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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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June 12, 2011 at 1:12pm
June 12, 2011 at 1:12pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we use universal love as a basis for our every day living, we will find that our relationships will go in directions that we hardly expected. Communication will go smoothly and there will be help in any emergency. When people are treated with respect and dignity, they will respond in times of trial. Race, color or religion is not a barrier when universal love is the bond that grows between individuals.

I have noticed ever increasingly the sacred numbers are appearing to us. The planet Earth was created with grids of energy (similar to longitude and latitude) using numbers that are sacred in creation. These numbers are 11, 12, 22, 33 and 44. These are the ones appearing to me many times a day. Or, 11:11, 12:12, 3:22, 3:33 4:44 and other combinations.

This tells me a new Earth is being created for the habitation of those who are ascending. This evolution has happened eleven times before – we live on the twelfth planet Earth and are evolving rapidly to move to the thirteenth. Those of us on earth now have chosen to be here to witness this great transformation. Some will be disappointed, expecting a different type of ascending. I am sure we will all be surprised because we do not know the exact way, time or consequence of our move to a higher dimension.

This Earth will not be destroyed. It will remain here and will still be inhabited by those who do not ascend at this time. For those who ascend, this present time will be like a past life and will be wiped from our memories just like all our other past lives.

I started writing this at 12:12 and finished at 12:44. (before editing) Try to notice the numbers as they appear to you. Acknowledge them and accept them as blessings.

June 5, 2011 at 3:20pm
June 5, 2011 at 3:20pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The way to bring peace and harmony to the world can only start with you. How you demonstrate universal love, universal compassion and universal truth can only bring this love to the rest of the world. Rest assured that others are working towards the same end and with all God’s love and light workers, working separately and together the only outcome can be the heaven on earth that was promised to us in our religious writings.

A story –

When I was actively doing table healing work my friend, Margaret asked me to do a healing on her. She was used to meditating so she went down easily and quickly. While she was on the table, I saw a past life for her and the man she was dating at the time. I don’t remember his name so I’ll call him James.

It was in England during the time when knights wore armor and rode horses into battle. Margaret was a twelve-year-old boy who was an assistant to James an armored knight. During the night, their army lay in a pine forest, getting much needed sleep. The pine needles gave them a soft bed if you can imagine sleeping flat on your back in armor.

The enemy quietly approached in the dark forest. James was run through the abdomen between the armor plates and pinned to the soft ground with a sword. He could not move. Margaret was killed while her knight was immobilized. James was horrified and maddened that he could not save the boy whom he loved dearly. (They may have been related – my vision did not specify, only that James loved the boy)

I asked Margaret if James seemed too protective of her in their relationship in this lifetime. She said that was indeed the case, she was claustrophobic in his attentions. She realized things would not change because he was making amends for his inability to protect her in that previous life.

She ended the relationship knowing why he was trying to control her and that it would never work to their mutual satisfaction.

May 28, 2011 at 10:09pm
May 28, 2011 at 10:09pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

This addiction to power and false glory is the reason we bring illness on ourselves. True love of one another, true compassion and true honesty is the only way to bring God’s glory, love and compassion to our self and to our fellow man. That is the reason we are here. That is our mission. We all too often hear the question, ‘why are we here?’ This is the reason, to return to spirit and to return to God in the heaven created for us. There can be no greater challenge; there can be no greater glory. We were created for this cause, to manifest spirit in the human form and to return to spirit to continue His work without the structure of the human body restricting us.

The lessons we learn along the way only empower us to teach God’s love and to pass on this teaching to future generations. There is no greater privilege than to teach God’s love to our fellow human beings. We must be willing to live every day with love of our fellow man and to demonstrate that love daily by the hour, minute and second. In all circumstances, we are to show God’s love by being a living example of love. This demonstration of love can only spread to our fellow man and in turn spread throughout your community and so on to your town, to your country and beyond.

We heard a lot about ascension the last few weeks and many were disappointed. We are asked not to judge those who follow their beliefs. If we believe something with all our heart and our heart tells us it is the right thing to do, we too would do everything we could to gain entrance into God’s presence. I would.

Ascension, as I have understood it, is just what I write about here, the Evolution of the Soul. I received an email this week, which explains evolution with words, most of us can understand.


Scroll down to the message to read what is happening in the realm of evolution.

Blue Ray: 2012 Ascension Acceleration

Signs of the New Earth & Angelic Human

Through Shekina Rose

Some of you will strongly identify with the feelings and circumstances described. Many of you who read this blog may be of the Blue Ray. Subscribe to the newsletter if you feel drawn to her words and message.

May 22, 2011 at 1:16pm
May 22, 2011 at 1:16pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Dysfunction and disease is a way that our body lets us know that we have gone astray in looking after ourselves. The pain associated with illness is there to reinforce our error and to make the memory last. If we had no pain, the lesson would soon be forgotten. The memory of the pain can linger on for a lifetime reminding us to take better care of our bodies.

So how do we assist the body in the healing process? Right thinking, right eating and right movement or exercise is the basic and most important foundation to self-healing.

An active mind with positive thoughts based in love goes a long way in healing the body. Negative thoughts not coming from feelings of love start the process of illness. Wrong eating and lack of movement then exacerbate the process. Over a period of time illness takes a foothold and builds up to what we experience as sickness. Medicine then comes to the rescue with its chemical developments that are needed in crisis situations. The best way to avoid medical and chemical intervention is to prevent the onset of the condition. It usually takes years for a condition to reach crisis status. Prevention as an ongoing, full time way of life and is worthwhile in the end.

Most of the time, I do not understand what my ‘singer’ is singing to me. Occasionally, just as I am waking up I hear and understand a few words. Twice in the last few days, I understood what he was saying.

I awoke in the middle of the night and he was saying – I can’t quote him exactly but he told me if I followed his instructions my book would be published soon. I believe he was referring to the book this blog is based on. There are two things amiss with this statement as I see it. First, as I said, I don’t understand what he says so unless he speaks or sings more slowly or clearly I can’t very well follow his instructions.’ And secondly, when I hear the word ‘soon’ from the other side, it could mean days, months or years. Their soon is not the same as our soon.

Secondly, last night he was singing ‘Wally Pinder in your face. OK, I was a bit annoyed at being awoken with this bit of silliness but in the morning, I realized he was telling me his name. I imagine that may have been his name while here on earth but I am quite sure that is not his name while he is in spirit form. I have only ever heard those in spirit use one name. For instance, my name while I am in spirit form or ‘on the other side’ is Chanon. The sounds resonate with who I am; my soul being. That is what I have been told.

May 14, 2011 at 8:22pm
May 14, 2011 at 8:22pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our mission was to take care of the earth, to have dominion over it and in all haste, return to heaven and to God’s love. Our eyes saw the glamour and the glory in greed and power and we lost sight of the true glory and reward of heaven. We have an illogical desire for material things and have, in our ignorance, given our true power over to glamour that brings us no joy or happiness. We have given away our birthright and have sought only the false power in material things that bring only more greed and more disharmonies to us and to the smooth functioning of our gloriously created bodies.

Man was created in God’s image so that God could understand the basic essence of man. Because of the complex workings of the human body, we were given very simple instructions as to its upkeep. Simple foods, regular movement and clean water are the basic necessities to keep proper functioning of this very complex organism. Our manufactured food of today tends to clog up the systems and thus we have dysfunction and disease.

I have on occasion talked about past lives. Over the years I have had a lot of help discovering some of my own past lives. I have another manuscript I called, “Twelve Lives I have Lived”. I have knowledge of dozens more but only glimpses – not enough information to create a story.

For instance, I was a sausage makers wife in Germany at one time. We lived above our shop, we had four children and the street in front of our shop was cobblestone. I don’t know who the husband or children were in that lifetime so the information does not help me in my present lifetime. Oh yes, I was overweight – that does relate -- sadly.

I thought I would give you an exercise how you too can travel to other lifetimes and get a quick look, maybe even some help in how you relate to people around you today.


Here is how you go back and discover.

Relax deeply

Have in your mind what experience you want to know about; or a person with whom you wish to meet from a past life.

Imagine yourself sitting on a cloud. Make yourself comfortable and look down at the earth. Watch the earth circle below you and ask, 'take me to a place where I can experience a past life concerning/with ..........' ????

As the earth moves below you, you will suddenly be taken from your cloud and be transported to the desired place.

Notice the following ....

what country are you in ..

what year is it ..

are you male or female ..

are you indoors or outdoors ..

who are the people around you ..

how do you fit into the picture ..


You may not get a complete story but you will get enough for your own information or even healing.

Don't be surprised at what you will see.

Be prepared to shed tears.

You can do this as many times as you want. Visit a few lifetimes

May 7, 2011 at 7:16pm
May 7, 2011 at 7:16pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The body is such a complex organ itself that science has barely scratched the surface of how the body works. How the cell fluids and salts feed the trillions of cells and keep them from dying before their work is done is hardly understood by the knowledge of today.

Why the cells perish in the first place, is still not understood by the average scientist of medicine today. It is, of course, necessary for cells to multiply in the growth of a child. Why the cells do not continue to live when the person is fully-grown is still under research. Indeed, the life span of the cell is not understood at the present time.

God, in His wisdom charted the course of the human body at the time of creation. He knew just how we would mistreat His creation because of our ignorance. Therefore, he made the body as foolproof as possible and able to function with the very least effort on our part. He did not anticipate that we would resist His offer for us to return to Him in the least amount of time and effort. We however, got lost and lost sight of the rewards He was offering. In our effort to gain money and power, we have lost sight of the true meaning of life here on earth.

Amazing things happen in the bathroom. Okay, so let me explain. Answers from Spirit come loud and clear in the bathroom to many people, not just to me.

Three things recently happened to me.

1 As I have said before, I have allergies. They have been particularly bad for my right eye these past two weeks.

It is red, swollen and draining.

Last night in the tub, I asked what I could do about it.

A very still, small voice said peanut butter.

Well, I had just eaten a teaspoon of peanut butter a few hours before so my stomach would not be empty on going to bed. I thought it was my imagination saying PB.

But I went downstairs and applied a small amount of PB under my eye.

This morning – there was no redness, some swelling and a very little draining but just a very little bit.

Do you think peanut butter would reduce the unsightly bags under the eyes? Who will try it?

2 The one who sings to me was singing ‘pour it in your hands, rub it in your hands’ but I did not understand what I was to pour and rub in my hands. That evening in the tub I asked and my bathroom buddy, as my friend calls him said loud and clear ‘egg whites’.

This is another kitchen solution to my allergies. Egg whites takes the itch and soreness from my allergic dermatitis.

3 Again my singer sang to me that I would soon be driving home in my new Mazda – then he said a number but I did not hear the number. As you may know, Mazda’s styles are numbered. Some time later I thought I would ask what model and style number my singer had told me. But when I got into the tub I remembered that I was going to ask something but forgot the question. My Bathroom Buddy did not forget. He sang out ‘3’. Now I had the answer but it took me a few seconds to remember the question.

And to answer your question – no I do not yet have a new Mazda 3.

I find it truly amazing that those guides and helpers in spirit form can communicate with us in this way.

April 30, 2011 at 6:58pm
April 30, 2011 at 6:58pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The construction of the human body is extremely complex. Furthermore, our medical scientists have not begun to understand the complexities and the simplicity that combine to keep the body functioning and humming along from day to day, from year to year with very little effort on our part and seemingly little outside help.

There seems to be a very little knowledge today as to how the cells communicate with each other in their ongoing effort to keep the organs, cells and particles working in such smooth harmony. Without this communication our bodies would soon begin to dysfunction, in fact no organ could operate without the knowledge that all other organs and systems in the human body are operating in their own way at their own pace to keep harmony and service going. If one or more organs are not operating at their full capacity, other systems and organs, take a greater load on them to help each other out and keep the body going, as best they can under the circumstances.

When I speak of evolution of the soul, it is common for the reader to think of evolution of the species as in Darwin’s theory. This, of course is an entirely different path of evolution.

We were created eons ago as a dream of our Creator whom we call God. We were created in pod like capsules containing both male and female. When we emerged from the pod or capsule we began the journey of our soul’s evolution. This evolution is controlled entirely by our love and the love of our Creator. Our own evolution is enhanced by compassion of others and of our love and guardianship of our Garden of Eden, which is our planet Earth.

It matters not if we commit the ‘sins’ our religious ‘teachers’ tell us are sinful transgressions. It matters not if we smoke, drink, are addicted, cheat or steal; these are fabricated ‘sins’. If we do not love or show compassion to others and to our planet, our own evolution will slow but it will not stop. Our actions cannot stop the evolution of the soul. Our actions can only slow the evolutionary process. This is not a sin. In fact, there are no sins. There is only moving forward or slowing the action of evolution.

We will not be judged for our choices. We will judge ourselves when we get to the dwelling place of spirit (called heaven). If we have not lived up to our own code that we chose before coming into this world as humans, we have the choice once again to enter a human lifetime to try again. Our chances are beyond counting.

Life is eternal, whether we are in human form or in spirit form, there is no death – ever. Eventually we will evolve to reside in the higher realms of the universe but our evolution will not cease even then until we are ‘at one’ with our Creator.

This is not an easy concept to grasp; I know that. But if, for now we can separate Darwin’s theory and the evolution of the soul – we have done well.

April 24, 2011 at 8:23pm
April 24, 2011 at 8:23pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In the beginning, God had a dream that would turn energy into mass and then mass back to energy through the process of evolution.

Creation as we know it began with the photon and the atom combining in large numbers they began to form molecules and the molecules began forming cells. The cells came together in the forming of organs and the proper organs came in unison to form the human body.

This, of course is a simplification of the process, which in fact took thousands of centuries, as we understand time in our earthly dimension. Time and space are unknown in the dimension of creation.

Thus began the process of evolution. Once the process began there was no stopping it. Once evolution was on the way there was nowhere for the process to go but forward. And so it did, over eons of time, energy became matter in the forms we know now. Physical matter evolved in the form of animals, birds, minerals, trees and the cycles of nature and in the form of the human body.

Since starting this blog, I have been jumping throughout the book in no particular order because, to tell you the truth, I never imagined I would keep it up this long.

Today I am starting from the beginning of the manuscript and continuing in the order it was given to me. If some seems familiar, I do not apologize, the message has been sent to humankind for centuries. The message has always been ‘love one another’.

Evolution will move ahead with our help or without. How much better it is that we know how we can help ourselves and humanity along the way.

For those who are celebrating a religious holiday this weekend, I hope yours was special in many ways.

April 15, 2011 at 7:14pm
April 15, 2011 at 7:14pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many of our younger generation now have retained the knowledge of thought transference and are able to communicate with their spirit guides. With each successive generation, this ability will be available to more and more individuals. Eventually we will all be in communication with each other and with spiritual beings by this method of thought transference.

This is the process of evolution. We must listen in a different way and realize that spiritual beings do not always use voice in communicating. Sometimes mental telepathy sounds like our own voice in our own mind. If there is sometimes what seems like a two-way conversation in our mind, it may be a spiritual being communicating with us.

Short and sweet today – I am recovering from eye surgery. Thank goodness, both eyes are now good as new, or will be after a few weeks of healing. Now if only someone could fix my ears ……

April 11, 2011 at 12:02am
April 11, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We can learn a great deal from the young in our family. Sometimes we will argue that a child should wear certain clothes or certain colors. We mistakenly think that we know what is best. In fact, a child will select the colors in clothing that are most compatible with the colors in their own aura on any particular day. When we wear colors that are compatible with our aura our day will turn out to be more harmonious and successful. Adults would learn from their children if they would ask a child, “What color do you suggest I wear today?” often we stand in our dressing room trying to decide what to wear, sometimes discarding outfit after outfit until we hit on the right color for the day. We are also trying, on a subconscious level, to match the color of our outfit to the color of our aura.

When we look at a child’s coloring book, we often think that the coloring is done in a sloppy way when the colors fill the whole page instead of just the outline in the picture. Here again the child sees the aura of the picture and colors the entire aura. Of course, the child’s coordination has not yet developed but by teaching the child to color within the lines we are teaching them that they are wrong to see auras and in time the child will learn that what they see is wrong and what parents say is right. We teach our children to ignore their spiritual knowledge and teach them it is better to obey the adult. Children of course want to please their parents so they will put aside their own truth and adopt the parent’s point of view and in this way, they eventually forget or disregard their true spirit.

My son is of the Blue Ray and his son is an Indigo child. I have spoken of this before but this is as a reminder. They have taught me almost everything I know and taught me to understand what is going on around me. It has been a remarkable journey.

As a young child, my son had an invisible pet puppy that followed him everywhere he went. Since he was an only child for five years, I thought it was wonderful that he had such a good imagination that he could invent playmates. Little did I know then that his invisible friend would turn out to be his animal spirit guide. The wolf.

As my son tells me the story – when he was about eight years old a grey wolf came to him early one morning. The wolf stood with teeth bared, growling fiercely. My son stared into the wolf’s eyes and through the eyes to the spirit of the wolf. At that point, the wolf stopped growling and became a constant friend and companion. That was more than forty years ago.

When my grandson was born it became very important to me to nourish his spirit self. Not only for him but also for what I could learn from him. They have been my teachers and they have never taught me wrong.

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