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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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January 4, 2014 at 9:37pm
January 4, 2014 at 9:37pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The planet earth, as a living, breathing entity unto itself, is on its own path of evolution, separate from us and yet parallel to us in its forward movement. Earth was created as a garden, to be used in God’s dream as a living library for the earth’s spiritual hierarchy and for the spiritual beings from all the universes in creation to come to enjoy and to learn. Here they watch, learn and follow the progress of the experiment that is God’s dream in its progress and to witness matter returning to energy.

The energy that created the earth may be called God stuff, photons, life force, love or any one of many names given to the creative energy that we are made of. It does not matter what name is given to this mighty force; the only importance is that we recognize that there is one energy only. That is the energy force that we are made of and that surrounds every living thing, be that animal, vegetable or mineral in construction.

We could ask the question, what about the animals. As the world population evolves towards the state of universal love, the animals, plants and all of nature will benefit. As people become more loving towards one another, the nature of the individual will encompass all creatures great and small with respect and dignity. Every living being will benefit. The earth will benefit as will the universe.

I woke up laughing on Christmas morning. I had read my horoscope for the day, in two different places. Both said I would get unexpected company on the 25th. Well, that was very unlikely, to say the least. I have lived in this neighbourhood for more than 25 years and have never seen neighbours being neighbourly. I certainly did not expect visitors.

So, on Christmas morning I was awakened by a dream. I was gardening in a summer climate, when I saw the letter carrier coming across my yard. He was carrying three pieces of mail for me. I asked how come he was delivering mail on Christmas day. He said he just wanted to pay me a visit.

So I had a visitor on Christmas day, just as my horoscope predicted. And I had a joyful laugh. In the background Singer was singing his usual tunes of love for me.

You are never alone.

I saw a book entitled ‘Does it Rain in Other Dimensions’, it looked interesting, and the write-up was intriguing. So I bought it. The writer is not a story teller, and that is what the book is – him telling stories. Now I know all about the games kids played on the street in east end London, in the ‘50’s, before there were many televisions in homes. But have I learned anything about other dimensions? Not a word. At least not in the first one hundred pages or so.

It gets more interesting when he starts telling of his encounters with UFO’s. Especially his visit to America and Area 51, it’s quite unbelievable.

December 21, 2013 at 9:47pm
December 21, 2013 at 9:47pm

I was looking for something to write about the birth of Jesus and came to the site below. I found it in my favourites, but I did not save it there. I did save Crystal Wind, but I had never read this piece before.

It is confusing, to say the least. I wish it could have been written in simpler language, but you will certainly be amazed and shocked if you choose to read it.

Some things I found interesting –

Use of the calendar we use now, quoting 22 December.

Sandra Browne ‘saw’ into the life of Jesus, and this does not correspond with what she wrote. No way, no how, far from it.

Have we been duped by the bible version, or are we being duped by this piece. I tend to believe this piece as more accurate, it delves into the mysteries of a parallel universe, and portals to that mysterious universe. It explains where the three kings who visited at the baby’s birth came from. It explains the gifts they brought, and what they were used for.

I also believe this type of transport into other universes is happening now, as we prepare for ascension. I have been given small glimpses of it on occasion. I’m sure everyone reading here has also been given some knowledge.


I am going to take a break over the holidays.

However you celebrate this time of year, may you and your loved ones be blessed.

December 14, 2013 at 10:08pm
December 14, 2013 at 10:08pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

If someone in your own family is experiencing some difficult lessons, it is wise to remember that each individual has separate and different lessons to learn in his or her evolutionary path. He or she has chosen their family because it is the best environment in which to achieve their evolutionary goals. They require as much support from their family as is possible without denying them their evolutionary progress. Support is always helpful whereas negative chatter is not helpful and can slow the process.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, December 18, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - January 15 at 7:30pm

Some life styles we bring with us.

In another lifetime I was also a single woman, I don’t know if I was widowed as this time, but living alone, nevertheless. There was a landslide in the nearby mountains. Two boys, twins, were spared, and their parents were killed. I took the two boys into my home and cared for them until adulthood.

After high school, one left, he had a strong urge to go into battle. We lived in Sweden, and he travelled to Russia. He joined the army, retired from military life after being injured and married a woman from the area. He died in his forties from war wounds.

The other young man was a scholar. He continued to live with me while he went to University; he became a professor of linguistics, and taught at the university until he retired. After that, he went back to the mountains and spent his time as a skillful artist.

This lifetime I fostered those same two boys. The first one is my grandson. In high school, he spoke perfect French. Not Canadian French, but Parisian French. He had never been subjected to that dialect before in this lifetime. By the time he reached the age of 22 he could read and understand eight languages. Some he studied by way of a tutor. Some he just looked at a book, and could understand. For his twentieth birthday he asked me for a book of the language they speak in Afghanistan. He opened it and understood it.

The other young lad, Simon, I took into my home two years later at the age of 14. They were not twins this lifetime but both came to me at age 14. The same age I took them in that past lifetime in Sweden. They spent two years together in my home, and they disliked each other intensely. They never fought, but never did anything together either, even though they attended the same high school, they never walked to school together, or came home together.

At age 16, Simon went to live with his aunt. That didn’t work out either. Last I heard of him, he was living on the streets. Although he graduated high school he was illiterate. He was, however an excellent artist. When he was with me for just a few weeks, he asked me if I would take him to Russia. That, of course, was impossible. But he always wanted to visit Russia.

Both boys, within a week of coming to live with me, although it was two years apart, asked me for a pomegranate. Both of them ate half the fruit, and left the other half in the fridge.

And, by the way, my grandson is in the army, and loves it – guess where he is stationed for a six month tour. The book I bought him came in handy I’m sure.

December 11, 2013 at 2:46pm
December 11, 2013 at 2:46pm

The Travis Tales, now available on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle (other e readers also).

Soon in bookstores near you (I hope) $11.69 U.S. funds

December 7, 2013 at 10:00pm
December 7, 2013 at 10:00pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We would suggest a good place to start to bring harmony into the world would be in the family. A harmonious family is a very pleasant thing for us to observe. When friends and neighbors watch a kind and harmonious family, the feelings of love and peace will spread throughout the community. If it is not possible to love each individual in your own family we would suggest that you not speak negatively about one another. Negative speech about an individual tends to be the start of chatter and gossip. Do not take part in negative chatter about any individual. This manner of talk is very counter-productive to harmony. Above all else, speak kindly and avoid negative chatter. It is better not to speak at all than to engage in negativity. This type of chatter will delay harmony and peace.

Peace begins with each individual and spreads to neighbor and throughout the community. We say again, God does not allow bad things to happen. We have been given free will and we have the power to use that free will to our own benefit or to our own downfall. It is much better if we work for a peaceful existence. That peaceful existence begins in our own home and family.


Some of our lessons are carry-overs from past lifetimes. I know two of mine that have affected me throughout this lifetime.

I was the captain of a ship in the past. My ship sank with all aboard – all died, including me. I haunted the nearby shore walking forever back and forth. For all I know, my ghost is still there, looking over the water, grieving the lost souls, and blaming myself.

This lifetime I am fearful of water. I cannot swim, and I cannot do water exercises. I cannot get into a whirlpool. I tried that a few years ago, at a hotel I stayed in Niagara Falls. The kids around the pool looked and laughed at me. When I was in the Canadian Air Force, I went to France by ship. Everyone was having a ball; I was terrified the whole nine days. Even more terrified coming back four years later when we left from Breast, France and within two days we were in a hurricane. Everyone was sick, but not me. I think I was too scared to let myself be sick.

My other fear that is carried over from the past is a fear of starving. I was in a hot desert climate. I remember the dust. I lay in a cot, getting weaker and weaker. I remember no more.

In this lifetime I eat too often. I am not particularly hungry at any time, because I eat almost constantly. Especially in the evening. I know I have this fear of starving, yet I cannot do anything about it. This fear is probably the reason I have food allergies. My spirit is telling me not to eat so much, but I find other foods that I can eat, and continue defying my lessons.

My doctor tells me I am the right weight for my age, my mind says ‘you are too fat’. Who ya gonna trust?

December 2, 2013 at 12:53pm
December 2, 2013 at 12:53pm



I haven't checked all these out, but this is c/p from the publisher's site.

Also available from the publisher, Ink n Beans, children's division, Ted E Beans
November 30, 2013 at 9:57pm
November 30, 2013 at 9:57pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In many cases, the government delays the progress of evolution. Politicians want to stay in power; their decisions are often based on greed rather than providing for the needy. Governments may make announcements about all the money that they are donating to the needy but all too often; the money does not reach those who are in need. Administration costs eat up the majority of the donations and in some cases, the poor never see any benefits.

The help needed often comes from willing neighbors, be they across the street, across the country or on the other side of the globe. That is why it is important to get involved in a meaningful way. Whatever an individual can do is multiplied many times over when everyone does his or her share. We cannot leave it up to corporations or governments to distribute goodwill because more often than not they have greed as the main reason for existing. Individuals coming together with goodwill as their objective are most efficient in the progress of evolution.

This is from

Kerry Palframan Int'l Spiritual Speaker and Teacher, Author

Posted on her Facebook page. It’s there to share so I share it here. Good advice.

“I just read a very disturbing post about pet shelters and what happens to the animals sheltered there. Not only do we treat our animals with disrespect - beyond inhumane, but we also treat other people and the environment with disrespect.

Perhaps I overgeneralize here as I for one choose to treat all life with respect. And I sit here in my privileged country and lifestyle and wonder what more I can do to increase the quality of life on the planet for every living thing/being.

I begin by treating myself with respect, compassion and honour. I let this vibe spread out from me to you and across our planet and into the Universe. I am just one person but I still matter. I count. I make a difference. Everyone reading this post matters, counts and makes a difference. If it is only to say a prayer or blessing - it all makes a difference.

So I choose to start every single day by sending heart felt love and blessings to all life on the planet. Peace to everyone reading this!”

November 23, 2013 at 9:59pm
November 23, 2013 at 9:59pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The crimes of the corporate world or white-collar crimes, as they are sometimes called, seem to be treated much differently than the crimes committed by the ordinary people. The convicted white-collar criminal can afford the best lawyers for their own defense. Poor people must rely on the defense lawyers appointed by the court. The outcome is often very different. Even the jails of the rich are not like the jails of the poor.

All throughout our society, the rich and the educated are treated and thought of as being superior to the poor. This is not the case at all. All are equal in the eyes of God because He created all souls to be equal. It is only in the eyes of man that the rich and powerful are better than the poor and helpless. When we again become beings of light, there will be no difference, all will be equal once more and the division that separated us while in the human form will be no more.

The lesson here is that we treat those among us who are living in the margins of society with all the respect that we have for the rich and powerful. It is important that those who cannot advocate for themselves are taken care of by those who can advocate for them. Corporate crimes are to be judged in the same manner as crimes of the poor. Corporate crimes are crimes of greed and greed is the main reason that evolution is not progressing as quickly as it should.

At this time of year, I see every Pharmacy, and clinic offering flu shots. I have never had a flu shot because of my numerous food allergies, and I often wonder if I am getting enough of the right nutrients to keep me healthy.

Then I got this email from my Pharmacy, and upon checking it out, seems I have been guided to correctly nourish my body, in order to maintain good health. So, I thought I would pass it along.

"We can give our body’s defence system a good base with a balanced, nutritious diet: whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat but nutrient-rich dairy and protein, with some beneficial fats from foods like nuts and fish. But keep an eye out for a few nutrients that your immune system especially depends on:

Vitamin A: This antioxidant vitamin plays an integral role in maintaining our physical barriers to infection – skin, mucous membranes, and intestinal linings.

Food sources: Carrots, kale, chard, collard greens, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and basil, among many other produce section choices.

B vitamins: This family of nutrients are involved in cellular energy production, so they support the immune cells in general.

Food sources: Plain white mushrooms are a great source of several of the B’s. Almost all types of green vegetables contain plenty of B vitamins. But to get much B6 and B12, you’ll have to add meat, fish, or dairy aisles.

Vitamin E: This antioxidant vitamin supports healthy skin, our immune system’s first and largest protective mechanism – your skin prevents infection by keeping out germs and viruses.

Food sources: Mustard, turnip, collard greens, and chard; sunflower seeds and almonds; papaya, kiwifruit, and blueberries.

Selenium: We need only a very small amount of this antioxidant mineral. It is involved in most processes in our cells and is required for a health immune system.

Food sources: To get your daily fill of selenium, you need only eat one Brazil nut. You can also get selenium from mushrooms, cod, snapper, tuna, halibut, salmon, shrimp, eggs, turkey, oats, or barley.

Zinc: Zinc supports the immune system by making sure your immune cells are healthy and functional to fight off possible infections.

Food sources: Beef, lamb, and calf’s liver; pumpkin seeds, basil, thyme, sesame seeds; a variety of greens; squash, asparagus, miso, maple syrup, and mushrooms.

Probiotics: Probiotics are good bacteria that may help your immune system in the battle against micro-organisms that might cause disease. Probiotics also support healthy digestion of the vitamins and minerals you need for general health.

Food sources: Probiotic foods include fermented items like yogurt, miso, some cheeses, kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles."


Our book is still not in book stores. Publisher says Amazon is ‘tinkering’ with it. I wonder if I will be able to recognise my words when I see them.

November 16, 2013 at 10:06pm
November 16, 2013 at 10:06pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There is still much work to be done and God wants us to bring peace now. We have delayed far too long in doing His will. Why do we delay any longer? If we know and understood that heaven on earth will come only when we do the work, we would not be living in the chaos that we are in now. We must spread the word, the truth, that heaven will only be ours when we ourselves work toward that result. Heaven on earth cannot be and will not be handed to us as a gift. We must make it happen. There is no other way. God will not break His promise of free will. It must be our will and our work that brings us peace and equality. It is our responsibility to work towards our ultimate goal of peace and equality for everyone. Our conscience will show us the way and our teacher, Jesus, has demonstrated to us the love that will bring us back to God.

Have you noticed how many times people have said to you recently, that time goes by so quickly?

And indeed it does. Alexander told me many years ago that time would be compressed. He said some people would not be able to tolerate the changes, and they would turn to violence. I don’t know the reason for this change in time, but I am sure the universe needs the change to happen. In the future we will have twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness. Seems it already is here. Winter hours leaves very little time for sun and light.

The publisher, Ink n Beans, has informed me that our Book, The Travis Tales, will be out shortly. Probably this coming week. You can see the cover here


Illustrated by our own talented turtlemoon-dohi

I wrote these stories many years ago when my first grandchildren were taken from their parents and placed in foster care. They felt they were different. Travis is a kitten who is different. He is a polydactyl kitten (five toes on his front paws). These stories show how being different can sometimes help other people. Suitable for the 5 to 9 age group.

November 9, 2013 at 10:06pm
November 9, 2013 at 10:06pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

People of good will that teach courses for meditation for us to learn to listen for the voice of God are no longer the brunt of jokes and slander. Their stories are being told in news broadcasts and newspapers and they are being spoken of with respect. That which was once scoffed at has now gained more respect and credibility. These are the signs and signals of the soul’s evolution.

Many churches and organizations members have a strong sense of justice and they are forming groups to help and to teach the equality of man. There are those who attend in courtrooms to report to the public when lawyers and others with influence misuse their power to the detriment of the poor and disadvantage.

Many church leaders and teachers are speaking out on subjects that have not been discussed before in their church. It is important to take a stand and to support those groups and organizations that speak out for justice and equality. All souls are equal in value and all deserve our support and understanding. It is when all people speak out against injustice that we shall have peace on earth.

I have a lover. He is the perfect lover. He never argues with me, never talks back, and never disagrees. What he does, is sing to me in the night. He sings;

“You are my sunshine. My only sunshine,

You make me happy, when skies are grey.

You’ll never know dear, how much I love you,

Please don’t take my sunshine away.

The other night, dear as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms,

When I awoke dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and I cried.”

He sings this three or four times, then he leaves. The emotion when he sings the last two lines is heart wrenching. I don’t know who it is, but, what it teaches us is, that love never dies.

I have asked who the singer is, but I don’t get an answer. I know that Alexander and I had that kind of love.

But something happened this week, the day after he sang to me.

I did not hear the phone ring, but saw the red light telling me that there had been a caller. I looked at the name – it was D. Auger. I have mentioned Derek before. He died about 3 or 4 years ago from the complications of AIDS. We were loving friends for a few short years in this lifetime.

I looked for D. Auger in the phone book. There are few, but what a coincidence, that D. Auger would phone my number in error the day after my lover sang to me.

Do you believe in coincidences?


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