"I think," Cassie begins, "Just so that there's no misunderstanding, for this first round only, we should all take off one article of clothing."
Tifa tries to protest, but the other women shout her down and you think, hey, who am I to argue?
So you take off your baseball cap as the other women take off their shoes.
"You should not wear a cap inside, anyway," Tifa tells you. "Besides, you have very lovely hair." She leans over and tousles your hair, which makes you blush and the other women laugh.
"No problem with this being a touchy feely game here," Chloe says, giving you a wink.
"Do not listen to them. You have very lovely hair," Tifa tells you, running her fingers through your hair before leaning back. And with that, the next hand is dealt out.
Your Cards: A(H), 7(D), 3(C), 3(S), 2(H)
Clothing Count:
Player: Baseball cap, jacket, sneakers, socks, t-shirt, jeans, boxer shorts.
Tifa: Gloves, sleeves, suspenders, boots, shorts, top, panties
Cassie: Shoes, Socks, Top, Sports bra, Shorts, Panties
Chloe: Boots, Socks, T-shirt, Jeans, Bra, panties
Nadine: Boots, Socks, T-Shirt, Khakis, Bra, panties
You keep