“Sure, I’m game.” Royce said. “As long as I don’t provoke....Robin’s wraith again? Is that your name, Miss?”
“Robin is my name, yes.” Robin replied. The cross vein in her head had shrunk down, and her extra large back arms vanished out of existence.
“Hold up, while we’re breaking down the fourth wall here....FFFFFFRRRRANNNKKKYYY! PSA.” Franky decided to pipe up with something important. “Robin, I know you’re one of the only ones here that’s properly educated, but remember: this is an Interactive Story. Not every chapter is going to be SUPER GREATO! For every good chapter there’s bound to be five subpar ones, expectations can’t be high for these type of stories. And we can’t have you going off at this guy every time an author with terrible grammar writes a chapter for this branch, else there will be no story to read.”
“But 1-2’s Grammar was atrocious, Franky. You can’t possibly be defending that....” Robin countered, a bit distressed.
“I’m not! I’m just asking that you don’t blow your top like that again, for everyone and the Sunny’s sake.” Franky replied.
“Like, for you that’s seriously OOC how you reacted, Robin.” Ussop nervously injected into the conversation. “You’re supposed to be the only sane man among us! Or only sane woman...“
“Don’t worry, the grammar also ticked me off, Robin.” Zoro muttered, but not ashamed. “That’s why I charged at him. But...shoddy spelling aside, he seems like he can hold his own.”
“All that Franky is asking is that you don’t go into a state of anger that makes me want to sleep in the treasure hold for the next seven nights, Robin.” Nami added in, still curled up into a ball and now terrified of her fellow crew member.
Sanji noticed this. “Oi, Chopper! Make Nami something that will calm her nerves.” he demanded the ship’s doctor, who snapped back at him. “I’m not at your beck and call! But I’ll do it as the ship’s doctor!”
Robin nodded her head, still a little mad. “Don’t worry, Franky, Nami. I will try and keep my temper under control. No promises, though.”
“Couldn’t the reader just go and read another branch, though?” Sanji, Zoro and Usopp piped up at the same time, before looking at each other, annoyed. “Stealing my lines, you crappy chef?” Zoro threatened Sanji, who predictably snapped back. “I could say the same about you, you lazy swordsman!” Ussop wisely kept his mouth shut.
“Not all of the chapters are about Royce, though.” Luffy injected, before he remembered something important! “OH, RIGHT! We gotta find some food! That’s why we stopped here in the first place!”
“I can help with that.” Royce said. “I’m a talented fighter, and it’s not just bluffing. I can hold my own if things go south.”
“So says the blurb.” Robin spoke, not quite convinced. “Anyway, consider this a sort of redemption and test, Royce. If you can help us gather....say, a week and half’s worth of food, I’ll forgive you for any grammar mistakes you make untill the next island.”
“Seems fair, Miss Robin.” Royce boldly said, agreeing to her terms. The Straw Hats and Royce prepared themselves to go a-hunting.
“Three choices?!” Ussop said, looking down at the choices the story could take. “We are spoilt! Hopefully the reader picks an easy path for us......”