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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1832036
A day in the life of... me!
A HUGE Thank you to Emily for the beautiful ribbon *Smile*

First place in "The Bard's Hall Contest for July/August 2012!

A day in the life of... me! Sometimes I need to rant. Sometimes I have something burning on my mind. Sometimes I'm so angry I feel like reverting back to old coping mechanisms. So I thought a journal was a good idea!

I feel ranting is an important part to life, everyone does it to some degree or another and it's not healthy to bottle things up inside. So for those moments where I feel a rant (or just a general thought) and want to get it off my chest, here it will be!

However, ranting is not everything. Sometimes I just feel like I want to share something with someone, and often there is nobody to listen (wow that makes me sound sad! I do have friends but I tend to let them do the talking rather than share). So here I can get things off my chest, rant or be happy, whatever the mood *Smile*

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March 8, 2014 at 10:50am
March 8, 2014 at 10:50am
Song Title: Sail
Artist: Devildriver
Album: Winter Kills

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I absolutely LOVE this song! I know it's a cover of Awolnation's version of this song (check it out here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPtSKimbjOU ). I first heard this song last month when I was busy playing Assassin's Creed with my partner. It just seemed to go so well with the whole sailing concept of the game and I have to say I love the double base and the singer, Des, has an amazing voice to go with it.

As for the video... well, it's a fan made video and it's not something I usually watch but I actually think this one is worth some cop. Take a look at it. It made me giggle about how it captured the typical horror movie!
March 8, 2014 at 6:25am
March 8, 2014 at 6:25am
Prompt: Write about a television show that, love it or hate it, went (or is currently going) on for way too long.

I'm only including this show because it has gone on for as long as I can remember (before I was even born it seems!) That doesn't stop me loving it. It's actually the only soap that I follow (not religiously) and I kinda call it my guilty pleasure. Nobody else that I know watches it and because I'm never in the house to watch TV, it's on good old You Tube that I tend to catch it.


I don't know what it is about Neighbours because it has the same grim storylines and backstories as other soaps do. I actually think, and rightly or wrongly so, that it might be something to do with the sun! When I watch Eastenders or Corrie (which isn't very often and usually at work when some of the lasses are watching it) I always come away feeling quite morbid and depressed. At least when I watch Neighbours I come away feeling somewhat refreshed after all of that sun!
March 6, 2014 at 10:37am
March 6, 2014 at 10:37am
Prompt: Tell us about an unexpected gem; something you've seen and love that you doubt many other people know about.

It took me a while to wrack my brains for this. After all, I bet most people have seen all those mainstream films that are out there and so I had to dig a little deeper into my mind. I finally came up with this: Thirteen.


It's a film I picked up a lot of years ago and if I'm honest, I think I just saw the cover (without reading it) and decided to watch it. It's a brilliant film following the lives of two young teenage girls. Tracey wants to be one of the popular girls and it seems she'll do anything it takes when she starts rebelling against her mum, stealing, getting piercings, getting involved in the seedy underworld of sex and dabbling in drugs. It's a really intense film that takes you along for the ride but it involves scenes of self harm too, just to be aware in case you're sensitive to the issue. It's a really realistic portrayal of the peer pressures of teen life and well worth a watch.
March 6, 2014 at 10:32am
March 6, 2014 at 10:32am
Prompt: What was the last movie you saw in a theater?

Actually, the last time I went to see a film was last night! I know this blog prompt is a little late but if I think back to a time before that it was December when I went to see The Hobbit! How terrible is that! I love going to the cinema but usually there'll be a long time span in between visits due to working hours (those pesky shifts) and we only tend to go on either Wednesday (as it's Orange Wednesday) and Tuesday's as it's a little cheaper. It's expensive having a flat!

Anyway! Last night we went to see: Non-Stop.

I wasn't entirely sure what the film was about but I knew to expect action and violence from Liam Neeson's new film. And I wasn't disappointed. From the minute go the audience is drawn into a brooding character, Bill, who drinks a lot and has a lot of personal problems. He is an air marshall on an international flight but he soon realises something isn't right when someone on the plane hacks into his secure network phone and begins reeking havoc on the plane, all the while making the passengers believe it's him causing the chaos. I really enjoyed the film. It was, as the title says, Non-stop! Definitely worth a watch if you're a Neeson fan!
March 4, 2014 at 3:13pm
March 4, 2014 at 3:13pm
Prompt: Write about an extremely popular movie or television show that you just can't get into. Why is it a miss for you?

Okay, I think for me, there are probably a couple of things that really come to mind. In terms of television series I'd probably say Breaking Bad:

It's not that I won't watch it, it's that I don't have the means to watch it. I don't watch an awful lot of TV anyway. When I'm at home alone I tend to be on my laptop more or have music on or sitting reading and when my partner is here and we have the TV on, it's usually because we're gaming. TV has never really had an appeal to me and I think it's a lot to do with my bad memory. I can never remember what's on when and why I want to watch it! That means it's almost impossible for me to follow a series. With Breaking Bad so many people I know rave about it all of the time and I do think it sounds good but unless I'm able to get it on DVD, it's probably not something I'll ever watch.

In terms of movies, I think it has to be Total Recall:

This movie made in 2012 was a remake of the original in 1990. Sometimes I like a remake, sometimes I think they can have a lot of merit, but I absolutely loved the original of this film and I just couldn't bring myself to watch the remake.
March 3, 2014 at 3:04pm
March 3, 2014 at 3:04pm
Prompt: Which past TV show was canceled or otherwise ended WAY too soon?

For me it has always been and always will be, Veronica Mars. I absolutely loved that show. A sassy young teen follows in her father's footsteps as he runs his private investigation business. She battles the daily trials of school life, friends and relationships with her ability to solve problems and work out mysteries that have plagued even the local law enforcement. She makes a lot of enemies on the way and she isn't afraid to do so. Her attitude and sarcasm mean a lot of people don't like her but it also means she gains a lot of respect from certain other people.

I just love the way this show balances her home life and finding her identity, particularly after some harrowing personal problems, as well as her ongoing semi professional career of a PI. She's witty, fun, intelligent and I think they picked just the right person to play the character! I was sad when the series were stopped and thought it could have been carried on for a long time. I know that there is a movie coming out soon but I get the feeling it won't quite be the same...

Check it out:

March 2, 2014 at 3:34am
March 2, 2014 at 3:34am
Prompt: In honor of the Oscars tonight, talk about your favorite movie from last year (2013).

Do you know, I've never watched the Oscars. It's not that I won't, it's simply that I haven't. I know I might be taking part in this blogging month of movies and television but I'm not really one for TV, ironic huh! However, if I find a series I like I tend to follow it by buying the DVD but there's just something about the television. I think because of my weird shift pattern I can't commit myself to watching a series on TV because I know I'll miss half of it. That, and I forget!

Anyway, onto the prompt!

This was kind of a no-brainer for me. Ever since I can remember, I have always loved The Hobbit. It was my favourite book as a kid and I read it countless times and will probably read it many more to come. When they announced The Hobbit was finally coming to cinema, I was stoked. I was so excited! I went to see the first one on the preview date and while I enjoyed it, it was quite a slow film. I get why though and I don't think that takes anything away from it. However, the second installment The Desolation of Smaug, really blew my mind! I thought it was the best action packed movie of 2013. It had everything from hobbits and dwarves and fantasy to a love interest to dragons. And of course, the one ring. And though it does still stray from the book, I think it's a really brilliant and creative adaptation and I cannot wait for the next one!
March 1, 2014 at 6:09am
March 1, 2014 at 6:09am
Prompt: Write about a movie or television series that terrified you as a kid and still gives you the creeps today.

This film terrified me from the moment I first saw it. It was a good few years ago now (I can't remember exactly when it was) but from the moment the quiet titles came on, I was hooked. I read the book before seeing the film and absolutely loved it and though I was told the film wasn't as good, I wanted to find out for myself.

To me, the way in which Jack Torrance slowly and silently loses his mind while in control of the Overlook Hotel up in the mountains of Sidewinder, really gets me. I can actually see it in his eyes, see it in his actions.And of course, that very vivid memory that most people recall from this film, "Hereeeeee's Johnny!" Who can forget that? The image of his face poking through that door as his eyes rove left and right looking for the ever dutiful Wendy Torrance. He's terrifying. I can't watch this film alone. Not now and I don't think ever.

I think one of the scariest things about this film, I thought, was the way silence is used. Yes it's not silent all of the way through but you tend to find with mainstream and big budget films that there is always music or noise of some kind. The fact that this film utilises the quiet of the empty hotel really emphasised it and increases the creepiness factor!

And let's look at Jack Nicholson. As you watch him move throughout the film you can actually see that sort of dull, glazed look in his eyes. I get the feeling he actually went a little bit mad here and it really shows in his character.
March 1, 2014 at 6:09am
March 1, 2014 at 6:09am
Prompt: Write about a movie or television series that terrified you as a kid and still gives you the creeps today.

This film terrified me from the moment I first saw it. It was a good few years ago now (I can't remember exactly when it was) but from the moment the quiet titles came on, I was hooked. I read the book before seeing the film and absolutely loved it and though I was told the film wasn't as good, I wanted to find out for myself.

To me, the way in which Jack Torrance slowly and silently loses his mind while in control of the Overlook Hotel up in the mountains of Sidewinder, really gets me. I can actually see it in his eyes, see it in his actions.And of course, that very vivid memory that most people recall from this film, "Hereeeeee's Johnny!" Who can forget that? The image of his face poking through that door as his eyes rove left and right looking for the ever dutiful Wendy Torrance. He's terrifying. I can't watch this film alone. Not now and I don't think ever.

I think one of the scariest things about this film, I thought, was the way silence is used. Yes it's not silent all of the way through but you tend to find with mainstream and big budget films that there is always music or noise of some kind. The fact that this film utilises the quiet of the empty hotel really emphasised it and increases the creepiness factor!

And let's look at Jack Nicholson. As you watch him move throughout the film you can actually see that sort of dull, glazed look in his eyes. I get the feeling he actually went a little bit mad here and it really shows in his character.
February 28, 2014 at 1:36pm
February 28, 2014 at 1:36pm
Song Title: Excuse me While I Kill Myself
Artist: Sentenced
Album: The Cold White Light

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Stop! Don't panic. No, I'm not going to do this... it's just a song I happen to like with a particularly morbid title. I first heard this band last year introduced to them by my partner (he always seems to know great bands to listen to) and though this song is a little weird, it is very catchy! Have a listen. It's hard not to sing to, isn't it! I was triggered to write about them today when I heard them on yet another random CD put into my car. I'm liking having CDs that are unwritten on because it's always a surprise and in this case, a nice surprise!

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