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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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March 8, 2014 at 9:11pm
March 8, 2014 at 9:11pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There was no way that a prophet of two thousand years ago or more could have understood the visions if they had been given accurate pictures in their mind’s eye of our modern day world. Their guides gave them pictures and visions that they could understand in their limited vocabulary and experience of that time. They understood the weather and climatic disturbances but they had little knowledge of other continents, the oceans, and space around the planet.

They could not have understood the destruction our present day civilization was capable of doing with our large ships that could eliminate the fish of the oceans; large machines that could destroy the forests and the digging machines that would terrorize the very earth we live on. Therefore, when they described the latter days they used the visions that were given to them in the language that they understood.

There is no doubt that we are entering the latter days as we have been warned.

We need to work diligently towards peace and equality, starting with our family and ourselves. That is all we ask, peace attracts peace and joy attracts joy and so on. If we want a better world, we must start with a better person in ourselves. Each task performed with joy will bring joy to our next task. If we go about our daily tasks with anger and resentment then we attract anger and resentment to our next task and we spread anger and resentment to those around us. It is better to spread joy. Joy will spread to those around us and rebound back to us. Soon there will be nothing but joy in our life and the lives of those around us. This is our request, that you bring joy to your own small corner of the world and watch it grow.

This small request goes out to each one who reads these words. The task performed with joy may be small and simple or one that affects the universe. When any task is done with joy, it will affect the universal soul.

I asked for wisdom for a subject to write about but, came up empty this week, therefore, you have a blue blog to guide you through the following week. There were probably lots of hints, and suggestions, but I have been without pain medications for arthritis for three weeks, while I try to sort out another problem, so my mind is concentrating on pain, not wisdom. Sorry folks.

I could rant about a publisher who does not stick to her own contract, but then, I'm sure there are many.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, March 12, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - April 16, May 14,

June 18, July 16, Aug 20 at 7:30pm

March 1, 2014 at 9:53pm
March 1, 2014 at 9:53pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many of the events that were foretold in the bible by the prophets of the time are now happening. Major climatic events over which we have no control as were forecast are happening in every country of the world. We call them acts of God for good reason. Events such as floods, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes and unusual weather are occurring more frequently now than in the past. God warned us through the psychics of the day that these events would happen in the latter days. There is no reason to fear the coming of the end, as we know it now. As we have said many times, the end of the world as we know it now will mean the beginning of a better world, the world we all long for, the world we know as heaven on earth. There will be a returning to the Garden of Eden. That will be a time when the evolution of the soul will be complete; when we can once again enjoy the glorious beauty of heaven on earth.

It will be, as we were told, an event that will take place ‘in the twinkling of an eye’. All souls will again be together as we were meant to be, in the ethereal form. There will be eternal peace. Just as in awakening we do not remember all our dreams of the night, so will it be when we enter our new existence. There will be no memory of the evolutionary process that we have endured these many eons of time. All memories of greed, hate and inequality that we have suffered will be wiped from our memory and we shall enjoy universal love once more.

The ‘acts of God’ we are experiencing now are but a reminder of the promise He gave us so many years ago.

Whereas the state of the planet seems to be deteriorating with every day of our inhabiting this once beautiful young Garden of Eden, the prophecies of old are happening.

I just finished reading the book “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers” written by his sister, Annie Kagan.

I have mentioned before, that many of us are here to witness the end times. The manuscript above tells us that those who read these pages, are workers of the Light, and we are in our last life time here on earth. Many of us are visiting from the 7th dimension to witness the awakening of humanity.

We have read many stories about near death experiences, and we have read what psychics tell us about entering heaven, where our loved ones and pets will welcome us. But I have never before read a story like Billy Fingers, who, like us, will travel directly to the 7th dimension. No need for us to go through the preliminaries, the reviews, and the searching of what we did right, and what we did wrong. Our Archaic Records are already complete, no need to review them again.

The book does not use the term dimensions, but the meaning is clear. This is not a large book, and can be bought for e-books. It’s a worthwhile read – a different journey. And if anyone feels they have been ‘bad’ in this lifetime, this book will relieve your concerns. There is no ‘bad’. There are no ‘sins’. There are just experiences and learning.

But this too, shall all pass in the twinkling of an eye.

February 25, 2014 at 5:06pm
February 25, 2014 at 5:06pm
We got an excellent review for The Travis Tales


I hope this link works

February 22, 2014 at 9:51pm
February 22, 2014 at 9:51pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All religions and the fellowship that religion stands for should teach only love and equality. Since God is the supreme essence of love, all religions that use God as their guide must also use love as their reason for being. Universal love cannot engage in greed, hate, war or inequality. If God is to be the teacher, than love must be the lesson; if God is to be the leader than all those who follow Him must be equal. That is the true essence of universal love. The truth is as simple as that yet we have made our existence on earth so complicated. We are here on earth in the human form to experience the evolution of the soul back to universal love and back to the spiritual beings that we were in the beginning. We cannot express it any more simply. We are here to evolve back to God.

Religion was created to help us return to God and for some of us it has brought excellent results. However, the present situation is creating division and competition. All religions essentially teach the same lessons in somewhat different ways. In the future all religions will come together in such a way that they will use their vast influence and wealth to help the poor and homeless. If all the churches came together to pressure governments to provide for our poor and homeless, the results would be greater than one religion alone doing what it can on its own.

The combined effort of hundreds of thousands coming together in the name of God to lobby governments to do more for the disadvantaged would achieve great deeds and advance equality for all humanity. We know that when two or more come together to do good then God hears their prayers. How much more powerful when all people of good faith come together by the thousands in the name of God to demand that our governments act with compassion to provide adequate homes for the poor and food for the hungry. We know that faith reaches beyond reason. This would indeed be a worthwhile mandate for the religions of the world to accept. It is better to work together than to work alone. There is strength in numbers and governments respond to strength and commitment.

When I was given the words to the manuscript in blue, I did not hear the words. As I said, I was awakened each night about 3 a.m., and I began to write down my thoughts. Usually those thoughts had a relationship to what was going on in my life, in my family, in the news, or in the world. But, I did not hear words. I never knew who was speaking, except that there were twelve involved, and they often brought in experts with different knowledge, if they did not know answers. They allowed me to say, that the message came from the ascended masters, although in truth, we would not understand the position of the speakers. Therefore, they told me I could use the term ascended masters, so it would be of understanding to those who read the words.

Now, after all these years, I often hear, and understand those from the spirit realm that speak to me. Like this afternoon. I was awakening from a nap, and I heard a conversation between two male voices, yet the conversation included me. One voice said, ‘well, I was just …’, and then he paused. I said, ‘considering?’ He said, ‘yes, considering.’

I woke up laughing; I had never had this experience before – consciously adding to the conversation. And yet, I know it was planned.

So, I wanted to say tonight, that when you consider your thoughts – think of them as coming from spirit. You too are communicating with spirit all the time. We don’t all start out hearing voices, and carrying on conversations with spirit, but we learn.

Many of you reading this are much more advanced than I am. We are always at the right place, right on time.

February 15, 2014 at 9:41pm
February 15, 2014 at 9:41pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God wants His children to come home; He has given us our mandate. Use your free will to create peace in our world so that all can enjoy the benefits of a heavenly existence. We cannot wait for God to make our world a better place, which is why He gave us free will, so we must do the work ourselves. There is no one else, only we can create the Promised Land. Only we can achieve the miracle that is to come. Why do we delay our own paradise? Why do we let greed control us when greed can only bring more of what we have now; hate and misery, when we can put greed aside and create heaven. We must make that choice now. Do we want greed and hate or do we want love and heaven. There is no other choice. Let us put aside our strife caused by greed and pick up our new vision of equality based in love.

There will come a time when those who feel that their own religion is somehow superior to that of others will realize that religion in and of itself does not and should not lead to separation and division.

Generally speaking, we expect others to be the same as we are. If we are dishonest, we expect others to be dishonest. If we are greedy, we expect others to be the same. If we are honest, and we proceed in a business deal with someone who is not entirely honest, we can, and often do, become discouraged.

And so it is with the owner of the publishing company that gave me a contract to publish my book of children’s stories, The Travis Tales. Or did she?

On September 19th I was sent a contract to be signed, and returned. She would then sign also and return one copy to me. No problem, with my inexperience, and trust, I signed and returned the contract. I also kept a copy, intending to toss it when the fully signed contract was in my hands. Never happened.

First of all, I was to be sent a galley, or template copy of the book before it was printed. That never happened. I am completely disappointed with the appearance of the book. The format looks like something a parent would read to a small child, but the stories are for older children who can read for themselves. The art is beautiful, but the size of the book is completely wrong for the age group. She did not live up to her part of the contract in several ways.

I asked questions – simple questions. By not having a signed copy of the contract, I do not know when the contract begins or ends. I asked – no reply.

Finally, this week, after my asking her three times when the contract started, she answered with a non-answer. She said that by my questions, she assumed that I wanted to end the contract. I had no such thoughts. I only wanted to know the date the contract started. She said then, in a threatening way, that she would be glad to end the contract right now.

And then what? Would all the profits go to her, since we no longer had a contract? Does she keep the stories, and use them in whatever way she can, all for her profit? Do I have to get a lawyer at my expense, just to get a clear, signed contract?

I know in my heart and soul, all things happen for a purpose. I don’t know what that purpose is right now, I only hope it is for the good of everyone concerned.

I have often been called to visit a place, store, or restaurant so I can be in a position where healing of someone can be achieved. I have written about this before. Is that why I was led to this particular publisher? I hope so, but I surly do not want to lose my intellectual property.

February 8, 2014 at 8:29pm
February 8, 2014 at 8:29pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is not a bad thing to have wealth or valuable possessions, but the reason we are given wealth and the power that wealth brings is to use it in the helping of those in need. There is enough wealth in the world so that no soul should suffer. That is what God wants for His children. He gave us free will because He trusted us to do His bidding. We should not do otherwise.

We do not have the luxury of hoarding our wealth for very much longer. We have seen many signs and signals that our time is running short. Our spiritual friends want us to begin enjoying the heaven on earth that we were promised. They urge us to get on with creating peace on earth to pave the way to our Promised Land. They urge us to follow our higher conscience to bring equality to all souls on earth. Their urging is becoming louder and louder in our conscious mind. Many individuals are hearing the call to become advocates for the needy. Many are following the call to be mediators for the less privileged. The call goes out to all souls in human form. What are we waiting for, why do we delay the evolution of the soul when we know that a heavenly existence awaits us? Why are we too stubborn to see the gift that is now within our reach?

An email from The Recorder, who transcribed “Letters from Christ”

Dear Followers of Christ’s Way,

The moment to organise our presence in Rome, in Saint Peter’s Square, for Easter, has arrived.

This particular event, that someone might perceive as a brave action to change the Church beliefs, is in truth a Real Spiritual Event.

The first year we went to Rome, Christ advised us that we were going as ambassadors for Himself. He suggested that we should prepare ourselves beforehand by getting rid of any feeling of rejection and criticism of Catholics and especially any feeling of being superior to them because we have found the true Christ and his Letters”

Christ said also: “I beg you, my dearest friends and followers, please try to make this visit to Rome a tremendous step forward in your own Divine Spirituality. Try not to go in your humanhood of consciousness. Try to rise up and enter into my mind at this time. ONLY LOVE WILL REACH THESE PEOPLE. I beg you to put on the golden armour of LOVE, because this is truly your protection".

Those are the Christ Thoughts brought to us before by Recorder but now in 2014, Christ gives us an even stronger message:

“My dearly loved Members of Christ's Way,

I am writing to you because Marco Carraca is planning to take a large group of Christ's Way Followers to Rome to visit St. Peter's Square over the Easter week-end.

Do you realise that if you go, you will be representing me, the Christ, who has given you the Letters as your guide-lines for founding a new Era of Love, Peace and Joy.

I, the Christ, am alive and real and have given you the Letters to help you prepare yourselves to bring into the world an entirely new CONSCIOUSNESS of Unconditional Love and wellbeing.

I have come down as near as possible to your planetary consciousness vibrations, that you may, at certain times feel my presence and also receive the message of love and encouragement I send you when you are in a receptive state of spiritual receptivity.

I have told Marco that I will be writing to the Members of Christ's Way to tell them I know of his plans and to ask you, my dear Followers whether you know your true motives in doing such a thing? In what spirit do you truly intend to go to the Vatican?

Do you know that Pope Francisco is deeply loved for his upright spirit and his determination to bring about the eradication of falsehood and corruption on every level of the Vatican? He is doing my work as far as he can receive knowledge and understanding of it. To acknowledge the authenticity of my Letters at this time would be impossible for him. The moment he does so, his position, in his own estimation of Truth and Spirit, will be no more tenable. He will have to resign.

I'm asking you my beloved Followers, in what human mood and motive are you truly going to St. Peter's Square? If you are truly my Followers, Followers of the true, living Christ from Celestial Realms, you should be able to accept and understand my LOVE for my dear Francisco, so bravely incorruptible, and even enter into it.

If you can do this, consider again what would be your true motives for going to St. Peter's Square over the Easter week-end when Catholic minds are filled with remembrances of the crucifixion. Do I agree with this dedicated allegiance to the cross? No, I do not, it is something I have always rejected as being spurious and false and I have longed to see the belief expunged from the human consciousness forever but at the same time, my Love for Francisco will not allow me to rejoice in any humanly devised invasion of his property unless it is entirely spiritually motivated..

What do I, the Christ of Celestial Realms mean by the human words of spiritual and love? I mean the Divine Impulse of promoting the very highest good of another person - or other people.

This is my Christ message today. If you, my beloved Members of Christ's Way, are seriously and sincerely my true Followers, please examine yourselves honestly, truthfully and ask yourselves what you truly desire to achieve?

My beloved people, I know the consternation that this e-mail will arouse amongst you all - but you are living in times that you and your thoughts will create. You have to be deeply in touch with your own truth and intentions and desires if you are to succeed in creating a Kingdom of Heaven on earth. If you truly want to do this, you have to live and act motivated solely by unconditional love.

Please share your personal truth with Marco because he, too, is called on to sift through his emotions to discover what are his true intentions in wanting a large crowd of banner waving people and brochures and flyers.

Please remember that when you went before, and I sent you a very strong message urging love in every step you took, there was a different Pope and consciousness within the Vatican attracting different responses.

My beloved Members, you now live in a dimension of knowledge of Cause and Effect - Consciousness and repercussions. You can no longer afford to live as you did, reacting according to your emotional impulses when under stress.

I know that this period of your minds opening and trying to understand entirely new concepts of your planet causes you sleepless nights and turmoil. And I see you trying to live that understanding sincerely and this is inexpressibly painful for you. I love you all and tender my Supreme Love and radiate it to all of you, personally.

Before I leave you, I want you to know that this long message is not telling you, you must not go to Rome...but....if you decide you want to go to Rome to speak to Francisco, you will have to prepare yourselves so that you go as my loving representatives and present yourselves as Children of Light.

How will you prepare yourselves? You will meditate, pray and make peace, be reconciled with any inharmonious relationship or condition in your life. In this way, you will prepare yourselves to become my representatives as Children of Light and will become a blessing to Pope Francisco.


Even if we do not go to Rome, we can be there in spirit.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, February 12, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - Mar 12, April 16, May 14,

June 18, July 16, Aug 20 at 7:30pm

February 1, 2014 at 9:53pm
February 1, 2014 at 9:53pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In the recent past, we have seen terrible destruction of priceless art and beautiful buildings ruined by war, floods and other means. It truly is a terrible thing to witness the loss of our history in art and architecture. As terrible as it is, we must keep our sights on the priceless value of the human soul

When material values are worshipped and are placed before the soul then it is inevitable that the material possessions will be taken away from us. When we use our money and resources to maintain material possessions and leave the souls of our fellow man to be in need, then those things will be taken away from us. It is better to help one soul in need than to own priceless artifacts that may represent what is of value to us.

It is better in the eyes of God to feed a hungry child than to own a priceless work of art. It is better to help a family of refugees than to hold untold wealth in a bank vault. Material possessions only hold a value in the eyes of God if they are used for the purpose of helping our fellow man. Our light will indeed shine brightly all the way to heaven when we use our gifts to bring comfort to the needy. Our wealth and our material possessions have no significant light unless they are used for good deeds.

This applies to countries as well as to individuals. If governments abuse their power and wealth, they will be destroyed. Every effort will be made by our heavenly brothers and sisters to guide wrongdoers in the right direction but if all their efforts fail, there is no other course available but to destroy the wealth, possessions or those who misuse our trust.

I don’t know much about animal spirits, but I find it very interesting. So when I read this, I thought it was worth sharing. She also mentions two books that might be an interesting read.

This from Kerry Palframan http://indigodreamer.com/

“Driving home the other night and thinking about my financial situation and wondering how I was going to pay for a series of expensive healing treatments I'm undergoing. Just as I was thinking about this, a coyote crossed the road right in front of me.

I know my animal symbolism pretty well but I was stumped by this message and its connection to my thoughts on money. When I got home I immediately grabbed my books on animal symbolism.

The first one, Animal Speak by Ted Andrews (excellent book!) did not speak to me of the message of coyote. Neither did my own book, Spirit Talk, with its dictionary section on animals, give me that "ah-ha" moment.

On to Animal Spirit Guides by Steven Farmer (also great!). Ta da! One of the lines jumped out at me! "The resources you need are available".

Simple enough and I felt grateful for coyotes reassuring message that the finances required for my treatments would somehow be made available to me.

I begin to open the mail. A note card from a dear soul mate friend of mine who is 86 years old. She included a cheque for $100 in her letter! My very first thought was "I can't cash this". I know my friend is on a strict budget and can't even afford cable or high speed Internet.

There I am holding this cheque for $100 (which just paid for my treatment) and the book open to coyotes message "The resources you need are available". And here I was saying I would not accept the money. LOL.

Why not? After all, I did not specify where I'd like the money to come from (although I usually specify that it comes in beneficial, positive and effortless ways to ensure it does not come from the death of a loved one).

And who knows, maybe it was bringing my friend great joy to help me out.

Either way, it was quick manifestation and reassuring to know Creators got my back and that animals LISTEN when Great Spirit speaks (unlike so many humans I know who close their eyes and ears when God grows near to answer their pleas for help).

Are you open to the Sources guidance? Suggestion: Play with this today and ask Your God for one sign or to "please show me the way" and keep your eyes and ears open for the answer. For every question is ALWAYS answered...just not in the ways you may be expecting.”

January 25, 2014 at 10:02pm
January 25, 2014 at 10:02pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The only way we can learn these soul lessons is by understanding that hoarding of wealth and knowledge is only harming us. Our corporations are merging to create even bigger corporations. Our businesses are using profit as the goal to be successful. The individual worker trying to take care of his/her family is being used and abused to achieve that profit. The worker is working, not so much for himself/herself but for the success of the business or corporation. Individual workers are expendable to achieve material benefit for the company. Real success is equality of all individuals. The boss is only the boss because of fortunate circumstances, because he/she was born into the right family and was able to take advantage of education and circumstances. On a soul level, all are equal.

God’s dream is not being fulfilled in business today. His dream was not to have rich people and poor people. His dream was not to have rich countries and poor countries. His dream was for all to evolve together in unison and harmony, helping one another in the movement back to Him.

We know that there is enough wealth in the world that, if evenly distributed would more than meet the needs of the world population. There is enough food produced in the world that no person would go without necessary nutrition and no one need be hungry. There is enough medical knowledge in the world that all could be taken care of. What we need is a redistribution of resources; this requires sharing to a point unheard of in the world before. This is what evolution is; love, compassion, generosity and a lack of greed and ego. Eventually we will reach this point in our evolution and the world will be as described in our religious books, where the lion will lie down with the lamb. Big business will be no more and we will be equal. Sharing and caring will be the way of life. Evolution does and always will move in a forward motion until the ultimate way of life is reached. At that time, we can look forward to full enlightenment back to the spiritual beings that we once were.

All things come to those who believe. But how much do you have to believe, and how long do you have to wait? Those are the questions that are not answered.

My son-in-law and his mother worried for more than thirty years that S-I-L never had Chicken Pox when he was a child. They worried that if he should get Chicken Pox as an adult, it would be very difficult, and possibly he would die from the Pox. Now, S-I-L is an only child and his mother has never let him mature. So when my grandson had Chicken Pox, his dad and dad's mother were beside themselves with fear.

Nothing happened. Five years later, when younger daughter got Chicken Pox – again the fear – and again, nothing happened. A few years later young daughter had a second bout of Chicken Pox. Now the fear was enormous. And yes, S-I-L got the Chicken Pox. He got the worst case of Chicken Pox the doctors had ever seen. He even had Pox on his internal organs, his mouth, his nose, and everywhere you can imagine.

So, the question is, did fear bring on the illness? If he and his mother would have been just as positive as they were negative, would he have avoided the Pox? I don’t know, of course. But I have often thought about it.

Now, about that Lottery ….

January 18, 2014 at 9:54pm
January 18, 2014 at 9:54pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All around us, we see nature completing the cycles that bring us the seasons of change in a never-ending pattern of evolution. We see the summer changes to autumn and autumn changes to winter, winter to spring and then back to summer. These are the visible cycles of nature. There are also thousands of invisible cycles that affect the way we live.

Earth is the environment that is our teaching ground. We see people of the world come together in compassion when there is a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood, and fire or even in cases of medical emergencies such as Cancer or AIDS. These emergencies are given to us as learning experiences to restore our soul nature, which is compassion and universal love. Another lesson for us is to share our knowledge of building codes that can better withstand the earthquakes and other disasters.

The wisdom and knowledge is available to construct buildings that are better able to withstand the tremors of earthquakes and to reduce the loss of life because of the disasters. The sharing of the wisdom and knowledge to areas that are most likely to experience earthquakes is essential. The cost of construction of such buildings is not realistic in poorer nations now but the equal distribution of wealth will solve this problem. Universal love, universal compassion and universal cooperation will go a long way in the healing of our world. These are soul lessons that can only be learned while we are in the physical body.

Through the evolution of time, space and soul, we gain knowledge. We become expert in many things and we excel in some things. When we come into human form, these gifts stay with us; some in our spiritual place, some in physical. Both spiritual and physical gifts continue to evolve – for instance, we are better writers, artists, students, etc, as we grow older. This is a natural evolution of our self, both spiritual and physical.

So, when we become human, physical, our spiritual expertise continues to work, but we are not aware of what we do in that dimension.

Unless we are told by a spiritual identity. This was the case for me with my spiritual teacher, Alexander. I found out that one of the purposes of my spiritual expertise was to guide souls to the light.

Monday morning I was made aware of this spiritual ‘job’ that I was sent here to do. I became aware of Singer, myself and a young boy in a conversation. Apparently the boy – he was about eight years old – was to be taken from his mother (in his physical world) and placed with strangers; a foster home. Of course he was afraid. He said he did not want to leave his mother. Those words, ‘I do not want to leave my mother’ were the only actual words I remember. Singer and I worked in combination to relieve the boy of his fears. I believe we were ‘the still, small voice within’ for the young lad.

The date, Monday, 13 January was significant. It is the birthday of my grandson, who was also taken from his mother and placed in a foster home at the age of five. The boy we were helping was not my grandson, Robert, but the scenario was similar. That still, small voice was active for Robert at his young age. He always knew good things were in store for him. He believed that with all his heart and soul. It took a while, but at age 14 Robert came to live with me, and, as they say, the rest is history. He is now a Corporal in the army with an excellent trade, and loves it. His past has made him what he is today, just as all things contribute to make us who we are at the present time.

For Robert, a happy outcome; I hope the same for the young lad we helped last Monday.

January 11, 2014 at 10:14pm
January 11, 2014 at 10:14pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is difficult for our minds at their present level of knowledge to understand the magnificence of universal love. At best, we can hardly imagine the wondrous effect universal love will have on the population. The effect will be like continuous miracles happening all at once all over the world. What we think of as miracles now will be commonplace every minute of every day. Our minds cannot expand to realize the wonders of universal love.

These words from Christ’s Letters have confused me.

“You do not need to heal your bodies or try to make your lives better, you need to heal your beliefs!

‘I have told you there is nothing solid under the sun.”

I have just passed my 79th birthday, and, as you might imagine, my body does not act like a 25 year old anymore. My fingers are in constant pain, to the point of my worrying how much longer I will be able to type on a keyboard – forget about texting, my thumbs don’t bend enough.

So what is he saying here? We do not need to heal the pain and stiffness in our bodies? We do not need to take pills, or use ointment, to relieve our discomfort? I certainly believe the power of the mind to heal; I have seen it happen countless times. But I, like many healers cannot seem to bend my own mind around the concept of healing myself.

Two things come to mind that happened to me in the last year, or two. In the first week of December 2012, I broke out in severe allergic dermatitis. I saw my dermatologist, and followed his instructions. He said I would be good as new in two months’ time – I wasn’t, far from it. Then exactly one year after the dermatitis started, in the first week of December 2013, my skin began to clear up. There was nothing I could think of that had, first of all caused the condition, and nothing I could think of that caused the healing.

Secondly, in September of 2013, I began to lose weight very suddenly. Again, there was nothing I had changed in my eating or exercising. I quickly lost ten pounds. I worried a little, but I felt fine. Then, just as suddenly, again without changing anything in lifestyle, I gained the ten pounds back again.

Both are a mystery to me. Maybe the Ascended Masters have given us the answer in their words above. I am nowhere near that point in loving.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, January 15, 7:30 pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - Feb 12, Mar 12, April 16,

May 14, June 18, July 16, Aug 20 at 7:30pm

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