even something for Jean Paul like you asked for...where is Jean Paul anyways?" Ogami said looking on the ground having missed Orihime tossing the stuffed bear in the trash at breakfast.
Orihime shrugged, "Who?" she asked before squeezing Ogami's hand, "Pick me up, I want to look at the neckline of this red one." Ogami was slightly concerned about how Iris wasn't really acting very...Iris like. But Ogami had seen personally to it that Kohran's Mr. Swapper was out of commission so he no reason to believe Iris wasn't actually Iris so he did as the child asked and lifted her up.
"I could get used to a man carrying me around, walking around can be such a pain." Orihime said with a laugh as Ogami sighed but indulged the child.
After a few minutes off looking at dresses Orihime thought would look best on her body she said, "Put me down, I'd like to try these on."
"Iris, if you wanted to just play dress up you could do that in the theatre costume room." Ogami pointed out as he put her down.
Orihime shook her head, "How dare you, I'm not dressing up, I'm...looking towards the future." Orihime grabbed some dresses and headed to the dressing room and started putting on a big, long, and poofy red one. Orhime stepped out having to be very carful not to trip over the dress and said, "Yes, it may look good on me one day, but it will look marvelous on Orihime now. Ogami, buy them all and gift them to Orihime."
Ogami sputtered not only due to the oddness of the demand, but the price tag on the dresses as well, "Why go all the way out here just to shop for dresses for Orihime?!"
"Well, perhaps if I'm lucky I shall grow to be a fraction as beautiful as her, then maybe I can wear these...and are you saying Orihime doesn't deserve nice things?!" Orihime said curling her tiny hands into fists, luckily Iris wasn't strong enough to snap the four remaining swapping straws.
"No no. It's...fine." Ogami said as he reluctantly paid for the dresses. But before Orihime could celebrate her new additions to her wardrobe, Maria and Yuri came by.
"There you two are. I figured you'd still be out, we can walk back to the theatre and grab some groceries for our special lunch." Maria said looking at Ogami in a way Orihime did not like at all.
"Yes, and I need to take Iris to a bromide shoot." Yuri said, "Come along Iris, we'll get you changed and head over to the shoot."
"Just a second," Orihime said fuming. Once again the Flower Division captain was making time for another woman not Orihime?! Well, she wasn't going to have that, after this 'special lunch' Ogami won't want to spend another minute with Maria.
"Hey Maria, pick a straw!" Orihime said trying to look as innocent as possible. And while Maria could tell something was off with Iris, it wasn't enough for her to deny the child's puppy dog eyes and she picked a straw before feeling the world shift around her as she now was looking up at her own body which was looking down at her with a smile as she snatched the 3 remaining straws. "Well Iris, have fun with Yuri, I'll be with Ogami for our special date." Orihime made sure to stick out her tongue at Maria as she and Ogami walked off to get groceries.
"What? Wait! What just happened!?" Maria said as she tried to chase after Ogami and the imposter Maria, however the adult sized dress tripped up the now child Maria as Yuri helped her up. "Now now, let the captain and Maria have their own private time, we wouldn't want to interrupt them. Now let's get you in something more your size." Yuri said helping up the very confused and very annoyed Maria.