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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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February 13, 2016 at 9:42am
February 13, 2016 at 9:42am
Once a long while ago, there was a young princess. She was alive during a time of a long and terrible war. Her father the king was away for long periods of time b/c of the war. Her mother had since died and she had no other siblings to keep her company. On her 8th birthday, she was given a small kitten as a gift from her father. As they grew up together, their bond grew and they were never far apart from each other. The princess had named the kitten Valentine as the living embodiment of all the love that enveloped her during these despairing times. It was much later when the princess became a queen herself that she honored her pet with a day dedicated to the love that had kept her going all those years ago. We know it today as Valentine's day.
February 12, 2016 at 10:06am
February 12, 2016 at 10:06am

         Scandal probably draws in more customers so that's what gets reported. It seems whenever scandal comes up it's a teacher acting inappropriately with a student or something involving a church. There's also celebrity gossip like TMZ but I don't really bother.

         I don't know how recent it was but I'll mention it anyway.I think it was an usher that collected money and was pilfering from the church offerings. They had to set up cameras to catch the guy so I guess it had been happening for a while. They caught him in the act and I think it's safe to say he's no longer an usher for that church.
February 10, 2016 at 5:09pm
February 10, 2016 at 5:09pm
I have good and bad days. Sometimes I'm just so totally in the zone, I feel I could just keep on going forever. And then, other times, I've got nothing.

         There are some things that I felt okay in but not too overly thrilled. I took a creative writing class in high school. It was alright I guess. I don't know if anything really wow worthy came out of it though.

         I like to read romance on occasion, if I can get into it. I never really thought of actually trying to write it myself. It's a bit of a challenge. It partly feels wrong and something I would never want to show to my family. But then, that may be an aspect that comes with the territory. I think part of it has to come from being comfortable as a writer. Not letting what others think or say get in the way of that.

         People will get you down a lot I will say. Around elementary, I was in a zone. I kept getting ideas for future books to write. It was pretty in-depth in some cases. I wanted to make a series about this girl Violet and her great Dane puppy Alex. I had these journals I had got for school and asked mom for any old ones that I could use. My dad came in at some point and saw I was using them up and sort of killed my mojo. I regret to say none survived the fact. But it is still something I'd like to do in my lifetime. Even one book, I think would make my heart sing.

February 8, 2016 at 5:15pm
February 8, 2016 at 5:15pm

I think one of the most exciting cooking moments at our house was when my dad was cooking. I forget what happened exactly but there was a small fire involved. It was a little scary since the house the house isn't exactly flame retardant. But luckily, it didn't last long before he snuffed it out. It makes for a little excitement. I think he was making pasta at the time. I'm fairly certain dinner went well all the same.

But some of the more amusing{till it happens to you} food/cooking moments are with the dogs. With our one dog who thinks he's a giraffe and stretches up to the counter, we have to be careful. I believe it was my mom that had made a bagel. The little imp managed to snatch the bagel off the counter and run off with it. So our other dog feeling stiffed in the process, rips off a hunk of bagel from our other dog's mouth. Talk about cutting it close.

I think a lot of amusing things happen that involve the four legged ones.
February 7, 2016 at 10:50am
February 7, 2016 at 10:50am
Some may be loosely based off real life experiences, but there's probably a lot of sexy times that come from the author's imagination. They tend to skip the awkward reality of sex for the most part. You read enough, you start skipping over the sex. Not too much you can say to differentiate from all the other sex scenes in novels. If I can't get behind at least one character, why bother with their crazy sex life?
February 6, 2016 at 12:06pm
February 6, 2016 at 12:06pm
To sustain our hopes, we sometimes hear and see selectively focusing on evidence to support our hopes and ignoring evidence to the contrary." Don't just say yes or no, write a story or a poem about someone in a jam and ?????
No fees/ no raffle. until Monday. Just the joy of writing, have fun.

Not all that long ago, I think it was when I was redoing Eng. 1, we were doing reading assignments. One of them mentioned something about this. It was comparing, I want to say, Saturday Night live viewers and those that watched/listened to Rush Limbarg. It was comparing these two viewers and saying how people tend to watch/listen to those programs that already share their views. The reading was saying if they traded off, then the Rush viewers would be a bit more worldly and open minded. While the Saturday Night viewers would be grounded.

         It's been a little while, but I want to say that was the gist of it. I agree with it. We don't like to listen to things that try to change our view on things. But I don't think it hurts to get both sides of something to be evenly balanced. Maybe part of it is us not wanting to delve into the ugly truth of reality and so we stick to our own beliefs of what we think we know. Once we make up our minds on it we're reluctant to change. The world isn't just black and white, there's a lot of grey as well. Human beings are more complicated than to be simply categorized as being right or wrong.

February 5, 2016 at 9:32am
February 5, 2016 at 9:32am
I've never had a job before so this would probably be based on my own parents who work. Working with crazy customers would make me want to quit even if I didn't have something to go back on.

Don't fire me b/c:

probably one of the few who showed up to work. I may be able to Saturdays since I go to school 2 days a week. I'm a good listener and do strive to do the best I can. I will say perseverance definitely, I made it this far, right?

Fire me:

possible bad attitude towards annoying customers,(I have good and bad days you know)

some days I can be really motivated and in the zone & other times I don't want to get out of bed

I am not the most sociable person, but I don't consider myself antisocial. It's just not one of my stronger points. (B/c people can be really annoying.)

I'm also told I have an expressive face, which could be good/bad depending on the situation.

Both the folks work, and my brother and I go to school, and we're told that's our ''job'', to do well in school. If one of them was laid off I'd feel the need to help out however I could. My school's bookstore hires new people for different semesters, so that may be considered. If it was necessary to get a job to keep the family afloat I wouldn't be the first to volunteer b/c I'm trying to help out. It would really depend on what's happening around me and if someone was really going through hard times. I'm still in school, ao that might be considered against me vs. an adult with a family.

February 5, 2016 at 8:54am
February 5, 2016 at 8:54am
And the prompt is: I found this random fact "95% of people text things they could never say in person."
I don't buy into this, what about you? Do you text things you could never say in person? Or do you send them a letter or an email? Or call them on the phone? How do you handle? awkward conversations. Don't forget it is super Friday and the fee for the day is 5000gps.

I can totally believe this. There are some things that I can mention online that I'd probably never be able to confess in real life. I totally see this happening. If you're more of an introvert, you may text more rather than just calling someone up. Some things can be too personal/embarrassing to say aloud to someone in person. I sometimes I have conversations in my head about what I would've liked to have said.Knowing, it would probably never happen in real life.

On a different note, you can look at cyber bullying. In the olden days of yore, the internet wasn't invented yet. So if kids were being bullied at school, they were relatively safe when they got home and could get away from it. Nw, bullies can talk crap online about somebody without ever saying it to them in person. A lot of them probably would never say aloud what they feel free to post online.

So no, the behavior doesn't surprise me, the number may seem a bit high, but the rest, not really.
January 30, 2016 at 10:43am
January 30, 2016 at 10:43am
I think that a cosplayer club would do well. People can dress up and chill, bond by their obsession with cosplay. I don't think I could really dress up as anything but on the rare occasion I did it would have to be something I knew at least a smidgeon of. The other part is that when people who are really into it and I'm not, that would probably be problematic. If I want to dress up as Misty from Pokémon I will, b/c I at least remember her form the series and I don't want to hear you bad mouth her. There are people in the world who take these things way too far. So, I might feel up to dressing up on occasion, or just saying hi. I think I'd be like the one who keeps the peace and keeps the club running smoothly. But that's as far as it goes.
January 29, 2016 at 1:51pm
January 29, 2016 at 1:51pm
I know that pride is one of the 7 deadly sins. But that is only when you become full of yourself and block out everything else. I don't think that means that we're supposed to always feel inferior about ourselves. Each of us a has something unique about us that we can contribute to the world we live in. The closest I came to any reward was probably getting Honor Roll.It made me feel good that I was succeeding academically. I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging what we do well in life. If you get to the pint where you're awarded for it, as long as it doesn't go to your head, you can take pride in it because you earned it.

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