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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1832036
A day in the life of... me!
A HUGE Thank you to Emily for the beautiful ribbon *Smile*

First place in "The Bard's Hall Contest for July/August 2012!

A day in the life of... me! Sometimes I need to rant. Sometimes I have something burning on my mind. Sometimes I'm so angry I feel like reverting back to old coping mechanisms. So I thought a journal was a good idea!

I feel ranting is an important part to life, everyone does it to some degree or another and it's not healthy to bottle things up inside. So for those moments where I feel a rant (or just a general thought) and want to get it off my chest, here it will be!

However, ranting is not everything. Sometimes I just feel like I want to share something with someone, and often there is nobody to listen (wow that makes me sound sad! I do have friends but I tend to let them do the talking rather than share). So here I can get things off my chest, rant or be happy, whatever the mood *Smile*

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August 28, 2014 at 5:59am
August 28, 2014 at 5:59am
It would seem that I have been challenged... dum dum dum! What an awesome idea at "Invalid Item and thanks to Elle - on hiatus for challenging me to write this blog entry. It's been long overdue so it works out well and encourages me to get my butt into gear!

As most of your know, I've been busy working on edits for my debut novel that will be released in September. I still don't have the exact release date but I have pretty much finished the edits and almost doubled my word count. I have received a proof of the cover that I'm waiting on finalisation for and I am almost at the end.

To say that it's consumed my life is an understatement. Everything seems to have slipped by the wayside while this baby has been on my mind and I've missed a hell of a lot, particularly WdC. I used to log on here every day and write or read or review or just enjoy general silliness and sociable things. It hasn't been that way in a while. But I plan to change that. I'm doing a final read through of my novel (around half way through now) and then I'll send it back and ta-da! So I will be back here more often that not and integrating myself back into the community.

And I have to say I'm sorry here, it's kind of a shameless plug (which I think is okay in my own blog!) but I'd really appreciate anyone who wants to follow me on any medium! Take a look:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/alice.j.black.doors
Twitter: @alicejblack
Wordpress: http://alicejblack.wordpress.com/

My blog isn't the best but if anyone out there with some internet expertise should wish to help, please let me know!

In other news, I'm settling in well at my new job. I feel at home there and though it was a bit of a tough start with not a lot of support and high expectations, I'm enjoying it. Hell that's gotta be me getting somewhere. Enjoying your job is an amazing thing and I bet not everyone can say that. There are certainly ups and downs and frustrations but who doesn't have that?

My kitty is still a little angry monster who bites me every now and then but I do love her! I also just bought a new wardrobe for my bedroom which is pretty awesome (can't wait to put it up) and I'm considering turning my spare room into a writing room....
July 21, 2014 at 5:13am
July 21, 2014 at 5:13am
I haven't been around on the site as much again. It seems to be happening a lot and it's getting me down. I started a new job at the beginning of July at another different hostel and I've been chucked in at the deep end (again). Expected to know stuff that I've not done before and kinda left hanging with not a lot of support. I'm muscling through though, not going to give up. But it's leaving me busy and quite frankly, exhausted. When I'm not there I'm working on the edits for my novel (chapter nine of eleven done now) and I don't have time for much else. I can't remember the last time I just sat and read or spent some lovely time with friends and family. I have some plans for this weekend involving my partner and friends so that should be nice.

I will try and log on more, especially when I get more settled into the job and as things calm down on the editing front. I'm looking forward to doing the second round of edits and seeing the whole manuscript together but I've added so much recently that I also think it'll be quite daunting.

Anyway, this was just a quick update to let you all know I'm still alive and kicking and apologise for my absence *Heart*
June 13, 2014 at 4:07pm
June 13, 2014 at 4:07pm
So I got some pretty good news today and thought I'd share it (especially since it's been over a month since I blogged - eep!) I've been offered a new job! No interview or anything, I've actually been headhunted (okay, maybe that's too strong a term) to work in a hostel. It'll be back in my own area and about ten minutes away from the hostel I was doing nightshift in. I'll be doing permanent days working with men and women and engaging them in activities and support. I'm so excited!

The plans had kinda been passed around about a week ago as there's a woman there that wants to go part time so she's going to my old hostel and I'm going up there so we're doing an internal transfer type thing and so it works well for both of us.

I have a meeting on Monday to talk to my new line manager and visit the place and see what it's all going to be about but I can tell you something already, I'm excited. When I first started my nightshift job working in a hostel I fell in love with it. Yes it was tough, yes there were moments when (during the middle of the night) all I wanted to do was cry, but I wouldn't have changed it for the world. I was reluctant to apply for anything else or move on. When this secondment opportunity came up I think I'd had just about enough as I could take of working nights. Not that I still don't love the place but I want to do more with the residents, more support work you know. So I jumped at the chance. It's been a big change for me going from nights to days, working with women to men, but I think I've taken it all in my stride. Some parts are hard here but there are always hard parts of a job.

So yes, that's my exciting news!

My OTHER exciting news is that I was contacted yesterday by the publisher about the edits that are going to begin with my novel! I've been having a conversation with the woman who is going to do it and we've agreed to do it chapter by chapter using track changes on word and I am SO EXCITED! Nobody has officially edited my work before and though I'm nervous and hope she doesn't hate it, I can't wait to see what she thinks and whether there needs to be major changes or anything. So that's starting in the next week or so.

And my writing, although it's taken a slow course lately thanks to me settling in at this new job and routine is a little more on track with over 3,000 words done in one sitting on Wed. I had a lot of fun with it. And though I know my job is going to change again, I will adapt and I will keep writing *Pencil*
April 14, 2014 at 8:08pm
April 14, 2014 at 8:08pm
You ever feel like no matter what you do, it's not enough? I had a really busy night at work last night from incidents and fights to cleaning the whole place top to bottom, packing up and room and cleaning it and then trying to do a few bits and bobs that meant the day staff wouldn't have to do it this morning.

What do I come into? An email (a snotty one at that) telling me how bad a job I'd done and ignoring the fact that I'd done the whole thing by myself. Don't you just hate that? How'd I react? Come in and clean like my life depends on it. I hate that but I feel like I don't want to leave myself open to criticism like that again. And I'm not going to do anything above and beyond the things I have to. Want me to be a glorfied domestic? So be it.

Can you tell I'm fed up? I want *Teag* and *Choco**Choco**Choco*
April 3, 2014 at 9:38pm
April 3, 2014 at 9:38pm
So if anyone read my blog entry yesterday you'll see that I had a bit of a rant. Well, it's been worse again tonight. Not only have I had to do all of my cleaning duties but I've had to catch up on some work the day staff were 'too busy' to do as well as clean out a full cupboard in order to fit in an order of bedding. And when I say bedding I mean duvets and pillows and everything. They had all just been flung in there. I'm pretty peeved about it all I have to say. I feel like I'm being taken for a mug but this is where I work and it's technically a part of my job. But is it my job to do everyone else's work?!

Anyway, I logged onto my favourite place when I finally got a moment and I have to say I was overwhelmed *Bigsmile*

First, I got an email from Rhonda telling me that as I'd achieved my goals with "Invalid Item with 100% completion I was entitled to a hefty amount of gps! It's brought my total up to over a mil now which is fab since I'm saving for my membership.

Not only that however, she also sent me a wondering Merit Badge:

Merit Badge in Slave Drivers Mastered
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on being the first person to achieve 100% success on your goals via  [Link To Item #1967503] ! You are also the first person to receive our custom merit badge to commemorate your success which is so richly deserved. You my dear friend are an inspiration. 

Congratulations on all of your hard work and determination it has certainly paid off *^*Heart*^*

Rhonda & Elle

How lovely is that?!

My next email was a lovely concerned one from a dear friend, Angus who made me promise to take it easy at work. Don't worry I will! I have to or I'll burn out and that sort of phenomenon in this job is just a no go.

The next email was from Merry Mumsy sending on behalf of Gaby ~ Finding my way back :

Merit Badge in Top Secret
[Click For More Info]

  Thank you for your constant support of my crazy ideas and for your generous donation to  [Link To Item #1975547] . Hope you enjoy the MB and all the activities that will come with my project. *^*Heart*^* (On behalf of  [Link To User geja8856]

Another brand new merit badge. It's looking very snazzy!

And then (as if I wasn't being spoiled enough):

Merit Badge in P.E.N.C.I.L. Reviews
[Click For More Info]

  *^*Bursto*^* Congrats on reaching your 180th review for  [Link To Item #pencil] ! *^*Bursto*^* Perhaps I'm repeating myself by now, but I can't thank you enough for all that you do for the group. *^*Heart*^* You're truly a *^*Star*^*! ~ The PENCIL Team


Merit Badge in Blogging
[Click For More Info]

 For completing at least 25 blog entries in the March (2014) Memory Lane Challenge: Movies & TV Edition from  [Link To Item #1700829] !

Now I just feel like I'm bragging! But what's a girl to do?! You guys are so awesome and you've cheered me up beyond belief *Heart*
April 2, 2014 at 9:17pm
April 2, 2014 at 9:17pm
For the past couple of months I've been working my arse off to keep up with blog entries first for "The Soundtrack of Your Life in Feb and then for "Blog Harbor from The Talent Pond in March. I have to say, I enjoyed doing both of these immensely! I've never really considered myself a 'blogger' but when the soundtrack challenge rocked up I couldn't resist. Music plays a huge part of my life and this was just another way to explore it. As for the film and television promps too, it was exactly the same. I actually did my degree in English and Film studies which was awesome. We got to watch a movie a week (some weren't as good as others) and we also had some projects that focused on a film for longer. We even did a James Bond module and a Hard Boiled Detectives module. I mean come on, who else can say they studied James Bond (hubba hubba) and John McClane (also hubba hubba!)

But I think at the same time, I've got a bit lost. I mean, not technically lost, I know where I am lol but I mean I haven't blogged about me and my life in a while. Haha. Don't worry it's not going to be a whiney post ... well ... not all of it! *Laugh*

At the same time as doing all of this wonderful blogging and really questioning both my tastes in music and films (I don't tend to watch a lot of television unless I really get into a series - even then I buy the DVDs) I've been taking part in "Give It 100! I think I may have mentioned this already. I'm up to day sixty today! It's quite an achievement and I'm pretty proud of myself for keeping it up. It hasn't been easy and I certainly haven't written any long short stories. Well, not every day anyway. I've written some things that I've entered into contests so it has a double bonus. But some days I'm just completely lacking inspiration or will or time!

That's the other thing. I've been so so busy at work. Both in Feb and March I've done 70 hours overtime in both months on top of my normal hours. I was fine at first. I almost have this superhero syndrome where I feel like I can do everything and still stay awake. It began to fail miserably on Saturday morning after doing a fourteen hour shift when I got home to find that Phoebe had clawed at the carpet to my bedroom door (subsequently leaving a hole), knocking over the vase with my mum's flowers in and soaking the carpet, chewing on some of the said flowers and then vomiting it all back up on my carpet. I think I just lost it then and I'm not afraid to admit it. I sat and I sobbed my heart out while scrubbing the floor (yes, I did feel like Cinderella!) and then called my partner who gave me a hug and made it all better. I felt a lot better after that but I think it's when I hit that point that I realised how tired I've really been and how much I've been taking on. I've got another overtime shift on Sun 8pm-2am and then I won't take on anymore for a while. It's just been so hard money wise lately. I had to have my chimney stacks repointed and releaded which cost a lot of money I don't have so now I owe my dad. I hate being in debt *Sad* But I also had car insurance and house insurance to pay. But that's all done now (with the exception of my dad's money) and I'm getting a bit more on track. I'm starting to feel a little more sorted with my life in general which is nice.

My job title at work is Support Worker (nightshift) and I love my job. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it can be a pain in the arse sometimes but I wouldn't change it. Since last night it seems that I've have become instead: a glorified domestic. Now don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that job, it's just that I don't want to do it. But it seems that I have to as I have a list of nightly duties of cleaning to do and sign off every night. And I mean it's stuff that I wouldn't think to do every night at home including scrubbing the bannisters and doors (there are three floors in this building!), the kitchen, any laundry, dishes and kitchen, floors, office, vacuuming and toilets. Oh and the bins. And that's on top of being a support worker and looking after seventeen women. I'm a bit peeved at it all. I don't mind helping out but everyone should do their fair share.

I needed to rant about that. I've been annoyed ever since I started work tonight. My plan now:

*Bulletv* Write for day sixty of "Give It 100!
*Bulletv* Continue to work on my new novel.
*Bulletv* Continue making edits to my NaNo novel.
*Bulletv* Increase promotion efforts for novel! (while I've been doing this it's hard because social media isn't something I use very often).

Anyway, it's been nice to catch up with you. I enjoyed my *teagray*
March 30, 2014 at 9:03am
March 30, 2014 at 9:03am
Prompt: Pick any television show you want (that you haven't already used) and explain why you picked it/why we should watch it.

Well I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do this but I've decided that since both prompts for day 30 and 31 were posted that I'm going to do them both. It makes it much easier for me because I'm busy all day tomorrow so I think I'd find it hard to do anything.

So, for this prompt I'm going to go with American Horror Story (I don't think I've written about this anyway!)

If you haven't seen this show, I would really recommend it. When I started watching the first season just before Christmas with my partner I was hooked. There were ghosts (both good and bad) and a very creepy house. It made for a brilliant show with a twist ending.

So of course we hurried onto the next season only to find that it was, somewhat, different. There were a lot of the same actors in it but we found that something had morphed. They were playing completely different characters within a completely different setting and storyline. It was very odd. It took us about half a season to get used to it and by the time we moved onto the third we were both excited to find out what new thing would be coming.

I admit, that probably doesn't sell it very well but it's a brilliantly made show with some awesome actors and actresses in it including Jessica Lange, Lily Rabe, Taissa Farmiga and Emma Roberts. Admittedly they are all actresses but they are all awesome and they totally make the show. Plus you get the amazing Kathy Bates in the third season and come on, who doesn't like her?!

Prompt: Pick any movie you want (that you haven't already used) and explain why you picked it/why we should watch it.

This one is easy. I don't know why I haven't been able to write about this film until now when I think about how much I like it. I watched it as a kid with a friend and have loved it ever since. There's something about the way it completely embroils you in the fantasy of it all, creating a completely different and exotic world that you can't help but want to visit even though it looks a little dangerous.

I think most people have seen this flick, but if you haven't, it's well worth a watch. Jennifer Connelly is amazing in it (it's not her first role but perhaps the first one that put her on the map) and David Bowie with those pants nobody will ever forget and his hair! I would recommend this to anyone *Bigsmile*
March 30, 2014 at 6:46am
March 30, 2014 at 6:46am
Prompt: What comedy movie makes you laugh the hardest?

When I read this prompt I stopped short. I have just realised with a dull sense of reality that I can't remember the last time I watched a film that really made me laugh. I mean don't get me wrong, I have seen them, but comedy isn't my thing as such. With that said I do remember two films in particular that I couldn't help but have a good chuckle over *Laugh*

Firstly, I'll go with This is the End:

This film was set with a theme I absolutely love and the over the top antics in it just really made me giggle. I'd gone to see it at the cinema with my partner and one of his friends and it was a laugh a minute.

More recently I watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2:

I really loved the concept of this film and enjoyed it so much more than the first! My favourite bit: the Tacodile! It's priceless *Smile*
March 28, 2014 at 4:40pm
March 28, 2014 at 4:40pm
Prompt: What upcoming show or movie are you most eagerly anticipating and why?

Not that I'm trying to copy or anything but I just read "Noah 2014 and I have to say, I'm in complete agreement.

I'm not a religious person at all but fair game to all that are. I think for me, this film appeals because it's a known story across the ages and one that I strictly remember from years of school and Sunday School. That's right, I went to Sunday school. I'm even Christened! But I don't consider myself to practice a religion.

But I digress *Smile* I think Noah looks amazing. I like Russell Crowe a little bit though I try to not like him a lot because I've heard he's an ass but I have to say I absolutely adore Jennifer Connelly and Emma Watson both. It'll be the first thing I've seen Emma Watson in since Harry Potter and though I know she's done a few other things, I haven't had the chance to see them. And Jennifer Connelly, I've loved her since the Labyrinth and think she's amazing in some of her more recent work such as Blood Diamond. Okay, it's not so recent but I liked it *Smile*

And actually, I didn't know Ray Winstone was in Noah until just this second so I'm very excited about that too! I'm working the next few Tuesdays and Wednesdays but when I have one free I'll be getting myself to the cinema to see it!
March 27, 2014 at 7:29pm
March 27, 2014 at 7:29pm
Prompt: Which character's departure from what television series was the most shocking to you? No last episodes allowed; we're talking important characters leaving and the show continuing on for at least a little while without them.

I know I've mentioned this show before but I will again but to me, it was quite a shocking moment in the series to be leaving. And afterwards, it just seemed to continue on without mentioning the characters again. How can they get away with that? I mean the whole show was based around their tumultuous relationship with each other. That's right, I'm talking about One Tree Hill.

The story is about Lucas and Peyton finally getting together and being happy as a couple. I love it. She gets pregnant and everything is good until the night the baby comes when they have to rush into hospital. Of course, that was at the end of the series. Then, the next series starts with no sign of either character and they act like it's normal. I think it was quite poorly done and left me reeling!

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