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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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October 29, 2015 at 6:50am
October 29, 2015 at 6:50am
         Halloween Menu - You have decided to host a Halloween Party. What will your house look like, describe the costume are you wearing, what creepy foods will you serve?
Share a recipe or two.

         I saw this evil sorceress costume that I wouldn't be able to wear till I'm out of the house. Mom may not mind, but dad might die. There's my small form of rebellion. I kind of wanted to be a witch when I was younger, but I doubt if I could've sold my parents on the idea. I think decorations would be pretty minimal. Maybe some little pumpkin lights, that would be cute. Maybe some kind of wreath for the door.

         Inside, maybe some other décor. I know my family has used webbing, and those big spiders. And thanks to dad, we also have had, ''people'' and bugs stuck in it. Who's up for realism? That would probably be it though. Not too into decorating, or putting up a lot of stuff and then taking it down.

         There was this commercial where this green foam was coming out of a pumpkin. It looked cool but I don't know what it was. Maybe punch or something and it could be ''poison.'' There's this stuff called bark that's white chocolate coating that covers whatever you put in it. Candy, pretzels, gummies. Kind of sticky, so napkins may be required. I also have jello molds somewhere that for pumpkin, and something else. So there could also be some jello there. Also Halloween themed cookies b/c who doesn't like cookies?

         But that's it. So I guess I can eat this bag of candy corn no else will eat. Happy Nearly There Halloween!
October 28, 2015 at 12:44pm
October 28, 2015 at 12:44pm
          Don't know if I have one specific memory. We went out to get candy. I can't think of anything really specific. I don't what that says about me. I usually was a cat or a princess. That's about as diverse as i got. This one time we went to Boo Bash at the zoo as a family. They had an inflatable Frankenstein at the zoo's entrance. We took pics of it. The one we took of my mom, brother and me i was frowning in. She got really upset by that. Just trying to be a little dramatic and mom throws a fit. Wont do that again.
October 27, 2015 at 10:37pm
October 27, 2015 at 10:37pm
Day 1 - Halloween Traditions - In my area, suburban Rochester, NY, the kid's go out Trick or Treating about 5:30 pm and are in by about 8:30. Kids over thirteen aren't usually out trick or treating, on occasion you might get a group of teenagers but they are few and far between. Some adults have Halloween Parties but not many and not many people dress up in costumes at their jobs.

         What does Halloween Night look like in your area?

Well I know at my mom's work that they're allowed to dress up for Halloween. I think a few actually do. I guess my dad's allowed. But with his job, it would be awkward and kind of a hazard. If he was out working and someone saw him dressed up, they might call the police, so that doesn't really work. Or really make sense, when you think about it.

The owners of the place where I live tried to do a trunk or treat last year. Nobody showed up that time, so the candy fell on us to dispose of. Mom likes to see the little trick or treaters, so it was a little disappointing. I guess that pretty much said for how well that idea was received. Last year, my brother wasn't supposed to go but he went anyway. Mom decided a while ago, I'd reached my trick or treating prime a while ago.

Now my brother's pissed b/c he can't go this year. He's in 8th grade now and with braces. I think I'd let it slide for middle school. I know my years sucked. High school you're pretty much on your own at that point.

I guess me and the family will be waiting for the hordes Halloween, or not. More candy for us if the latter happens. That's my Halloween excitement that I foresee.
October 27, 2015 at 9:40pm
October 27, 2015 at 9:40pm
         Halloween Controversy - Many Christian Churches encourage their congregations to boycott Halloween Celebrations. What is your opinion, is Halloween pure evil?

I guess b/c it's considered a pagan holiday that it would be controversial. But for the most part, kids just think: FREE CANDY! It's the one day a year where you can dress up and not be laughed at for it.{hopefully, anyways.} For me, it was always the candy. I usually was either a princess or a cat. So some sparse variety going on there. That's all I cared about. I didn't really get into the religious debate into it. If that's the worst thing kids do, I can live with that.

I had a pastor at my church who once said'' we are creatures of the light.'' I don't think he was calling for a boycott of Halloween though. Just don't go as the walking dead. Along that line somewhere. I really liked him, and he left a few years ago. But I still remember that and I don't see the need to go that far. All that's wrong with the world, let the kids have their candy!
October 24, 2015 at 12:30am
October 24, 2015 at 12:30am
Because it's warm, the ac's busted, uh... AGAIN! So, yeah, why not? Hmm... Maybe I should rename this ramblings. Not sure.

         Okay, who the heck said tarantulas are silent? Mine is got to be at least half nocturnal. It bumps into the side of the tank sometimes. Like, at Night! When I'M trying to SLEEP! I guess, hoping it's after food and not premature arachnid blindness or something bad.

         Yeah, definitely like climbing around. Walls, top of the tank. Sometimes, it's like she gets a fang/ leg/both stuck in the ceiling{?} of the tank and she falls. Which freaks me out and I don't want to look b/c I'm afraid to see spider guts.

         Which I guess should have been mentioned sooner of why I got Her in the 1st place. Shannon. I have a cousin by the same name. Honorary, maybe. Would that be considered offensive? So she still at it while I'm doing this. Maybe trying to escape, I don't know.

         So. Mexican Red Knee. Female since it has kicked the bucket yet. Got it in middle school. May or may not been my one/only sign of rebellion. Mom doesn't like creepy crawlies in the house. Flew right over the radar there. HAHA1 Sorry mom. Have since caused little Middle school brother to want pet of his own. That's usually how these things get set in motion. Sometimes, lately, how not to do things.

         Is it weird if I sometimes call her my baby? My weird, hairy, fangy, baby. Not brave enough to handle. My luck it freaks and nails me. Like one of our beagles. Small, wiry, nervous. He bites sometimes, sometimes me. Brother can be the cause of quite a few of these times.

         Just a little nickel, {smaller,?}size. Gorgeous and adorable. Don't know if I still have any pics though. But I do still have a molt from this past August. I think it was one of mom's friends giving me a molt of her own freaky babies that may have got me started. Who knows?

         Now, it finally shuts up. Figures. Probably wore itself out.

         Nope. Still roaming. Maybe we suit after all, if we're both night owls.

         Is it just me that has heard the hairs are highly irritating. Sensitive skin here, so, not a good thing. A guy told me that, and I was like, seriously? No lost love between though.

         My dad makes me anxious when he leaves the top off to clean the water bowl. Like he has blind faith/uncaring that this creature won't realize freedom is at hand and run off while he's not paying attention. Could just be my nerves working too hard.

         Coincidentally, or not, mom once mentioned cause I think I asked her, that she'd ''squish it if it ever got out''. Something like it. My dad denies her ever saying it.

         Don't know if she remembers. She remembers plenty of stuff I don't.

         So, no jail break for you young lady! Don't roll your eyes at me! How dare you flick hairs at me. Come back here, and get out from under that hiding place, we're not done here!

         side note: they flick hairs if you say: shine flashlight on them. Hint. Irritate them. I've seen her do it. Defense.

         Random, sorta. I wake up sometimes and she's there on the glass and I'm like: AHH! And then I turn on the light and I'm like: ha-ha, yeah, I'm an idiot.

         So yeah, that's my musings this lovely morning now I guess. I know it's allover, don't care. It's too early for that. May go back over and do... something.

         {sticks spider in bed while sleeping}

         ''pleasant dreams kiddies''

August 30, 2015 at 9:25pm
August 30, 2015 at 9:25pm
         Grab your gear, its time to say adieu to each other. This guide is tired, I don't know about you but its been a busy month for us in Yellowstone, or maybe it was the tequila shots I had last night but could you please leave us a tally of how many days you blogged for this activity. Thanks, see you next summer... on our next camping adventure.

         WAH! Good bye all! I'll remember you all fondly next time I see you. Hopefully, it's soon. I started on Aug 8, I want to say. Alright. It looks like 24 days. Feels somewhat longer. But an eventful 24 days if I do say so myself. Happy to take part in going camping this month. I hope to be able to do so again next time around. Hope to see you guys again soon.
August 30, 2015 at 11:38am
August 30, 2015 at 11:38am
         We are going to spend out last night together at Soda Butte Lodge, Tavern And Casino & Prospector Restaurant so today is all about getting what ever you need before going back home because once our stuff is moved to our final destination the party is on.

         The saloon is just like you would find in the 1800's, with card tables and show girls on the stage. The tavern is noted for its big game specialty meals, please let me know if you are vegan or vegetarian so I can make arrangements for your meals. The lodge only has 32 rooms so I booked everyone so we could enjoy ourselves without any outsiders... let your hair down moments. What happens on WDC and 30 Day virtual camping stays there.

         While you are partying and having a good time on our last night could I ask another question...

         Where would you like to go camping next year? Last year, we were up in Moosehead country in Maine, this year we've been in the west at Yellowstone. Do you want to try international camping across Europe or Asia? Do you want to go on a safari in Africa? Or do you want to go to South America or Antarctica? I need time to plan so speak up now or forever hold your peace as the saying goes.

         I just want to say, that I'll be really sad when this is all over. I had a lot of fun doing this. I wasn't sure how it would up, but this was really a lot of fun. Hopefully, I can do it again in future. So looking forward to our final party. Can't wait!

         When the girl were doing their 2nd number, one of the girl's shoes flew off and hit me in the head. I think I get to keep it as a prize, right? It's so pretty and dazzling I had to try it on. I got like 4 feet before I toppled over. The girl whose shoe it was so embarrassed. Her name was Sally White and she was filling in for Jasmine who twisted her ankle the night before. We talked for a little bit and she said it was trying sometimes, with all those bright lights shining on them, the crowds could be rough some nights and rehearsing and being in sync took hours of rehearsal. I was glad just to watch them. They all seemed to move like clock work up there. She had to go back and she let me ''borrow'' them. So now I have a pair.

So many suggestions have been made already. I always wanted to visit: Japan,Greece andEgypt, and France.Any of these would be really awesome. There are so many amazing places to visit I don't know if I could ever label it down to a few.But I did name a few I'd love to visit.

August 30, 2015 at 7:46am
August 30, 2015 at 7:46am
         We are picking our gear, cleaning our site up and naturally Lyn who always asks questions asked...What do you now know about yourself at the end of this month-long challenge? What did you learn about your fellow campers? Is there a blog entry this month that really struck a chord with you.


         This is where we will be sleeping until the conclusion of our trip in Silver Gate. We will be learning how to use spotting scopes this afternoon.
We highly recommend the spotting scopes for those of you who come to Yellowstone to see wolves, bear, goats, sheep. Many times having a spotting scope will bring a far away animal into view and help create an experience that you will never forget.

         The store serves as a gathering place for relaxing and sharing your days experiences with the other guest and staff. Most nights during the summer and fall we build a fire outside in front of the General Store. We have plenty of hot dogs or marshmallows, gram crackers, and chocolate bars for your grilling pleasure.

I've picked up a few things along the way. Aino Minako is a great fashion designer. Apondia is very informative. You always learn something new.Princess Megan Rose is a very creative and fun person. I liked reading her entries. Dragoon was fun to have around. She always was doing something. I learned that Charlie and Cinn & Cinn and Charlie were actually two different people. I thought originally it was the same person only they got the username wrong. Now I think it's possible they did it on purpose to confuse people. Putting that duo together unsupervised can lead to just about anything. I've really enjoyed blogging with this great group of people I've become familiar with.

         Apondia responded to a comment of mine that really had more impact than I first thought. She made a point by saying that we sometimes let others tell us our capabilities. Regardless if it's true or not. This can impact us ever after if we let it. Even if you're uncertain about something, it doesn't mean that you can't make the effort. There's always something else that you can do. You shouldn't let others define you. That's up to you. You are capable of great things if you just believe in yourself.

         Who doesn't like smores and hotdogs? Hmm, I guess vegan/vegetarians. But even then, you can have tofu or something. I will be enjoying a nice long nap; thank you very much. I will be well rested by the time food comes around.

         Never used a spotter before. It took a few times to figure out I was using it wrong. Which makes much more sense if you use it properly. That blurry image I was trying to focus is on wasn't even any real interest. I think I was trying to spot an abandoned aluminum can. I was able to dispose of it properly. Didn't see too much in the beginning. I have something of a short attention span.

         I wandered off and walked around before sitting down at a nearby table. I bonded with some squirrels over trail mix before moving on. I called them Chip and Dale. I know they were more chipmunk but I don't care. They didn't either so it's all good. I noticed as I was leaving that a certain hawk was eyeing them as I was gearing to go.

         So finally, I think I managed to use the spotter correctly after all. I think I managed a fairly clear view of a bear mom and some cubs. I quickly left their vicinity to avoid any nastiness. I may have seen a sheep before something nearly smacked into my head. I wonder if it was that hawk I saw earlier. I heard some wolves but didn't catch a glimpse of any. My stomach's making a fuss so I'll see if there's anything I can have to tide me over.
August 28, 2015 at 9:13pm
August 28, 2015 at 9:13pm
         Yesterday the Shoshone shared their traditions with us and we talked about ours with them. It was a lot of fun to learn about our differences.

         We will be transported back to our next destination on our camping adventure, we are going to hike/climb Thunderer once we get our gear stowed, tents set up and our clothes changed at Pebble Creek. It is going to be our last hike/climb together after this adventure we will be staying in town at Silver Gate on the 29th. You will appreciate spending the last two days recuperating after this climb.
Ropes, and all the gear needed will be provided, just wear your boots for this.

         The Thunderer el. 10,495 feet (3,199 m) is a mountain peak in the northeast section of Yellowstone National Park in the Absaroka Range. The Thunderer, named by members of the Arnold Hague Geological Survey of 1885 for it propensity to attract thunderstorms is a long high ridge just north of Mount Norris.




         Tell us about your climb, what you saw and how you did?

         Not much of a mountain climbing but I'd try anyway. Two days and we'll be saying good bye. I can't believe we have almost reached the end of our trip.*Frown*But it has been awesome being a part of this wonderful camping trip. I'm going to miss you guys.

         My tent collapsed so I had to ask for assistance. I got more snacks though. Always a plus in my opinion. My clothes are holding up pretty well this trip. I'm quite proud of that. What I'm not thrilled with is that chipmunks made hamster bedding out of my sleeping bag. Chipmunks! How is that possible? Thank goodness my boots are still in working order.

         I think I did alright. I started panicking at about 20 feet or so. I freak myself out at really stupid stuff. Not good to do when you're trying to scale a mountain. I was in the middle so I think I had it pretty good. I'm not going to be able to anchor anyone. I'm too slow to be in the lead. I'd be a turtle going up the mountain. I'd hate to be the one to slow things down. It's about breathing and conserving air on the ascent. I did get up to the top after a while. Man, it was some work getting up there though. This weird feeling of vertigo hit me at a little before halfway. NOT FUN.

         It was a nice view though. Everything looks so microscopic looking from way up top. It's definitely a sight to behold. I was glad to send pics to the folks to share it with the folks back home. Can't have this kind of experience all the time. Saw a few critters along the way. The birds flew so gracefully. And maybe a mountain goat. He scaled the mountain better than I could ever hope to.

         Needless to say, going back down wasn't nearly so stressful. I was feeling rather euphoric at that point. Like going back down hill. It felt good to be on stable ground again. I picked a flower to remember this moment. I don't know what it is. I'll have to look it up later. I feel the sudden urge for hot chocolate. Who's in? I'll even make it myself.
August 27, 2015 at 5:02pm
August 27, 2015 at 5:02pm
         Pack a light bag, to take with you the wardens will transport the rest of your stuff to our next site. Toothbrushes, combs, and clean underwear for two days will suffice. We are leaving the park and going to the Shoshone reservation in Wyoming for a special celebration.
Remember we talked earlier about the Northern and Eastern Shoshone (sheepeaters) well they invited our group, it's quite an honor.
"Wind River Indian Reservation is an Indian reservation shared by the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes of Native Americans in the central western portion of the U.S. state of Wyoming. It is the seventh-largest Indian reservation by area in the United States, encompassing a land area of 3,473.272 sq mi (8,995.733 km²), or land and water area of 3,532.010 sq mi (9,147.864 km²)."`Wikipedia

They have native clothing for us to wear so we can participate with them around a huge bonfire on the reservation. We will be sampling many native dishes and sleeping in actual teepees during this festivity. ps. Charlie & Cinn the women wear more than the men do!

There will be storytelling from the elders about their history, they are hoping each of us will share something of our family history or nationality. So am I, we all have rich family histories/nationalities if we think about it. Some of you recently have written some lovely poems I am sure will be appreciated as well.

So here's your chance to enlighten us about what makes you shine!

         Traveling light makes my back so happy. I hope I didn't forget anything b/c I really don't care to do it all over again. I have to refill my water bottle again though. This place sure is warm. Too much humidity coupled with high temperatures= everyone stays inside. I need to lie down now.

         Is it sad having to live here? I would be. Knowing your tribe was spread much farther than just this little strip you're stuck on? History can be so brutal sometimes. At least we have something to look forward too. I hear the food's going to be pretty diverse.

         It's pretty active right now, with preparations going on and everything. I got drafted to help sort the various plans/ vegetables we're going to partake in. It may be a while. Food's coming along, if I may say so. I've been helping myself to ''samples.'' No one's yelled at me since I'm preparing the grub. Still, I try not to over do it since things haven't officially started yet.

         I feel a little uncomfortable being dressed like this. I'm a little uneasy having these porcupine quills, though the bead work is really worth marveling at. I'm afraid of jabbing myself with quills on accident. Sitting is done very carefully. The women are very much clothed Charlie. They don't seem to even notice the quills. I'll try to not to also. I don't know what the men wear. I've seen a couple that seemed less covered up than the women. Interesting. These moccasins though are very comfortable to wear. I've been wearing them almost since I arrived. The festivities are going to start soon. Not soon enough for my stomach though. I'll see if I can get some munchies to tie me over until then.

         I come from a family that is part Lutheran/catholic. So, it's amusing when my dad says ''good Lutheran song.'' My mom does the same thing. Apparently, and this was fairly recently discovered, on my dad's side, we have French Huguenots that were escaping persecution. That's kind of cool. It was found in some old papers my me maw had. I don't know what female relative wrote down her family history, but we have the proof of it now. Sorry dad, looks like we have French blood after all.

         I also have both German&Irish blood on mom and dad's side. I am also English, on dad's side. I have Welsh on mom's side. Almost all of Britain it seems. I think it's cool. Knowing where you came from helps you know your roots and more about your heritage. If we hadn't been looking through old photos we might not have found out about our Huguenot relatives. So there you have it.

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