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Rated: 13+ · Book · Cultural · #2299350
Poems for years 4 and 5 of the Promptly Poetry Challenge.
A year's worth of poems, every week for 52 weeks, spanning 2023 and 2024, plus the year following, from August 2024 to August 2025.(provided I live that long, of course).
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February 5, 2024 at 2:18pm
February 5, 2024 at 2:18pm
Of Hoists and Petards

Ed was a trendy young bloke
who gloried in being so woke
he argued all night
‘gainst everything right
and now he’s the butt of this joke.

Line count: 5
Form: Limerick (rhymed AABBA, anapestic metre)
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 28 2024
Prompt: Write a limerick.

January 31, 2024 at 10:32am
January 31, 2024 at 10:32am


Red Delicious and Golden,
Granny Smith and Jazz,
Honeycrisp and Empire,
Ambrosia, Pippin, and Rave,
Belle de Boskoop and Cripps
Pink as the day you were born,
Evercrisp and Akane,
Arkansas Black in the face,
Rosalynn, Smitten, and Sunrise
Magic in each their own way,
Gravenstein and Sweetie,
the apples of autumn all.

Line count: 12
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 27 2024
Prompt: As per Illustration.

January 24, 2024 at 10:48am
January 24, 2024 at 10:48am

The world
devoured by eyes,
your eyes, my eyes
life poured eternal into them,
storm drains for flood waters,
they suck existence
from without,
light consumed
but unabated,
ever feeding,
never sated,
eyes will drink
and will not cease
till fate the switch does flick.

Line count: 14
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 26 2024
Prompt: Eyes.

January 16, 2024 at 11:36am
January 16, 2024 at 11:36am
Mark Knopfler

A simple man
of frame most spare
upon the air

with voice so still
to tell the tale
while his guitar
doth weep and wail

and so he breaks
the empty hush
with gentle notes
while mem’ries rush

the music swells
with passion strong
then fades away
to yearn and long

and so he fills
the gathered throng
with days of youth
and soaring song

each gifted note
to pluck their strings
to lift them up
and make them sing

so in the end
they live a life
in other’s tales
of love and strife.

Line count: 28
Rhymed abcb
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 25
Prompt: Music.
Notes: Mark has been described as the most lyrical of all lead guitarists and there is no doubt he deserves that accolade. But he is much more as well. He unfailingly finds the most beautiful variations of any melody when improvising in those extended lead breaks so typical of him. in this, he is more akin to a modern Johann Sebastian Bach than the vast run of rock musicians. As a lyricist, too, he is outstanding, finding subjects close to his heart and, through gifted word choice, allowing us to feel in the same way. Modern lyricists are often called poets (too often, in my estimation), but Mark deserves that description as much or more than any of them. Yet still, this stands as mere assistant to the quality of his musicianship. There is none other that can make a guitar speak as Mark can. I cannot speak highly enough of him.

January 10, 2024 at 4:29pm
January 10, 2024 at 4:29pm

Pure, unsullied
Disarming, revealing, inspiring
Rare and spotless sacrifice

Line count: 5
Form: Cinquain
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 24 2024
Prompt: Write a cinquain.

January 3, 2024 at 12:58pm
January 3, 2024 at 12:58pm

All night she worked
by moon and stars,
by warp and woof,
her secret skill,
and now her silver veil,
bejewelled with dew,
reflects the morning light
in delicate array.

All day she waits
while woven wisp
entices trade
and passersby,
their presence
presents gifted
by innocence deceived
and web in tatters left.

This night she’ll work
and weave anew.

Line count: 18
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 23 2024
Prompt: Photo of spider’s web.

December 27, 2023 at 9:29am
December 27, 2023 at 9:29am
Oh Tropic Nights

Oh tropic nights
when insect hum
and buzz and click
and creatures call
and wail and moan
a woven shroud
a lullaby
of warm enfolding sound

Oh tropic nights
of stars outspread
in myriad array
their shining hordes
unloosed and bright
on velvet skies
so far and vast
of darkest indigo.

Oh tropic nights
and sweat-soaked sheets
to turn and twist
in sleepless search
and fevered dreams
torment indeed
to fill the stifling hours.

Line count: 24
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 22 2023
Prompt: Stars.

December 22, 2023 at 7:51am
December 22, 2023 at 7:51am
OK, Passion

Passion is a heady draught,
sometimes it makes us daft;
at others lifts unto the heights,
with other worlds in sight

When bound by passion’s mighty grip,
how easily we slip
from grace into such sad folly,
that sends us off our trolley.

It’s for the young, that is the thing,
they stand the pain it brings;
and now that we have grown so old,
with luck, it leaves us cold.

Line count: 12
Rhymed couplets
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 21 2023
Prompt: Passion.
Note: I found this prompt probably the hardest ever encountered in
Promptly, which is the reason for my taking five days to ponder on it. The problem was that I was trying to say something serious about the subject and there is just too much to say in that case. In the end I have been reduced to being flippant. My apologies.
December 12, 2023 at 7:52am
December 12, 2023 at 7:52am

bright clear
a peal of bells
and Christmas

Line count: 6
Form: A joybell, syllabic, 1-2-2-2-4-4 syllables per line and unrhymed, centred
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 20
Prompt: Joybell.

December 4, 2023 at 5:50pm
December 4, 2023 at 5:50pm

Ho, pink and furry creature,
I have you now,
prisoner to my curved scimitars,
I hold you powerless in my grasp.

Just wriggle once,
I dare you,
and mayhap I’ll release you,
to spark the frantic chase anew.

Or pretend death,
I warn you,
and my arcing, flashing blades
be quick to disembowel you.

Line count: 12
Free verse
For Promptly Poetry Challenge, Week 19 2023
Prompt: Photo of kitten playing with a scrap of soft material.

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