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Rated: 13+ · Book · Cultural · #2299350
Poems for years 4 and 5 of the Promptly Poetry Challenge.
A year's worth of poems, every week for 52 weeks, spanning 2023 and 2024, plus the year following, from August 2024 to August 2025.(provided I live that long, of course).
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December 1, 2023 at 2:59pm
December 1, 2023 at 2:59pm
Vermeer's painting Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring

She turns toward us
a glance over the shoulder
light glowing from her face
and a look that searches

In time we might notice
the dark background
the bright and vaguely Arabic clothing
even the pearl earring.

But always we return
to those eyes
and the life within.

Timeless she is
350 years old and more
but alive and young and modern too
that brief glance searching us
as we gaze into her soul.

Line count: 17
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 18 2023
Prompt: Art.

November 25, 2023 at 3:44pm
November 25, 2023 at 3:44pm
The Mirror Speaks

My father said I was a reflective personality
and it’s true that I deal in reversed images,
painting portraits for my patrons, personally
persuasive of their particular pulchritudes,
yet secretly negative in my ultimate purpose
and truthful in matters both light and dark,
at times to my own detriment and danger,
the legendary seven years my sole defence
‘gainst disappointed delusion and disgust
in those who ask for news they do not want.

It’s a living in the end, at times a pantomime
of mirth, at others a matter of tragic insight,
a constant narrative of sight and seem,
a fable fast forgotten.

Line count: 14
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 17 2023
Prompt: Mirror.

November 14, 2023 at 8:08am
November 14, 2023 at 8:08am

Elevator, escalator, go on up,
social climber, not a rhymer, on the rise,
morning coffee, oh so softly, lifting cup,
cherry picker, nothing quicker, to the skies,
sleepy breaker, now a waker, take a sup,
highly thought of, never bought off, opened eyes,
helicopter, ornithopter, vertical,
that will take off, surely make off, hear my call,
jet air liner, silver shiner, flies the heights,
stair ascending, upward trending, one more flight,
inspiration, divination, kite insight.

Line count: 11
Form: Eleventh Power
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 16 2023
Prompt: Eleventh Power Poetry Form
(invented by Christina Jussaume)
The form consists of:
• 11 lines
• 11 syllables in each line
• rhyme scheme: a-b-a-b-a-b-c-c-d-d-d
• must be written about an uplifting subject.
Note: The eleven syllables force an unusual meter in this one. Essentially, it's a chant, requiring change of pace within each line, thus: 1234-5678-9-10-11.

November 12, 2023 at 8:41pm
November 12, 2023 at 8:41pm

This November, party pumpkin,
missed October, silly chumpkin,
kept on growing in the patch,
slept beneath the leafy thatch,
dozed unnoticed through All Hallows,
woke when all the fields were fallow.

Now the gourd repents at leisure,
no one needs his golden treasure,
wasted all his autumn girth,
spent forever his season’s mirth,
now a tear drops from his eye,
does no one fancy pumpkin pie?

Line count: 12
Rhyming couplets
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 14 2023
Prompt: Pumpkin.

November 12, 2023 at 3:02pm
November 12, 2023 at 3:02pm
Oh Yeah, Peace, Man

Oh, love that bomb and its obliteration,
celebrate the curse of abomination,
anaesthetise with our extermination,
let amnesia be your instigation.

You can march or even shout aloud,
a single protest or in a crowd,
opinionate and deregulate,
drift off to sleep in some drug you ate.

But you can’t unlearn what now you know,
the mind has you forever in tow,
our course is set, direction chosen,
our sentence clear, in stone letters frozen.

Line count: 12
Rhymed. Oh, and the syllable count is interesting. It has meter after all.
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 15 2023
Prompt: A colourful peace sign.

October 23, 2023 at 4:17pm
October 23, 2023 at 4:17pm
A Jitty Ditty

Alley oop, alley way,
O’Malley held a rally down the alley one day,
Back street, crack street, frack street meet,
City jitty*, pretty gritty, Walter Mitty play,
Pity party, ditty hearty, arty farty way,
Smarty panted, Artie ranted, Marty kept the beat,
Sweet Selena you shoulda seen her,
Oh, the dreamer, none serener,
Dance diviner, nothing finer,
From the barrow sends the arrow, sparrow flies away,
Spies the evening fraught with meaning,
Leaning, keening, cleaning, screening,
though the scheming’s so demeaning,
Still the morn shall make it pay.

Line count: 14
Rhymed aabaabcccaddda
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 13 2023
Prompt: Alley.
Note: *Jitty is colloquial English in some regions, defined as the narrow passage between rows of terraced houses.

October 16, 2023 at 7:58am
October 16, 2023 at 7:58am
A Trinket a Tanka

Tanka very much,
no paddle for my canoe
and I up this creek,
promptless once again to drift.
So I thankee very much.

Line count: 5
Form: Tanka (5 lines, syllables 5, 7, 5, 7, 7)
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 12 2023
Prompt: Tanka.

October 11, 2023 at 3:29pm
October 11, 2023 at 3:29pm
How Now, Aldous Huxley?

The doors of perception
heaven and hell
uncertain reception
doom clock and bell
knock once and enter
wait on the call
saint or repenter
the entrance for all
no temporary hiatus
dependant on chance
nor payment for status
the end of the dance.

Line count: 12
Rhymed abab
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 11 2023
Prompt: Picture of ornately decorated doors.

October 5, 2023 at 5:02am
October 5, 2023 at 5:02am
Okay, Faith

Yes, I have faith but I’m not about to boast,
it’s ‘tween me and God without need to post;
if you ask if I believe, I’ll tell you whatever,
and after not care if you berate me forever;
I’ll even attempt to explain how I got here,
when it comes to the truth I don’t have any fear,
but the matter of faith is a very diff’rent beast,
and no business of yours, no, not in the least;
it may be a mustard seed, could be a mountain,
it’s not easy to do, to measure a fountain,
although I can say that it’s lasted this long,
to guess at the future would only be wrong.

Line count: 12
Rhyming couplets
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 10 2023
Prompt: Faith.

September 28, 2023 at 8:37am
September 28, 2023 at 8:37am
Just Say No

A disgruntled hippy named Stan
once found himself locked in the can
he didn’t half pout
to find no way out
and blamed it, of course, on the man.

His girlfriend, a complete drama queen,
was looking decidedly green,
she’d swallowed some grass,
now had terrible gas
and drove everyone else from the scene.

The moral of this sorry tale,
though it may seem a little bit stale,
is to keep a spare key
where no one can see,
and tell your dealer no sale.

Line count: 15
Form: A serial limerick
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 9, 2023
Prompt: Your poem should include the following phrase: "no way out."

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