Overnight, Antala's belly had blown up to the size of Yuki's belly, which was about the size of a beach ball, but unlike Yuki's, it was a perfect sphere. Antala placed her hands on it to make sure it was real. She confirmed it when her hands sank into her belly. Antala had to get a second witness to this.
"Hey Yuki. You up yet?" Antala yelled.
"Yes. Why?" Yuki replied through the walls.
"You may want to come in here." Antala called out.
"Sure. Give me a sec."
Sure enough, a few seconds later, Yuki walked into the guest room.
"Ok, what's-" Yuki began to say, before seeing Antala's bloated belly. Her jaw dropped.
"Woah." Yuki said.
"Yeah. I just woke up and found this." Antala replied, motioning to her belly.
"Guess I was right. The nebutori did visit you. And it looks like it's one of those specific spot ones." Yuki said, walking over to the bed. "It's as big as my belly." On that, she placed her hands on Antala's belly.
This action made Antala blush a shade of orange. She felt Yuki poke, rub, and squish her new belly.
"It's so soft." Yuki said. "This is amazing!"
"Great, but can you please stop touching it?" Antala said.
"Sorry." Yuki replied, pulling her hands away. "I couldn't resist."
"Right." Antala said, annoyed. "So, is there a cure for this?"
"There is, but it takes a while to make. But there is no way we are curing this!"
"WHAT?! WHY?! Wait, don't tell me. You just 'happen' to have a thing for fat bellies too?" Antala asked.
Yuki sheepishly grinned. "Yeah. Why do you think I go out of my to keep my belly?"
"Of course. Should have guessed."
"Wait, 'too'? I was right, you do have a thing for fat bellies. I knew it! I knew it!" Yuki yelled, happy at being right.
"Yay. Good for you." Antala replied sarcastically. 'This is feeling like one of those expansion stories Kada loves reading so much.' She said under her breath.
"Come on." Yuki said before pulling Antala up.
"What are you doing?" Antala asked, trying to get used to standing with her new belly.
"I'm going to take you out, so you can show off that gorgeous gut of your's. So get changed, but make sure your belly stays uncovered." Yuki said happily.
"Where are we going?" Antala asked, baffled.
Yuki smiled. "I am taking you to..."