You discard everything but the pair of threes, and draw three cards.
You get the Jack of Diamonds, the Nine of Clubs and the Three of Diamonds.
Three threes, you think to yourself. If you were home and online, three threes would be something you'd try to bet up a pot. In this setting, though, you are just happy that it means one of the women will be taking off an article of clothing.
As it happens, you're right. When all the hands are revealed, you didn't have the "winning hand," but you weren't the lowest hand, either. That went to Tifa.
For various reasons, you're glad it was Tifa. First, because she's hot. And next, because if it was Nadine or Cassie, or even Chloe, there might be an exchange of remarks, and hostilities would start up again.
Cassie must have thought the same thing, and took her reasoning one step further. "Tifa, you're not losing on purpose, are you?"
"Why would I do that?" Tifa asks with a smile, as she tugs off her gloves.
"Because...because I wasn't being fair to Nadine earlier," Cassie admitted.
"You know, I did give up leadership of Shoreline," Nadine said defensively.
"I know," Cassie says with a sigh. "And it's like your partner said, even if you hadn't, well, we're never going to see a crossover between your world and mine." Cassie stood up and leaned over the table, extending her hand. Nadine took and shook it, and there was smiles all around.
"So, since we're all good," Cassie continued, "Everybody is going to try to win, agreed?" Cassie leveled a look at Tifa as she said this. Tifa emphatically nodded.
"Good," Cassie said, as she considers one more suggestion.
Your Cards: No New Cards Have Been Dealt Yet
Clothing Count:
Player: Baseball cap, jacket, sneakers, socks, t-shirt, jeans, boxer shorts.
Tifa: Gloves, sleeves, suspenders, boots, shorts, top, panties
Cassie: Shoes, Socks, Top, Sports bra, Shorts, Panties
Chloe: Boots, Socks, T-shirt, Jeans, Bra, panties
Nadine: Boots, Socks, T-Shirt, Khakis, Bra, panties