It's such a no brainer, you don't even think as you discard everything but the Queens.
You are in your own little world for a moment, because Cassie has asked you a question, and you didn't hear it.
"I asked you," she repeats with a smile, "What do you do for fun when you're not trying to win the clothes of four grown women?"
This gets a laugh from everybody else, though Tifa gives you a little smile as if to tell you that she is just teasing you because she likes you.
Blushing, you reply, "Well, I play a lot of baseball. And I'm really good. I was on the statewide All-Star team both for junior high and eight grade. My coach says if I continue training and practicing hard, I should skip junior varsity when I go to high school. In fact, that's where my parents think I am right now, a three day baseball camp. The Inventory set it all up."
"Yeah, they're good at that sort of thing," Cassie said. "So you're covered for three whole days now. I've got an idea."
Chloe shook her head. "How come everytime I hear someone use those four words, it means something will get blown up from underneath me in the near future?"
This gets a laugh from everyone, and Cassie continues, "I promise, Chloe, no plastic explosives will be utilized in this bet. But since the kid is covered for three days, I say we add one more rule, to give him some extra incentive."
"Seeing us naked isn't incentive enough?" Nadine chuckles, sending you another wink.
"Good point, but let's put our little baseball player into extra innings," Cassie says. "If the kid here is the last person with clothes on, we have to do an unlimited number of forfeits for him until his three day weekend is up. Since there's a giant pull out bed in one of the walls of this room, that door leads to a private set of showers and baths," Cassie says, pointing to a door besides the one you entered the room through, "And the drink and food service in here is automated, we'll be uninterrupted for the three days. And if he does well enough, we'll get the Inventory to convince his parents that the baseball camp was for a week."
The other women laugh about Cassie's joke about holding you over for a week, but you're not really listening. The only thing you're hearing is Cassie saying that, if you're the last person with their clothes on, the women will basically be your sex slaves for the weekend!
This is not the sort of thing that happens to thirteen year old virgins, but you're not complaining.
"Just a few rules, though," Cassie says, "No anal or pain or nasty stuff, and we still might veto, though not often," she says with a wink to you. You're really not sure what she means by all those conditions, but you're okay with them. You're pretty sure that they're going to have to tell you what to tell them to do, but you're okay with that as well.
"But that only happens if you're the last one with clothes on," Cassie concludes. "Anybody have a problem with my idea?"
Everyone shakes their head, and now you're really excited, and very determined to play the best poker you've ever played in your life.
"Okay," Cassie says,