Thankfully Makoto didn’t need to manipulate her sister’s shadow too much as they only got word of the Phantom Thieves 2 more times after the first sighting. Whenever Shadow Sae just had normal work to do, Makoto would give her overfilled belly a rest. After those last 2 sightings though, there weren’t anymore for a while. At first she thought they were just taking a break, but as the days went by she started to get worried.
“What’s taking them so long? It’s been almost a week since they last came here.” She looked down at her body to see the results of all the feasting and sure enough she was fat. If she flexed her old muscular figure would still show through, but there was a noticeable layer of fat covering it slightly. “Maybe… maybe sis got to them!” she suddenly realized.
Sae later returned ready for another meal.
She sat at the table in her usual spot. The chair creaked under her weight.
“Boy I am starving, how about you Mako-Chan?”
“Hm? Oh right yes I’m super hungry too!”
“Good then let’s eat! I can’t wait to see what the chefs bring out.”
“Say sis… whatever happened to the Phantom Thieves? Did you ever catch them?”
“No they came around a while back, but they’ve been radio silent ever since.”
“I-I see…”
Theories about what happened to them swirled through her head. She wondered if maybe they got caught by the police in the real world, or maybe… they left her behind and decided on a new target.
The chefs eventually arrived with their meals. Shadow Sae was just about to eat until she noticed her sister seemed to be in despair. “Is something wrong?” She shook her head, but continued to stare at the table wondering what happened to them. Shadow Sae got up, waddled to her sister and reached her hammy arms around her for a hug. “You don’t need to worry about them now. Your big sis is taking care of you after all! No matter what, I’ll be there for you.” Makoto hugged her back. “Thanks sis,” she said softly.
Just then Sae grabbed her love handles. Makoto yelped in embarrassment. “OOOHOHOHO Look at my little sister getting so big! Take some pride in your body it’s not easy getting this big.” Makoto chuckled a little. “Thanks sis! Anyway let’s eat!” They finally dug into their meals as our growing thief tried to burry any thoughts of her friends.
Days went by with no sighting of the Phantom Thieves. Makoto’s faith in her friends return grew weaker with each passing day. Though she was losing hope in her friends, her sister’s company made it all feel a little better. She loved every moment of time she got to spend with her sister. She doesn’t remember the last time she got to just spend time relaxing with her, and she was able to do this everyday now! What would have been a feeling bitterness towards her friends was replaced with a renewed love and admiration for her sister.
3 weeks had gone by since Makoto had decided to stay behind. The mirror she looked into revealed a much different looking woman than the one that entered this palace so long ago. She admired her new form, one closer to the build her sister has and wanted for her. She admired her enormous gut adorned with fat folds, her thick double chin, great hammy arms. She looked to be about as big as her shadow, maybe even bigger! She stepped onto the scale to check her weight. Elation took over as the scale read 322 lbs.
She gleefully waddled out of her room and into the dining room. Each step causing a rippling in her fat body. With all this weight it was getting harder to move around. “Good morning little sister!” Shadow Sae greeted. Makoto plopped down at her seat and let out a strong exhale. “Hey. You know lately I’ve been thinking that I’m not much of a little sister anymore,” she joked. Shadow Sae went to her side and gave her belly a soft slap. “With a gut like that, I’d be inclined to agree! You’re really taking after your big sister.” They both laughed and got ready for yet another feast. As she pigged out she didn’t once think of her old friends all she could think of now was her big sister and getting fat enough to make her proud.
That blissful time of feasting would be cut short by a frantic shadow bursting into the dining room. “My lady! The Phantom Thieves are coming!” Shadow Sae stood from her chair and got ready for the fight ahead.
“grunt Sorry Mako-Chan I need to take care of this.”
“slurp Wai-URP… Wait, could you take-“
“No! I’m sorry I need to handle this. If they take my treasure it’s all over.”
“No that’s not what I meant… I was going to ask if you could take me with you.”
“They really hurt me, and… well… and I need to know why.”
“sigh Alright you can come with.”
The two slowly made their way for the giant roulette wheel that would be their arena. “Well, you all took your sweet time.” The Phantom Thieves looked towards their opponent, but their attention was quickly captivated by someone else. “gasp No way! Mako-Chan is that you?” Panther gasped as she fully realized the consequences of leaving her here for 3 whole weeks. “How did she blimp up so fast!?! She shouldn’t be able to get this fat so soon.” Oracle started scanning her to try and find the cause. “Perhaps the magic of the palace, or maybe even the ingredient of whatever she ate had this effect on her figure?” Fox wondered.
Makoto was tiered of hearing them muse about her current state. She clenched her sausage fingers into a fat fist and finally blurted out what she wanted to know all along. “What the heck took you guys so long!?! I thought you forgot all about me. Do you know how it feels to just sit there day in and day out in an enemies territory, completely at the whim of the ruler, wondering if you’ve been abandoned? I’ve been here a while, being able to do nothing but stuff my face, and you just sit there wondering how I got so fat? You really don’t think anything is more important? You could focus on taking out the palaces leader, save me, or even say ‘I’m sorry we took so long,’ but no. Let’s just talk about what a butter ball Makoto Nijima has become!”
“Dude, we’re sorry alrig-“ Crow put a hand infront of Skull cutting his apology short. “No, it’s my fault! I suggested a specific date to send the calling card to give everyone time to prepare for wat maybe the last act of the Phantom Thieves. If you’re going to be mad at anyone be mad at me.”
Makoto felt all sorts of emotions fighting to get a chance to be heard, but just then the emotional turmoil was silenced by Shadow Sae wrapping her arms around her sister and trying to comfort her with a hand on her head. “Just because he suggested it doesn’t mean the rest of you had to agree. Even then why not send some kind of message? Do you know bad your childish plan made my dear sister feel? Why, she’s been stress eating ever since you left her behind.”
Skull was tiered of letting everyone else talk for him and he wasn’t gonna stand for what he thought was a shadow taunting him. “Ya your right we did accept his stupid plan, and ya maybe we should’ve tried leaving a note er something, but don’t feed us that bullshit!!! You can’t play the concerned sister when you’re just a shadow! You’re just trying to manipulate her! Makoto-San we’re super sorry for leaving you… do you think you can forgive us” Skull’s angry rant rang in Makoto’s ears. It was crass and inelegantly put, but she felt it was genuine.
She looked over at the rest of them to see a similar guilty look. Noire was sobbing as she fell to her knees “We’re so sorry Mako-Chan we didn’t know how you felt… we should have come sooner,” she said softly trying to keep herself from bawling her eyes out. Makoto tried to compose herself and work out her feelings. She had to decide between forgiving her friends and going home or to stay here and continue feeling her sisters love.