"Thanks for letting me stay at your house, Yuki." Antala said as she removed her high-heeled boots before walking into said house and heading up to the guest room.
"Anything for my old friend." Yuki replied cheerfully as she head to her own bedroom.
Antala had decieded to take a month-long vacation in Japan. Needing a place to stay, she chose to call up her old friend Yuki to ask if she could stay at the house she haunted. Despite being a Onryo, a spirit born of rage, Yuki was happy to let her do so and to show her Japan's best sights. Today, just after Antala arrived via portal, Yuki had shown her the Tokyo Tower and had her try to climb Mt. Fuji (Antala ran out of energy half-way up). By the time they got back, it was night.
"How were you able to get to the top of Fuji and back without breaking a sweat? I gave up half-way and I'm an immortal succubus." Antala yelled to Yuki through the door as she changed into a black bra and panties.
"Being a ghost means I have infinite energy. No getting tired for me." Antala heard Yuki laugh. "I can't believe I found you sleeping on the ground when I got back to you. You looked so cute."
Antala chuckled herself. "Yeah, and you had to carry me back to the car."
"I know. You are one loud snorer." Yuki said as she opened the door to Antala's room, having already changed into her white nightgown.
Antala looked over at her. She had to admit, Yuki looked pretty. Yuki was only an inch taller than Antala. Her pitch black hair was loose and framed her chalk-white face. Though she had a similar figure to Antala's, she did have one difference: her belly was rather chunky, looking like an overinflated spare tire. Yuki said that she worked out enough to get her current shape, but Antala didn't know of any workout that gave that figure.
It took Antala a minute to realize that she was staring at Yuki's belly, and quickly looked away, blushing. Yuki giggled. "Well, gee, Antala. I didn't know you had a thing for bellies."
Though Antala didn't want to admit it, Yuki was right. Antala did love big, fat bellies. She even had a slight crush on Yuki mostly because of her belly.
"I don't." Antala lied. "It's just, your nightgown is tight enough that it's hard NOT to look at."
"Well, maybe during the night, the Nebutori well give you a belly just like mine." Yuki said.
Antala looked at Yuki like she just spoke in some dead tounge even Antala didn't know. "The Nebu-what?"
"Nebutori. It's a supernatural virus. It only affects women. During the night, it makes them become really fat and lethargic. Though it can target specific spots sometimes. I knew a kappa who got infected. By the time she was cured, her butt was the size of a truck. Took her a month to slim down."
Antala just stared at Yuki for a moment. "Ok, you need sleep. Go to bed."
Yuki shrugged. "Alright, see you in the morning." She said and went back to her room.
Antala shut the door and flopped down on the bed, going to sleep instantly.
During the night, a small blue orb appeared in Antala's bedroom. It went over to Antala, seemed to look at her for a moment, and sent a soft light to her belly. It then vanished, leaving a blue glow on Antala's belly.
In the morning, Antala woke up, ready to really begin her vacation. But when she tried to get up, she felt a weight on her stomach. Throwing off the covers, she looked down at her belly. To her shock she saw that it was...