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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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March 5, 2016 at 9:42am
March 5, 2016 at 9:42am

         There's a book called The Book Thief that was made into a movie. I'd classify it as a sad German movie. Anyway this girl is adopted by this German couple and it takes place somewhere around WWII I believe. Anyway, she makes a friend with a boy in the town she resides in with her adopted family. It goes on and there's Max, I think who's a Jew they end up hiding in the cellar/basement of their home, and he eventually moves on.

         At some point she meets this lady from a more higher end neighborhood and she ends up stealing books from the lady's house.{hence, movie's title} Near the end, the German town gets bombed and she loses her adoptive parents and her friend and his family. The dad was off fighting the war and came back to noting pretty much. The girl works for her friend's dad, I want to say the lady who she was stealing books from took her in. She grows up and you see how her life's turned out through pictures.

         At the beginning and near the end, death talks about being indifferent to who you are as it comes for everyone. Near the end, it talks about her adoptive mom wanting to express her love to her family more than she did. It mentions the friend & his family as well. Overall, another sad German movie.

         I'd like for at least her friend to have made it so they could have an even deeper bond. Dad could have at least one member of his family survive. Maybe she could have met up with Max later in life and know he was alright. Those are some main things I'd change for that particular movie.

         As a general rule, German movies seem to be depressing and revolve around death a lot. But then if you go through two WW's I guess that's to be expected.
March 4, 2016 at 8:35am
March 4, 2016 at 8:35am

         Fun Fact Friday!

         On this day in 1997, US President Bill Clinton barred federal spending on human cloning. Do you have any thoughts on cloning, whether it's animals or people? Would you want to be cloned?

         It sounds a bit like playing God to me, I’m not sure what to feel about that. I thought I heard something in 12th grade that scientists were cloning sheep. I really don’t have a good grasp on the subject to make an informed opinion.

         No, I wouldn’t, it would be too weird for me. One me is plenty enough for the world. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be as unique unto ourselves.

         Anyway, I read an interesting story about a clone of a twin. There was girl who didn’t even know it till much later in the book that she even was a clone. There was this guy that wanted a mini him because I guess he was lonely/wanted a son. I guess he gave his DNA or whatever to this couple to have them clone his ‘’kid self’’.

         Unbeknownst to him however, they had lost their daughter in a skiing accident and ended up cloning their daughter instead. They got our main girl and she ends up in the middle of all this craziness. The guy figures out he’s not getting a son and I forget how that works out. But not too bad for our girl. I think once she realizes she’s a clone of their dead child she books it and tries to start over new. I don’t know if the parents ever were held responsible or not but it was pretty interesting to read. Also a little bit creepy as well.

         It’s was an interesting concept and this prompt helped remind me of it.
March 2, 2016 at 9:30pm
March 2, 2016 at 9:30pm
The Scariest part of writing is always just before you start.- Stephen King

         I can definitely say that as far as academically, this has proven true. I never really considered myself a perfectionist. A procrastinator sure. But once you suck it up and just start going, it gets more manageable. Some things can be hard to write for-college papers for sure.{At least at times they were. So glad to be done with college Eng. For the time being anyway}

         I sort of feel bad when I think about my 1st high school writing class. I don't like being/feeling forced to make something up on the sly. My brain fudges out on me at times and then I'm just a bump on the log waiting for class to be over. My writing wasn't at it's best because I couldn't really get into the projects we were assigned. I liked some of the writing prompts we did in the beginning of class. Everything else, well, it's in the past, let it stay there.

         I am definitely strike while the iron's hot. Being part of WDC has probably helped me a lot more than that writing class did.

         There are 3 rules for how to write a novel...




unfortunately, no one knows what they are.- W. Somerset Maugham

          This one just made me laugh. There's so many varieties of writing, I don't know if you can ever narrow it down to one ''perfect'' form.

         Be courageous and write in a way that scares you a little.- Holly Gerth
It appealed to me I guess. I think it can be applied to life as well. I think we can get used to a ''comfort zone'' and don't like to stray to far from it. Stepping outside it, can lead to possibilities/opportunities we didn't realize were available before.
March 2, 2016 at 4:04pm
March 2, 2016 at 4:04pm

         If we didn't have our priorities, we'd have... chaos and disorganization. Right now, for example, I have MYMATHLAB that I use for H/w and what not. There're 660 objectives,(I've since done 12) some quizzes/tests (left incomplete one from each)I haven't really done much about. The term ends May 2/3 around there somewhere. The only thing I've managed to keep on target with for the most part is the actual h/w. That tends to stress me out unnecessarily. I have that to look forward to during Spring break which starts for me on the 6th. (Oh, and my college tuition is was due March 10, during the break when the college is supposed to be closed.)

         I think I would be worse off then I am currently if I didn't aim for something at least. I'm not good at planning. I have a bit of free time but I can't get into the right rhythm for as of yet. But I am trying, however haphazardly.

         But lucky me, my reading's coming along fine. You always make time for what you want to do, not what you don't. It seems true to me anyways.

         It takes motivation & dedication to stick to them.

March 1, 2016 at 8:56am
March 1, 2016 at 8:56am
         I am currently reading Rushed to the Altar (The Blackwater Brides) by Jane Feather. It's not what I'd normally get but it looked interesting. I do admit to being attracted by an eye-catching over. Having animals, especially dogs draws me.

         To bring things up to speed: Clarissa and her brother inherit when their father dies. Unsurprisingly, the uncle who's left in charge of them, as their legal guardian, tries to do away with the brother.

         Clarissa gets freaked out when her letters aren't being answered and the answers she get don't calm her worries. Like any good sister, she goes to London to find him by tracking her uncle.

         She then runs into an Earl, which then leads to her masquerading as a prostitute. The Earl, Jasper, is interested since he's looking to gain his inheritance by converting a fallen woman.(This is going to be good.) She goes along with it for her dear brother's sake and eventually finds him and rescues him from a baby farm(where you end up if you're unwanted/ too poor to be taken care of properly) his uncle dumped him at. (We were quite recently talking about child labor in England, and when they were talking about the servant girls it reminded me of that. Poor kids, no rest for the weary.)

         Anyways, I'm at the point where she brought him back to the Earl's residence as his now mistress, and he comes home to find Francis,(Lil bro) who she's calling ''Frank'' to protect them both from the uncle.

         Confrontation time!

         Still in the process of reading but if you're a Jane Feather fan/The Blackwater Brides fan you might want to check it out. Or if you just feel like what the heck, knock yourself out.
February 29, 2016 at 2:41pm
February 29, 2016 at 2:41pm
Review of "And the Things Keep Falling Out " I've enjoyed reading her responses to some of this month's prompts."Scotland and Unicorns She always has something to add to the table that I find interesting.

         It's been another good month. I've enjoyed participating this month. I'd like to continue in March. I've enjoyed some of the prompts for this month. One in particular comes to mind-"Invalid Entry I just had to mention it. I had a lot of fun with that one. The thing with prompts is, they can be pretty hit or miss. Some you can really get into, while others you feel more like skipping. It really just depend though.

         It's been a good month and I enjoyed taking part in the 30-day blogging challenge for February.
February 28, 2016 at 2:16pm
February 28, 2016 at 2:16pm
         I'm not up to date with any goings on in Fl. There's already a lot of racial tension out there already and this really only makes things worse. The kkk don't really care for lots of things: minorities, women, jews, etc. They don't really seem to have any real purpose outside of terrifying/hating on those they don't consider their equal. Supposedly, at least, some are said to even be Christian.

         What's Christian about trying to burn people's homes/buildings just because they're not the same race as you? Christ doesn't say ''act out in violence to those different from you''. That's no way to act if you're really a God fearing person.

         All that does is instill more hate & fear of those different from us. That's not how God intended the world to be. We're supposed to help lead people to God and be united. not draw them away and be divided.

February 27, 2016 at 10:24am
February 27, 2016 at 10:24am

         ''Let's see, did I get everything? Eggs, puppy chow, toilet paper, turkey hotdogs,... Ah man, I knew I forgot something. How could I forget that? It was the first thing on my list. I am so not going back in that line took way to long. And now it's sprinkling, oh great, now where's the car? Ah, why does it have to be so far away?''

         ''Almost there, ah come on, it's raining harder now. Excuse me miss could you-'' Is that a cow wearing those glasses and heels? In a mauve dress? What the? Did I lose my mind while I was in there? I'm not really seeing this am I? Is that really a cow in that car over there?

''Am I just losing my mind today or something?''

         ''No, you did that ages ago.'' Was I just insulted by a cow in a bow tie on a neon green unicycle? Did that really just happen?

          ''Thanks that's very comforting.''

         ''Here you are miss.'' ''Huh, oh right, uh, thanks again.'' ''Noooo, problem dearie.''

         ''Alrighty then, oh thank goodness there 's the car.'' I quickly popped open the trunk and threw everything in and raced into the car. I waited for my breathing to calm down before I clicked my seatbelt in place. ''Weirdest day ever''. I turned around to see a mother cow troop out of her mini van with her offspring. ''Yep, I am never coming back to this Walmart ever again''.

         I raced out of that parking lot and I've never gone there again since.
February 26, 2016 at 9:51am
February 26, 2016 at 9:51am

Ah, Florida, you do not disappoint.

In Florida:

         It is illegal to sing in public while wearing a bathing suit.
         I've probably been guilty of this and never knew it.

         Unmarried couples may not live together and commit “lewd acts.” First off, who's going to tip them off. Of course people are anyways.

          Stealing a horse is a crime punishable by hanging.
         In all seriousness, there was a girl in my 1oth/11 grade Eng. class who admitted to stealing a neighbor's horse and walking off with it to the teacher.

         Unmarried women are prohibited from parachuting on Sunday under possible punishment of arrest, fine, and/or jailing.
         Dang man, there weren't my Sunday plans.

         It is illegal to have sexual relations with a porcupine.
         First off, ew! I don't want to know why that's there. Poor porcupine!

         The same parking fee for a vehicle must be paid for an elephant tied to a parking meter.
         Only in Fl.
February 25, 2016 at 10:08am
February 25, 2016 at 10:08am

         WDC offers each of us opportunities to grow in our chosen genre. Tell us how you discovered WDC and what your initial expectations were of the site? How long have you been a member? Do you feel your writing has grown in the time you've been here? And finally, do you have advice for newbies just discovering this site?

         I think I was surfing the web when I found some interactive stories from WDC. It took me a little bit to realize what site they were on. I joined in Aug. of 2014. It was right around the time I was to start college.So, that's like two years now. I am since glad to have joined. there have been/ and probably will be some rough patches to deal with.

         I'm not sure how big my aspirations were. I did fall in love with ''The Challenge''. And then I discovered the 30-day blogging challenge and I was hooked. It provided a creative outlet when I felt like writing. It has really helped me through the more difficult aspects of life.

         In some ways, I think it has. There's always room for improvement. I am trying to improve to improve as I go along. I'm always a little off put by reviews b/c I don't know. I guess I expected hate mail or something. I haven't had that happen yet and I'm glad of it. It, at least, lets me know what to work on in the future.

         Let your writing take you where it may. Inspiration comes in many forms and may happen when you're least expecting it. Roll with it and let it happen. Don't let anybody get you down about your writing. Everybody started from somewhere. Strive to be the best you can be, and most importantly,just keep writing.

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