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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317215
A place where I fight to survive
"When you play the game of thrones you win, or you die." Cersei Lannister
House Lannister image for G.o.T.
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April 28, 2024 at 12:37pm
April 28, 2024 at 12:37pm
At 11:00 p.m., the knocking began again.
Every night for the last eight nights.
She began to tremble at the increasing loudness.
She checks the video doorbell one more time,
And one more time there's no one there.
Yet, the knocking continues.

Eleven knocks demanding attention.
She does not dare answer the door.
No one would be there anyway.

Fifteen minutes before eleven,
Her stomach's already turning flip-flops.
Then without fail, and right on cue,
The horrid knocking begins anew.

On the twelfth night, she grew distressed,
For it was almost eleven at night.
Eleven O'Clock came, without a sound.
She checked the clock thrice.
Dare she believe it was finally done?

It never did happen again.
A mystery until the very end.

20 Lines
122 Words x 2
Free Style

45. Every night your character hears someone knocking at the door but there's no one there.
April 28, 2024 at 12:30pm
April 28, 2024 at 12:30pm
The Ferris Wheel looked down upon the crowds,
Climbing high above the music and lights.
Darla loved seeing the sights
Of the lit-up world late at night.
And as the ride came to a stop,
She was delighted to be at the top.
While she gazed at the people below,
She saw a man grab a girl and go.
He dragged her between the set-up tents,
One hand over her mouth, the other her waist.
And when the ride started and stopped again,
She jumped out of her seat and ran.
Darla ran behind the freakshow tents,
Only to see the parking lot across the lawn.

She tried to tell a cop what she saw,
But nothing was done, not at all.

The next day at home, she heard the news,
A small-town girl was missing from
The chaos and noise of the state fair,
If you have seen anything at all, please call.

20 Lines
164 Words x 2

41. A small town girl at a state-fare goes missing.
April 28, 2024 at 12:11pm
April 28, 2024 at 12:11pm
The colors burst through the night air,
Swallowing up the brightness of the stars.
The crowd whispered, "Ew and Ah,"
As the finale painted the sky.
Cheers went up, and all applauded,
"Happy New Year!" They hollered,
Then broke out in a celebratory song.
I looked up with a smile on my face,
To see the love of my life mirror my own,
"Happy New Year," he whispered,
Then with the stroke of the midnight hands,
He bent and gently held my chin,
Then passionately kissed me on the lips.

13 Lines
101 Words x 2
Free Style

36. End your story with a kiss at midnight.
April 28, 2024 at 11:57am
April 28, 2024 at 11:57am
My pen flew with words anew,
My characters thrived and were full of life.
Brave men fought in heavy armor.
My main character is the strongest of all.
And as my words flowed through my pen,
I was shocked to see Sir Doyle
Come into my family den.

"You will write no more," he began,
Then his sword flew above my hand.
"For our world will do fine
Without you being our guide."

With that, his sword circled my head,
I felt dizzy and then with a blink,
I was exiled to a world richly painted.
One with words no longer guided by a pen.

15 Lines
113 Words x 2
Free Style

30. You're writing and all of a sudden...
April 28, 2024 at 9:38am
April 28, 2024 at 9:38am
The house was quiet and dark,
Rapping with the Lion's head door knocker,
Made the darkness grow with an eerie silence.
She circled the stillness, looking for life.
When none answered her eyes or ears,
She decided to look for another way in.

Checking both doors, found them locked,
So she searched for an unfastened window.
Coming upon one opened just a crack,
Was her invitation to go right on in.

Pushing it open without a sound,
She hoisted herself up onto the sill.
Then she heard the hammer click,
An unmistakable sound of a thirty-eight.

Hanging half-way out and half-way in,
She glanced up and saw a man.
He grasped the gun, pointed right at her,
And dared her to move one more inch.

She let out a fearful cry, and yelled,
"Dad, don't shoot, it's me!"

20 Lines
155 Words
Free Style

22. She must have lost her damn mind, climbing through a window in the dead of night.
April 28, 2024 at 9:33am
April 28, 2024 at 9:33am
The screams rang out,
Piercing my eardrums, and my soul.
The night's sweltering heat
Added to the stickiness
Of the iron-clad blood
Assaulting my nostrils.

I was frozen to the spot,
Despite the sweat dripping
From my pale, shocked face.
My heart beat, beat, beat
'Til it broke through my chest.

"Ma'am? Please step aside,
And come with me. We're
Investigating this ghastly crime."
He took me by my shaking shoulders
And led me out of the broken door.

I collapsed into his arms,
As the shots still rang in my ears.

18 Lines
102 Words
Free Style

12. "Ma'am, move aside. We're here to investigate a crime."
April 28, 2024 at 9:22am
April 28, 2024 at 9:22am
Locked within these walls,
Her demeanor's lost and sad,
Her brain never stops
With regrets of should-have-done.
She's bogged down with depression.

She needs to break out
Of the four walls that hold her.
Locked in her own jail,
She believes there's no way out.
Break down the walls, and save her.

10 Lines
54 Words x 2

Double Tanka - 5-7-5-7-7

6. She needed saving from the confines of her own home.
April 28, 2024 at 9:11am
April 28, 2024 at 9:11am
Walking down the street,
I passed an intriguing man.
I had to look back,
And found him looking back too.
His eyes were locked into mine.

There was a knowing look,
Upon his good-looking face
That passed between us.
Then I realized who he was,
An old boyfriend from College.

10 Lines
51 Words
Double Tanka - 5-7-5-7-7

4. Your protagonist walks past an intriguing stranger, then turns around to take another look at them. The stranger turns around, too. Write about what happens next.
April 27, 2024 at 8:42am
April 27, 2024 at 8:42am
83. Pick one person from each of the houses. Write an Acrostic poem about each of them. Points: 4000 x 2

House Fox

Princess Megan Rose

Megan is a sweet woman,
Energetic about Jane Austen.
Gives without restraints,
Above and beyond
Night or day.

House Freefolk


Annette is a
No nonsense woman, but
Never an unfair one.
Eyeing I write, with a
That make all keep their
Eyes wide-open!

House Mormont

Amethyst Angel 🍀

New to WDC but
Gets involved like crazy.
Easing her way in was not
Likely in her character.

House Nightwatch

Beacon's Light

Beacon runs forums of
Every kind
Always trying out new
Contests to run
Or offer up to old and
New members alike.

House Martell

Quilli ☕

Lilli is kind and
Is always busy
Linking items for the quills,
Looking for questions, and
Interesting finds.

House Targaryen


Steph is smart, and
Too kind to boot. An
Emergency Operator for the
Police and Ambulance.
Holding lives close to her heart.

House Lannister


Kit is sweet, and
Is fierce as leader,
Taking no prisoners
Til the very end.
Enemies will bow at her hand.
April 26, 2024 at 2:31pm
April 26, 2024 at 2:31pm
The hills, with the beautiful deep, rich purple plum trees, expressive willows, and vibrant apple trees. Delicious deep red strawberries, dark blue blueberries, and midnight black blackberries, the critter's dessert. The cool lake water, and the soft, sandy bottom. The yellow, orange sun's silhouette; my goodnight.

65. Write a descriptive paragraph without using any verbs. Points: 2,000 x 2

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