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How once woman went from being a SAHM of four to a published freelance science journalist
I'm revising this intro after more than 15 years to better reflect my intention

When I started this blog in 2004, I was a stay at home mom to two small children, a college graduate with a degree in English and Astrophysics. By 2007, I had four small children, ages newborn, 2, 4, and 6. For several years, Writing.com was how I kept my sanity. This blog began, first as a way of staying connected. Later, when I worked on a novel, I used it to stoke the writing fires as I plotted out short stories and the next step of my novel. Ultimately, I moved my writing preparation to "Invalid Item

In 2010, I became a single mom who had homeschooled her children for several years. I had a 2, 4, 6 and 8 year old and had never had a "real" full time job, since I was married while in college. Everyone told me that I would have to buckle down and take on a "real" job.

Instead, I decided to attempt to live my dream: to make it as a writer. I knew that if I didn't try then, I would never really dive in. I counted my money and set a deadline. If I hadn't began making a decent (defined) amount of money after so many months, I would suck it up and get a J-O-B.

After some thought, I decided to play to my strengths. I served an internship at Sky & Telescope magazine while in college and enjoyed writing about space and astronomy. With an astrophysics degree, I thought I would be able to sell myself more easily, and a small niche should be easier to penetrate.

It's been about ten years since I was first paid for an article on Space.com. In that time, writing - journalism - has been my primary moneymaker. I've often thought about setting up a blog on my website - www.astrowriter.com - but just haven't gotten around to it. There are a few things I would like to share for those who are interested in scientific journalism in general.

Now that I'm back on WDC, there's no reason not to combine the two and use the site blog for that sort of interaction. There are certainly plenty of folks on this site interested in the publication process. So while I'll probably meander around some, that's the intention of of this blog: to share some of my struggles as a published journalist and to help answer oft-asked questions.
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July 4, 2005 at 10:24pm
July 4, 2005 at 10:24pm
I think I'm going to have to take a week off from writing, which will be very hard for me. However, my husband, bless his heart, unloaded our entire storage shed today so that we would be able to close it out. That means, we have a TON of junk just sitting around our house. Madison is coming over tomorrow, o joy, so I'm not sure how well I'll do at getting everything done, but I'll try. This place needs to be seriously picked up.

In the meantime, I'll still do some reviewing (tomorrow is the last day for quadruple review gps) and try to earn some gps. I finished my contest <deep sigh of relief> and posted all the reviews and handed out the gps. So that's finished, thankfully. I think I will wind up doing little cleaning "bits" of 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there. I'm not sure how much I'll actually accomplish, but it has to be better than this evil place we are living in. I managed to get the living room pretty well picked up tonight while dh was at his family's barbque. Pretty sad, isn't it? But I've been so sick and we've been with his parents Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so I just wasn't in the mood for Monday, too. Plus I really am sick. My dad says my voice sounds really "sultry". He asked if I'm going to start working for a 900 number. *Blush*

So basically, no writing this week. On the other side, I managed to get several items done for the Ultimate Writing Workshop, and even an entry for the Writer's Cramp. Of course, with my luck, I wrote an entry for YESTERDAY's cramp prompt. Oh well, it was fun to write! And I left it posted for a cute read.

I still need to find items for the Drama newsletter for next week. And I'd better re-read over my article. <eyeroll> I hope the meds kick in a little better today. My dad told me I have to call the doc on Wednesday if I haven't improved, since I've been sick since last Monday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The good news (sort of) is that dh's insurance kicks in August 1st (that's NOT 90 days) and that the kids are on it (not sure how he did that). The downside, of course, is the serious monetary dock. We'll see.

Okay, going to take some medicine and wait for dh to get home.
July 1, 2005 at 1:07pm
July 1, 2005 at 1:07pm
Thank goodness June is over and I no longer feel the insatiable need to journal a set number of words. It's odd, since I journal on a daily basis anyway, how the pressure seems to take away from the fun.

Am I talking about journaling or freelance writing?

I don't know, but what I do know is that I am sick. I looked through the church magazines yesterday, although I failed to check the appropriate freelance-ready areas. I...what else did I do? I think that's it; I'm not sure I accomplished anything professional yesterday once I got off of the blog with you. On the other hand, I did R&R 30 - yes 30 - pieces yesterday; 20 short stories and then <gulp> 10 polls. Tragic, I know. But hey, I gave good reviews, and polls need reviews, too. In the meantime, I am still number one.

I have learned why I don't like contests. I have expectations that don't seem to be met. I guess I am just not good at spelling out those expectations. I was really hoping for some short stories, you know, with action and whatall. I didn't get many of those. Some cute essays, and a couple stories, but not as many as I would like. Very sad. Anyway, I also don't particularly thrill to "required" reading.

Current Writing.com duties:
*Bullet* Judge contest. This has to be done, and quickly
*Bullet* Find stories for drama newsletter. I've found a couple - three? - but I need six to ten, and I'm running out of time
*Bullet* Not a duty but it would be nice to hit another 30 reviews for the next few days, and earn some gps. Especially since I'm about to spend something like 20,000 for the contest.
*Bullet* Edit drama newsletter and write an "extra" one

I think that's it for online duties. Plus tomorrow is dd's fourth birthday, a melancholy funk all in itself. How can she be FOUR years old? It is impossible to fathom. It seems just yesterday when she was tiny.

The problem with my daughter, I think, is that she is so incredibly smart. This is great, don't get me wrong, but I have to remind myself occasionally that she is only three. Now I have to change that to only four. It's amazing how quickly they grow.

Okay, writing. I have to get my mind off this subject or be in tears.

I made a decision about my writing. Well, a realization. For the first little while, I was praying and I was on a roll. Then, well, I sort of stopped. I'm not sure why - maybe it was that "keep me up all night" inspiration. Now I think I need that again.

What I really need is to be able to stay on schedule. I need to not get distracted by "other" issues, like I'm doing now. Well, journaling sort of preps me for what I am about to do, so it's not a full distraction. But I get distracted with reviewing and such. I need to set a time to "play" online and a time to work. I need to get my lazy butt out of bed (hey, I've been sick this week, so I have [yet another] excuse) and write in the morning. I need to focus. Maybe each week I will write down a "plan of attack" for the upcoming week. And I'll pray about it. Maybe I can sketch it out on Sunday and then go from there.

For now, I'm going to look for a few more markets. Namely the homeschooling magazine one. I think if I just search that should help, right? Like google or yahoo it? So we'll try that for starters. Maybe I'll find some good magazines. How to order a sample copy I'm not sure, but we'll try. And I'll check with the local area groups. Maybe I can call them.

After that, I'll scan some telescope making and see what we've got. Maybe dh would enjoy doing that. Maybe not. We'll see.

Okay, I really want to wimp out here and go play. Help me be strong. Help me have focus. I will also read the NE for what is open to freelancers. These are my goals. make me go do them!
June 30, 2005 at 2:08pm
June 30, 2005 at 2:08pm
30 June 2005

It is the waiting that, ultimately, will kill me as a freelance writer.

First, I have to send off for the writer's guidelines. So I put that in the mail. (I just dropped my request for the New Era's guidelines in the box today, but of course the mail has already come. So now I have to wait for the mailman.)

Then, once I get those guidelines, I have to wait for a response to my query. That is the hard one.

I am trying not to stress. I have not heard anything back from The Gwinnett Post to either of my queries. One of them was a resend, too. So they have two out, and don't seem interested.

I heard a good idea, which was to write lots of (well-written) letters to the editor. That clearly demonstrates your writing skills. Sadly, I'm apolitical. Maybe I need to become more active in my community. A combined effort at getting me noticed and becoming politically aware/active. Blugh. I don't want to be opinionated. But I can be, I suppose. It just means actually reading the paper, which (I know, don't hit me) I don't really have a chance to do. Or a paper. I could read the news online but that doesn't give me the same sense of coverage.

By the way, I have internet again, if you didn't notice. And I am VERY glad I do. I have missed it oh! so much. I think I should write a poem about it.

"I think that I will never sail
A thing as lovely as DSL"

Okay, that may not be the best poetry ever, but, hey, there you go.

I read the NE yesterday and got a pretty good idea of the tone. Then I wrote a piece for it - about 450 words. As I went through the stuff online, however, I realized I didn't have the guidelines and you have to send away by mail to get them. So hopefully I can submit that in the next week or two. There is nothing listed for The Ensign. I'll have to keep my eyes open there. But hey, if they reject me at one...wanna bet they have the same editors? LOL

What I need to do - and will, once I finish blogging - is see what pieces are listed as available to freelancers and explore them in the magazine. That way I know what to keep an eye out for. In the meantime, I will have to watch for more "spiritual experiences".

Another option is to look through The Friend and come up with some games and crafts for kids that are scripture related. I can do that. I wonder if those are open to freelancers. Maybe I can send that in, as well.

What else? I didn't get any research done this week, and I won't. I'm sick today *Sad* and need some rest. I really need a nap. My kids are making my nuts and I have an earache.

Now I'm going to fill the next few items on the list - the AAC and telescope making. I need to request some things from the library, too. Blurgh. This is the day that never ends. I can't wait for Monday. I am really hoping my husband will convince my mother-in-law to watch the kids Sunday night so we can both catch up on our sleep. We need it. Especially him - he is working full time and then part-time on the side. He came home last night at 10, having left at 6:30 that morning. Me, I'm just feeling spread thin as a mom, a mod, and a contest judge, not to mention a reviewer. I was afraid that time off-line would make me lose my place as the #1 reviewer on the site, but as of last night, I'm still there. I don't know about today yet; we'll see.

654 words
June 30, 2005 at 9:03am
June 30, 2005 at 9:03am
*Star**Star*29 June 2005

DSL is supposed to be back today, so hopefully I will make it back online. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I think I am going to pass out from lack of excitement. On the other hand, this is good for me (or so I keep telling myself) because I am, er, getting more done? Not really, though I did get some housework set up. I did get some reading done, as well.

Yesterday I wrote the aforementioned query letter. I didn't get a chance to read The New Era, but perhaps that is what I will do today. What was the other spot for my query? A homeschool magazine and the new S&T mag? I need to research those markets before submitting. How do I go about doing that? Well, once I get online, I will check out the homeschool yahoo groups that I am a member of and send a request. Kind of a "are there any HS magazines that have project ideas and how-tos in them" request. Then I'll go from there. That's a definite plan. Assuming I ever get the internet back. <sigh> After that, maybe I can ask if I can borrow some from any Atlanta folks, maybe some back issues to see what it is like? With the promise to mail it back to them on completion. Or I can ask where any Atlanta folks find the magazine.

Ah, payment. It brings so much more respect than I get now. It would make me feel more confident and serious. It would give me more credibility.

What a bunch of hokey! I was going to say "it would make me feel like I am a good writer." Okay, and that's true. You would think that this site, and the multiplicity of 4-5 star ratings I receive, would do that. And it does, to some extent. In fact, I'm not sure I could have the guts to submit stuff for publication if it weren't for this site. It's not that I feel superior, it's that I feel confident. For the first time, folks are telling me about my writing based solely on my writing, not on how close they are to me. My parents, of course, weren't reliable resources (not that they read any of my writings anymore; how does that make me feel?). My husband is quite unread and proud of it, and of course his opinion is suspect. Teachers get a few more credibility points, but the fact is, I usually tried to build a good relationship with all of them, so their opinion is also clouded in mistrust. But here on this site, I get (mostly) honest, helpful feedback. Sure, there are some duds, but overall, I get a lot of positive reactions (along with helpful suggestions), and that leads me to believe that perhaps I really am talented. Perhaps I have what it takes to make it.

That has given me the courage to start submitting for "real" publication. Even after six positive months on this site, I didn't feel that good about everything. Now, however, I feel confident (the whole mod promotion, though not writing-based, certainly helps). I feel like I can tackle anything. Even better, I feel supported. I get lots of folks saying "good luck" to me when I tell them I am going for the "gold". There are lots of people here who understand what I am going through and how tough it really is.

In short, I love this site.

I think I'm going to repolish some of that for a testamonial. It's about time I submitted one; I've only been on-site now for a year and a half. Is that it? Two years in November. Wow. Seems like longer/shorter.

Anyway, the writing. I don't think I'm going to make it to the Dunwoody library for Boys' Life, but I should call the Gwinnett libraries. I'll do that right now; hold, please…Nope, I can't believe they don't carry it (or Highlights). <mutter mutter> What I really need is a stash of back issues. I wonder if "The Book Nook" or any other used bookstores around here carries magazines? Probably not, but maybe. I will take a peek next time I am out. Actually, since I never go, I should call them. And that would be tax deductable. I am just tired of having to run to the library every few weeks. Like I said, I wish I subscribed. Which I will do when we have either a) ample money to spare or b) money from my great writing career. It's all so circular, isn't it?

Alright, going to read the NE. Maybe I can write something for that today, and submit it. Then I'll keep my eyes and ears open for other opportunities for it and The Ensign.

Okay, I'm back. I bet you are proud of me. I wrote a nice, 400ish word essay for either The Ensign or The New Era (both are church magazines). Odds are good I won't get paid for it, but it might help out with the whole "breaking in" deal. I'm not certain whether it would work as a feature or just for the "Instant Message" section, but we'll see. The feature has a shot at pay but the piece may be too short. I might consider revising it slightly in terms of length. Then again, I think I said all that I needed to say. Hmm.

Either way, I am jazzed to have a submission. When I get internet access (sometime between 2 and 5, and it's already 3:15), I will take a peek at the submission guidelines and go from there. Maybe I will tighten it up a little and then send my submission. According to the magazine, they seem to take emailed queries, so I will write up a cover letter and send it. But I need to give them a call first to verify the editor. Maybe I can give them a call today, with the magazine info. I also wanted to go online and check out the word count for the features. Okay, IMs are supposed to be limited to 300 words, so I'm a bit wordy there. But I might fall in the feature category; I tried to write it in the style of a feature, one of the small snippets they have throughout the article. So we'll see.

Boy, I'm itching to get back online. There is so much I want to do. I like lists; I'll make one just for you!

*Bullet*Look up telescope making
*Bullet*Research NE & Ensign submission guidelines
*Bullet*Type up a cover letter for above and send (call first)
*Bullet*Email homeschooling groups regarding magazines; find someone to borrow 5ish issues from with promise to return them
*Bullet*Atlanta Astronomy Club – document next meeting, telescope making info, etc

*Bullet*Get copies of Boys' Life from Dunwoody
*Bullet*Research woman astronomer – what was her name? – for Highlights  maybe next week's topic?

I think that's probably it. My kids are going loopy over here. Madison just woke up, so now I've got three toddlers running around driving me nuts. Blech. We made kites today so I keep getting smacked in the head with them. And I've been reading some inspirational fiction; I think I've missed my calling. Maybe Brit will let me read some of her church books, once I give her back her NEs (and her Little House books, LOL). Anyway, I'd better run. Too much to do and too little internet.

<sends out a pleaful call> Come back, DSL!

1,258 words

June 30, 2005 at 9:03am
June 30, 2005 at 9:03am
28 June 2005

Well, here we go again. I have Madison, so I haven't had much of a chance to do any writing until now. It is nap time, and Madison is the only one sleeping. Not one of my three kids are bothering to close their eyes. Insanity!

Yesterday, after signing off, I wrote the query letter for Atlanta Parent. I still have no internet, so I haven't done much on the follow through, and last night I had a dream about receiving the "go ahead" from them (AP) for my savings article. That would be nice. It would be pleasant to receive the "go ahead" from someone. <sigh> Not that I would know what the next step would be. Contracts? Payment discussion? Negotiations? Quite frankly, I think I'd take anything that could be offered right now. "Oh, you want me to pay you? Okay!" <eyeroll> That's about where I'm at right now.

As for the whole telescope making thing, I'm wondering about my background. After all, I've never actually built a scope. But I think I will. I'll talk to my husband, who loves to build, and see if he wants to do it together. I think I will also reference a phone number, email address, or web site (whichever) for the AAC telescope-maker's club. Whatever they call it. If only I could log on and see when their next meeting is. That would be enjoyable. Anyway, I need to do more astro-related things.

I'd also like to check out the local homeschooling groups, just to see if I could do some more magazine research. I am hoping to find at least one mag with different suggestions and ideas for teaching, various projects, etc. That's where I'd like to submit the article. If I went to a homeschooling convention, that would help. Of course, if I can find one in Atlanta – I think they go around the fall? Need to reasearch that – I can just wander the "sales" area and see what is offered. Maybe I will plan on that one day. I can just get some feedback for various HS magazines. Of course it would be nice to have internet access to do all this.

The problem I am having at present isn't the writing of the query letters. It is the research. Researching the markets. Researching the magazine. Preliminary research for the article. There are so many magazines I would love to have access to – check-out-from-the-library access. Like the Astrophysics journal, the official one, with all the papers. I wonder if I can do an online subscription to that? Hmmm. I will check that out. That keeps me up to date on various astronomy news and publications. From there, I can spin off a variety of articles, I am sure, with various slants. Like pics from NASA missions (need to get on the NASA list, too) and results, etc.

The real problem I am having is motivation and time. I was kicking it in high gear for awhile there, but lately I am dragging. I don't know why. Probably the rejection letters are part of it. Also part of it is the lack of encouragement from home, the "why don't you get a real job", "you aren't spending enough time with the kids" kind of support. It is hard to be positive and enthusiastic when it seems you are the only one. The only interest I can get from dh is negative; he isn't altogether encouraging.

I don't know. I suppose I should go ahead and craft the query letters. By the time I get a response, I will have had time (I hope) to get things together. In the meantime, I need to go ahead and (I've said it before) check out "beginning of the magazine" entries. And I had a thought regarding a story for the Ensign. That may very well be the easiest to break into, and I can go from there. Or was it The New Era I was going to submit to? Probably the NE, which is more teen-centered. I can write for teens. I need to research that.

Who was I going to query about telescope building? A short article to Highlights was one suggestion but I'm not sure that will fly. However, I bet an article on an astronomer – especially a woman astronomer – would go over well. I think I'll work on something for that. The only down side is that they prefer the entire manuscript. Then again, they purchase all rights, so I can keep my fingers crossed. But for the telescope. Um, Boys' Life? I'll have to leaf through them again. There was another one, too. I will check out some more for BL, but I don't think the Highlights would go over well. What about Night Sky? That one is a bit iffy. I wonder how much they've had of late? Maybe I can find the number for the ASC library and ask if they have any issues of that in their library or the Science Center. Amy said they didn't, but maybe she was wrong. I found the magazine in a book store, but I'd love to check out back issues.

So what was I thinking? Boys' Life? For today's query? I am just not certain of where that would fit in. Then again, it might go over well. I will make a rough letter and try to tweak it for mailing.

Oh, by the way, before journaling, I wrote my first drama newsletter. I'm not sure how well it went, but I did give it a shot. I tried to merge my intro with my topic, which was on "drama is life". Very TNT. I couldn't help it; the thought has been running around in my head. I think that's going to be my "From the Editor" or whathaveyou, though I need to expand on it somewhat.

Okay, I will go write my query for BL. I am not sure how well it will go over, but we will see.

I'm back and I lied. I didn't get anything written for BL because I am so tired. I was on the phone with Comcast trying to get my internet. Just as I finished typing, my husband called, and then I called Comcast. And now, 45 minutes later, still no internet. Also, my husband signed me up for a service project that I don't have time for, so now I get to handwash an entire box of dishes. I am mildly grumpy right now. And, finally, the kids have woken up; or, more to the point, Madison woke up, Mookie and Jimmy fell asleep, and Dawn never slept. It's like they sleep in shifts or something. I have to go wake up Mookie so he will go to bed tonight, so I doubt I'll get much writing done, but I will try. And maybe I can call the library and see if they have any Boys' Life in Gwinnett, because I'm tired of going to Dunwoody for them. Probably not but maybe. Of course that means waiting for a week to get them. Argh. I also need to call my mother-in-law about this week and see what her plans are. I can't take the kids over tomorrow, and probably can't on Wednesday, and since my son is spending the night Friday, Thursday is probably out. So there goes all my plans, spiritual and professional. Plus that kicks the whole "pick up BL in Dunwoody" plan. Why does my life always work out this way? So that it never works out?

I wish we had money and I could pay a real babysitter who would be dependable. Yeah, right. I could even take quasi-dependable. I wish I didn't have to rely on my inlaws. I know I shouldn't fixate on them so much, and that I would regret it. <deep breath> I need to think of how glad I am to have them. So what if they aren't dependable and I can't make any plans and they end up backing out but they would cry if I did something else? I am still luckier than most. And I'll just keep telling myself that.

Hey, this has the makings of a good comedy…Grandma won't watch the kids but cries if someone else does. Hmmm. Maybe one day I can get some fiction writing done. Maybe I should stick with the fiction writing, sigh.

You know what, I have a bunch of short stories already written. Maybe I should go ahead and query for them, and then keep writing. When do I have time to write? No clue. I need to write two nonfiction pieces, too, for Highlights and The New Era. I am going to query the BL piece, then read/research the NE for my conversion story. Maybe that will make others take notice. In the meantime, I will keep my eyes open for other spiritual pieces to put in The Ensign and other church magazines. Even if they don't pay – and I don't think they do – at least I'll be out there. <sigh><sigh><sigh>

1,514 words
June 30, 2005 at 9:03am
June 30, 2005 at 9:03am
27 June 2005

Okay, time to do some journaling. I still have no internet – those morons at Comcast don't know what they are doing and canceled us on the 23rd instead of the 30th. The bill even says we are going to be canceled on the 30th. Freaks. And, without internet (not even dialup), I can't do my telescope making research for today. I can't even order a library book for the kids that I have been meaning to do since last week. Grrr.

I did want to take a few minutes to share some experiences regarding our trip to Virginia. Specifically the drama spot, since I have been thinking about the drama newsletter and what I'm going to say lately. I will write that once I finish up here. I wanted to share the shower scene – G-rated, don't worry.

The shower scene: (not as bad as Psycho but it might turn you that way) The first thing you have to understand is that the trip to Virginia, like most trips with three kids under four, was a living nightmare. I was tired from the drive, I was tired from the change in schedule, I was tired from trying to keep the kids safe in a nonchildproofed house. Basically, I was worn out. My husband was also exhausted, having done all the driving for the eight hour trip, and so while he was some help, he wasn't much help.

We got into Virginia at three in the morning, and for some obscure reason, my dad wanted to have a "serious" talk. I finally gave up and told him I couldn't put my thoughts together and went to bed nearly an hour later. We slept until somewhere around ten-thirty, eleven, me getting up with the baby to feed him once or twice (I don't remember exactly how much). So sleep, but broken, like all my sleep is lately. We spent the day with my dad and his mom (MeMaw), but since we slept so late, I didn't really get a chance to shower. Car-grungy and exhausted, I stumbled home Friday night and decided yes, I need a shower. As we drive back towards my dad's (thirty minutes from my MeMaw's), I am closing my eyes and visualizing this nice, warm, refreshing shower. It became the highlight of an exhausting, bone-wearying day.

I went into the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and got all ready for the shower. Then I turned the shower spout on and what happened? Instead of coming out the nice, self-sustaining, connected-to-the-wall showerhead, it comes out of the dangly one. I tried in vain to find a way to switch it to the main head, but had no luck. Then I tried to hang it from the connector, thinking that was how you take a shower. I wound up soaking the ceiling and the floor. When Michael brought my 3 year old in to go to the bathroom, he said the water had puddled up to her ankles by the door. *Sad* I finally rigged it so I could stand at the far wall with my nose against the linolium to get my hair rinsed. At some point, I just started bawling. All I'd wanted was a nice, warm, relaxing shower to end a hectic day, and I couldn't even get that.

To top it off, my dad went in and pushed the button-thingy in to make it come from the main showerhead. I tried that button earlier, to no avail, and didn't fight it because I didn't want to break it. Unfair.

So how am I going to research telescope making? I am going to take a basic look at the directions to get an idea of what needs to be done. I am going to go to the Atlanta Astronomy Club telescope makers group and investigate. I am going to peruse the website. All of this can't be done, however, until I have internet access and can check it all out again. And hopefully this will happen soon because I have to judge my contest, or at least close it on Wednesday at midnight. Will I be up Wednesday at midnight? No. But anyway.

I will do most of the on-line stuff, which includes a glance-over of the materials, before crafting a query letter to various locales. I think Atlanta Parent will be my first hit, since they are a) local, b) faster, and c) slightly known to me. I will email them as soon as get the access. In fact, I am going to go work on crafting a query letter.

Hey, I got another rejection – National Geographic Kids. The "Deep Impact" story. It's time for me to get a file cabinet for all my rejections. At least I'm trying, right? Right. Seriously, I will print them all out and keep them. That way, if the IRS audits me, I have proof of efforts to try to be serious. Not to mention this journal, which is something of a log. Right? Do you think the IRS is going to seriously wade through this? I'm not altogether sure why anyone else is.

Sometimes I wonder about me. Do you?

861 words
June 24, 2005 at 2:50pm
June 24, 2005 at 2:50pm
24 June 2005

Well, I am out of town, so I will try to be fast and furious here. I am with my dad for our family reunion. We left late last night - around 8 - and drove until about 2:30 this morning when we got here. Well, we took some rest breaks. But anyway. Visited with my dad a little and then went to bed around 3, 3:30. The kids settled in pretty quick.

Not much going on today. We're going to my MeMaw's this afternoon, around 3 or so. Hey, that's soon; hope she doesn't try to call while I'm on dialup. Michael & the kids went out and flew a kite - well, two kites - for awhile.

I haven't done much in the way of writing thus far, but I did read some more chic-lit, Christian style. Very interesting but I don't think I could manage to write that way, mostly because I don't have the whole verbage for the conversion process. But I enjoy the reading, and I'm recommending it to Brit, my 14 yo sis-in-law. I think she'll enjoy it and it will be good for her. They make some good points and the heroines stand up well under pressure. I like the "Christy" books I'm reading; she doesn't do good about thinking ahead, which reminds me of Brit, but she is learning to stand up under pressure.

Anyway, I am mostly rambling, filling time today to meet the Journalin' June criteria. I managed to print my short stories and really oughta edit them, but I don't feel like it right now. I'm still worn out - traveling does that. Did I mention that yesterday I wrote the piece for Highlights? I printed it out to edit, too. Maybe I'll let my dad read it. Anyway, I will try to get that polished and then put it in the mail on Monday. So we'll see how that goes. And next week, we are doing...what? I remember having the subject picked and being excited...oh yes, telescope making. I will make a telescope. Maybe dh will do it with me. And we'll find places for that. I need some more hs magazines. Maybe I can hit up some hsers in Atlanta. I wonder if there is a library or resource center or something?

Okay, well, I am supposed to hit 600 words today. Blech, I only have about three hundred. My husband is quizzing me on basic physics and smirking that I don't remember it. I don't know why he is such a pain when he is but he is. How's that for vague? Milkman read my journal and gave it an R&R. I am bleching out.

My brain is fried. Why did I think I would be able to keep this up when I'm not home? I'm on dialup, even, so this is major unkind. I need to blog off-line and then put it here. If my laptop took disks, I could easily make the transfer, but noooo, I'm not that lucky.

I need some publication thoughts but my brain is dry. I can't seem to come up with anything. <think think think> Amy gave me a website to check for telescope info, but it's a basic search. My dad wants to know the qualities in a telescope, he wants to buy one, but like I know or remember. I am so astronomically braindead right now. I really would like to get back with the Atlanta Astronomy Club. I wonder how we would work that, because I don't want to do it enough to give up our date night for it. Maybe Michael would like to. We'll see. I can go to the Emory meetings, then we can go see a movie, and that would be a decent date. Or we can do something else. Who knows. Then we can all go to various observing; the kids would like that. Well, not Jimmy, and Mook might be iffy, but Dawn would like it for about thirty minutes. Okay, probably a bad idea.

675 words
June 23, 2005 at 11:55am
June 23, 2005 at 11:55am
Well, Milkman said in the comedy newsletter to freewrite so I am going to do that for five minutes. Mostly I will probably stress over all the writing I keep meaning to do but don't do but I also need to check the mail, not now I mean. I am taking some time off, I don't know why I really shouldn't because I'll be out of town this weekend which means missing tomorrow's jaunt, so I really OUGHT to write today. I guess I got a bit bummed over the study of Highlights, I'm not thinking they'll take a genealogy story, they don't seem to have much in the way of "how to". Most of their nonfiction is focused on either people or science. Well, that's cute but not likely around here. I also checked with Amy and she said she doesn't think they have Night Sky which sort of kills me because they should. I wonder if I can find it online; I think I could do a killer constellation piece, though I need to get some more backyard astronomy experience. I could use this time to spew out a short story and actually do some writing. I miss writing, it seems I am so busy trying to "go pro" that I'm not really writing the "fun" stuff anymore. I don't even have time for the Cramp. Maybe I should start doing that again to get the creative juices flowing, but when? I am too lazy to get up in the morning even for the "paying" job. I really could use some pay for it, too. It would give me off-line respect. I get none of that as a SAHM, well, I guess I do from my hubbie but my mom and MIL are killing me. Especially my MIL who should know better and was a SAHM when her boys were little. I get the feeling she thinks I'm a loser mom but let's not go there. I can't believe the baby is still asleep, that means I'll have to wake him up soon and feed him because we need to leave at 1 sharp, and everyone is sleeping. I think I need to go write my article and submit it but I really don't think I have a shot and I hate to write and then...you know what? I will write this one for fun and then try to submit it. Hey, have fun with it, right? Okay then, whatever, and if they don't take it, I'll submit it elsewhere and maybe wind up posting it here. Someone will appreciate me. Hopefully. And I think five minutes is up. But I've R&Red 10 folks today, amazing since it is not even noon. My kids are irked. Hope you had fun!
June 23, 2005 at 8:56am
June 23, 2005 at 8:56am
23 June 2005

Let me start with general Writing.com related upset. I thought I found a way around the whole "changing the ratings and still reviewing" deal. I decided to go anonymous in my reviews. That way, I can review immediately, rather than waiting or coming back to the piece. Very exciting.

This was going well - other than my tendency to sign my pieces - until I recieved a response back from a reviewed author, berating me and my review because I was anonymous. I was a little upset and hurt. I don't like to read mean emails. I'm a sweetie. No, really. Anyway, I thought and thought, and then today I deleted the review and resent it. At the top, in bold, I said:

I am resending this review in order to respond to your email. The review is basically the same so you can keep it in your files.

First, I can understand that this piece was written for the Cramp. Congrats on your win. I also understand that you have no interest in doing anything with it. It just so happens that several things I've entered in the Cramp, I've developed more than I could have in the 24 hour time limit. So I always assume people want to improve their writing, but understand if they don't.

Second, I didn't realize until I opened your port that you were so anti-anonymous review. This is not some sort of retaliation attack.

Why, then, did I leave an anonymous review? Let me see if I can explain. You remember how your rating was changed? For obvious reasons, I don't like to send a review with a ratings changed - not everyone takes it well, and I want to avoid being harrassed by folks saying "oh, no this shouldn't have been changed." However, I take very seriously the 'mandate' to review everything. The only time I leave anonymous reviews is when I am changing ratings.

Take it however you want, but know that I was trying to be helpful. If you feel the need to disregard everything I have said, that is your perogative as a writer. I am only trying to give you my feedback - you know, the reason we are here. The next time I need to change a rating in your port, I'll skip on the review.


So he can take it or leave it. Whatever. I was up for a little while last night drafting nasty replies and I finally decided to take the calm, considerate approach. (Yes, I opted for no reply, but I'm a wimp and I had to make it said.) Nasty boy.

Then this morning. I was supposed to go get the tags on our car done. We are leaving town tonight, and dh's birthday is Monday, so the other option was getting up early after we got back into town Sunday night - blech. I was all ready to go - this around 7:45 - when I realized we hadn't done inspections. <double grr> So no tags this morning. DH & I are going to get the inspection done together today at lunch, so the kids can see him some while they're awake, and then I'll go do the tags. I'll wind up in line FORever but it can't be helped. I can already tell you I'm not getting up at 7 to get the tags Monday morning. I'll be wiped out.

Hmm, I have to check on the Madison status, too. Double grr.

I have to go see dd's garden. Not much work today, I don't think, because I have to get ready to go.

605 words
June 22, 2005 at 12:13pm
June 22, 2005 at 12:13pm
22 June 2005

I bet you are surprised to hear that I don't feel like doing any work today. That is so strange of a sound to come from my lips, huh? <sigh> A very DEEP sigh, too.

I am going to try to remotivate myself, which is sometimes needed, huh. I have to readdress and recall...what am I supposed to be doing today? Oh yes, sketching out a piece for Highlights on family history. Which means I need to read the nonfiction pieces. I couldn't find a November issue of the magazine at the library, either. Grrr. So do I submit or not? I have the magazine in the car.

Yesterday I did a scavenger hunt. I went to the Dunwoody library to get Highlights (and drop some other magazines off), then went to the Borders in Dunwoody to peruse their magazines (hit it big with Night Sky; I think there are several article possibilities there). Then I went to the Gwinnett County library, but I hit the wrong one, so I backtracked. This should nicely back up my car log when the IRS audits me, LOL.

So, for Night Sky. They have a piece on constellations. I emailed Amy to see about back issues at the observatory, and then I can submit some articles for that. Mostly beginner stuff. I need to hang out with the AAC. <sigh> I also asked her about the directions for telescope building. My big question is on the lenses and where she got those. So we'll see how that goes.

So I have in my car issues from Highlights. I need to see how those work out. Hmm, I wonder if they decline, if Clubhouse, a kids christian mag from "Focus on the Family", would be interested? There are a couple other places I could place it, I would have to look them over and consider.

For now, I will prep my visiting teaching lesson (it will be short because we are hitting the pool with 7 kids and 3 adults today) and then start reading Highlights nonfiction. I may even get a shot at writing a piece. I'm not overly excited about the writing first, but hey, I can live with it. And it will be good to write something.

Writing. I haven't done much of that lately. <muses> I've got several things going on, and this quadruple gps thing is definitely cramping my style. I did ten reviews yesterday. On the other hand, I have over 38K gps, which is good; I'm almost to my necessary 41K, although about 15K are going to my contest. Hey, enter my contest! "Invalid Item *Wink*

We are going to Virginia tomorrow, driving up tomorrow night for a family reunion. Not sure how much blogging I will get done, but I will try. I've hit almost every day this month - only two that I haven't. That's pretty good, even for me. I'm just a journalin' on! Anyway, my dad has dialup, so I will try, but who knows.

Speaking of genealogy, I really need to do some questions while I am in VA, but I am too *blahed* to put them together. I am a bad genealogist, I am afraid. Very pathetic. I am so pathetic I am only having minor guilt twinges. Here I'll be, with family members that I probably won't see again for a long time, some of whom could even pass away, and I have nothing. No notebook, no questions. I guess I'll try to put some things together on the drive up or something.

To much Writing.com interaction again, I'm afraid. I'm going to have to pull out my hermit piece and stick my head in the sand.

For now, I must write. We need money and I need to show more dedication. Wish me luck!

634 words

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