Makoto hugged her sister back. “I love you sis… I’m sorry…” she grabbed the shadow tight, swung around so her back was towards her friends and didn’t let go. “Now!!! Attack her while I have her!!!” The Phantom Thieves were relieved that their apology reached her, but their celebration would have to wait till after they kicked Shadow Sae’s titanic rear! Shadow Sae tried to wriggle out of Makoto’s grasp.
“gasp Makoto let go right now!”
“grunt Makoto!!! Let go of your sister! Now!”
“You… You’re not my sister!!!”
Just then Makoto’s dress transformed into her biker Phantom Thief outfit, though it was a lot bigger than usual to accommodate her larger size. She was officially considered an enemy of the palace ruler! It was too late though. Queen threw the Shadow into her comrades attack. The Phantom Thieves then went for their iconic all out attack on the shadow, one that Makoto was happy to be apart of again! With that cheeky attack, the thieves were in the lead, but the fight wasn’t over yet!
“grrrrr You’ll pay for that… All of you!”
Dark mist coalesced around her forming a shadowy void. Soon after the ball of concentrated darkness dispersed, and Shadow Sae emerges as the great, and rotund, Leviathan! Large, dark, blood encrusted armor adorned most of her body with exception to her belly which peaked through slightly. She wielded a rusted blade and and a cannon rivaling her in size. “I will do anything if it means being the victor! Even if it means taking out my beloved sister.”
The real battle had commenced! Crow and Fox took lead by slashing at and grabbing her attention. She tried to retaliate, but they were too evasive and Fox was even able to counter. They dodged out of the way leading to Noir’s chance to blow her up to kingdom come.
“Joker, Skull, Panther! I say we go in for one more team attack!” The four rushed in for their all out attack, but the Leviathan wasn’t going to just let it happen. “Do you think I’m that dumb!?! I won’t lose, no matter what! Now begone!!!” She unloaded her heavy arm on the attacking members. “Everyone get behind me!” The other three thieves took cover behind Queen’s girth. She lifted her arms and tried to brace for the oncoming attack. She thought it would hurt more than it did, but the extra padding softened the blow, not slowing down their charge in any way. “Don’t worry guys, Mona and I got you!” Mona healed Queen, and Oracle extended her energy to them, granting them the strength they needed.
“It’s time for an all out attack!!!” Makoto shouted. The team sprung from behind their attack leader and surrounded the shadow, attacking her from all angles multiple times! Queen ended the all out attack with one final body slam using all her newly gained weight!
The shadow finally fell with a loud thud. Her armor and weapons dispersed into little specs of darkness. Queen ran to her sister’s shadow’s aide. She lifted her head to meet her gaze.
“So I seem to have lost…”
“huff puff Sis!”
“Sis… you can still change! You don’t have to bend the system the way you have. We can just be a normal family… like… like we were… this past month, and even before… well everything happened.”
“Mako-Chan… I can’t just turn back now. I’ve already done so much. I’ve traded in with too much dirty money. I just… I just wanted us to be happy.”
“I am happy though! I’m perfectly happy with you. We can still change. It’s never to late to do what’s right!”
“Makoto promise me no matter what, you’ll always look out for your big sister, just as I have with you.”
Skull rushed in with a briefcase. “Hey I got her treasure! Now let’s get the hell outa here.” Makoto looked back to her sister one more time. “I’ll see you later sis.” The Phantom Thieves continued the rest of their plan. They split up, Joker gets caught, he fakes his death to trick Akechi and escapes the palace disguised as the holding area. This wasn’t the end of the Phantom Thieves though. They still had more plans!