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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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August 26, 2015 at 3:38pm
August 26, 2015 at 3:38pm
         You are spending my 59th birthday with me at Slough Creek for the night before we go to the Shoshone Indian reservation on the 27th. We have been invited to be their guests. We are hiking to Slough Creek from the lodge so we will be busy most of the day.
         "Slough Creek Campground is generator free with drinking water and vault toilets, and is best suited for tents and small RVs. Each campsite has a picnic table and fire pit with grate. Food storage boxes measuring 48 x 22 x 22 in. are available for shared use.

         Campsites are on a first-come, first-served basis. One of the most popular campgrounds in the park, Slough Creek is often full by 8 AM from its opening day through mid-September." We were lucky to have it reserved for just our group.
         It has some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities, the wolves can be heard very clearly at night and the stars are supposed to be breathtaking. Do the wolves howling make you nervous? Inspire us with some creativity...poetry, short story or even a tale of a time under the stars in your real life.

         Ah, back to having vault toilets again. It's been rough traveling. But, hey, free drinking water. I could use a good sit down right now. I think I had a pebble stuck in my shoe this whole time. You know what I mean? Something's in your shoe and you can't find it and it's just like: ''AHHH!'' Oh look, it's a pretty pink stone. Maybe Lynn would like it. Since it's her birthday. Or maybe if not, I can take it home with me. I'm breaking into the trail mix.

         HAPPY[/c} AWESOME BIRTHDAY LYNN! I hope it's an awesome one.

         I've never been to an Indian reservation, so that should be a new experience. Also, kind of sad too. My aunt Jane was interested in the Native American culture. I'm not sure if she ever got to go to a reservation. She would have wanted to go if she could.

         I've waved to some of the other campers here. There are a lot of them. Some couples with kids and some older campers. I wonder if I ever had as much energy as they seem to have.

         Lots of dragon flies and flying things. I may have seen a song bird at one point. I couldn't identify it though. Wolves? I don't know if I've been in close proximity with them before. Yeah, a little bit. But if they stay where they are and I'll stay here, and I'm okay. The stars should be nice out here.

         I remember back in Michigan, when we visited family, we were making smores. That was neat. I can't say for the sky. It was getting darker though, I want to say. The family was around. Some were inside the house, I think it was dinner time then. I was outside getting my share of smores. I guess I got too close because I think cinders or something got into my eye. The fire was crackling and something shot off towards my face. I was alright though. And it was nice seeing more of my family on my dad's side.

         So, I am ready for the star show. Bring in on, mother nature, I'm ready!
August 25, 2015 at 3:49pm
August 25, 2015 at 3:49pm
         "Calcite Springs
         This grouping of thermal springs along the Yellowstone River signals the downstream end of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The geothermally altered rhyolite inspired the artist Moran; his paintings of this scene were among those presented to Congress in 1872, leading to the establishment of the park. The steep, columnar basalt cliffs on the opposite side of the river from the overlook are remnants of an ancient lava flow, providing a window into the past volcanic forces that shaped much of the Yellowstone landscape. The gorge and cliffs provide habitat for numerous wildlife species including bighorn sheep, red-tailed hawks, and osprey."

         Bring your binoculars with you today on our hike, we are going to studying the osprey and red-tailed hawks today. It would be really helpful if you brought your sketch pads as well. The ranger service is trying to find out what is impacting the two large birds in this area. So our eyes are very important today. Your keen ability for details is important.
Tell us what you learned today?



         We will be here until early Wednesday so if you have things you need to get done before we conclude our trip in Yellowstone at another primitive site, I suggest you get what you need done.

         Should be sweet looking for birds of prey. The scenery sounds like it will be really nice. Can't sketch to save myself. What looks here like a Christmas tree with feet is my version of a hawk. The closest I've been to seeing sheep in real life is at the petting zoo. I've seen some on TV before. I took a blurry photo of a sheep's retreating backside. I may have seen both birds of prey before at some point.

         I think it's probably more likely to see an osprey nest than an osprey. But it's till possible. I don't know where, but there is a hawk crossing. Doesn't that sound cool? I'm going to go look for some. Get ready art world, here I come!
August 24, 2015 at 2:07pm
August 24, 2015 at 2:07pm
         Hopefully, after all the hard work to solve the mystery at Roosevelt Lodge, we can get a good night sleep. We are going to Tower Falls today on a picnic, bring a book, your camera whatever you want to relax. There will be swimming as well by the falls, don't forget your sunblock. What's your favorite way to unwind with out Wi-Fi in the wilderness.
It's a good time to recap all that you've seen because our time is almost up. The rangers are looking for suggestions on what they can do to improve the camping experience.

         I slept pretty good over all. Picnics are nice, except for ants and rain. And hungry, hopeful critters that want to leech off you. I wouldn't mind throwing bread crumbs to some ducks though. Thanks to mom, I am covered on sun block. A peaceful walk on a nature trail can do wonders for you. Especially if you just need to get away from it. Helps you wind down and it's also pretty good for your health too. The rangers can just keep up the national parks and have them looking beautiful. Anyone else feeling nostalgic? I am. I'd hug you guys if I could. This was pretty cool. I learned some cool facts about Yellowstone during our time here.

         It almost hurts me that soon I'll have to join the masses and go back to school and drudgery again. There's a little excitement about going back. Hopefully, this year, I won't run into the same problems as I come up against in the past year. But I'll just have to take it one day at a time. It's been great camping with you guys. Maybe I'll see some of you later on down the road.

         Anyone got tissues? I think I'm getting emotional. Fun's not over just yet and I hope to enjoy our camping experience for the next few days we have left. I'm really going to miss you guys. Who wants to have a bonfire? I don't know if that's allowed but since we're winding up this trip... Lyn? We'll be careful. We can have a mini party before it's all over and done. How about it? One last get together before we have to go. What do you say?

August 23, 2015 at 5:34pm
August 23, 2015 at 5:34pm
         Everyone is really grumpy this morning, what a night... No one slept at all, the lodge was filled with such racket. We've all heard about the ghosts wandering around the lodge but usually the ghost does not disrupt the guests. Something happened... it's up to you to solve the mystery... weave us a tale with a probable answer.

If anyone is up to going to the Petrified Forest that is where we are going to day. Would love to know your thoughts on what it looks like in your mind.

         I wouldn't mind visiting a petrified forest. Maybe I can bring back my own sample. Take some pics to show the folks back home. Like a cave, I guess. Only from wood that's been eroded and warped over time. That's what comes to my mind. Should be a neat experience.

         I don't know what you cry babies are complaining about. I slept fairly well till about 2:30 in the morning. Then I got paw to the face. I woke up pretty fast. I couldn't find any critter to yell at. Usually, this happens when I'm at home and one of the dogs kicked me. They like to share my bed sometimes. I usually end up accommodating them.

         Anyways, I couldn't find anything but I heard nails clicking on the wood floor. Which was a little spooky. At one point, I thought there was an impression on the bed. Like a small animal had been there. I asked around later and think I have an idea of the culprit. Elvis! Like the singer. Apparently, he was the cat of an old WW II war veteran, Arthur Mcgonagon, from way back who had stopped here on vacation. He had the cat since he found it wandering around outside.

         Elvis was said to be old even then. He was reported to have followed his new owner around, not wanting to ever be separated from him. It was at this inn that Elvis died at the ripe old age of 11. He was supposed to have been buried under the same tree Arthur had found him. To this day, he is said to wander the rooms, looking for the man who gave him a home. Doesn't that just tug at your heart strings?

         Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not going to be surprised if a certain ghostly cat is mentioned wandering around this place. At least now I can say I had a ghostly encounter. I think my dad will appreciate it. It's kind of cool and sad at the same time. I wonder if this place has any other haunts in residence? Might be a good time to find out while I'm here.
August 22, 2015 at 2:20pm
August 22, 2015 at 2:20pm
         Wohoo, we are at Roosevelt Lodge... showers, awesome food and 61 degrees... sweet!

We are going to Tower Falls and surrounding areas, Petrified trees at Specimen Ridge and Calcite Springs... over the next three days.


Tomorrow, we are going to work on a Buffalo Ranch because storm damage was done to the Ranger Training Center and in exchange for our labor we are going to participate in a study with the rangers tagging the bison.

Work clothes, positive attitude... are you ready? What special ability do you bring to the table? Tell us about your contribution today.

Saturday evening's agenda is Grab the saddles and hitch up the wagon for an evening you won’t soon forget. We are riding out to Yancy’s Hole on a horse or in a covered wagon. When we arrive we’ll find those cooks dishin’ up some real cowboy grub at their popular Old West Dinner Cookout.

The coffee’s brewin’ over the open campfire, and the wranglers love talkin’ your ears off over a strong “cup o’ Joe!” When they ring the “dinner bell”,we’ll line up for real western beef steaks cooked to order, our signature Roosevelt Baked Beans, potato salad, coleslaw, cornbread muffins, and fruit crisp. And if all this is not enough, you’ll find your boots tappin’ to old western songs sung by our singin’ cowboy. You may have come here as a city slicker, but you’ll go back as a regular cowpoke!

Great weather to explore. Relaxation and exploration have been my two main points. I never appreciated showers more than when they come so few and far between. I'll have to make sure I don't end up porky the pig when I get back home. Tower Falls somehow reminds of that TV show Gravity Falls. Lots of weird stuff always happens there. I don't know where that came from but that's what I thought of.

My dad has a petrified wasp nest if anyone's interested. One of our dogs we used to have lost a tooth. Dad said it looked like petrified wood. Gross! He might have a sample of petrified wood somewhere. It's been great traveling all over. I've never done so much exercise before.

I guess some pretty serious damage was done to ask for assistance. I'll do what I can. All I can offer is myself, and I will do what I can to the best of my abilities. Interesting. If those things start charging at me I'm gone. I don't care to risk my safety doing this.

This might be off topic but- has there been a spelunking day yet? Like, cave exploring? I don't know if that's happened yet of if there isn't one available in the area we're at. But it's a possibility, right Lyn?

Ended up in the wagon again. My stomach didn't feel up to horseback riding today. And at the end of the day you start walking like a cowboy, no thank-you. Not that you don't get jostled in the wagon, but, I'm just playing safe for now. Never had coffee and I don't really want to start now. The only kind I'd try would have chocolate/artificial flavoring to get me interested. My mom cries when I eat cosmic brownies instead of home made ones. It seems likely I'd be the same with coffee. No offense mom.

That line was an eternity. I think I was in the teens in that line. Everyone took their sweet time talking and not grabbing food and holding up the line. My stomach was not quiet either. It was rumbling till I put food in it. Mm, steak. Mom would love this, dad too probably. I turned mom into a carnivore apparently. NO REGRETS. What's a fruit crisp? Or did you just mean fresh fruit? I had a little bit of baked beans and nabbed a muffin or two. I think they're starting up the music. I can't tell what it is they're singing but people are starting to get loud. I better get comfortable. This just might be a long night. I might get a fruit crisp after all.
August 21, 2015 at 8:55am
August 21, 2015 at 8:55am
         Oops, I should have warned you there is a hotel at Mammoth Springs but it is not open at this time of year. It is only open during the winter months December thru March. Sorry, no hot shower yet. after that long bike ride to get here. We are only here for lunch so make sure if you are taking pictures of the ever changing Mammoth Terraces, We will be picked up by a bus at 3:00 pm and taken to Roosevelt Lodge. Yes, you will be staying at the famous lodge for three days...hot showers, food cooked by some one else and a real bed.
Does anyone know who Roosevelt is, and what his contributions to Yellowstone were?

Make a choice for the best costume and let Charlie know, please and tell him why.

Before I forget, let me just say my choice for best costume is {user:Aino Nimako.} I thought she did very well. Glad to just chill for a bit. Camping gets tiring after a while. Guess I'll have to wait on that shower I was planning. Trail mix never tasted so sweet. If we're not leaving till 3 I guess I can try seeing if I can get a few more pics before we go. It helps for me to have a picture because otherwise I forget. Sounds like a good place to rest up at.

FDR came to mind when I saw Roosevelt. Both him and his cousin were president before, so that's what I thought of. I'm not sure what he had to do with Yellowstone. Franklin D. Roosevelt made Great Smoky Mountains National Park possible by directing federal funds to purchase park land for the first time in history. A little history to start off the day. So I guess we can thank the Roosevelts for taking an interest in our national parks. Otherwise, who knows if we'd even be here now.

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