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How once woman went from being a SAHM of four to a published freelance science journalist
I'm revising this intro after more than 15 years to better reflect my intention

When I started this blog in 2004, I was a stay at home mom to two small children, a college graduate with a degree in English and Astrophysics. By 2007, I had four small children, ages newborn, 2, 4, and 6. For several years, Writing.com was how I kept my sanity. This blog began, first as a way of staying connected. Later, when I worked on a novel, I used it to stoke the writing fires as I plotted out short stories and the next step of my novel. Ultimately, I moved my writing preparation to "Invalid Item

In 2010, I became a single mom who had homeschooled her children for several years. I had a 2, 4, 6 and 8 year old and had never had a "real" full time job, since I was married while in college. Everyone told me that I would have to buckle down and take on a "real" job.

Instead, I decided to attempt to live my dream: to make it as a writer. I knew that if I didn't try then, I would never really dive in. I counted my money and set a deadline. If I hadn't began making a decent (defined) amount of money after so many months, I would suck it up and get a J-O-B.

After some thought, I decided to play to my strengths. I served an internship at Sky & Telescope magazine while in college and enjoyed writing about space and astronomy. With an astrophysics degree, I thought I would be able to sell myself more easily, and a small niche should be easier to penetrate.

It's been about ten years since I was first paid for an article on Space.com. In that time, writing - journalism - has been my primary moneymaker. I've often thought about setting up a blog on my website - www.astrowriter.com - but just haven't gotten around to it. There are a few things I would like to share for those who are interested in scientific journalism in general.

Now that I'm back on WDC, there's no reason not to combine the two and use the site blog for that sort of interaction. There are certainly plenty of folks on this site interested in the publication process. So while I'll probably meander around some, that's the intention of of this blog: to share some of my struggles as a published journalist and to help answer oft-asked questions.
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June 21, 2005 at 1:51pm
June 21, 2005 at 1:51pm
21 June 2005

You know, the down side to such a great writing community such as Writing.com is that it is so much fun to play on. And it is easy to get distracted, or to think "hey, I need to earn some gps" rather than focusing on my "work" (I put work in quotes because, at present, I'm not getting paid for it).

For instance, now the system is giving out quadruple gps for reviewing, and triple gps for reviewing someone new to you. That means that you get 150 gps for reviewing a "new" person, and 4,800 gps if you manage 30 reviews in one day. Let's say, then, that you manage to R&R 30 new people in one day. (oops Rachel is calling)

Okay, I'm back. So let's say we R&R 30 newbies in a day - that's 30*150 gps = 4500 gps. Plus for 30 reviews you get 4800 gps = 9300 gps. Plus whatever I get for reviews. Wow, a possible 10,000 gps in one day? I really should do that one! *Bigsmile*

But in reality, I need to get some writing or writing-related stuff done. What is this week's focus? Let me pull out my "to do" list and see what I've got on here.

Well, I need to figure up a story for Highlights. They prefer to recieve the whole manuscript, so I will polish it up for that. They want all rights, so no posting it on line. I think that's what I will work on today - what should I cover. I will pitch it for November, for family history month. That is four monthes away, so I'm cutting it close, but we'll see. Tonight, I am dropping off the kids - that means grabbing a few issues of Highlights from the Dunwoody library. I can seek out a few other nonfiction stories to get the feel for it. I am thinking that is a 500-800 word piece. I also need to check out their back issues for November, to be certain they haven't done anything on the subject in the past two years. They probably have. Hmm, another thought - make your own telescope. Now that would be a fun one for Atlanta Parent. I will write that down. And for sites, I can give, among others, the link to Sky & Telescope's "Night Sky", which lists what is in the viewing range for the night. Okay, there you go. That may also be good for Home Education. Alright, a new idea. That will be for next week. I know, I can write it at the top of my new dayplanner; that's how I'll keep on topic. Oooh, also for Boy's Life. Fun fun fun! That's three queries already, all three different venues. Maybe I could swing Highlights as well. I need to fill out my "to do" list for next week.

Actually, having read Home Education, I may as well strike that. I don't think it fits that piece. But I'm certain there is an HS magazine or website that would take it; I will use that as my fourth query to research. What will take it? Maybe I can find a homeschool ezine. That's a good idea. Hmmm...

The down side is that this is for next week's topic. I can't seem to function on this week. I think this is a "wrap up loose ends" week. Maybe I should plan those monthly. One week to submit to everyone I have missed. Or new magazines I have picked up.

New tip for organization - I would like to print and file all the writer's guidelines I have collected. I just need somewhere to put them. That way, they are easier to find than they would be on the website. Should I do all of them alphabetically, or sort by type? At the very least, fiction versus nonfiction (well, primarily). I'll have to think on that one. Anyway, I don't have any files or anywhere to put them, so Health's guidelines will have to stay on the mantle with my BL rejection for now. But I need to get that organized. So much to do.

So, for now, I will start the research on a nonfiction genealogy piece for Highlights. I'll assemble what I can and go from there. Some good activities would be to make a family tree, to fill it in. Or a pedagree chart, but a tree would look better. I wonder if they have a space on their websites for printables. I could furnish a tree-shaped family tree for folks to print out. I will check that out.

Most beginning family trees I know. I think they are a little simplistic, but then, you have to start at the beginning. I will pull some books from the library to see what to reference (thus making it more plausible for Atlanta Parent. Or did I say they already did one last year? Maybe a second one, more in-depth.

So (thinking my way through), how do you start?
*Bullet* First talk to your parents and grandparents. Find out information about where and when they (and others) were born, married, died. Write down the information, but remember, sometimes folks are wrong (intentionally or unintentionally). I wonder if my great-grandfather would really lie...? <musing about my own genealogy> Maybe I just have the wrong info; I need a birth certificate.
*Bullet* Find and order records. A good place to start is with your parents and grandparents birth and marriage certificates (and your birth certificate). Read over these to see what info is given. Most will tell you the names of the parents; sometimes you can get dates or places of thoes parents (birth, marriage, etc). These can help you expand backwards for your grandparents parents and grandparents. The NARA is a good source for this, as are the state vital records departments. Also the social security administration, if your relation was registered after 19xx
*Bullet* If you live in the area around your family, check out the cemetary where relatives were buried. Sometimes you can find "new" relatives you didn't know you had; (great) aunts and uncles, etc. Tombstones can give you dates, but they can also tell you if your relative was in the military, or in a local civic group, or married more than once.
*Bullet* If your family lived nearbye (my dad lives in the same place his family has lived for the past hundred years), you can check out local newspaper archives. Obituaries are the easiest things to find because you have a death date - search the day of death up to a week later. These can give you information about your ancestors lives. If you are curious, you can also scan local papers for announcements, such as social gatherings or weddings. The more prominent your family was in the community (or in several cases in my family, the more bizarre their deaths were), the more information you can find on them.

Okay, well, that's a pretty good walkthrough. I will pull the local Highlights and see how source-functioning they are. I can reference ancestry.com's library of free "helps", USGENWEB, and recommend "searching" on the 'net. I can also recommend the LDS Family History centers (give site) where you can request microfilm of records from around the world to study at the center. From the largest genealogy center in the world.

So does that mean I've hit my writing quota for today? Did I query the GP? No, that's right, I was waiting to hear back from Atlanta Parent so as not to double up. I have yet to hear back, this after a 'zoom' reply, so I have moderate hopes that they are checking in. I am trying not to let them get too high.

I really need to contact the Gwinnett Post regarding my query letter. Perhaps another query? I mean, an email reference? That would probably be less intrusive than a phone call. I will do that as soon as I finish with this. Which should be now, I suppose. Then I'm going to do some reviewing. Incidentally, I am going to print out my two short stories and edit them on the way up to Virginia (and back). That way I will still be writing.

1,382 words
June 20, 2005 at 3:02pm
June 20, 2005 at 3:02pm
20 June 2005

Well, I am exhausted. I have this great to do list that I wound up doing virtually nothing on. What am I thinking, to plan to clean the house and go to the grocery store? On top of that, I went to the gym this morning.

If you haven't figured me out, I wimp out easily.

However, I did polish and send a query letter to Atlanta Parents. I really need to work on my Highlights fiction piece. I am just all over the place today and trying to get things appropriately juggled. Not succeeding but trying. Also, I miss writing short stories. It seems I don't have time for them of late. I would also like to get some work done on my Boy's Life story. <sigh> All this fiction and no fact. Maybe I will shoot for my next character story to be closer to 1500 words, not 3000. I think there were a few things I could get changed in there.

The catch is this: do I focus some time on short stories, my love, or stay focused on articles, which I enjoy but which ...hmmm, just had a thought... uh, which are more for the money and less for the joy. My thought was about this Atlanta Parent piece. They have a section called Learning 101 and I had a ...oooh, a genealogy piece! I think I could look for some other hobby-type entries. But I like the genealogy. Just a basic "getting started", using the web-type deal. They accept reprints, so I could even post online. Just a general "how to" piece.

Anyway, I also want to keep an eye out for "front of the magazine" type deals. Maybe I am going about this wrong. Maybe I should "attack" one magazine at a time, in the front.Like, pick up child and just submit front pieces, those short 50 word clips, until I get in. And keep submitting. Just read and ponder until I have an idea for that, then move on to, say, Boy's Life. Keep a running list for the small parts.

Today, I got my query out. I can't find my to do list and I'm too lazy to look right now. I am craving Dr. Pepper, which is an addiction I am trying to get rid of. Luckily three kids keep me from just "running to the store" to get one. Sigh. So unfair. Anyway, the to do list, and I will get one more writing-related goal done.

Okay, I have a spot to query The Gwinnett Post. However, I think I will give Atlanta Parent a shot, since they are both locals, and then if I get a "no go" from them, I will hit up the paper, and then if that fails, maybe I'll hit a few other papers. There are plenty of local papers.

In the meantime, I think I hit on a great idea. I will polish a query letter on genealogy - no, wait. Better idea. I will go through the last twelve Learning 101s, listed on the website, to see what they have ideas for, and how they are structured. From there, I will put together the query letter. Realistically, the letter will probably get done tonight, after everyone is in bed (or at least the kids), but I can get the research done now.

559 words
June 19, 2005 at 8:41pm
June 19, 2005 at 8:41pm
Father's Day, Sunday, June 19th

Well, it's Father's Day, and it's almost over. I'm going to be going to bed in the next thirty minutes or so. Not much here to blog about. I guess I should think about next week. What will I be doing? Then I can make my "to do" list. I need to determine what the next topic will be, too. And so now, of course, the baby starts crying.

I am going to pitch the budget piece. I will send off a query tomorrow to Atlanta Parent. I may have to write it first, but anyway... I will also send one to The Gwinnett Post. Those give me the smaller area ones. Then I can also pitch to Child - that's three queries on-topic.

I just remembered I need to call Rachel. Shoot. BRB

Yeah, right, and an hour later, here I am. I am about ready to go to bed, and I guess I need to do my to do list. Grrr. I have to go to the store tomorrow, too; well, to the Bishop's Warehouse. And clean the house. <sigh> So what can I do to research this piece? Maybe I can focus on more research. I can take an extra day maybe to go to a new library? I am taking the kids over to my in-laws on Tuesday - shoot, that's book group - and Enrichment next Tuesday. <juggles wildly> Okay, well, I wasn't going to book club anyway, haven't read the book.

So what was I looking at, a genealogy piece for Highlights? I can probably put that up as my next one. I wonder if I could pitch that towards a parenting magazine. <thinks> Any way I could tie that in for another type? An article/story based on one of my ancestors? Maybe a Virginia paper/magazine. I think I will keep my eyes open when I go up there this week for what I can grab. For area articles. I wonder if the Virginia Historical Society/Genealogy/whathaveyou puts out a magazine? I bet they do. I wonder if I can deduct it from my taxes? Probably not. I wonder if we can afford it? Not at this rate! I can't seem to get much of anything.

Okay, funny story: I went to check the mail yesterday (Saturday) and got a letter back, SASE. Since I put my return address on it, I didn't know who it was from. I held my breath up the driveway, since I (foolishly) carried the baby outside and couldn't open it. I came inside, lay Jimmy down, and opened the envelope, nervous because it was so thin. And inside was...Writer's Guidelines! LOL I thought it was a rejection and was steeling myself for that, and it wasn't. Kind of a breath of relief.

I need to start angling for "front of the book" pieces. That's where the breaks are, I think. I will open the pages of my major magazines and start seeking out pieces for that. Small, 50-100 word blurbs on various subjects. Maybe one for Parenting on flax seed? I need to check out some issues again. I can't wait to build up my own library. Of course, I could subscribe to Parenting for only $1/month ($12/yr). <sigh> If only we had the money. Once I get my first article published, that's what I'll do, you'll see. One magazine subscription.

For now, I will write out tomorrow's to do list, and then I will go take a bath and go to bed. I have some inspirational fiction to puruse. Did I tell you I am considering that as my genre?

602 words
June 18, 2005 at 12:04pm
June 18, 2005 at 12:04pm
17 June 2005

Did I mention that I like the new calender thingy in the journals? Very cool to see when I wrote and when I didn't, and to be able to skip to it. Two thumbs up, SM!

Today is a blah day. DH is out doing side work so we can hopefully make all our bills. He is mowing his parents yard - front and back is $40, just the front is $20 - and then going to do some work on a friend's roof. He finally got a job but it pays $10,000 less than what he was making, so we need to make up the slack. A lot of slack. So he is out working.

Now, please don't think I appreciate what he is doing and has done. He is great. He took the kids camping for three days. He knew I needed a break. It was so nice to have just me and the baby here.

But he still hasn't picked up after himself. He is great, but he has his bag of dirty laundry laying in the living room floor. I've cleaned out most of it, but keeping this house clean is a miracle, and I think he should be able to pick up after himself. He got upset when I asked because he has done so much. Why can't he understand that things like picking up after yourself should be a mandated thing, and then handle the extras? Why is there a pile of clothes in my chair? What am I supposed to do with those? I have three kids here to pick up after, and I don't think it's fair that I have to pick up after him, too. Still, I feel guilty for complaining because he has been working hard of late. And I'll probably just pick it up because I've been trying to clean the living room. But I'm not excited about it.

Next week is our family reunion. I am trying to decide whether to start a new family newsletter, online, which saves the cost of printing. It would be fun. But I don't have unlimited long distance any more, not to mention time. Okay, well, maye next time around.

I wish we had money. We are right now taking food from the church so we can pay our bills. It is great to have that fallback but it would be nice to not need it. Michael argues - and the church does, too - that we need to hold on to the money so we can make sure our bills get paid. My goal is to try to get back up three monthes in savings and then, if we are bringing in more than we are sending out, start paying for our own food. But that means couponing and shopping which is very exhausting. And what may wind up happening is that my writing, which is not producing, goes to the wayside.

So we have a little time before we have three monthes worth of bills in the bank. Call it two monthes. If I don't seem to be doing well then, if I haven't managed a single, solitary break, then I am going to have to toss in the towel and start couponing. If, however, I start getting published, we'll look another way.

You ask why one or the other? I could handle all the rest but couponing for me means going whole hog, so getting the coupons takes an hour plus driving time. I really should start doing it again, I guess I will. If Michael can work two jobs and consider going to school, then I need to be willing to exhaust myself, too. Although he views my contributions as unimportant, so I wonder why I even bother?

I am going to eat lunch now and watch tv. And then I'll come up with a plan of attack for next week. I even think my daughter is taking a nap, miracle of miracles.

word count: 665

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June 17, 2005 at 1:02pm
June 17, 2005 at 1:02pm
Friday, June 17th, 2005

Okay, I'm wimping out here. I am exhausted. That trip to ASC just wiped me out. Thankfully, I had only the baby; my toddlers spent the night with their grandmother and I picked them (and my sis-in-law) up this afternoon. I did several interviews with the kids (although I was almost thrown off by the fact that the classes were shortened with no break today, aack!) and took several pictures of completed projects. It was great to see that enthusiasm. I am toying with the idea of submitting the article irregardless, but that probably wouldn't go over well. In the meantime, I need to get on the ball.

A few more story ideas that hit me:
Okay, really, only one. I had an idea for a story based off the Writing.com pagent, which was to base it off a country song. I was thinking "Sixteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses", and of course, being a country song, we'd have to have a tragic accident. I'm thinking, with ten miles left, there would be an accident of some sort, and I'm trying to figure out what, exactly, it should be. I want my guy to go out a hero, but jack-knifing to avoid a car is a little awkward and less-than-steller.

Well, I just lost a paragraph, and even though I wrote it not two minutes ago, or less, I don't remember what I was writing about. <grrr> I need to get some writing done, and really some submitting. I thought of my contest prompt - inlaws - did I mention that? Trying to decide whether to go for comedy or just stories. I could use some comedy, but that might be too hard for some folks.

And now my hubbie is calling. I'll get no work done today, watch and see.

Well, it wasn't my hubbie, it was my mother-in-law, and it took a bit before she was off the phone. <sigh> In the meantime, I managed to send two query letters. One was to Atlanta Parent for the produce picking idea; the other was to Appleseeds for the math puzzle. I still need to do the second Appleseeds story, but I'll get that later, maybe on Monday.

Next up, I am going to do my Going Pro! newsletter. I think this time I'll provide a link to my static item at the end, in case anyone wants to see it (or R&R it). That should be moderately easy, since I have a basic idea for what I am going to do in it. After that, I am going to keep reading Home Education, since it is somewhat quiet. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll enjoy it while I can, LOL.

I found my first entry for the Drama newsletter. I think I said that last night, but it was really good. And written by a kid. I keep stumbling across new kid writers that are really good. Are they networking or something? *Wink* I don't know. Anyway, I have to do some more R&Rs to get some more folks, but we'll see. And before I do any more reading, I need to make my contest, too. Argh, my head hurts.

I've been reading some (off-site) chick-lit, inspirational, that has been quite enjoyable. I am looking to a new genre, not that I have been doing much in the way of fiction writing. Hey, I need to call Atlanta magazine and see when they put out their fiction issue, or if they still are. <makes note on to do list> Then I can send my Christmas story. I will call them as soon as I finish here, which is, I think, NOW. I'll come back and let you know what the deal is. My luck, they no longer take fiction, LOL.

Okay, well, that was a fast turnaround! I submitted my email query to Atlanta Parent some time between 2 & 2:30, and recieved my rejection back before 4! Wowsers! I am taking this upbeat, however. She said I had an interesting idea, but that I needed to submit it earlier in the year, in the spring. Now that I look like an idiot - remind me why I went ahead and sent it? Oh, yeah, I thought with a two month lead, we could grab some...I don't know. It must be because I'm a twit. Anyway, I am going to review my "cutting coupons" article (and the magazine) and submit a query for it on Monday. That should be equally quick turnaround. Maybe they will take it. We will see, right? I think it sounds like something doable, but I need to check around some more. And next year, I'll send them the story for Sally Ride. I wish I had more organizational abilities. How am I supposed to remember to submit something in six monthes? ARGH!

I'm having so much fun it's outrageous. I am kicking myself yet really happy, all at once. LOL It was a nice rejection, positive, so that's a good sign, right?

word count:635
June 16, 2005 at 8:40pm
June 16, 2005 at 8:40pm
Alright, the kids are gone (except the baby, he's sleeping), Michael is gone, and bedtime is coming close. I need to figure out a variety of to do list for tomorrow. I'll start with writing.com, then bump into writing, then take care of the rest of the day.

Writing.com To Do List:
*Bullet* I have recently volunteered to do the Drama newsletter. So everyone subscribe! *Wink* That means I need to do two newsletters, one to have as an extra. I need to figure them out. So not only do I have to write them, I also have to find some editor's picks. I've already found one from my list of five to ten. My newsletter, thankfully, isn't due for another month. So that one is actually lower priority, despite it's high listing.

*Bullet*Speaking of newsletters, I get to write one more for "Going Pro!", which is due at the end of the month. And I haven't started. So I will do that soon.

*Bullet*I also volunteered to run a contest for The Milkman . So I need to put that together. Rules, forum, etc.

I think that covers me on-site. Now for off-site.

*Bullet*Review and email query for game for Appleseeds
*Bullet*Interview tomorrow; type up notes and pull together in rough semblance of an article
*Bullet*Read more Home Education Magazine
*Bullet*Send Strawberry Picking
*Bullet*Find new address for Atlanta Parent (did I tell you my query was returned to me? What a waste of a good stamp!)
*Bullet*Polish and send Laura's genealogy to Appleseeds
*Bullet*Figure out next week's focus

Okay, well, that's a decent list. I need to reshape it and clean it up, but at least I've got it, right?

*Bullet*Use the vacuum I hope dh is bringing home to vacuum
*Bullet*Fold the laundry currently in the dryer
*Bullet*Wash the kids clothes; preferably fold & put away
*Bullet*Start dinner (pizza)
*Bullet*Fifteen minutes in the living room, cleaning; another 15 in the kitchen. This place is a mess.
*Bullet*What am I supposed to do about Ryan & Cecily's dishes? Someone? Please?
*Bullet*Make two week's menu and shopping list (need a highlighter)

Did I tell you dh found and gave me a dayplanner of his? It doesn't have a monthly planner - the one downside - but it does have a weekly list. Eventually I'll grab a simple monthly insert, but for now I'm good. So I am going to revamp this and go from there.

DH is supposed to be at work tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. So I guess he'll be up around 5:30 or so. I am going to try to get up around 6:30 with him and get to ASC before they start at 8:30. Maybe I can get there at 8 and talk to Amy. I should have - well, I just did - emailed her to see about that. But maybe I can catch her between classes. Worst case, I can give her a call next week, since I obviously have nothing to submit for a paying venue to the Dekalb Neighbor. Did I have something else I was hoping to send them? That's why I love my blog; I'll have to see.

Well, the baby is fussy and needs to be changed, and I need to transfer this to paper. Hopefully that will help me accomplish something. Probably not, but we need all the help we can get, right? *Wink* So goodnight, and I'll see you tomorrow!
June 16, 2005 at 12:18pm
June 16, 2005 at 12:18pm
16 June 2005

Wow, I've got so much going on on this site, and I am starting to expend so much mod energy, and let myself get distracted - the letting myself is important to mention - that I'm falling away from "real" writing. That is, publishable stuff. I need to get my act together.

That is the "downside" to such a great writing community. There are so many fun and interesting things to do. For instance, I am trying to read and support more newbies, or basically, to do more R&Ring. More meaningful R&Ring. I am shooting for three a day, either from the "request reviews" page, or from various newbies, or sometimes from other random things. I want to be more "vocal" as a mod. However, all this reading is taking time, go figure.

The Milkman also asked me to fill in as a judge/contest creater for the Writing Decathalon. So I have to come up with a contest. Today I was reading through other contests to give myself an idea of what they were doing, and I realized, I have to front prize money! Aack! My savings were just starting to climb, too.

That leads me to think, I really would like to volunteer to do a newsletter. Just what I need, another commitment. Still, a nice one, if you get paid a few hundred gps, which I could definitely use. I'm back and forth on that one.

Speaking of newsletters, I need to get cracking on my next one for Going Pro!. I haven't really gotten started yet, and I need to.

And of course, I'm doing a journalistic entry for, uh, someone. I don't even remember who, just that I am supposed to journal every day this month. Which I pretty much do, anyway, so it's not that big.

In the meantime, my kids are sleeping, so I need to take care of getting some writing - or at least some researching - done. I think I'll hit the rest of HEM, which is an interesting read. And due back to the library soon, I think. I've also been doing some reading lately, some Christian chick lit, which I enjoy. I think I'll check out some of the inspirational pieces on the site and keep an eye open that way. I read Brio not long ago and though that was a cute mag, too, and maybe I could submit some things there. But we'll see.

For now, whew! I'm worn out. The kids still aren't sleeping. Last night, dh slept in the other room, the guest room, so he could get some rest.

And I have to figure out how to handle a contest forum. I think I have a topic - mother-in-laws: problems, and how to handle them. I'd like to see some funny stuff but I don't think I should mandate a comedy genre. That might be too limiting. I also have to decide on prizes: I am thinking 10K for first, 5K for second, and 2500 for 3rd.

You know what? I'm going to email Storymistress about a newsletter. If nothing else, it would save me stress issues from reviewing all the time to earn gps. I could be under less pressure, and review as needed. And maybe I could even earn enough gps to afford an upgraded membership.

The baby is awake, so I guess I'll go now. I am thinking of hitting the office supply store and getting a dayplanner, since I am so "write it down" oriented. That actually worked with keeping the house clean, for a little while. But I need to get some writing stuff into my calender, too. Argh.

word count: 609
June 15, 2005 at 12:22pm
June 15, 2005 at 12:22pm
I had a few thoughts that I wanted to jot down before I forget them. Both are about markets for current articles. My thought was that perhaps both my Strawberry picking article and the Sally Ride summer camp article would be great for Home Education Magazine. I started reading it this morning (I didn't go back to sleep, someone wouldn't let me, but he finally fell asleep now!), and I emailed them for writer's guidelines. I recieved a pretty prompt reply, too! So I will nose around through those two and see how it can be best slanted. I have an idea for both.

Incidentally, I went to ASC and visited the Sally Ride Summer Camp today. It was way bigger than I thought, 63-65 girls, split in three classes of 20ish. It looks like fun, and I got some good info. I didn't get to talk to Amy, but I did chat with two of the other teachers, one for each subject, so that will give me a fairly well-rounded piece. I observed all three classes and got the "low down" on each one. They look like fun, and I was kinda jealous that I didn't get to go! Anyway, I made it to all three, and the kids, Brit and I will be back on Friday to see the rockets launch and maybe some of the new spacesuits modeled. Maybe I can get a few pics of the kids with their telescopes, too. It should be a fun article!

For now, I'm going to relax. I went and picked Brit up (my 14 yo sis in law) to watch the kids, then braved Atlanta rush-hour traffic to drive to ASC. I was there for nearly two hours (stopped by the snack bar to say 'hi') and I got another lead. Let me pull it out...<digs through purse> One of the women in the snackbar's son is Dwight Phillips, a professional athelete. I am going to scope him out on the web, but he is going to Finland for the World Trials in Track. And since I have the inside scoop, I may be able to wrangle up an interview when he comes back in late August. We will see how that goes.

Gotta run, because of course now the baby wakes up. He probably wants to eat. But it was a good day of research, all in all.

added later
Well, I typed up my notes, I have a pretty good run. I interviewed two of the teachers, one from each of the other classes. I think I will try real quick to check back with the other two, as well as Amy, and ask them "why are you here?". I wonder how many will refer to "empowering girls"? Both of today's girls did. I will also talk to the students at the end of the week and see what their favorite class/part was, and why. I will make the rounds. Maybe Brit can spend the night Thursday and just stay here? Then I won't have to make the extra trip. That would be helpful.

I am really keen on the Home Education option. I can't believe I didn't consider that as a market.

Today's pet peeve: how many magazines do I get to subscribe to and deduct them from taxes? I would like to shoot for HE, but that's probably going to be harder to break into w/o HS experience. We'll see. I'd also like to consider Highlights and maybe one of the Cricket magazines - there are several good ones.

This is my goal: as I get published, I will put away 50% for taxes and retirement, etc (I'll put away 50%, and after taxes are paid, I'll put away the rest). The rest is my "earnings". I get one magazine per article. So maybe I can hit the hot seat. I'd like the new astronomy magazine, too. Sigh.

The downside: Home Education prefers to be queried with completed articles. The up side: I can go ahead and get it written now, which will give me a better word count for later submissions. Of course, it won't get written until the fall, but then again, there's no reason not to polish it now. I'll check their other summer magazines to see what is happening. I'd like to find and chat with the home schooled girl and see why she chose to come to the camp, versus just doing it herself. That would be a slight angle. Wish I'd thought of that myself. I'll have to "mark" her. *Wink*

To submit now or later, that is the question. Story of my life. Why must everything be seasonal?! I need some better ideas, LOL.
June 15, 2005 at 5:38am
June 15, 2005 at 5:38am
15 June 2005

Wow, can you believe that I am actually up and writing at 5:30? I am ready to go back to bed now, but nevermind. I will probably jump in the shower in the near future.

So far, I have actually made some progress. I wrote two query letters for Appleseeds magazine and one for Highlights. I went ahead and emailed my Cutting Costs without Cutting Coupons query to Kristen Roby at the Gwinnett Daily Post. (that puts me at one letter out this week) I plan to send the mathmatics query this week and the feature next week. That should give me some time to have them not appear back-to-back, although I'm not certain what is wrong with that.

I also went ahead and reviewed my upcoming interview questions. I am supposed to have my SIL (the babysitter) back around 11, according to my MIL, but I told her I would be back close to noon. I am in a quandry now, because if I need to ask Amy questions, I should do it today. I should have gone yesterday, even with Michael coming home. <mutters to self>

I have my strawberry story pulled up, and I am thinking I might just go ahead and send it to Highlights as is. And I just had a thought. Why bother with a story about Laura's family for Highlights? Why not do one about my own? That might be interesting, as well, don't you think? Although famous people are always more interesting than ordinary folks.

I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I don't want to be up. Jimmy has been up and down all night long. I went to bed around 10:30 (tried for 10 but he wouldn't sleep); we woke up at 12:30, 2:30, and 4:30. He's nothing if not consistant. I've only been up for thirty minutes, but I've gotten a good bit done. Do you think I should try bed for an hour? If he would just get moderately sleepy, I would, but he's happily cooing.

I am thinking about working out again. Ryan never brings Madison over until nearly noon anyway, so I could probably squeeze 9-11 in the morning. It might cut it close, but we'll see how it goes. I'll let him know, so if my cell is in my locker he'll know I'm still around, LOL.

My plan to get up early is somewhat working, but I should have a better to-do list for tomorrow. I will make one tonight. Hopefully this wimpy wakeup will help me do good.

This afternoon, what will I do? I will give my Highlights story one last polish, write the cover letter, and kick that bad boy out. Although it might be tough; I saw they wanted more urban stories as I perused Writersmarket.com. <sigh> Not sure this one qualifies. I will also sit down and type the results of my interview with Amy/my observations.

What am I going to do about that. If I pick up Brit at 8:30, we'll get to ASC around 9. They'll be in class for an hour, and then I can ask Amy some quick questions between classes (they break from 10 to 10:30). I can maybe squeeze in another half hour of watching, to see what the second "class" is, and then leave. Maybe we can swing by the Alumnae house and grab some past newsletters, or I can let them know I will be back on Friday. I could email them when I get home today and ask, and let them know I will be dropping by on Friday. That might be better.

<looks around> Where is my camera?

Okay, so for today:
*Bullet*Type up interview results
*Bullet*Rough draft an article (just in case)
*Bullet*Call library about local papers; see where back papers are, since I've yet to see anything but the AJC
*Bullet*Polish and send 'Strawberry Pickin' (need a better title, grr)

That should keep me jumping for now, right? I think that will fill up today. Tomorrow morning, I will read through Home Education magazine for some ideas for submitting to them. For now, I will try to grab one more full hour of sleep, so wish me luck. I don't know why I bother, but wish me luck, anyway, LOL.

word count: 714
June 14, 2005 at 12:53pm
June 14, 2005 at 12:53pm
14 June 2005

Well, I am thoroughly lost. The kids are back home, dh is out contracting and will be working full time starting tomorrow (yeah!! happy dance!!), and I am confuzooled. I don't know where I am going right now. I need to get a few more things done. Oh, yes, Laura. I need to write my query letter. Oddly, I am pleasently surprised by all the feedback I have gotten for my unpublished clip. It seems to be going over well. So keep your fingers crossed, and maybe I will continue to recieve good feedback, and my sending it will be effective.

For now, I need to write Laura's query letter. Tomorrow's plan includes going to ASC and doing the interviews (Michael came home today as I was leaving). I'm not going to call Sally Ride yet; I need to figure out the best things to say. And I may as well work it out as it comes; if I don't have a story, there is no point in bothering them, right? Right. What else am I going to do this week?

Speaking of good feedback, I've gotten some good stuff on my strawberry picking story. Maybe I should further revise that and send it off. Okay, that's what I will do tonight. Although it's kind of unfair to leave Michael with the kids tonight. We'll see how post-nap goes.

I'm going to write the query and then wake the kids. I don't want them sleeping too late.

added later

I am such a rambler. Here we go again. I am trying to do the, er, I don't remember. The Goals forum. Hold on. "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor That should be easy, since the goal is to journal daily. I'm not sure I can accomplish that.

I have remembered something about goals. Goals are good, but I'm a write-down person. Even checking them off in Outlook (on the computer) doesn't give me the sense of completion crossing them off a written list does. I'm going to have to get a day planner, just for organizational purposes. Then maybe I can be more listy.

Today, I...well, I didn't really do much. Let's see. I skimmed American History; not my style, really. I'm not sure anything on Laura would work for them. I started a query letter for Appleseeds but, looking at it, I thought I might have a better shot with a math puzzle. So I skimmed (online) through some back issues, and I think I have a good one. I'm going to polish my query a bit more and then I will email it tomorrow. In the meantime, maybe I can query the ... ohhh. I just had a thought. Appleseeds website says you can query more than one idea. So I will submit the "major" one at the same time I submit the math puzzle. Odds are, I'll strike out with the feature, since I haven't been published with them, but again, I'm trying. Then I can send the idea to Highlighs. The rest I will see what I can do. For Home Education, I can make it an ongoing project for a current relative. I can include disclaimers, such as "most death announcements say xyz, but some may not." Alright, so that is how I'll slant that one. I need to read through their magazine, first, though.

Tomorrow, I'm going to ASC. I will swing by and pick up my 14 yo sis-in-law, and she will watch the kids on the soccer field while I'm at the observatory. I can observe, ask questions, and take notes. We'll swing by the cafeteria and say "hi" to everyone really quickly. Actually, I could concievably swing by the Alumnae office and request a few back issues and ask about submitting. That is on my to-do list. I also need to check the library at the Observatory, and see if I can borrow any magazines, namely the young astro one. Maybe I can do a write up of summer camps for that one. Hmmmm..... A good six month lead.

My kids are running around, and I am not doing a good job of working. It's hard to have a set "word count" deadline when I have extraneous projects - such as interviewing - to do. That qualifies. But I should still aim to get out the five queries a week, irregardless. Okay, I will. This week, my five queries will be:
1) Laura article to Appleseeds
2) math puzzle to Appleseeds
3) Laura article to Home Education

Okay, that's three. I'll keep count as we go. For now, bedtime for the kids.

word count: 760

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