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Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #2030442
My 2nd blog. My spot for sharing my life, music, and writing with my friends.
Hello, Hello.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'll work on making this nice and pretty later. **Wink*

Check out my old blog:

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This item number is not valid.
#1974611 by Not Available.

I also have a poetry blog, for those who dig poetry:

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#2034524 by Not Available.

AND I have a mental health group with a monthly challenge:

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This item number is not valid.
#2146101 by Not Available.

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Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car ♡

* I will never make this pretty.
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September 15, 2015 at 9:17pm
September 15, 2015 at 9:17pm
Artist: System Of A Down
Album: Mezmerize
Song: B.Y.O.B.
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30DBC: How do you get yourself mentally ready to write a blog entry? Do you have any tips or methods you’d like to share that help you get prepared?

Sup ya’ll. Okay, so I have a shit ton of stuff to do today. This is gonna have to be quick. *Proceeds to write a novella-length entry* *Laugh* Oh school and work, why do you torture me so? Have you no mercy?

Insert large break there because I went to the aquarium instead of working. *Facepalm* I’m the worst adult ever. Like, oh, last thing to get something finished. Due at midnight? Sounds good. Better go to the aquarium. *Laugh*

Now I reallllly need to hurry with my entry. Okay, so my blogging method is this:

Step 1: Look at prompts the night before so I can think about them. I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night, so I can think about what I might want to say as I’m trying to fall asleep. Also, sometimes it’ll just be subconsciously on your mind and then it comes together when you go to talk about it.

Step 2: Song Choice. I do this based on my mood at the time. The song I choose is always somehow related to my mood at the moment.

Step 3: Write the entry. This is the longest part, obviously. I just answer the prompts one-by-one. Usually I’ll skip around and do like the prompt in the middle before the first one. Just whichever I want to tackle first again.

Step 4: Don’t edit. Cause nobody got time for that. Seriously, if I had to edit every entry, they’d be way shorter and I’d blog way less often. Blogging is like writing in a journal for me. I don’t edit my journal and I’m not gonna edit my blog.

The One Step Alternative: Just write the blog and do none of the above. I do this one about half the time. Sometimes you just don’t have time to do all of that nonsense. I open up the prompts when I need to write the blog. Throw in whatever song I’m listening to at the moment and write the entry. It’s a super natural process.

BLOG CITY: Book covers: Which kinds of books do you NOT want to buy or read, if judging from their covers?

Anything that seems vaguely inspirational is a no-no for me. So, all those books with sunlight filtering through the trees so beautifully as dew clings to the newly-blossomed flowers- just... no.

Also, I don’t like sci-fi. So if there’s like an alien and green lights with a fog machine on the front, I’ll have to pass it up.

BCOF: If someone offered you a trip around the world on a large sailboat with them all expenses paid, would you go?

Nope. Not a chance. I get motion sickness so that would be an awful experience for me. Plus, I’d get cabin fever stuck on a boat. How long would it take to go all around the world? I’m terrified of the sea. There are so many things that could go wrong, like violent storms that capsize the boat and then you’re just stuck in the middle of it.

I’d tell the person to give me the monetary equivalent of a sailboat trip around the world and I’d put it toward my tuition. *Wink*

WTMR 2. If you were all alone on a deserted highway, and your car broke down, what would you do?

Yikes, this is as much of a nightmare as being capsized at sea. I have no idea what I would do if I were alone on a highway and my car broke down. I mean, do I have cell reception? It says a deserted highway, but I’ve been on some deserted highway stretches and still had reception. Like I-10 in Florida has a 180 mile stretch of just nothingness, but I was still texting while I was on it. As the passenger, not the driver. I don’t text and drive.

So, in this case, I’d call Triple A if possible. If I didn’t have reception, I’d probably sit on my car and wait for another car to come by so I could get a ride or I would start walking and see if I met up with a small town or something like this. If I knew how far back the last town was, I might just go back too, depending on the distance of course.

It always scares me though when I’m on an empty highway at night and I see abandoned cars that have broke down and they’re unoccupied. I’m like, “aaaaah, what happened to the occupants?” I know they probably just hitchhiked out of there, but my writer mind likes to turn it into a horror story.

Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine
September 14, 2015 at 9:01pm
September 14, 2015 at 9:01pm
Artist: James Bay
Album: Chaos and the Calm
Song: Let It Go
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30DBC: How do you feel about politicians using music in their campaigns? Ear-catching strategy, or shameless pandering?

Isn't everything a politician does shameless pandering? My favorite is when they use anti-American songs like "Born In The U.S.A." by Springsteen or something. *Laugh* It's like... no one in your entire campaign realized that isn't a patriotic song?? I do think songs can be used well in campaigns, but only if the band has approved it and it fits in well with the message of their campaign.

Of course, I'm a huge music lover, so it's hard for me to say 'no' to music. I hate when they use a band's music without permission though and it's covered under 'fair use' because it's just a small clip. Then the band is like, duuuuuuude, I fucking hate you. And I'm like, damn, that sucks.

It also needs to be relevant too. If they want to use a song that fits their message and use it with permission, I don't really see anything wrong with that. Using "Eye of the Tiger" or some other shit is just corny and cringeworthy though. Like, you're a billionaire.. you aren't an underdog. Just stop.

BLOG CITY: Neuroscientists have identified a ten-section "empathy circuit" in our brains which, if damaged, can curtail our ability to understand what others are feeling. As only psychopaths have zero empathy, which means empathy circuit in their brain is missing; do you believe science may come up some day to fix the brain circuits of those people and cure them? Or does this seem like a wishful thinking?

Before I get into this topic, I just want to say that empathy is the single greatest character trait a person can have. A lack of empathy is so incredibly unattractive. Like when they're talking about a fatal police shooting on the news and someone's like, "Good! They deserved it for breaking the law!" It's like dude, what the hell? The punishment for running from the cops is being shot in the back? Okay, then. Or, like, when there's a bad car accident and they're like, "Well, good! They were driving like an idiot." And it's like... you're not wrong; you're just an asshole.

As for the prompt question, I believe most things are possible in the medical field. They take time, lots of research, lots of money- but I don't think much is completely impossible. Scientists are always working to improve the human experience and I think it would be awesome if those brain circuits could be fixed and become empathetic. There's no cure for a psychopath currently, but I don't think it's unreasonable to think that there could be some way to fix it in the future. I think other things take priority a lot though. Ya know, more pressing issues that more people have, like cancer, diabetes, HIV, alzheimers...

Some day though... I hope that these things will be solved. I'd love for mental health issues to see some improvement over time. It would be great if there were ways to fix certain mental disorders instead of just keeping them at bay with an endless cycle of drugs. Great prompt, Joy.

WTMR: 5. What is the most embarrassing thing you remember happening to you?

Oh man, this one is hard for me because I just do not get embarrassed easily. After making an ass of yourself in public 500 times, you kind of get over what people are thinking while you're doing it. I mean, I've had my typical embarrassments of public fights, falls, and sudden onset insanity. I try not to dwell on embarrassing things though. To me, embarrassing things are like awkward things- they're only that way if you allow them to be that way. If you're not embarrassed, it's not embarrassing. I mean, someone else can be embarrassed for you, if they want, but that's on them.

You have a lot of sorta embarrassing moments when you start a new job because you have no idea what's going on or how to do anything. Like, it'll be the most simple transaction and you just don't know how to operate the cash register. *Laugh* The best ones by far were when I started working at the hospital because I worked information desk by myself and knew literally no information. I'd be taking someone to the labor and delivery section and we'd end up outside the mental floor doors, which are locked with a passcode, so you literally just step off the elevator straight into this door. Then I'd turn around and be like, "Thiiiiiis is wrong..."

Most people just laugh in situations like that because it's usually really not that big of a deal. You do get some people who get ultra pissed off right away and you're like, "Dear Lord, I'm sorry. I have forsaken you!" In the hospital, it's easier to understand because people are stressed out. I never took anything personally there because a lot of those people are experiencing a really hard time and they will lash out on you for small things and you just have to understand that people do that under stress.

In the restaurant, however... Duuuuude, chill the fuck out. You don't have to throw a tantrum because it's Friday night in the middle of a major city and there's a 30-minute wait. I never understood the restaurant customers because they were always so angry. I learned quickly that you DO NOT fuck with people's food. *Bigsmile*

From throwing clothes across the floor
To teeth and claws and slamming doors at you
If this is all we're living for
Why are we doing it, doing it, doing it anymore?
September 13, 2015 at 3:07pm
September 13, 2015 at 3:07pm
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: The Moon & Antarctica
Song: Gravity Rides Everything
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30DBC: This week, cellular company Verizon announced plans to start testing an ultra-fast 5G network sometime in the next year. This network will be designed to handle more internet-connected devices, and will allow for such luxuries like the ability to download a 3-D movie in six seconds. My question: How much do we really need our cell phones to do, now or in 2017 (the target US nationwide rollout date)? Does anyone even use their phone to actually make and take calls anymore? What doesn't your phone do that you wish it would?

What's up? Sunday again? I almost lost my sanity last night, so that was interesting. Between work and school, I have no time to gain my composure. I'm really starting to regret going to school. I mean, now that I'm doing it, I don't really want to just quit like I did with high school... but... holy fuck. Yesterday was a 16 hour day between work and school work. It's like I'm stuck in Groundhog Day and it just keeps repeating over and over. I can't live like that... so robotic and mundane. I want to goooo and do things.

I just don't see it being possible to make as much money as I need to and as good of grades as I want to for the next 3 and a half years. One thing is going to have to give, and that's unfortunately probably going to be school, because you can't survive without working. It's hard to support an entire household and go to class full-time too. I'm just such a perfectionist. I can't see myself saying 'fuck it, C's are good enough.' I either do something or I don't do it. I hate half-assing things. But, for now, I've somewhat gotten my mind back on track, so I'm going to try to do this prompt and get back to studying for my math exam.

We don't really need our cell phones to do everything that they do. I mean, I have an iPhone and I love it, but it's not a life or death thing that I need. I don't have it with my half the time because I share it with Kira. It does everything though because it connects to the internet and the internet does everything. I'm fairly tech savvy, so I've never had an issue with smart phones or anything like that. I know a lot of people are like, "OHMYGAHH, I just want to make a phone call. How do I make a phone call??" But that's a non-issue for me and most people, basically.

I don't really call people on the phone if I can avoid it. Phone call to me = nothing else getting done. In a text conversation, in an email conversation, whatever... I can keep working. I can keep doing writing my paper or taking a test and still hold the conversation. When I'm on the phone, I can't concentrate on anything. I can't even concentrate on the conversation, to be honest. Short attention span and all that, I just kind of want to be like, "Yeah, cut to the chase or come over to my house where you can freely talk and have my attention."

I definitely don't think we'll be needing to download 3D movies in six seconds or anything like that. I dunno though. I'm different from a lot of smartphone owners in that I don't buy any of the extra stuff. I don't buy apps. I have some free ones that are useful, but I don't buy them, and I never buy in-app content. So, no extra Candy Crush lives or anything like that. I'd never download a 3D movie to my phone because of the cost and who wants to watch a 3D movie on that tiny screen? No thanks. Talk about a headache.

Cell phones are extremely useful for work though. Getting client's emails on the go or being able to make a quick call about a change of time or meeting place is awesome. I think cell phones are a good thing because people can always call emergency services when they need them and take video footage of crazy shit going down so that no one can lie about it. *coughpolicecough*

My cell phone does pretty much everything I could want it to do. I mean, it would be great if it could transform into a large robot that cleaned my house, did my homework, and took over my job for me. That would be like all my troubles gone and I could actually spend some time writing. *Shock* Can you imagine?

Oh, gotta see, gotta know right now
What's that riding on your everything?
It isn't anything at all
September 12, 2015 at 12:51pm
September 12, 2015 at 12:51pm
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Album: Are You Experienced
Song: Purple Haze
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30DBC: If you could erect a statue of any inanimate object to represent you, what would it be, and what would the dedication plaque on it read?

Well, I hope you're all having a nice Saturday. I still stand by my previous notions that no one reads blogs on the weekend, so maybe I'll keep this one short. *Wink* I'm actually having a bit of trouble coming up with something for this one. There are so many facets of our personalities and interests, it's hard to say what would be the best representation of me.

My first thought, of course, was a pen or a book. Of course we all love writing and we all love reading, so that just makes sense, but is that really the best representation of my entire personality? Does that really cover everything? Probably not- but what inanimate object can cover everything?

I think if I had a statue resurrected in my honor right now... Wait, they only do this after you die, right? I mean, they don't do statues like this with dedication plaques while you're alive... do they?

Okay, I'm getting off track here. I would want the statue to be maybe like a maze or something? Like, that could kind of look cool, a maze that only has dead ends, like, you can never get out of it. Then the plaque could say something like: How the fuck do I get out of here? Oh, wait, here's the exi-.

Yeah, that fits me.

BLOG CITY: What do you think is the difference between a writing prompt and a polling question?

A polling question has a purpose. You're trying to get results from it to see what percentage of people stand where. Polling questions are close-ended because there are only so many options. With a prompt, it's open-ended. You can say anything you want. There are no limitations. There are no end results to see where everyone stands.

That's what I love about blogging. I like that we all have different opinions and we can all someone say something completely different. It's a huge display of our personalities. Another thing with polls is that they're anonymous. Blogs aren't. I've had to take responsibility for things I've written in my blog, or I've been expected to anyway. You know, if I say something offensive or whatever and get an email from someone complaining. You would never get that in an anonymous poll.

We all have the ability to explain ourselves as much or as little as we want. We have the right to feel how we feel and to express that in any way we see fit. That's what social blogging like this is meant to be.

WTMR: 7. Relay one experience from this week as a poem, short story or vignette.

Between the cracked pavements and graveled construction, he stands smoking next to the "This Is A Non-Smoking Campus" sign and smiles as you walk up. During the ten-minute break between classes, you've gone across the street for another coffee, the only thing keeping you on your feet at this point. He offers you a drag and you take it eagerly knowing that you've got an hour and a half of lecture before you'll get another chance.

The professor is already talking when you get inside, complaining about the overhead projector and stalking around like a chicken with her thick thighs and spiky hair. You follow him to the middle of the room where he kicks a chair out for you as he sits down. You drop your messenger bag on the ground and take a seat.

This instructor used to teach middle school and still thinks she does. It's not uncommon for her to 'SHHHHH' the room really loudly or stare at two people whispering about a problem in the corner of the room until they stop. Phones are an absolute no-no and she regularly asks people to leave if she sees their cell phone out. Because of this, you've been reverted back to middle-schoolers, sliding notes back and forth on your shared table.

He starts it today, five minutes into the lecture.

Him: Dude, why is she always in such a bitch-ass mood?

You: Maybe she needs to get laid?

He makes a visibly disgusted face and scratches the pencil loudly against the paper.

Him: Ewwww, no! I'd rather fuck a cactus.

You: don't doubt that you would.

Him: Hang after this?

You: Can't. Stuff to do.

Him: You suck.

You: Sometimes.

And just then, in your twenties, you hear those dreaded high school words from 8 years ago: "POP QUIZ TIME!!!!"

You: She's sadistic.

He starts writing something down, but then she comes by shouting, "Boys, boys! Papers away! Calculators out! Pop quiz time! 100 points! Right here. Clear your table!"

It's hard to focus with him biting his lip in concentration right next to you. Your elbows bumping occasionally as you write with your left and him with his right. Knowing that if you look in his direction will result in a screaming banshee at the front of the room does little to stop your wandering eyes, moving from his perplexed face to his long arms. Down to his hands that move with purpose over the paper, until they don't, and you look up to see that he has caught you staring.

But he just smiles and bites his lip. Shakes his head and goes back to the test, and you start to think you could make time for him.

Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things just don't seem the same
September 11, 2015 at 10:19pm
September 11, 2015 at 10:19pm
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Song: Stairway To Heaven
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30DBC: On this day in 1875, "Professor Tidwissel's Burglar Alarm" was featured in the New York Daily Graphic and became the first comic strip to appear in a newspaper. Do you have a favorite comic strip, online comic, or cartoon character? What makes that appealing to you?

I thought you'd never ask. Yes, I do have a favorite comic strip- Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson. My older brothers read Calvin and Hobbes, so as soon as I could read, I started reading their books. It's funny because Calvin and Hobbes is one of those things that you can enjoy as a kid and as an adult. Like, you see different things in it when you're nine than you do when you're twenty, but it's still awesome. It touches on such serious issues but does it in a way that doesn't make you feel serious or sad. I'll have to break this down into categories.

Favorite Sarcastic/Funny Calvin and Hobbes Strips I imagine there was a time I wasn't a sarcastic asshole, but it must've been before Calvin and Hobbes. *Laugh*

1. Classroom loopholes  

2. Death of a snowman  

3. Never settle for less than euphoria. *Laugh*  

Favorite Profound/Serious Calvin and Hobbes Strips Then there were those strips that really made you think. How dare they? *Shock*

1. Feeling small  

2. Person in the puddle  

3. Maturity  

Favorite Social Issues with Calvin and Hobbes Strips I learned about a lot of social and political issues for the first time from reading these comics.

1. Global warming  

2. Making way for suburbs  

3. Politics  

Favorite Parenting Calvin and Hobbes Strips Definitely hit the nail on the head with how I felt about my parents at the time.

1. Genetic makeup  

2. Dangers of rain  

3. I knew I was being screwed up!  

Favorite Sad Calvin and Hobbes Strips Aww, these made me sad. *Cry*

1. The Raccoon  

2. Afterlife semantics  


Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind

September 10, 2015 at 4:24pm
September 10, 2015 at 4:24pm
Artist: Atlas Genius
Album: When It Was Now
Song: Trojans
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30DBC: "A man knows better than he hopes." What do you think about that?

Hmm, well, I have thought about this prompt for a while now because I initially saw it last night and thought something like: What the fuck does that mean? But I'm guessing that's the entire point. I'm not gonna lie, I still don't 'get' it.

The only thing I can think of is that people are hopeful even when they know that things probably aren't going to work out the way they planned. See, but this it just my analytical side taking over and taking the quote literally. I can't think of anything else though... *Laugh* Like, maybe it's about people keeping positive even when they're going through rough times?

I have no idea. I'm going to step on my soap box real quick and just say that I haaaaate most quotes. I don't like when things are super complicated, probably because I'm such a straightforward person. That's why I'm very particular about the poetry that I like. I don't dig things that are cryptic or whatever. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. Even though things are serious, I can't always take them so seriously. A sense of humor is really important.

You know how Gwyneth Paltrow is super hilariously pretentious? Let's just go through some amazingly deep and profound Gwyneth Paltrow quotes.

*Xb* “I am who I am. I can’t pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year.”

*Xgr* “We’re human beings and the sun is the sun—how can it be bad for you? I don’t think anything that’s natural can be bad for you.”

*Xg* “I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as [hard], of course there are challenges, but it’s not like being on set."

*Xv* "You come across [Internet comments] about yourself and about your friends, and it's a very dehumanizing thing. It's almost like how, in war, you go through this bloody, dehumanizing thing, and then something is defined out of it. My hope is, as we get out of it, we'll reach the next level of conscience."

*Xo* "I am fascinated by the growing science behind the energy of consciousness and its effects on matter. I have long had Dr. Emoto's coffee table book on how negativity changes the structure of water, how the molecules behave differently depending on the words or music being expressed around it."

I mean... I almost refuse to believe she's a real person.

BLOG CITY: The person sitting next to you on the plane is quite talkative. Do you try to switch seats or make this person your new best friend?

This would definitely depend on my mood. Sometimes I'm so talkative and I just can't shut up even when I try to. Other times I just want to be by myself and I'll get annoyed if a random person starts talking to me while I'm out in public.

I'd say most of the time, I'd have a new best friend though. Even if I'm not in a talking mood, if the other person is, then I'll usually end up getting in a talkative mood too. I mean, I see it like, we're stuck on this plane for the next however many hours, we might as well talk a little bit. I try to be friendly with people because you never know what they're going through. They might just want someone to talk to because they don't want to be alone with their thoughts or something like that.

I dunno, I kinda go with the flow. Talk or don't talk, I don't mind much either way.

Take it off, take it in
Take off all the thoughts of what we've been
Take a look, hesitate
Take a picture you could never recreate
September 9, 2015 at 1:11pm
September 9, 2015 at 1:11pm
Artist: Brand New
Album: Deja Entendu
Song: Jaws Theme Swimming
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30DBC: Do you believe the end of the world will come to pass during your lifetime?

I definitely do not think that the world is going to end while I'm on it. There have been so many supposed end of the world days even just since I've been alive that I just roll my eyes when I hear a new one. The world is supposed to end every day according to some group or religion.

There are a lot of things that could end the world, but I really don't see anything major happening in my lifetime or even in the next century. I just don't. It's also not something I think about a lot. I know that there are issues with global warming and that sort of thing, but to think that the entire world would end because of it in the next century doesn't seem realistic to me. Of course, that doesn't mean that the quality of life couldn't be reduced due to various issues on earth. I think we've already seen that in some major cities with so much smog that people have to wear masks when they go outside.

I'm trying to answer this question better than I am, but I fucked up my medication and now I have to go until Friday without it, so the withdrawal's kicking in. I have a super hella bad headache right now, which is fine, if it would just stay like that, but of course it doesn't. *Facepalm*

Okay, let me try to get my head back into this. Um, there was a super big one when I was a kid. It was that the world was supposed to end on December 21, 2012 because that's when the Mayan calendar supposedly ended. It's weird because some people said that it was the mark of a new era and some people said it would be like the apocalypse. I remember people talking about that one a lot when I was younger for some reason. It used to freak me out, but then I was told that I wasn't allowed to believe that or think about that because in the Bible it says that no man knows when Jesus will come back to Earth and all that.

By the time 2012 rolled around, I totally didn't give a fuck because I was like 20 years old instead of 9 years old. *Laugh* So, to answer the question, I have no idea when the world is going to end. I don't think it will be while I'm here, but if it is, I think it will be quite interesting.

BLOG CITY: I think of Scarbough Fair as a Medieval Fair, not just a song. What do you think a Medieval Fair was like?

If the Renaissance fairs I've been to are anything like the Medieval fairs, I'd assume that there are lots of knights and people talking weird while eating entire turkey legs. There would be bards and jousting and people lying on beds of swords. There'd be fire-eating and juggling and tons of music.

The first time I went to a Renaissance fair, I was so drunk, I could barely even walk. I've never been into the Medieval stuff, like at all. It just isn't something that interests me, so I had no idea what to expect going into it. It was just on the whim and whoever I was hanging out with had gone every year and wanted to go.

I was so confused by everything and I couldn't stop laughing at how the people were talking as I stumbled past them. And then, to top things off, there was a huge fight right in the middle of Renfaire and all these people were dressed up in costume, but they were fighting and I couldn't tell if they were really fighting or if it was a part of some weird act. I have no idea. It was a trip. It was a lot of fun though, if I'm remembering correctly.

WTMR: 4. If you had your choice between housework or something else, what would you choose to do? Please expand on this.

I wanted to answer this question because I can't stop laughing at it. What the fuck does this mean? If I had a choice between doing housework or doing something else, which would I choose to do? *Crazy* *Laugh* *Laugh* Um, I would, do something else? Like, I'd literally do anything else.

I haaate doing housework. I'd rather work or do homework. The worst household chore is washing dishes. Ugh! When the food is stuck on the plate or something... just no. It grosses me out so much, I could just vomit. I'll do everything except clean the dishes. I always try to clean my dishes off when I'm done with them so that there's never that grossness of caked on food. The second worst household chore, in my house anyway, is doing the cat litter. Ugh, the smell of ammonia.

If I had to choose a household chore to do, it would be vacuuming. I just turn my headphones on super loud and listen to music while I do it. I've actually started listening to audiobooks though and that's a lot of fun. I can't remember who told me (well, didn't specifically tell me, but mentioned it in their blog) about listening to audiobooks while they do household chores, but I've started doing it too and I love it. It was either Joy or 🌑 Darleen - QoD who brought it up initially and I thought, hmmm, that sounds like a good idea. It makes chores 100% better!

In a car outside, we stalk the idle kind
If you're leaving, just let me know
Tobacco and peppermint, dusting for fingerprints
A film in her eyes from the glow
September 8, 2015 at 2:46pm
September 8, 2015 at 2:46pm
Artist: Milky Chance
Album: Sadnecessary
Song: Stolen Dance
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30DBC: I think today we can all use a healthy dose of good news. Share with us a feel-good story...it can be anything from a random act of kindness that happened to you recently, to something that you heard about in your community. Anything you'd like to share to spread a little positivity.

There are a couple resources I use for positive news stories. The main one I go to is called https://goodnewsnetwork.org. It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like, just good news stories instead of the typical depressing or sad news about crime, disease, and famine.

*Checkgr* For example, we've all heard about the Syrian refugees trying to find solace somewhere. Well, there's this Egyptian billionaire   who wants to buy an uninhabited island that would allow 200,000 refugees a safe place to go and he wants to provide jobs for all of them. That's kinda cool and you would NEVER hear about it from a normal news website or channel.

*Checkgr* I think this is the coolest thing ever. There's this human library in Denmark   where you go and 'check out' an interactive book for thirty minutes and it's basically just a person telling their life story. So 'readers' can choose a 'book' from different experiences like Iraq War Veteran, Orphanage Boy, Child of the Holocaust Survivor, etc... and then the person comes and tells them their life story for thirty minutes. The point of it is to educate people and foster diversity, but all the people telling their stories are volunteers. I think that's really awesome.

*Checkgr* Oh, how about this? This homeless guy   started a reading foundation in South Africa where he would sell books on the street instead of begging and he'd read them all first and give book reviews before people bought them. Then he priced them based on how good they were, a dollar for ones he didn't like much up to six dollars for the best ones. He's not homeless anymore, but he started a "Pavement Bookworm" club in a local park where kids can go and read after school until their parents come home from work.

Basically, there are always good things happening in the world. I think it's easy to forget all the positivity when we watch the news because they will only talk about negative things. Good news doesn't sell, sorry to say it, but it's true. That's why their version of 'not super negative and depressing news' is a story about some celebrity getting a haircut or some silly viral video. It's never anything that's actually positive. Neutral is as good as they can get. It's up to us to seek out the positive things in life.

BLOG CITY: “One of the key happiness principles is savoring. That’s a fancy term for really taking a second to appreciate those happy moments in your life.” In an e-mail sent by Eric Barker of the blog Barking up the Wrong Tree.
In how many ways do you savor your life?

I do try to appreciate the good things I have in life. It's easier said than done, especially if you're a perfectionist like me. Nothing will ever be quite good enough or quite complete. You end up putting a ton of pressure on yourself so there isn't a lot of time to even savor something good that happened. You're already on to the next thing you need to achieve. It's definitely that way with school. It's great if you get a good grade on an exam, but you literally have like ten minutes to be happy about it before you need to start studying for the next one.

I am grateful for the positive things I have. I make sure to spend time with the people I care about and I make sure to tell people how I feel about them. I don't want any regrets of, "Oh, I should have told them how much I cared." One of my favorite quotes of all time is in the main page of my port right now. It's by short story writer, George Saunders, and it goes:

"“What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness. Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering and I responded … sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly.”

I think about these kinds of things and try to live by them as much as I can. I might value things that other people don't value, but I do have values. I always try to be passionate and emotionally open. I know that a lot of people aren't into the emotional thing- but I am. If someone's upset, I have no problem jumping in and trying to help or just crying with them, because sometimes that's what people need. Emotions don't scare me; they energize me.

So, I guess I savor life by feeling every single moment of it.

WTMR 1. If you won the BIG lottery, (like millions...) what would you do with your winnings? Why?

I already know exactly what I would do with my money if I hit the lottery. I don't play the lottery, so it would never actually happen, but I have this thing about odds and statistics that keeps me from getting involved. *Laugh*

If I somehow were to win the lottery though, I would pay off my student loans and my brothers' student loans too. I would buy a house and I'd pay off my parents' house because they got a new mortgage when they moved from back home to where they live now. I would give my brothers money for whatever they need money for. I'd probably give both of them a good portion of it because I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them.

I would give Jordan a lot of it, but I'd probably manage it for him because I don't trust him to do it himself. *Laugh* I'd try to convince him to go back to school and I'd pay for it. Let's see, what else would I do... I would donate to charity, of course, but I'd have to do a lot of research first to make sure I was donating to good charities that don't skim almost all of it off the top. If I couldn't do that, I'd just go make changes in individual people's lives because it's important to do that when you're able to.

After that, I would invest the rest of the money and just keep working and going to school like normal. I'm not one of those people who would just quit their job if they hit the lottery. I'd want to keep myself where I am now financially instead of siphoning it all away on living expenses and stuff like that. I'd try to be responsible with it.

WTMR 2. Before you found and joined WDC, what did you do with your time that is now spent here?

I've definitely chilled out since I joined WDC. I don't think it has anything to do with me being on the site, more just me growing up and becoming more mature. I have a lot more responsibilities now, so I can't really do all the stuff I did before I joined WDC. I think I've gotten healthier, mentally and physically since I've been on the site.

I spend more time at home now and I'm usually either doing homework or working. I still spend a lot of time on WDC though, usually I'm half on here/half not. Like, I'll have the browser open, but minimized or it's in one tab and i'll click over on occasion or when I get a notification.

I spent a lot of time writing before I was on here, but I did it in journals while laying on a friend's living room floor or I'd write while half watching a movie or something like that. The biggest change being on WDC is that I actually share the things I write now, whereas before, I was super protective of my privacy when writing and wouldn't let anyone touch my journals or anything like that. I've become a lot more comfortable and open with my writing at this point.

I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You’ve never danced like this before
But we don’t talk about it
September 7, 2015 at 4:31pm
September 7, 2015 at 4:31pm
Artist: Smashing Pumpkins
Album: Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness
Song: Thirty-Three
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30DBC: Are you the lead singer type, or are you more content playing in the background along with the rest of the band?

Well, I can actually say from experience that I can fit in anywhere in a band. When I was younger, I sang in a band, which is easy to do with super sloppy garage rock because your voice doesn't even need to be good to do it. When I got a little bit older, I'd fill in on bass for Jordan's band a lot because their bassist was really bad into drugs and it was a crapshoot on whether or not he'd show up for a gig. I got a lot of phone calls that were like, "Oh fuck, we got on in twenty minutes and our bassist isn't picking up the phone!"

I was never serious into making music though, so I could never stay in a band for long. If I got into one that was super serious about practice at this exact time every day, I'd be kicked out within a week or so. *Laugh* I was always much more the fill-in when I felt like it and no one else could do it. I have trouble working in groups like that because I just kinda wanna do everything on my own time in my own way and you can't do that when you're in a band.

It's funny though because I have no problem being in front of people like that. I'm in a public speaking class now and everything is all about inching our way into giving a speech in front of the class. I can tell a lot of people are crazy nervous when they have to go up in front of people and I feel really bad for them because I don't have that at all.

The only issue I do have with being in front of people is the same I have when I'm not in front of people- I'm super twitchy. Like, always bouncing my legs, cracking my knuckles, pacing around, shifting my weight back and forth, playing with whatever is in front of me. I can't simply do nothing. I can't stand in one spot. It isn't a nervous tic though. I'm like that all the time. I can't sit on the couch in my own house alone without bouncing my legs or pulling at a loose thread in the fabric. There's just a million things I do to keep my hands and body busy. Not so bad for being in a band, but super bad for a public speaking class. *Laugh*

BLOG CITY: As a step forward from science fiction, quantum theory and general relativity physics have been successfully exploring the concept of teleportation in our time. If teleportation were to become possible, what kind of things would your imagination carry and to where?

I would be the most gracious teleporter ever because I would only use it for daily necessities. Like, I wouldn't teleport into another country, have lunch and then teleport home. I would teleport to school and then from school to home or to a friend's house. I would teleport down to the mailbox and back up so I wouldn't have to walk up and down the stairs. You know, just everyday things that I'd have to do no matter what.

To make it fun though, I'd make a transportation business where I teleported things to people, kinda like pizza delivery, because you know people would get lazy with teleportation after a while. They wouldn't want to get inside the teleportation machine to teleport themselves to the store, so I'd teleport myself to the store, shop for them, and then teleport to their house and then teleport back to mine. I think there could be some serious money in this AND I could do it drunk because I wouldn't be driving anyway.

Speak to me in a language I can hear
Humour me before I have to go
September 6, 2015 at 3:11pm
September 6, 2015 at 3:11pm
Artist: Elton John
Album: Honky Château
Song: Rocket Man
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30DBC: This week, a county clerk in Kentucky was jailed for not issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Because her position is that of an elected official, she can't be fired from her job. She believes that same-sex marriage is against her religion. What do you think? Should she be required to issue these licenses? Can she legally be held accountable for this? Here's an article for reference: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/04/politics/kentucky-clerk-same-sex-marriage-kim-davi...

Job Requirements

Do I think that Kim Davis should be required to issue same-sex marriage licenses? No. I don't believe anyone should be forced to do anything. If she doesn't want to issue same-sex marriage licenses, she should find another job as federal law now requires issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples as part of her job description. If she can no longer fit the requirements of her job, she should relieve herself of duty.

Even from a moral standpoint, the result is the same. If the company I work for suddenly decided that we do not accept gay clientele anymore, I would quit my job and find another one. If Kim Davis doesn't want to fulfill the requirements of her job, she should quit. And, yes, she can legally be held accountable as she isn't following federal law, which is what we see playing out right now.

The Facts

Okay, so let's dig a little deeper into this now that we got the robotic, straightforward answers covered. Davis has not been issuing marriage licenses to ANYONE in her county since June when the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage rights were covered in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

She was ordered repeatedly to issue the marriage licenses and continued to refuse. At this point, she is not fulfilling her job role. Unfortunately, because she is an elected official, she cannot simply be fired on the spot. Because she refuses to quit and also can't be fired, she is now sitting her jail where her stupid ass belongs.

It is worth noting that she also only became religious four years ago and 'found forgiveness'. I've been around enough bible thumpers to know that if you become religious after a traumatic experience (death of her mother-in-law) in this case, and you do so because you want to seek forgiveness, you've done some fucked up shit. My father's father was an extremely abusive man who suddenly became religious older in life. It's like, dude, we know you're just scared of dying so now you want to make sure you're good with God, just in case all that shit's real, right?

Davis herself has been married four times to three different men and had twins five months after her divorce, out of wedlock, mind you. But, don't worry because according to her "No one is perfect, but I am forgiven."

Oh, well, thanks for letting us know!! I'm gonna get fucked in the ass tonight and be forgiven by 8 a.m. tomorrow.

The "Sanctity" Of Marriage

The sanctity of marriage is a bunch of bullshit. We have these crazy religious people who are in and out of marriages, having kids out of wedlock, having affairs... whatever. The divorce rate in America is somewhere between 40 and 50 percent. When we have, like, half of our marriages ending in divorce here, how can we possibly be stupid enough to say that gay people will 'ruin' the 'sanctity' of it. There is no sanctity in it at this point.

Honestly, the sanctity of marriage is in your mind. If you view your marriage as holy, or pure, or blessed or what-the-fuck-ever- no one can take that away from you. If two guys across town doing the same thing as you 'ruins' your idea of marriage- guess what? Your shit's probably not gonna last anyway.

The Worst Part

The worst part of the whole thing is these people who want to hold her up like some sort of civil rights leader. Like, 'oh, she's so brave!' Yes, guys, she's so brave to go sit in a county jail cell with a cumulative county population of less than 25,000 people. Bitch, please.

She's a child throwing a tantrum. "I don't wanna do this, but I do want attention for how holy and superior I am!" And people will just eat that shit up. I say we don't give these people the time of day. Have someone else who is authorized do the marriage certificates while she sits in jail with no news coverage. Guarantee you she'd have just started issuing the licenses or quit her job.

Everyone wants to be a hero; it's just too bad when their goal is to hurt other people.

So, Whatever

Now, I'm not saying that people can't have their religious beliefs and morals. Have your opinion all day long. Sleep, eat, and breathe your opinion because that's your right in life. But, if my opinion is that I'm not working with clients who go against my moral code, I have to find a job that will allow me to do that. Kim Davis does not have a job that allows her to do that; therefore, she should quit.

Obviously, I don't understand the entire thing anyway. These 'supporters' holding up signs about how sodomy is wrong. Well, so is having premarital sex and children out of wedlock, but no one's saying shit about that, right? I feel like a lot of Christians, in my experience with them (and I have a lot), just pick and choose which beliefs they want to follow to best suit their lifestyles.

"I don't like putting my dick in other guys' asses sooooo, this is an easy rule to follow. But god damn, I just can't seem to stop putting in my girlfriend."

It's like, whichever ones are easy for them to follow, those are the most blasphemous to not follow. *Rolleyes*

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour 9 a.m
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then

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