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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1832036
A day in the life of... me!
A HUGE Thank you to Emily for the beautiful ribbon *Smile*

First place in "The Bard's Hall Contest for July/August 2012!

A day in the life of... me! Sometimes I need to rant. Sometimes I have something burning on my mind. Sometimes I'm so angry I feel like reverting back to old coping mechanisms. So I thought a journal was a good idea!

I feel ranting is an important part to life, everyone does it to some degree or another and it's not healthy to bottle things up inside. So for those moments where I feel a rant (or just a general thought) and want to get it off my chest, here it will be!

However, ranting is not everything. Sometimes I just feel like I want to share something with someone, and often there is nobody to listen (wow that makes me sound sad! I do have friends but I tend to let them do the talking rather than share). So here I can get things off my chest, rant or be happy, whatever the mood *Smile*

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February 26, 2014 at 9:13pm
February 26, 2014 at 9:13pm
Song Title: I Hate Everything About You
Artist: Three Days Grace
Album: Three Days Grace

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Three Days Grace. I have to be honest and say that I don't remember how I started listening to them. Not that I'm a regular listener, I only own this one album. I think it may have been at a strange point in my life where I was tired of the same music and I found it hard to just listen to things online so I would go to a music shop, peruse the CDs and just buy a CD! Although sometimes this proved to be a flop I found that I quite liked the catchy music these guys produced. They're maybe along the same lines as Nickelback (at least, that's where I'd put them) and this song is one of the ones you just can't help but sing to!
February 25, 2014 at 9:35pm
February 25, 2014 at 9:35pm
Song Title: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
Artist: Drowning Pool
Album: Sinner

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So this may be a little inspired by Linked 'Note' no longer available. but I ahve to say, since listening to that random CD in my car recently I've heard them all over again and I forget why I haven't listened to them in so long! I really love this song. It's got such a good feel to it.

When I hear it, it takes me back to the days of underage club nights! Anyone been to them? There was a really unique place in Newcastle called Stagedoor that kids could go to. It was awesome! Crowded, stinky and awesome. I always remember that the girls there would sometimes strip to their underwear and dance around like that (I never did) and the mosh pits were amazing! Guess that's kids for you. I didn't go all that often but a guy I was seeing at the time had the most amazing bright blue baggy pants and I decided I was wearing them. I'm pretty skinny so they didn't fit me so I was wearing a pair of jeans underneath these pants and then a top too while half the girls were running around half naked. Boy was I hot!

But this song was just so strong and fierce and made me want to jump and shout (I have never been and never will be, a mosher!)
February 24, 2014 at 9:38pm
February 24, 2014 at 9:38pm
Song Title: World so Cold
Artist: Mudvayne
Album: The End of all Things to Come

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Although Mudvayne aren't a band I particularly follow downright, I do really like their music. I was first introduced to them by my partner way back when we just met and we were just friends. Wow that is a blast from the past. It takes me back to those days where I used to chat to people on MSN (do people still do that?) and perhaps acquire music. It reminds me of the days spent in my room, usually all day, and often not doing an awful lot. Man were they long days. I wonder how I did it now but when I think back to it, I know why. I couldn't cope. But there you go. I don't think I could do it now.

Anyway, Mudvayne are a completely unique band. Their music is so different from one song to the next and I would really recommend listening to them!
February 24, 2014 at 5:12am
February 24, 2014 at 5:12am
Song Title: Empyreal
Artist: Sylosis
Album: Edge of the Earth

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Sylosis is a band that I started listening to really recently. You know when you're a little tired of listening to the same thing? I get like that sometimes and in an attempt to try and introduce myself to some new music, I came across this. It's a band I've heard of before through a few friends though I'd never heard them before and I think this is the first song of theirs that I started listening to. The music takes me along for the ride as the song progresses. It pulls me in and makes me want more. So after listening to this song, I went out and bought their album (Conclusion of an Age) which I listen to regularly now, usually in my car on the way to work or on my way home. I just love their sound!
February 23, 2014 at 4:20am
February 23, 2014 at 4:20am
Song Title: I'm With You
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Album: Let Go

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I have to say, I'm already cringing as I write this! Listening to Avril Lavigne is not something I do very often but I have to say, her lyrics and some of her music I find really catchy. I can't help but sing when I hear one of her songs. Originally, I didn't like her because my boyfriend at the time thought she was hot (I'm sure I've mentioned this before) so my fifteen year old self instantly hated her. However, I do admit that she has some flare and although her music isn't to my heavy tastes, it's the catchiness that always gets me. Saying that, I only have her first two albums and couldn't bare to get the next ones. They may be good, who knows!

I chose this song in particular because it reminded me of that time when I was young with my first ever partner and feeling that no matter what, I was always alone. This has a lot to do with what i went through but I felt like he didn't care and in the video when she's walking around in the dark, it just reminds me of a time I used to do that. Stupid, I know, but back then I was an invincible teen and I couldn't do anything with my emotions. So yeah, this one is certainly a blast from the past.

I have to say that I'm annoyed her and Chad got married (he was mine!) but I give her credit for the first two albums she produced!
February 22, 2014 at 9:11am
February 22, 2014 at 9:11am
Song Title: Dragula
Artist: Rob Zombie
Album: Hellbilly Deluxe

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I didn't start listening to Rob Zombie until I went to my first Download Festival in 2011. It was a choice between him and some other band that I didn't particularly want to see and my friends all headed over to see Rob Zombie so I tagged along. He put on a really great stage show that had me gaping the whole way as well as dancing along to his music (a mean feat since I find it hard to listen to new music live for the first time!) This song is like one of his anthems and whenever I went to that rock club (yup, that place again) this song was always played!
February 20, 2014 at 8:13pm
February 20, 2014 at 8:13pm
Song Title: Running Away
Artist: Hoobastank
Album: Hoobastank

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This is another one of those songs from my teenage years. This was the first song I heard from Hoobastank along with Crawling in the Dark and I loved them both. Although they're not a band I listen to regularly now I've heard a few of their songs on the old CD in my car. I like his voice and their sound in general. I'm not even sure if they're still together now but if I had the chance, I'd go see them if just for the sheer nostalgic value taking me back to my younger years.
February 19, 2014 at 8:22pm
February 19, 2014 at 8:22pm
Song Title: Halo
Artist: Soil
Album: Scars

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This is a band I realised I was missing and I can't believe I missed it out. I love this band and this song! Soil are completely amazing. They have such a unique sound and when I saw them live last year in Manchester (a gig we travelled to for almost four hours when I'd only had three hours sleep after a nightshift) and they were awesome! It was well worth it.

This song is almost like their anthem. Whenever I hear it I can't help but turn it up and belt it out! I can't sing like but it doesn't stop me. It was one of those songs that was always played in the nightclub I went to as well and one that always got people moving. Turn it up and have a listen!
February 19, 2014 at 1:21am
February 19, 2014 at 1:21am
Song Title: Mad World
Artist: Gary Jules
Album: Donnie Darko Soundtrack

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Okay, I'll be honest, I was struggling a little to come up with a song for day 19. I'm not sure why as there are so many bands I listen to (I don't want to repeat one if I can help it). So, I decided I'd have a peruse at some of the other songs people have entered and as soon as I saw the title for "Invalid Entry I immediately thought of this song. So without actually reading the entry, I knew what song I wanted to do (that's not technically copying, is it? lizco252 )

To me this song is hauntingly beautiful. Gary Jules has an amazing voice and the way in which it's recorded just makes it accessible and beautiful. It also reminds me a lot of Gears of War which I really loved playing. I really liked the way they did the advert by pairing up the violence on the screen with this very melodic and slow piece. I thought it worked well and it was that advert that made me search out this song.
February 18, 2014 at 9:02pm
February 18, 2014 at 9:02pm
Song Title: In the End
Artist: Linkin Park
Album: Hybrid Theory

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Since it looks like I'm sticking with the music I listened to a while ago, I thought I'd drop in some Linkin Park. I'm currently listening to a CD in my car because for some reason the USB won't work. This CD was simply titled 'Random' and that's indeed what it is. I've gone from Linkin Park to Papa Roach to American Head Charge and Killswitch Engage. It's just a reminder to me of those teenage angsty years and when I'm listening to it, I can't help but sing and grin at the same time. I probably look like a right idiot!

This was the first Linkin Park song I heard and I, as I'm sure along with many other people, fell in love with it. I loved it so much I went out and bought the single (something very unheard of for me). I played it over and over and never tired of it!

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