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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1832036
A day in the life of... me!
A HUGE Thank you to Emily for the beautiful ribbon *Smile*

First place in "The Bard's Hall Contest for July/August 2012!

A day in the life of... me! Sometimes I need to rant. Sometimes I have something burning on my mind. Sometimes I'm so angry I feel like reverting back to old coping mechanisms. So I thought a journal was a good idea!

I feel ranting is an important part to life, everyone does it to some degree or another and it's not healthy to bottle things up inside. So for those moments where I feel a rant (or just a general thought) and want to get it off my chest, here it will be!

However, ranting is not everything. Sometimes I just feel like I want to share something with someone, and often there is nobody to listen (wow that makes me sound sad! I do have friends but I tend to let them do the talking rather than share). So here I can get things off my chest, rant or be happy, whatever the mood *Smile*

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January 21, 2014 at 1:53am
January 21, 2014 at 1:53am
Prompt: What do you think about different blogging platforms? For example: your WDC blog vs. Tumblr. What are the pros and cons? What do you think about social media sites as a blogging platform (Facebook statuses could be considered mini blogs)? Tell us all about your blogging preferences and thoughts about the different ways to blog.

Originally I used to blog—or rather—journal. I used to hand write a diary. It was usually about recording how I was feeling. After all, I was one of those angsty teens. As the years went on however, this because a laborious process and my journal was neglected a lot. Not that I ever wrote in it daily, but it became more of a chore than anything. I found I had so much to do and so little time (particularly when I was studying) that I didn't want to or couldn't write anymore. I still feel guilty about this now and I keep a journal beside my bed should the need arise but it's not something I actively think about.

I think I had a journal on Writing.com at the same time with much the same sort of teenage angsty stuff. I deleted that one a while ago when I revisited the site after a long absense. I wanted to cut away that part of my life and start anew, so this is where I am now.

When I think about blogging I think about Writing.com. I've never tried online blogging on any other site. I that's because everything I need and want is right here already on this site so I don't feel the need to go elsewhere. Sometimes I think that maybe I should. I know that other people on the site have offsite blogs. I think doing everything on one site, including blogging, makes it easier for use including practical things like not having to remember my passwords. I also have a ready-made audience here! Not that everyone on WdC reads my blogs but I have friends on this site, some who stop by my blog as I do theirs. I worry that starting an offsite blogs means having to find a new band of loyal followers and who would want to read my rantings about my life? It's more soap opera than intellectual and the word 'blogging' to me feels more disciplined than a journal. I feel that when I blog I should be talking about something intelligent, discussing a subject or having a debate. I can do that, but I can do the other side of it too.

I think a pro of having an offsite blog could be maintaining an identity. For example, here on WdC I'm blue jellybaby but if I started a blog somewhere else I could be whoever I wanted to be or stay completely private if I wanted. I could keep my author side and my personal side completely apart. But, because of the issues I mentioned before (worrying about who will follow, who will read, who will want to? and because I have everything I need here) I don't think that moving onto an offsite blog will be something I do anytime soon. I'm comfortable to share both who I am and my thoughts right here with friends and acquaintences. Besides, I don't think any of my friends would read my blog (my real life friends I mean) and a lot of people share their blog with friends and family. Some things I want to stay private. Despite the fact that you might read my blog and guffaw and tell me I'm not private at all, it's because I don't know any of you in real life. I don't think! If I did I probably wouldn't be so open sometimes.

Social media sites as blogs. Ah. Now there's a topic. I guess in a way they are mini blogs. Status updates and the ability to customise it and write on your own wall does suggest to me that it's a mini blog. It's a form of self expression and the status feature of Facebook comes to mind which you can update as much as you want with whatever you want and write as much as you want. I know that some people do use this for a blogging (or shall we say ranting purpose) but it's not something I do either.

Yes everybody on my Facebook page are my friends or family or acquaintences, however, I don't see the need to fill them full of every detail of my life from how I'm feeling to what I'm doing. Sure I probably do sometimes, I guess that's natural, but I don't actually want everyone to have those gory little details of my life. Some of that is for me and me alone and I like it to stay that way. I don't like when I see people writing mammoth statuses about this person or that person or what they think is wrong with the world or announcing that they're in fact gay. Why do it? If you have something important to tell a person, tell them to their face, don't post it over the internet where it's seen by everyone.

And that's another thing I guess. Yes your entries are recorded in blogs too and are on the internet but somehow, when writing something like that on Facebook, it's always going to be there. Someone can always go back to it and remember it and provide the evidence. Blogs feel more personal, they're meant for private information and rants and debates and discussions, social media sites are a way to connect with people in your life, especially those who may be further away or some that you can't visit. To me they should be separate things and I wouldn't consider social media sites to be blogging platforms.
January 21, 2014 at 1:30am
January 21, 2014 at 1:30am
Prompt: What did you buy today?

If you read my last blog post you would have learned about my inability to cope without my phone. Well, actually I think I've done okay. I haven't pined for it (apart from now when I had planned to start doing Yoga) and I've been busy with other things so it's been fine. However, I have decided that it's ultimately necessary to have a phone. I don't have a landline so my mobile is my only means of contact. So after doing some research I have purchased a new battery for my phone and sincerely hope this is the problem! I got it from ebay because of course it was a million pounds cheaper than using the actual company too *Smile* Hopefully I'll be back up and running with it soon!
January 20, 2014 at 4:05pm
January 20, 2014 at 4:05pm
Prompt: Tell us something you learned today.

Today I learned that I don't function well without technology. Yep, that's right. And that's not including the obvious internet (and WdC of course!) I woke up from my slumber today as I'd been at work last night and pressed my phone to check the time. Strange. It didn't light up. Must be a glitch. Try again. Still, I'm faced with a black screen. Uh oh. Something isn't right. What time is it anyway? Checks watch. 3:40pm. That means I've had just over six hours sleep *sigh*. Need to sort it out so I can go back to sleep. Find your old phone and worry about this one later. Light is on, eyes are adjusting and I find the box. I open it up and yes it switches on! I take the backs off both phones to switch the sim only to find--dum dum dum--- that the mini sim I have in my phone won't fit in my old phone. Doh! Okay, I'm sure I have one of those alarm clock thingies around here somewhere. Hunts it out. Takes it out the box and puts in the batteries. Okay, quick read of the instructions and I'll set it and get another hour. I press buttons, I read and read again but nope, I can't do it.

In my frustration, I bagged everything, pulled on some shoes and drove the five minutes down the road to see if my dad would do it (I know, I know!) Alas! He was at work. My mam was in but she's not so great with technology. However, she was very lovely and helpful and gave me an old phone I can use to set an alarm so I can at least get myself up and check the time but I have no form of communication.

Next problem: how do I tell everyone? Facebook. Obvious option. But I don't have my phone so I have to borrow my mam's to get onto my account. I contact a couple of people and let them know and post a status about it and you know what, as soon as I've done this, relief floods my chest and that's the moment I realise that I can't actually live without my phone. Well, I find it hard not to. But I will because I don't have one for a couple of days now. Maybe it'll be a nice thing. But it means I can't do my yoga in the morning (was using a program on my phone!)
January 19, 2014 at 10:12pm
January 19, 2014 at 10:12pm
Today, so far, has been a good and productive day. For my Writing.com endeavours at least! I spent my morning clearing out my inbox, replying, deleting and saving things to check up on later. I did a couple of reviews (including one for "P.E.N.C.I.L.) and wrote my day four entry for "30 Day Image Prompt Contest - CLOSED.

Tonight, although being awake now for twenty hours (which will be over twenty-four by the time I finally get home and fall into bed) I have written my day five entry for "30 Day Image Prompt Contest - CLOSED as well as edited the third chapter of my Nano novel for "Invalid Item. Only one more chapter to go until I reach my goal for this month. While I'm tempted to do this now I think that because of my tired levels I will have to wait until tomorrow night!

I've also come back to work after nine days off and caught up on everything (including all of my emails!), ran around after two women all nights because they were acting like children and been able to do some research about the use of illegal drugs that I wanted to do.

So all in all, I think I've had a productive day and I'm proud of myself. I could really fancy a *Teag* *teapotgray* right now but there's no milk at work and though I like coffee I don't really fancy one *sigh*. So instead I might have a scrounge for a hot chocolate sachet and if I can't find one it'll be another hot water! Perhaps I can treat myself to a little chocolate after all my hard work.

In other news I've started getting my tattoo too! I got it started on the 13th and so far I love it. The design has changed a little but the picture I found was body art and wouldn't have worked quite the way it was, particularly with the colours, but I'm happy with how it's looking so far just not with the itching that's driving me insane! All the line work is done and now I just need it filled in *Smile*

To do:

*Bulletv* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Credits
*Bulletv* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Raid
*Bulletv* Edit Chapter Four of "Invalid Item
*Bulletv* Finish my short story "Invalid Item for "Sinister Stories Contest
*Bulletv* Write my FIRST EVER newsletter!

Of course, that's probably not all but right now that's all my brain can come up with!

I also found out that I made third place in this "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest I'm so proud of myself! I don't enter Official contest all that often so that fact that I placed is amazing *Smile*
January 12, 2014 at 5:11am
January 12, 2014 at 5:11am
Prompt: Tell us about a mistake you made today.

The mistake wasn't exactly today as it was last night, but there you go. I won't have another chance to blog today as it's my partners birthday and I thought I'd sneak in there while he was still in bed! Last night after having my shower I climbed into bed to read. Yep, that's it right there. My partner had a friend over and was gaming in the front room so I thought I'd give them their guy space but as soon as I climbed under that duvet I felt my eyes getting heavy... needless to say I didn't get much reading done. Ooops *Wink*
January 11, 2014 at 5:48am
January 11, 2014 at 5:48am
Prompt: What bad habit did you give in to today?

With working night shift my body clock is all over the place sometimes. Lately, it seems to have come to a head and it's irritating me. I get annoyed with myself for feeling tired even though I probably have a right to be. Yesterday was my first day off and I try to stay awake as long as possible. I survived until about 5pm when I ended up having a doze. But that isn't what I gave in to. No. I ended up having another nap and then going to bed at 1am. I set my alarm for 11am this morning thinking that I'd stay in bed for as long as possible to try and catch up. The thing is, turns out I did manage to get enough sleep last night (over a several hour period of mini naps) and this morning, though I woke fairly early, I just lay there in bed. I kept snoozing and day dreaming and drifting in and out of sleep. I eventually got up around 9:30am. But I got annoyed at myself for staying in bed when I wasn't even asleep just because of... well, laziness really.

The good part about getting up so early with ease (I can't remember the last time I did so) meant I could come log on here which helps me with my resolutions! Woohoo *Smile*
January 10, 2014 at 12:51am
January 10, 2014 at 12:51am
Prompt: What tempted you today?

It's not been long since I blogged (around 3 hours) but it's a new day and I've had a lot of temptation tonight. I've been at work and I've had a pretty chaotic and stressful shift. Nothing too much happened, but I spent my night running after women and telling them off for breaking the rules all night. I know it doesn't sound like much but when grown women are acting like toddlers and having tantrums when they're told off, it makes it a much longer night. I feel like I've been babysitting rather than ensuring safety and supporting the women. There has been people in others rooms (not allowed), alcohol (not allowed), smoking on the premises (not allowed) and people up until way after the official bed time of 1am. And the minute I'd sit down to do anything, something else would happen *sigh*

So my temptation tonight was chocolate. One of my new years resolutions was to eat healthy. I'm doing really quite well. I've been eating my five a day (almost anyway) everyday and eating healthy meals along with it so I know it's okay to take a dive now and again, but I don't want it to be that crazy shift at work that leaves me feeling drained and makes me eat chocolate. I want it to be of my own accord and because I want to enjoy it (much like a Galaxy moment) so while it is a temptation, that's all it remains for the moment... a temptation.
January 9, 2014 at 9:58pm
January 9, 2014 at 9:58pm
Prompt: Tell us about someone new you met today.

This might be obscuring the truth just a smidge because it wasn't quite today that I met her but I'm finishing work in five hours and then I'll not be back for nine days so the possibility of me meeting someone new is dramatically reduced. Not that I'm a hermit or anything, I just spend a lot of time with my family, friends and partner when I'm off and I already know them! I thought I'd use it while I could *Smile*

We had a new resident move into the hostel a couple of days ago and I met her last night. Although a bit abrupt in her manner (which I think is through trying to get herself heard/listened to) she comes across as a woman who has been through a lot in her lifetime, come through it and is getting back up on her feet. When thinking about just where she has been I have a lot of respect for her. A lot of women we meet that come through the door and sleep under the roof has a lot of problems, a lot of the time they don't want to address them and sometimes they do but it takes a lot of attemps before they manage it (or give up). Although I didn't know this woman at any other time in her life and I can't say how long it's taken her or how she did it, I know she has. To me, that's something to be proud of. I know how hard it can be to say no to something and for some of these women, it's not a possibility, so for this one woman, it's a huge achievement.

I can already tell she's going to cause waves in here because it looks like she won't take anything and is willing to stand up for herself. Let's see how this one goes...
January 8, 2014 at 9:29pm
January 8, 2014 at 9:29pm
Prompt: What did you decide to wear today, and why?

Today when I woke up, I was super sleepy, to the point I didn't think I'd ever be able to get up and ready. I hate when that happens, especially when I know I've had plenty of sleep. Anyway, I managed to pull myself around (with a lovely *Tear* *Teapoto* ) and then had a lovely hot shower which brought me around to full human, but then came the hard part. I always struggle to find something to wear, or rather, choosing what to wear. I tend to go through a few options in my mind before settling for the ever present jeans and t-shirts. Now, I do tend to be a jeans a t-shirt kinda gal and that's okay I think, but I like to mix it up now and again because I get bored of wearing the same things and sometimes I want to feel a little more feminine.

Well today, I was feeling kinda kick-ass so I decided on wearing this lovely, plain black dress I have which has three quarter sleeves and reaches to mid-thigh. It's kinda tight around the middle (intentionally) and then flares with the skirt and it always makes me feel a little like a witch *Witchhat* Weird right? So I chose my witchy dress and then, because I was feeling kick-ass I chose to wear my rocker style boots which are also black and have several buckles and things on them and paired it with wool tights. I do like the combo if I say so myself *Smile*

Most of my clothes tend to be black so I have to be quite creative with the way I wear them sometimes!
January 7, 2014 at 10:32pm
January 7, 2014 at 10:32pm
Prompt: What did you read today that was worth sharing?

Now, this feels like an easy one. Ever since I discovered her books I fell in love with her writing and this morning I started and finished another one of Karina Halle's Novels. She's an author who writes supernatural young adult fiction and this one series in particular I'm following (she has several) is called An Experiment in Terror. It's not just the way she writes but it's the relationship within them, between Perry and Dex, that keeps me going back. I find their relationship to be electric, it's so full of ups and downs but beneath it all we all know (as do their friends) that they love each other. They are truly amazing books and I would recommend them to anyone who likes reading supernatural *Smile*

Actually, now that I've wrote this it reminds me I wanted to try and do more product reviews, so here we go!


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