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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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February 24, 2016 at 7:28am
February 24, 2016 at 7:28am

          I'm a bit divided on this. I've seen my share of memes. Some can be pretty funny and cute. Sometimes they can go in the opposite direction. I think part of it has to do with who's making the meme and what they're trying to convey.

         I'm not certain what public opinion on mental illness lies. But I'm fairly certain I'll never hear anyone say ''Hurray, I have anxiety and depression!'' I think for the most part, it's not something you really think on if you or someone close to you doesn't have it. I think how you feel on the matter depends how it affects you and those you care about.

         I haven't really looked into positive memes for mental health. I guess I can look into that now. There's good and bad memes out there to be sure. It does seem to feel that at least some believe you can just snap yourself out of it and you'd be fine. Well if that was really the case, there wouldn't so many people that struggle with it. It's not so simple as thinking positive, it's something you have to work with daily, constantly.

         I think that some may have good intentions without knowing the reality of mental illness. I'm no expert, but I think if more people would be more supportive of people that deal with mental illness,we would come that much farther in learning more about it and helping those who struggle with it on a regular basis.
February 23, 2016 at 7:47am
February 23, 2016 at 7:47am

         I'm not sure what to make of it. Could it have happened, I mean I guess there's a slim chance it could happen. There are accounts of people who've had near-death experiences so I can't totally rule it out. But then there's also attention seekers willing to get in on it too.

         There was one who boy who talked about would be ''near death experience'' and made a book about it. Shockingly, later on, he admitted it was a lie. He wanted to get in on the excitement of life after death. B/c people get excited about and he wanted to be a part of it.

          It's possible the parents could've encouraged it to gain attention themselves. Like that one time that little boy supposedly was alone in that balloon and they had to go get him. They had to clear air space b/c of that incident. They were not amused when it came out that the parents had encouraged it for publicity. I don't know if he had been hiding in the house or something that whole time, but I'm sure the parents got a nice ''thanks for wasting our time here's a FINE, have a nice day.''

         My conclusion is I don't know. Maybe it really happened or maybe not. It's not totally unheard of, but remains open to speculation. This writer chooses to be open minded.
February 22, 2016 at 5:25pm
February 22, 2016 at 5:25pm
Sunday- Spaghetti and meatballs
- Someone suggested that we could use one of the giant meatballs like a tire and roll it down the street. This got done by hollowing out the middle, with the help of hungry canines and resourceful children. Once we had a giant spaghetti donut hole, we tested it out to see if it was possible. For a couple blocks it did, before totaling Ms. Linguini’s fence and falling sideways in her pool of marinara sauce. Some of us used the giant noodles for floaties under the irate gaze of our neighbor.

Monday- Potatoes w/butter
- The best I can describe it was sinking into a bean bag you could eat. You could sink right through to the ground if it was big enough. The kids liked jumping into it from above, which caused some concern among watching adults. The butter made a good slip and slide too. If you didn’t slide into something solid. Ouch!

Tuesday- Cherry Limeade Rain & Cheese Bread Hail
- One of my favorite days, a double win. Cheese bread is truly a gift from above. There were quite a few satiated people lying about that day. The cheese bread made lovely couches to bask on. Rain couldn’t be more delicious. There were many, young and old alike that got a pink tint to their skin. A few grumpy adults that weren’t amused by it and people made sure not to wear white that day if at all possible.

Wednesday- Brussels Sprouts & Cauliflower
- Some days the universe hates you. This seemed to be one of those days. The younger kids liked making cauliflower men, some were a bit disappointed to find out it wasn’t snow they were playing in. Brussels sprouts, what good have they ever done? The most they were good for was launching them from catapults at opposite ends of the street.

Thursday- Peppermint
- Many a numb tongue that day. I myself had barely gotten a 1/3 of the way through my candy cane when I had to call it quits. I was stained red and white from my efforts. I had to eventually give up and go home and recover from peppermint over load. I gradually recovered while lying on a peppermint patty, with the occasional nibble here and there.

Friday- Maple Syrup
- What a day for the wind to kick in. You wouldn’t believe the chaos it caused. The clothes that were sacrificed that day. The confusion and concern with unsticking things and people that were meant to stuck together. I myself ended up stuck to the road when a particularly strong wind blew and caused me to lose balance. The good news is, I was laying on my back. The bad news was I was stuck there a while. Ew! I think I got syrup where it was never meant to be. Not my best day ever.

Saturday- Marsh mellows
- As it turns out, they make good fort building material. For the adventurous soul, you might enjoy using it as a make shift sled. They are also good for arts and crafts as well. All in all, not too bad a week. Can’t wait to see what happens next week.
February 21, 2016 at 2:58pm
February 21, 2016 at 2:58pm

         Little known to the people of Earth. Space has a vast array of otherworldly beings that exist within it. One such thing is the interstellar owl. For a while, it has gone unknown for many light years. It is on extremely rare occurrences that it's presence can even be picked up. But it is during certain points in the year that it's mating call can be picked up some unsuspecting astronauts who are within range of it. It has confused and even frightened these space pioneers with it's haunting call throughout the vast space it claims as it's territory. It is these rare occurrences that an astronaut may be serenaded by an interstellar owl seeking a mate.
February 20, 2016 at 1:30pm
February 20, 2016 at 1:30pm
What planning? Some of the things I've enjoyed writing most were spur of the moment. I had an idea/inspiration and I roll with it. It kind of takes shape in my head and I let it lead me where it will. Names are a bit interesting to come up with. It feels like a lot of names are generic so I try to be a bit diverse, I strive to anyway. I'm fairly good coming up with ideas, it's just what to do once I have them things might slow down. But if it's like a prompt and I'm really getting into the groove of things, I just take off.

         I do try at least to get a certain emotion right for a given prompt idea. I don't want it to be all over the place. I know I might do that sometimes. There was a prompt where I wrote about having a conversation with my grandmother's ghost. It was a bit emotional for me. I tried to keep it how I imagined she would respond. There's a lot I would've liked talking to her about. I did the best to my abilities here and I am pretty proud of how it turned out.
 Invalid Item 
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#2063281 by Not Available.

         So yeah, I guess I'm not much of a planner. It's something I can work on though. There's something to be said for running with an idea though.
February 19, 2016 at 9:01am
February 19, 2016 at 9:01am
Fact #45).Approximately 1,000,000 dogs in the U.S. are named as the heirs of their owners’ wills.

         I can't imagine how that even works. It makes me think of The Aristocats Disney movie. Edgar would inherit after her cats. He found out and tried to get rid of them. I could totally see that happening in real life. I hope they picked someone trustworthy to look out for their animals best interest. I love my boys too but they're not going to be anybody's heirs. They are the heirs' family pets but that's as far as that goes. I don't think these people really thought this all the way through. Fido won't care so long as he's fed and doesn't have to undergo too much change. He's still being fed and living in the same place, he couldn't care less.
February 17, 2016 at 6:56pm
February 17, 2016 at 6:56pm
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children(#1)
Hollow City(#2)
Library of Souls(#3)

         I discovered the series at my local library. I wasn't sure at first but it definitely sold me once I got to reading it. Part of what intrigued me was the use of old black & white photos interspersed throughout.

         Anyway, there's Jacob, who's life takes an unusual turn after his grandfather's murder. His grandfather was able to see what are called ''wights'' and they're bad news. Jacob turns out to have the same ability, unfortunately for him, his family deems him nuts and sends him to get psychiatric help. He ends up on an island pretty much in nowhere's land and ends up meeting these really unique kids that are under the protection of Miss Peregrine who looks out for them. She's also the one who keeps them at a time in the past to keep their ''time loop'' running smoothly.

         So naturally, things go wrong, they all end up attacked by these wights that are starting a war and kidnapping people like Miss peregrine(who gets injured & is stuck in bird form.) It ends with them trying to evade the enemy and seek help for themselves and their guardian.

         I'm currently starting the second myself so I'm catching up from the last one. I got a good B-day bargain when Books A Million had the 2nd and 3rd one for like ''buy 1 get 1'' I want to say. Still working on the first but 2/3 isn't so bad either.

         I cannot do this book justice when I say I am in love with this series. I was a goner after I read the first one. I don't want to be that person that ruins for everyone so I'll keep this brief.

         Check it out, enjoy it! I know I shall.
February 16, 2016 at 8:49am
February 16, 2016 at 8:49am

         Quite frankly no, and for the most part, I don't care either. If you look at some ingredients it goes and list a bunch of chemicals most regular people don't know anyway. The thing about consuming coal oil/tar that was a bit unnerving. But some things like the hair in bread, it won't kill me, at least, it's not like rat poison.

         On a trip to St. Augustine we learned that bug guts are in a lot of red nail polish and possibly red lipstick as well. Okay, I don't think that's going to prevent me from using red makeup products. The thing about makeup that I'm partially glad I don't use in excess is what products are used in it. I forget the show but they were telling women what was in the beauty products they were using. One thing had snail slime in it, and another had snake venom. That actually sounds cool. I heard before that bat guano is a basis for a lot of cosmetics. I'm not certain to the extent of that, but another reason I only doll up on occasion.

         If people don't know it won't bother them, ignorance can be bliss at times. Some things may be taken as more of a concern than others. That's just the way of it.

February 15, 2016 at 7:20pm
February 15, 2016 at 7:20pm

         It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Do you believe this to be true? Other than people, what is something you have done without for an extended period of time...for so long that it felt like it was beginning to hurt?

         I don't know. Some things are easier to let go then others. I've had friends come and go and sometimes it felt like being stuck in park while others went on with their lives. But I also think they showed up at trying times in my life. And while I might miss them it's not so bad as in the beginning.

         A guy I was with briefly-3 months he was sweet but I just wasn't feeling it. The only thing I can really say is I wish I would have ended it on a better note. I can't say that I'm any more fond of him, I'm kind of glad actually. Right now, I'm still trying to figure out me, and that doesn't allow for anything stronger than friends at the moment. Plus, I have to survive college, so yeah, it's not happening.

         I miss home when we're away on vacation. The family stopped by kind of late in the year so that happened. We had a good time but it did get a little dramatic. Younger male cousins, what can I say? Glad when they left so the awkwardness was over with. Not that I hate family but it's nice to have things back to normal.
February 14, 2016 at 7:44pm
February 14, 2016 at 7:44pm

         ''A girl's body was found off campus just blocks from St. Valentine's academy this past Thursday evening...''

         Billy Grayson was half listening as he was transferring between classes. Nothing like this had ever happened before at St. Valentine's Academy. This horrifying discovery on Valentine's day of all days, made most students skip school for the next couples days.

         Despite all, there were still some couples who didn't let this tragedy mar this special day. However, it made you treasure those close to you more than ever. And also be wary of those around you. Everyone was advised to go nowhere alone and to travel in groups at all times.

         He was going to be late if he didn't hurry. He was just locking up when a note fell out. He wasn't too terribly surprised since he knew a couple girls who were crushing on him. Maybe even Samantha Branson in Psychics? A guy could dream right?

         The card hit the floor as he blanched and felt close to vomiting.


Roses Are Red

Violets Are Blue

Her Blood Ran Red

Soon Yours Will Too.

Happy Valentine's Day My Darling!


Your Only True Love

         Billy unfroze and ran like hell to get professional help.

          Unbeknownst to Billy, someone lurking in a corner nearby noted his retreat with a slow grin. Until tonight, my love.''

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