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Rated: 13+ · Book · Music · #2266568
28 songs for the month of February. The soundtrack of my life in 2022.
I'm making a solid attempt at the Soundtrack of Your Life challenge   for February. I'll be honest that with my schedule, a daily writing challenge is quite difficult. But I love music so this challenge is right up my street.

Buckle up and be prepared for possible musical whiplash. Hopefully you'll discover something new.

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February 13, 2022 at 10:26pm
February 13, 2022 at 10:26pm

"Put a Lid on It" by the Squirrel Nut Zippers

(Put a lid on it)
What's that you say?
(Put a lid on it)
Oh man, no way
Put a lid down on it, and everything will be all right

(Put a lid on it)
Don't hand me that
(Put a lid on it)
I'm all right, Jack
Put a lid down on it, before somebody starts a fight

Say, every time I turn it loose you cats come down and cook my goose
When I start I just can't stop
But if you keep this up you're gonna blow your top!

(Put a lid on it)
Too late this time
(Put a lid on it)
I've got to get what's mine
Put a lid down on it, and everything will be all right

Well, grab your drink and clear a space
I think it's time to torch this place
Now the girl's in overdrive
But some of your pals want to stay alive!

I'll put a lid on it
I'll put a lid down on it
I'll put a lid down on it
Save it for another night

I just had to include this song by the Squirrel Nut Zippers. The last concert I saw in person, shortly before the pandemic shut everything down, was the Squirrel Nut Zippers. In fact, I remember that they updated one of their songs   to reference the virus that was just starting to take over the world. They are so much fun to see live. The whole room was on their feet dancing by the end of the night. So, this song reminds me of better times.

I'm a big fan of their modern jazzy / swing style, and I adore the tone of her voice and the wailing trumpet. She has excellent pitch and control. But what I love the most about this band is their impeccable timing and use of percussion. It's like they have an entire arsenal of percussive instruments at their disposal and they know how to use every one of them. As a former band nerd, I appreciate a good percussion section. If you want a better example of their percussive prowess, you can check out their song "Interlocutor"  . It doesn't have any lyrics, but it does have nearly as much percussive excitement as "Stomp".

This song doesn't really have a particularly deep meaning or anything, it's just a fun little ditty. I don't think anyone likes to be told to "be quiet" or to "put a lid on it". Has that ever actually worked to get someone to shut up? Saying that will only have the opposite effect. Not that people really use the phrase "put a lid on it" anymore, but if someone said that to me I would definitely blow my top.


February 12, 2022 at 11:58pm
February 12, 2022 at 11:58pm

"L.A. (Looking Alive)" by Madison Cunningham

Taking a walk down Eagle Rock, wandering
Where the men wear their jeans tight as a bull dog’s skin
Listening to the way people talk, and the way people worry
Turn themselves blonde when they get that sick feeling they’re... aging

Well, I've got a face he has a hard time remembering
And every time that we’ve met he’ll ask,
"Sorry what’s your name again?"
The way people talk and the way people hurry
To reach for a card when they think that you might be
Wasting... their time

Wide-eyed, looking for something
There’s bound to be something to let you down
Wide-eyed, are you sleep deprived?
Well if you want to be something, you’re looking alive

Taking a drive down the five, I’m a different man
The drivers have a way of taking the last bit of goodness I had
There’s always something to wake you when you're caught in a dream
Flashing lights in your rearview, the hollowing scream of your own voice
Was that my voice?

Might I suggest something?
There’s bound to be something
To let you down
Wide eyed, are you sleep deprived
If you want to be something then
Hey! Look alive
Look alive

Well, I left for the city with the strength and the will to compete
How quickly you forget that just anyone can fill your seat
Doesn't it feel good to laugh at yourself
Turn your back on the business and leave it to sell its own worry, its own worry

I’ve been looking alive
I've been looking alive

Madison is a young up-and-coming singer and songwriter that I really think is going to go far. I like her voice and her use of interesting chords with a lot of dissonance. I think this was the first time she performed this song live in front of an audience. As she said, she wrote this about her experience in the music industry in L.A. She's definitely not the first to write about this subject. I've always wondered how many great artists we never hear of because they just didn’t make it through the indifference and mistreatment of the music industry. Only a small percentage ever make it, through a combination of luck, networking and pure resilience. Not so much on the basis of talent.

Although it isn't what Madison wrote this about, this song always reminds me of my days working retail. I spent about three years working a few different service jobs to pay my way through school. Possibly the longest three years of my life. Another industry where you're treated as if you're invisible and expendable. "How quickly you forget that just anyone can take your seat." I have more than one horror story of being screamed at over a coupon on a $2 ice cream, or because their favorite item wasn't in stock. And even more stories about legally questionable things my managers did (or didn't do) that never got reported. Honestly, it was my main motivation for going on to graduate school afterwards, and I even said as much in my applications. The physical toll of hauling heavy boxes and crates around, working in extreme temperatures like freezers, and strain from constant repetitive motions. The incessant reminder to "Hey, look alive!" by managers and customers alike. You can't have an off day, you can't be tired, or be anything less than chipper and bubbly. I'm too much of an introvert to get through hundreds of superficial interactions and small talk with complete strangers for 8+ hours every day.

Trust me, it does feel good to turn your back on the business and leave it to sell it's own worry.
They need you way more than you need them.


February 12, 2022 at 1:55pm
February 12, 2022 at 1:55pm
Entry number 11, slightly delayed.

"New Kid in Town" by the Eagles

There's talk on the street, it sounds so familiar
Great expectations, everybody's watching you
People you meet, they all seem to know you
Even your old friends treat you like you're something new

Johnny come lately
The new kid in town
Everybody loves you
So don't let them down

You look in her eyes, the music begins to play
Hopeless romantics, here we go again
But after awhile you're lookin' the other way
It's those restless hearts that never mend

Johnny come lately
The new kid in town
Will she still love you?
When you're not around...

There's so many things you should have told her
But night after night you're willing to hold her, just hold her
Tears on your shoulder

There's talk on the street, it's there to remind you
Doesn't really matter which side you're on
You're walking away and they're talking behind you
They will never forget you 'til somebody new comes along

Where you been lately?
There's a new kid in town
Everybody loves him don't they?

And he's holding her
And you're still around...
There's a new kid in town
Just another new kid in town...

Everybody's talking 'bout
The new kid in town
Everybody's walking like
The new kid in town

There's a new kid in town
(I don't want to hear it)
There's a new kid in town
(I don't want to hear it)

There's a new kid in town
(Everybody's talking)
There's a new kid in town
(People started walking)
There's a new kid in town

The Eagles are one of my all time favorite bands. I never get sick of listening to the complex harmonies and flawless guitar work. You've probably noticed by now that vocal harmonies and guitar are my weaknesses. (Please don't use this against me.) This song in particular is underrated, in favor of their more well-known songs like "Hotel California", but it deserves more attention. It's written by Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and J. D. Souther. Yes, it took three people to write this masterpiece. Unfortunately, Glenn Frey, who founded the band, passed away in 2016 and even the other band members have said that the band will never be the same. However, the Eagles are still together and making music with two new members to replace Frey, one of which is his son. According to the info underneath the video, they're currently touring right now.

Like most bands of their caliber, the Eagles had their share of the sex, drugs and drama that's typically associated with Rock & Roll. In fact, by the time they recorded their last album, there was so much animosity between the members that they couldn't stand to be in the same room together, even for long enough to record. Their parts had to be recorded in separate locations and then patched together. It still amazes me that these men who apparently hate each other can sound SO good together. You'd never know it by the way they play together and blend their voices. I would assume that it would come through in the music and things would sound disjointed and not as cohesive, but perhaps that's not the case when you're a professional.

To be fair, this is the studio version, and it could have been recorded before there was trouble in paradise. I suppose some things must have been resolved if they can stand each other enough to go on tour together now.


February 10, 2022 at 11:55pm
February 10, 2022 at 11:55pm
This might not be the song you were expecting   when you saw the title "Zombie"...

"Zombie" by Orla Gartland

When all of your body's burning up
When all of your body's burning up
You live like a zombie
Turn it off, and push it down
And it comes back round again

When all of your body's burning up
When all of your body's burning up
You live like a zombie
Turn it off, and push it down
And it comes back 'round again

You're not a bad guy, not a bad guy
But you do this all the damn time
You go quiet and you fight it
You don't know how to feel

All of this rage in your hands
Passed on down from your old man
And now somehow it's my fault
Oh, who is this monster on the phone?
Jacked up on your testosterone
And I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it

Oh, when all of your body's burning up
When all of your body's burning up
You live like a zombie
Turn it off, push it down
And it comes back 'round again

When your body's burning up
When all of your body's burning up
You livе like a zombie
Turn it off and push it down

Take your timе, take your time
'Cause babe, what's yours is mine
All your drama and your trauma
That you hide from the boys
If I say that I'll stay then I'll stay
But I can't sit here watching you wasting away

Oh, when all of your body's burning up
When all of your body's burning up
You live like a zombie
Turn it off, push it down
And it comes back 'round again

When your body's burning up
When all of your body's burning up
You live like a zombie
Turn it off and push it down

Orla Gartland is one of the most talented and creative musicians you've probably never heard of, and this is my favorite song of hers. Her energy is infectious (in a good way, not in a "wear a mask and keep 6 feet" kind of way), and her musical style is rather unique. I haven't heard a rock song intro with these cool descending harmonies, in a round, set to such a danceable beat like this before. It's just the right amount of different to catch your interest before she dives right into a classic rock verse that feels a lot more familiar. With plenty of electric guitar. There's also moments of relative calm for balance, which makes the upbeat sections even more-so by contrast.

In the video, Orla stars as a zombie hunter facing a group of zombies. These zombies don't appear to be the violent type that want to eat your brains; they're mostly just... dead inside. Pun intended. In fact, she’s not so much a “zombie hunter”, but more of a “zombie rehabilitator”. If you notice, the patch on her arm says ZOMBIE RESCUE. She goes about using various methods to get them to shed tears for her, which she collects in little vials to use as a cure for their Zombiness. There's obviously a deeper meaning here in the lyrics, something about (literally) bottling up emotions, toxic masculinity, and generational trauma being passed down. But, mostly, it's just a super catchy and high energy song that will probably take up residence in your ear holes for a while. Sorry about that!


February 9, 2022 at 11:44pm
February 9, 2022 at 11:44pm
Day 9, a song that was way ahead of it's time.

"Handlebars" by Flobots

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

Look at me, look at me
Hands in the air like it's good to be
Alive, and I'm a famous rapper
Even when the paths are all crookedy

I can show you how to do-si-do
I can show you how to scratch a record
I can take apart the remote control
And I can almost put it back together

I can tie a knot in a cherry stem
I can tell you about Leif Ericson
I know all the words to "De Colores"
And "I'm Proud to be an American"

Me and my friend saw a platypus
Me and my friend made a comic book
And guess how long it took
I can do anything that I want, 'cause, look

I can keep rhythm with no metronome
No metronome
No metronome
And I can see your face on the telephone
On the telephone
On the telephone

Look at me, look at me
Just called to say that it's good to be
Alive, in such a small world
I'm all curled up with a book to read

I can make money, open up a thrift store
I can make a living off a magazine
I can design an engine
Sixty-four miles to a gallon of gasoline

I can make new antibiotics
I can make computers survive aquatic
Conditions, I know how to run the business
And I can make you wanna buy a product

Movers, shakers and producers
Me and my friends understand the future
I see the strings that control the system
I can do anything with no resistance

'Cause I can lead a nation with a microphone
With a microphone
With a microphone
And I can split the atom of a molecule
Of a molecule
Of a molecule

Look at me, look at me
Drivin' and I won't stop
And it feels so good to be alive and on top

My reach, is global
My tower, secure
My cause, is noble
My power, is pure

I can hand out a million vaccinations
Or let 'em all die of exasperation
Have 'em all healed of their lacerations
Have 'em all killed by assassination

I can make anybody go to prison
Just because I don't like 'em
And I can do anything with no permission
I have it all under my command because

I can guide a missile by satellite
By satellite
By satellite
And I can hit a target through a telescope
Through a telescope
Through a telescope

And I can end the planet in a holocaust
In a holocaust (x5)

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

I remember hearing this song in high school, and the only part that stuck with me was that he could ride his bike with no handlebars. I thought that was kind of cute, and paid no attention at all to the rest of the lyrics. I also hadn't seen the music video before. Now, in 2022, this song hits differently. "I can hand out a million vaccinations / or let them all die of exasperation." I don't think the artists knew at the time how prophetic this song and video would be. Let's just say, the friend who went the corporate rout looks a bit too familiar. Everything from the nonsensical bragging, to the big corporate tower changing to a political landscape in front of American flags. Again, this song was first released in 2005, so I doubt they had any specific person in mind. I'm sure they meant the character to be a generalized symbol of corporate greed and power left unchecked. Who could have known that we would soon have a prominent political figurehead who is the very embodiment of corporate greed and power left unchecked. Granted, most politicians are greedy, but the one we elected in 2016 is like a cartoon caricature of a sleazy businessman.

Like many things, this song starts out innocent enough. Two friends riding bikes together decide to take very different paths in life. The lyrics become more and more exaggerated, from "Me and my friends saw a platypus" to "I can split the atom of a molecule", and things soon escalate out of control. The slow descent into Fascism is pretty realistic, like the frog in the boiling pot that can't sense the temperature rising until it's too late. It starts with, "my cause is noble, my power is pure". It's easy to get into power by claiming that you will use that power for good; and maybe in some cases that actually is their intention at the start.

But, power corrupts, and it's nearly impossible to take back once you give it. It can very quickly turn into, "I can do anything with no resistance". And then things turn violent, because that's the only way to hold onto power once you get it. People generally don't take kindly to being oppressed, and leaders generally don't take kindly to challenges to their power. In the video, the peaceful friend rallies the people to protest against the leader and things end in a massacre. I like the use of white splatters instead of red for blood to symbolize that the blood spilled is from innocent casualties. No one wins here. Including the leader, who lost his friend from the beginning in the massacre. From his expression, it's clear that he didn't fully understand the consequences of what he started. A good example that once you stoke the fires of unrest and doubt and violence, they can take on a life of their own and you don't control it anymore. The damage is done and everyone gets burned, including the one who started it.

Well, can you ride a bike with no handlebars?


February 8, 2022 at 11:50pm
February 8, 2022 at 11:50pm

Cover of Billie Eilish's "Idontwannabeyouanymore" by Teddy Swims

Don't be that way
Fall apart twice a day
I just wish you could feel what you say
Show, never tell
But I know you too well
Got a mood that you wish you could sell

If teardrops could be bottled
There'd be swimming pools filled by models
Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore"
If "I love you" was a promise
Would you break it, if you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
I don't wanna be you, anymore

Hands getting cold
Losing feeling is getting old
Was I made from a broken mold?
Hurt, I can't shake
We've made every mistake
Only you know the way that I break

If teardrops could be bottled
There'd be swimming pools filled by models
Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore"
If "I love you" was a promise
Would you break it, if you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before

I don't wanna be you
I don't wanna be you
I don't wanna be you, anymore

One of my favorite things is popular songs covered by someone completely unexpected, the opposite gender, vocal style, time signature, genre, etc. than the original artist. Although Teddy doesn't stray much at all from the original melody or musical style, he puts a very different spin and feel on this Billie Eilish hit song. It was already a beautiful song with meaningful lyrics, but somehow Teddy and his golden voice make it even more so. I love those subtle runs and the way he sings, "Tell the mirror / What you know she's heard before". His voice has a lot of flavor in the way he approaches his vowels, but at the same time it's so warm and comforting. Like a big hug from a Teddy bear. A Teddy Swims bear.

The contrast of vulnerable lyrics and angelic vocals coming from a tough looking exterior is very striking. Just goes to show that insecurities and body image issues are not limited to pretty young women such as Billie. Almost everyone, at one point or another, has looked in the mirror and not liked what they saw. It's a nearly universal human experience, especially in the modern times of social media, where anything and everything you do is being watched (and judged) by an audience of sometimes thousands of people. It's so easy to compare yourself and your life to others' curated highlight reel and wish you were someone else. I’ve actually touched on the concept of self image before in my poem "Mirror, Mirror [13+], written from the perspective of a bathroom mirror. And that's enough shameless self-promotion for one blog entry.

If you haven't heard it before, also check out the original by Billie Eilish: https://youtu.be/-tn2S3kJlyU.


February 7, 2022 at 11:47pm
February 7, 2022 at 11:47pm
Day 7 of the "Soundtrack of your life" challenge:
(Warning: Strong language in this one.)

"Sweater" by Spencer Sutherland

It's a fun song, but the video is really what makes it. The aesthetics, the cast of characters, the lyrics, the comedic timing, the dancing at the end, the facial expressions. Pure gold. Especially for a music video, you can tell a lot of thought and work went into this. It's like a three and a half minute movie. Props to the director, Seth Stern. There's too many subtle details to point out all of them, but my favorite is the three of them bowling on beat in the background behind Spencer as he sings. I'm also impressed with Spencer's range. That's quite high, and it doesn't sound strained in the least.

I think it's a pretty relatable situation that a lot of people have been in at some point in their lives. You break up with someone and then realize they still have your stuff, and somehow you have to get it back. Or, if the breakup is bad enough, just call it a loss and buy yourself a new one. Sometimes it's not worth having to see that person again. It amuses me that he decided to write an entire song about it.

I hope Spencer gets his sweater back.


February 6, 2022 at 11:34pm
February 6, 2022 at 11:34pm
Day 6, just another Pleasant Valley Sunday.

"Pleasant Valley Sunday" by The Monkees

Your local rock group down the street
Is trying hard to learn this song
To serenade the weekend squire
Just came out to mow his lawn

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Charcoal burnin' everywhere
Rows of houses that are all the same
And no one seems to care

See Mrs. Gray she's proud today
Because her roses are in bloom
And Mr. Green he's so serene
He's got a TV in every room

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Here in status symbol land
Mothers complain about how hard life is
And the kids just don't understand

Creature comfort goals
They only numb my soul
And make it hard for me to see
My thoughts all seem to stray to places far away
I need a change of scenery

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Charcoal burning everywhere
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Here in status symbol land
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday

Written by Carole King and then made famous by the Monkees, this catchy little number captures the feeling of stagnation and monotony of middle-class suburban life. Rows of cookie-cutter houses, keeping up with the Jones', doing the same chores and seeing the same people day in and day out. A life that looks pleasant and perfect on the surface, but is actually soul-crushingly boring. Not just boring, but there's incredible pressure to keep up appearances, impress the neighbors, and sweep anything unpleasant under the rug. If you've seen the movie "Pleasantville", it has a very similar message. Only, without the infamous guitar riff and awesome harmonies.

I don't live out in the suburbs, but I can relate to the feeling. People aren't made for that level of monotony. Our brains crave novelty and stimulation, and without that, things start to go wrong. Some people need more than others, and some people are perfectly content in their routines and don't like change. Nothing wrong with that. But for some, it can feel suffocating, like you're trapped. I think I was getting to that point. Fortunately, although I didn't plan on moving and wasn't particularly happy about it, I did end up with a change of scenery. I think I am better off for it.


February 5, 2022 at 10:16pm
February 5, 2022 at 10:16pm

"Inaudible Melodies" by Jack Johnson

Brushfire fairytales
Itsy bitsy diamond wells
Big fat hurricanes
Yellow bellied given names
Well shortcuts can slow you down
And in the end we're bound
To rebound off of we

Well dust off your thinking caps
Solar powered plastic plants
Pretty pictures of things we ate
We are only what we hate
But in the long run we have found
Silent films are full of sound
Inaudibly free

Slow down everyone
You're moving too fast
Frames can't catch you when
You're moving like that

Inaudible melodies
Serve narrational strategies
Unobtrusive tones
Help to notice nothing but the zone
Of visual relevancy
Frame-lines tell me what to see
Chopping like an axe
Or maybe Eisenstein should just relax

Slow down everyone
You're moving too fast
Frames can't catch you when
You're moving like that

Well Plato's cave is full of freaks
Demanding refunds for the things they've seen
I wish they could believe
In all the things that never made the screen

And just slow down everyone
You're moving too fast
Frames can't catch you when
You're moving like that

Slow down everyone
You're moving too fast
Frames can't catch you when
You're moving like that
Moving too...

In times of high stress and hectic schedules and failed experiments, like this past week, I turn to Jack Johnson. Even without the lyrics, the smooth tone of his voice alone with the laid-back island beat and effortless guitar riffs is so calming. I would love for Jack Johnson to sing me to sleep every night. The way the lyrics flow and rhyme feels like waves washing onto the shore. It's probably not surprising, then, that Jack is a big surfer born and raised in Hawaii who went to school in California. You can literally hear it in his music. He uses a lot of slack-key style guitar, typically found in Hawaiian music, which adds to the cool island feel. As a transplanted native Californian who hasn't seen the ocean in at least 4 years (probably longer), this is about as close as I can get right now.

While the lyrics may seem like fluff on the surface, if you stop to listen to the words they're actually quite clever and poignant. What other musician do you know references Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"   in their lyrics? In a song about the dangers of the hustle and noise of the modern world, referencing an allegory that says everything we experience is just an illusion, a distraction, a shadow of the real thing, is not a coincidence. People are "demanding refunds for the things they've seen" which, according to the allegory, aren't even real and thus don't matter. It's all very intentional, as are all the references to old silent films. Also, the irony of "solar powered plastic plants" is not lost on me. You probably also won't be shocked to hear that he's a major environmentalist. In fact, he and his wife have started several charity foundations to support that cause. What a stand-up guy.

This is your reminder to slow down, because you're moving too fast.


February 4, 2022 at 11:55pm
February 4, 2022 at 11:55pm
And now for something a little lighter.

Mashup of "I Knew You Were Trouble" / "As Long as You Love Me" by VoicePlay, Featuring Rachel Potter

Anyone who knows me knows I love Acapella music. For those who haven't heard of VoicePlay before, they are one of the best Acapella groups out there (with the exception of Pentatonix, who will also make an appearance on this list at some point). The things they can do with just their vocal chords-- it's mind boggling. Keep in mind as you listen that there are no instruments here. The group consists of Geoff the super bass (front left), Layne the percussionist (front right), Earl the high tenor (back left, no longer in the group), Eli the tenor (back center) and Tony the baritone (back right, also no longer in the group). Together, they have a range of five octaves. They are joined here by Rachel Potter, who is a Broadway star and overall impressive vocalist.

To be perfectly honest, I probably wouldn't listen to either of the original songs on their own. But as an acapella mashup? Yes, please. I love it when mashups are so well done they sound like a completely new song as opposed to two separate songs being sung together. VoicePlay has such tight timing and harmonies that you sometimes can't even tell the individual voices apart. It all comes together into a solid wall of harmonic bliss in the background. They usually include a fun little treat in each video too, like the use of the megaphone. I'd say this is the very definition of "ear candy". Sweet and fun and calorie dense and probably bad for your teeth.

Make sure to brush afterwards!


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