You discard the Queen and Seven, and draw the Seven of Clubs and the the Ace of Diamonds. Again, if you were playing online poker, it would have a good chance of being the winning hand, but it would almost certainly not be the losing hand.
Not that you're complaining, but maybe there should be something in the game to get somebody to take risks to get the winning hand.
"Hey, I got an idea," Cassie says. "You know, when we get to forfeits, we all have to agree on the forfeit?"
Everybody nods, and your heart beats at the thoughts of the possible forfeits.
"How about, whoever has the highest hand when somebody loses is the one who gets to suggest the forfeit, and the rest of us get to say Yea or Nay?" Cassie suggests.
Everyone agrees, and you're wondering what kind of forfeits you might suggest. You've never been with a girl your own age before---not that way, anyway---and now you might have a chance to do something with one or more of the women you're playing cards with.
"Okay, now that we've got that settled," Cassie continues, "Let's show our hands."
You don't have the winning hand, but you don't have the losing hand either. Tifa would have won the hand with her Queen High Straight, and Cassie loses it with a pair of eights.
"I'm like Nadine," Cassie said, taking off her socks. "I was happier when I thought you were trying to lose." Cassie says it with a laugh and a wink to Tifa, to let her know she's just kidding.
You're pretty happy too. You've been able to keep your clothes on, the women are definitely in a good mood and, well, everything is fun. You're probably beaming as you take your next five cards.
Your Cards: Q(C), Q(S), J(D), 4(D), 3(H)
Player: Baseball cap, jacket, sneakers, socks, t-shirt, jeans, boxer shorts.
Tifa: Gloves, sleeves, suspenders, boots, shorts, top, panties
Cassie: Shoes, Socks, Top, Sports bra, Shorts, Panties
Chloe: Boots, Socks, T-shirt, Jeans, Bra, panties
Nadine: Boots, Socks, T-Shirt, Khakis, Bra, panties
You keep