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Rated: 13+ · Book · Music · #2266568
28 songs for the month of February. The soundtrack of my life in 2022.
I'm making a solid attempt at the Soundtrack of Your Life challenge   for February. I'll be honest that with my schedule, a daily writing challenge is quite difficult. But I love music so this challenge is right up my street.

Buckle up and be prepared for possible musical whiplash. Hopefully you'll discover something new.

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February 3, 2022 at 10:34pm
February 3, 2022 at 10:34pm

"This Flight Tonight" by Joni Mitchell

"Look out the left," the captain said
"The lights down there, that's where we'll land."
I saw a falling star burn up
Above the Las Vegas sands

It wasn't the one that you gave to me
That night down south between the trailers
Not the early one
That you can wish upon,
Not the northern one
That guides in the sailors

Oh star bright, star bright
You've got the lovin' that I like, all right
Turn this crazy bird around
I shouldn't have got on this flight tonight

You got the touch so gentle and sweet
But you've got that look so critical
Now I can't talk to you baby
I get so weak
Sometimes I think love is just mythical

Up there's a heaven
Down there's a town
Blackness everywhere and little lights shine
Oh, blackness, blackness dragging me down
Come on light the candle in this poor heart of mine

Oh star bright, star bright
You've got the lovin' that I like, all right
Turn this crazy bird around
I shouldn't hove got on this flight tonight

I'm drinking sweet champagne
Got the headphones up high
Can't numb you out
Can't drum you out of my mind
They're playing, "Goodbye baby, Baby Goodbye,
Ooh, ooh, love is blind"

Up go the flaps, down go the wheels
I hope you got your heat turned on baby
I hope they finally fixed your automobile
I hope it's better when we meet again baby

Star bright, star bright
You got the lovin' that I like, all right
Turn this crazy bird around
I shouldn't have got on this flight tonight

I couldn't very well make a playlist without including the incomparable Joni Mitchell, could I? Her musicality and vocal agility combined with her vivid lyrics have created many a masterpiece. Blue is definitely her best album, in my opinion. (Feel free to disagree, but please provide evidence.) This one is a little more musically upbeat than some of the other songs on the album. The album is named "Blue", after all, after the title song which is about her struggle with depression. Is there a creative genius that doesn't struggle with depression? I don't think I know any. Maybe there's something to the "tortured artist" archetype.

Joni is well known for using alternate guitar tunings in her songs, and I think this is one of those songs that has unique tuning. It almost makes the guitar sound like an entirely different instrument, and the distinctive sound suits her style and her voice so well. There's something about the rhythm of the guitar against the rhythm of the lyrics / melody that I can't get enough of. But my favorite part is that musical interlude when she sings the "Goodbye baby, baby goodbye..." line. It's so pleasantly unexpected. Just like Joni.

Although I don't really know the story behind it, I like to imagine she wrote this song looking out the window on an overnight plane as she leaves a seemingly tumultuous relationship, still having some regrets about leaving. Did she end up turning around and going back to her lover? I kind of hope not, since it doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. I haven't flown anywhere in almost 3 years, due to the state of the world and the state of my finances, but you can bet I'll be listening to this song on repeat when I do.

Sit back and enjoy the ride!


February 2, 2022 at 11:00pm
February 2, 2022 at 11:00pm
For Day 2, something a little bit alternative.

"Shake Me Down" by Cage the Elephant

Shake me down
Not a lot of people left around
Who knows now
Softly laying on the ground
Not a lot of people left around

In my life, I've seen
People walk into the sea
Just to find memories
Plagued by constant misery
Their eyes cast down
Fixed upon the ground
Their eyes cast down

I'll keep my eyes fixed on the sun

Shake me down
Cut my hair on a silver cloud
Broken sound
Softly laying on the ground
Not a lot of people left around

In my past, bittersweet
There's no love between the sheets
Taste the blood, broken dreams
Lonely times indeed
With eyes cast down
Fixed upon the ground
Eyes cast down

I'll keep my eyes fixed on the sun
Turn back, now it's time for me to let go
Way down, had to find a place to lay low
Lampshade turned around into a light post

Walk around the corner
Never saw it coming, still
I try to make a move
It almost stopped me from belief
I don't wanna know the future
But I'm like Rolling Thunder

Even on a cloudy day (x 7)

I'll keep my eyes fixed on the
I'll keep my eyes fixed on the
I'll keep my eyes fixed on the sun

Shake me down
Not a lot of people left around

Just from the first stanza alone, you can probably tell why this song kind of embodies this last year. Not a lot of people left around. It's been a very rough few years for almost everyone. People have lost jobs, homes, their savings, their health, loved ones, in some cases their own lives. It's become a kind of global inside joke that 2020 and 2021 have been the worst years that have ever happened, to the point of absurdity. I mean, Firenados in California?   Only in 2021. It honestly does feel like the end-times are here.

This song reminds me not to keep my eyes cast down. Especially when things seem the bleakest. The sun is still there, even when you can't see it. Of course, there is a point where optimism and positivity can reach a toxic level, especially when it's forced. No one wants to be told to just look on the bright side when they are suffering. But I don't think this goes that far. I really enjoy the picked guitar line at the start and the dynamic range between the verses and the chorus. The video tells a visual story of a man's life as it flashes before his eyes at the end of his life. It adds even more depth to the song.

Hope you all enjoy!


February 1, 2022 at 11:59pm
February 1, 2022 at 11:59pm
I thought I'd start off Day 1 with the song I have quoted in the bio block of my portfolio.

"The Silence" by Bastille

Tell me a piece of your history
That you're proud to call your own
Speak in words you picked up
As you walked through life alone
We used to swim in your stories
And be pulled down by their tide
Choking on the words
And drowning with no air in sight

Now you've hit a wall and it's not your fault
My dear, my dear, my dear
Now you've hit a wall and you've hit it hard
My dear, my dear, oh dear

It is not enough to be dumbstruck
Can you fill the silence?
You must have the words in that head of yours
And oh, oh, can you feel the silence?
I can't take it anymore
Cause it is not enough to be dumbstruck
Can you fill the silence?

Tell me a piece of your history
That you've never said out loud
Pull the rug beneath my feet
And shake me to the ground
Wrap me around your fingers
Break the silence open wide
Before it seeps into my ears
And fills me up from the inside

Now you've hit a wall and you're lost for words
My dear, my dear, my dear
Now you've hit a wall and you've hit it hard
My dear, my dear, oh dear

It is not enough to be dumbstruck
Can you fill this silence?
You must have the words in that head of yours
And oh, oh, can you feel the silence?
I can't take it anymore,
Cause it is not enough to be dumbstruck
Can you fill the silence?

If you give it a name, then it's already won
What you good for?
What you good for? (x3)

Cause it is not enough to be dumbstruck
Can you fill this silence?
You must have the words in that head of yours
And oh, oh, can you feel the silence?
I can't take it anymore
Cause it is not enough to be dumbstruck

I haven't heard another song that better captures the feeling of writer's block. A feeling that I suspect most people reading this have felt before. Especially the lines: "If you give it a name, then it's already won / What you good for?". It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you convince yourself you're blocked, the harder you try to produce something anyway, the longer you stare at the blank page, the worse it gets. You start thinking you'll never create anything again. You've lost any talent you might have had, or perhaps you never had it at all. And if you're an artist who can't create your art, what are you good for?

I spent about six years "dumbstruck" and only recently started writing again. I made the resolution that I needed to get back into writing a year ago, for my mental health, and found this site. Six years of silence may not sound like a long time, but it's long enough to feel permanent. Unfortunately, you can't force inspiration. It comes when you're not looking for it. It comes when you're walking down the street past a weird looking car and you wonder who the owner could be. It comes from a random song lyric you hear on the radio in the middle of the produce aisle. Sometimes it comes from heartbreak. Or, sometimes it leaves from heartbreak. It comes when you see new places and experience new things. It comes from consuming the works of others.

While I haven't completely gotten past it, I've found that when you're in that state you have to forget about the product and just focus on the process. Don't do it for an audience. In fact, you don't have to show anyone at all. Keep creating embarrassingly subpar works. Write LOTS of terrible, pointless, cliché, badly rhyming poems. Write stories with poorly developed characters and obvious plot holes. Write things that have been done before. As long as you're writing, you're improving. It takes so many awful works to create even ONE good one.


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