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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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August 14, 2011 at 12:08am
August 14, 2011 at 12:08am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now some would proclaim that some individuals are more deserving of love than others are, and that some individuals are not deserving of love at all but each one has a small part to play in a huge endeavor but every small part is a very important part of the puzzle. When all the small parts are put together, the picture will become complete. Without even one small part, there is delay in achieving the universal goal.

Love thy neighbour as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you are admonitions we read in our book of guidance called the bible. Similar guidance is contained in other books of guidance throughout the world. What better starting point is there to end small disagreements and large wars? If each of us loved our neighbour as we are asked to do, compassion and universal love would follow. Small pieces put together with love and joy leads to world peace. It is achievable in our time. It is God’s Dream.

This is a short follow-up of my musing about my late husband coming to visit, if I may.

A few hours or days later – don’t remember the timing – I had a thought that the money he left was in the house we lived in. I sold that house more than twenty years ago. I was even given a picture in my mind exactly where it could have been. It was in a panel of the furnace. This thought could very well be true because apparently he left another sum of money hidden in his parent’s home. His sister found this and she became instantly richer because the bonds were cashable by the barer. This guy would do anything for money so these thoughts do not surprise me.

I had a very different visitor a few days later. I was awakening from an afternoon nap in my recliner and in that few seconds when I was not fully awake a small orange tiger striped kitten came peeking around the corner of my desk. I would love to have a small cat such as this but cannot due to allergies.

This kitten reminded me of my mother. My mom was also heard of hearing like I am and she lived alone as I do. She also had ‘visitors’ as I do. One of her constant companions was a cat. My mom was a great believer in the saying; God looks after those who look after themselves. She knitted and crotched until she went into the hospital at the age of one hundred years and four months. She gave everything to charity. Her kitten loved to play with her ball of yarn. When mom forgot to place her yarn in a container, her companion would chase the ball around the living room.

I didn’t visit mom very often because we lived more than 5,000 kilometers apart but I managed the trip about every two years. During one visit, long before I was aware of her ‘company’ I was reading while she knit and I saw the ball of yarn literally fly across the room. Mom muttered something as she got up to fetch her yarn. I was not aware of what had happened until many years later.

I don’t know if my kitten will stick around but I hope so, it was very tiny and very cute. And she wouldn’t make a mess. *Bigsmile*

Next World-wide prayer for Pace Wednesday 17 Aug at 7:30 your local time.

August 7, 2011 at 12:01am
August 7, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We will be known as a people without a country when the present manufactured borders are withdrawn. Race, religion and color will be a part of our history when evolution brings us to a point in our future when universal love and compassion will be our common life style.

Racial inter marriage will eliminate the color barrier as we know it now. A coming together of the various religions as we know them now will eliminate the tension and therefore the wars that are now fought in the name of God. God does not sanction wars. God is love and love does not condone wars. It is religion that is the cause of wars and religion is man made. God expects only that we love one another and have dominion over the earth, not over humanity.

When we come together in universal love, there will be no war. When one has reached the level of awareness where universal love is achieved, there is no room for bias or discrimination. An individual who can accept every other individual on the planet as an equal creation in God’s love has no room for anger, hate, bias or discrimination

My husband died of cancer in 1982 – we had been married 25 years and one month. He came to see me a few days ago.

Wow, has he changed!

His previous visits were threatening and disturbing. He had come during the night dressed in black and one time he was swinging a silver sword. Each time he threatened to kill me.

Last Wednesday as I sat at my computer, I had just thought of a very emotional incident that had happened during the last years of our marriage. Instantly he was here with me standing behind me. This time he was a broken, contrite soul.

He said, he wished he had a computer to play with.

I said, you would never sit still long enough.

He said, that’s true.

I asked him why he didn’t go to the Light,

He said they wouldn’t let him in.

I asked him where the money was. (Apparently, he left a large sum of money hidden from me)

He didn’t tell me.

He said he had nowhere to go and asked if he could stay with me. At first, I said yes but then I thought about it a little more I changed my mind and said no.

I asked him to try to ask for forgiveness.

He didn't answer.

Then he left. It was the first time we had a civil conversation. This visit shows me three things. Not everyone goes to heaven right away when they die and shows souls learn and change while they are in limbo. More importantly, it shows souls who are not immediately fit for the Light do not necessarily go to the lower dimensions.

July 30, 2011 at 1:59pm
July 30, 2011 at 1:59pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All around us, we see nature completing the cycles that bring us the seasons of change in a never-ending pattern of evolution. The summer changes to autumn and autumn changes to winter, winter to spring and then back to summer. These are the visible cycles of nature, but there are thousands of invisible cycles that affect the way we live. Earth has cycles of movement that cause changes and movement just as our oceans do.

Our colder arctic regions freeze and thaw over the centuries and this leads to changes in people and animals that live in the arctic regions. Enzymes and minerals freeze in the Polar Regions and when the time comes when the evolution of humanity needs these enzymes and nutrients then will come the thaw, and our requirements will be met. All this happens in the cycles of the universe.

So, why the survival kit?

Recently there have been documentaries on the television about the predictions by the Mayan and Hopi civilizations about a fiery red rock in the heavens. Pardon me if I have misquoted this ~~ since I am deaf, I do not watch television and must go by what others tell me.

A few years ago a friend who has verbal connections to spirit was told an asteroid the size of several football fields is on its way to strike the earth. No one knows when, but my friend has been told the asteroid will break in two as it approaches its destination ~~ that’s us. Actually, one half will strike about 250 miles from New York City, in the Atlantic and the other half will strike in the Pacific, north of Hawaii. Together the impact will affect every country on Earth. Some countries will vanish like Atlantis. Those living inland should be safe but still there will be a need for survival equipment.

I believe many psychics have known about this event but have not had the courage to express it. My friends and I have known for about twenty years, still no date and time has been given. Scientists will not see the asteroid until four days before the impact. It is well hidden from telescopes and satellites and will remain so.

I asked my friend if this was a secret that we are not to talk about. They said, feel free; no one will believe us anyway. So there you have it – my renewed interest in my survival kit. Since Alexander asked us to be prepared, I take it this event will happen in my lifetime.

The purpose of this event ~~ looking at the larger picture is to destroy our economic/financial system which is based on greed. If we cannot come to agree that compassion for one another is the right way, we will be forced by every means available to spiritual hierarchy short of total destruction. To me it looks like our governments and those who voted for them are not ready for compassion.

Countless lives will be taken because they are best suited to monitor and help the situation from beyond the earthly realm. They have the expertise to work from there. Those that are left here will be in the right place to work from our earthly bodies. We will all be in the right place at the right moment to further the evolution of the collective soul.

Humm, I wonder if four boxes of cookies will be enough.

Interesting reading:


July 24, 2011 at 12:06am
July 24, 2011 at 12:06am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There is joy in the heavens among the spiritual hierarchy when one soul returns to their original love nature.

One by one, souls are finding the way back to God. Each soul that returns increases the base for an exponential growth in the number of returning souls. Each returning soul builds a broader base of energy for the rest of us to enter the upward moving energy of returning souls. The more who enter the upward spiral, the broader the base of energy that engulfs those that are remaining.

The ‘each one brings one’ philosophy works well in the enlightenment of souls. Light workers need not dwell on the multitude of souls still to be shown the way they need only show one soul the way to seek his or her own path.

The best way to show the path to enlightenment is to live it every day. Love shown in daily living spreads to those around you and soon your world will blossom forth in love and abundance.

Today while the temperature here in Ottawa is 36 deg C or 97 for those in the one and only country still using F., I thought it would be a good time to talk about power outages.

Many years ago, Alexander told us to be prepared for an extended period of survival without power. I made up a very inadequate package at the time and forgot about it. Of course, with time passing the food ‘best before date’ expired and that was the end of my survival kit.

Recently I thought I should renew my efforts. I always have a large supply of distilled drinking water and I guess I could stay alive for a few days with that but I need food too. First, let me say I am terrified of propane so a bar-b-q is out of the question. And, I don’t eat enough meat to warrant one anyway. I saw a small fondue with ceramic bowl that I thought would be able to heat a can of soup or poach an egg. After testing it out, I found it was adequate for those purposes and perhaps a warm cup of tea.

Gray water was another problem. The thought of a rain barrel came to mind so I did some research. There are some lovely ones on the market but a little costly for my pension and then there was the problem of shifting it about for an elderly person.

I had a lidded, plastic garbage container that had never seen a scrap of garbage, stored in the garage so I hauled that into the basement and gave it a scrubbing, just in case bugs and spiders had found it comfortable as living quarters. All seemed well but the question was, was it water tight. I have put a few liters of water in the bottom and it seems to be okay so far. I’ll add water gradually and see how it stands the test. I will need a second container for used water to flush toilets.

Grocery shopping for foods one can use in survival circumstances has improved greatly since my first attempt with shelves devoted to snacks and lunches that are quite adequate. Mind you, if such a kit is necessary in the future, I’ll never look a tuna in the eye again. Many of these snacks don’t require a can opener but it might be a good thing to have on hand ~~ not an electric one, mind you. I’m checking ‘best before’ dates to make sure they are dated at least twelve months into the future.

You might ask why my revival of thoughts devoted to survival has sprung up at this time. I will tell you about it next week. This is beginning to look like a short story. So until then ...

July 17, 2011 at 12:03am
July 17, 2011 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we were spirit in ethereal form, God knew that in order to become matter there must be a link that would bridge the gap between spirit and matter and then on the return trip back to spirit. That bridge is the soul. We were given a soul to act as our teacher that could teach us the lessons we needed to learn to become matter and then continue the guidance that would lead us back to our true and original form, which is spirit.

The true meaning of Soul Mate, as Alexander explained it to me is the one you were created with. We were created two to a capsule as it were. The one we were created with is our only soul mate. We were each given half the information required to return to ethereal form. This was done so that we could not change our mind half way through our evolutionary process and decide to go back ‘Home’. Humans have a tendency to change their minds half way through a tough spot. And, what, may I ask is tougher than this process of soul evolution? At some point in everyone’s evolution, we meet our true soul mate and exchange this information on a soul level. When we have all the information, we can truly go Home and never return – at that point we will have completed our evolution.

We can, however choose to return to complete a certain project that we are best suited to accomplish. Many are born as human babies and accomplish their roll in just a few short weeks, months or years. At that time, the human body dies and we return to our heavenly Home. Many come to change our laws, as was the case in Florida recently. Many come to teach our doctors, lawyers, judges and others in positions of high authority.

When we understand this, we are beginning to see part of the big picture.

July 13, 2011 at 12:29pm
July 13, 2011 at 12:29pm
Tonight, Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 7:30 your own local time there will be a 15 minute prayer/meditation for world peace.

This takes place about once a month. Hundreds of thousands take part. As the movement proceeds around Earth the momentum builds stronger and stronger.

Join in if you think this is something you want to do. Of course you can start earlier and stay in longer, it is up to you. Enjoy the feeling - enjoy the participation.

July 10, 2011 at 12:02am
July 10, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now when the earth was young and people were in a semi ethereal body, they were able to pass through solid objects by speeding up the atoms and molecules of which they were composed. They would re-arrange their composition by warming the atoms and molecules by speeding them up, and then in a decomposed condition they could pass through a solid object molecule by molecule and re-compose their form once they had passed through the solid obstacle.

The knowledge of this practice is with us even today and certain individuals are able to accomplish this even now.

In the future when this knowledge becomes widespread throughout the world, we will once again find it common practice to move about without concern of being hampered by solid structures. The power of the mind, we will find is without limits.

During the ‘90’s my mother-in-law underwent surgery for a brain tumor. Her advanced age was not conducive to a full recovery and she was placed in a nursing home. She lived in Nova Scotia, about a thousand miles from my home. My daughter, grandson and I went to visit her. She was awake but unable to talk. Her movement was limited.

My grandson was able to communicate with her by way of thought transference. She told him she liked to have visitors but they tired her out very quickly. Grandson, Robert asked her how she spent her time and she told him she re-lived a story she was told about her lover and herself. He was a handsome knight and she the maiden fair. They rode around the countryside doing good deeds for the peasants. Of course, she was remembering a past life.

She said she was afraid to die because she was afraid of going to hell so she hung on to life as long as she could. This is the fallacy I see with organized religion. Fear based brainwashing from the time we are small. From my thoughts I told her not to fear and that she would be entering a wonderful world.

In my experience, there have been thousands of stories of near death experiences. People tell of entering the heavenly side and return to tell their story, but never a story of someone entering hell and returning to tell about it.

Would you not think both sides would have equal billing? *BigSmile*

July 3, 2011 at 10:23am
July 3, 2011 at 10:23am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

This is God’s dream, that we, who made an agreement with Him before we came into this world as mere babies would remember our promise at the appropriate time and fulfill that promise. We are being reminded at this time by every means He has in His power that now is the time to remember our promise and to work towards the promised end.

All light workers and men and women of good will are now called forth to expedite and expand the evolutionary process by bringing love and light to our fellow human beings. God’s dream is coming to fulfillment. With our help, the conclusion to the dream can have the happy and glorious ending that was promised. That promise was Heaven on earth

It’s very comforting to get an answer to a question in visual form immediately I ask. This is what happened to me last night (26 June 2011). I am writing this while it is fresh in my memory because we tend to forget quickly.

I have written before about the sparks of light I see floating in my bedroom immediately after I turn out the light. Last night I read until about 2 o’clock and then turned out the light. I noticed the sparks were more flat than pinpoints. There seemed to be about twenty or thirty floating about with just one or two sparks. I asked why they seemed differently shaped than usual and didn’t get an answer – I wasn’t expecting one. Then I asked if they were my friends. Immediately one of the larger lights expanded significantly – perhaps reaching in size to 2 or three inches in width. This was my immediate visual answer. The light shrunk back to the original size within a few seconds.

I had to smile; the answer was so obvious. I would imagine it took a lot of energy for the light being to expand in such a way. The energy stayed in the room and I was wide-awake for the rest of the night. I don’t mean restless – I mean wide-eyed and awake. I stayed in bed until five then got up knowing I could not fall asleep. After moving about for a few hours, I went back to bed and slept for seven hours.

We all have these friends around us, whether we see them or not. They are with us to care for us and watch over us – that still small voice within are the sparks and lights floating in the room. Reminders.

June 26, 2011 at 11:39am
June 26, 2011 at 11:39am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

At this particular time in our evolution, at the beginning of the century there is an increased necessity to be doing our work. Many changes are forthcoming, changes that many have predicted and changes that will be a complete surprise to many. We all have the wisdom within us. It is very important that we remember our agreement now with God. It is important that we keep our promise to bring God’s love to our fellow human beings in ways that only we can. This was our promise. This was our agreement. Now is the time for our work to begin and to continue until we are called home to our reward. Our reward will be great this is His promise.

It is time for us to forgo the glamour of the commercial world and see them for what they are worth. They are worth nothing in the long term. Of course, we need food, shelter, and the necessities of life but the hoarding of wealth, power and self-glory are what is keeping us from doing the work necessary to bring peace and love to the world.

I believe the contract we have with God is pre-programmed in our soul and subconscious mind. I believe we are on the right page in our soul’s evolution at every moment of every day. We are at the right place at the right time – we cannot be otherwise. This is not a contradiction of what they say above, they are reminding us to be aware of our promise, not to change our lifestyle. They are asking us to see what greed and hoarding is doing to the detriment of our world.

Many worry they are not doing enough, not being productive, not living a ‘sinless’ life. The lifestyle we live is the lifestyle we agreed upon before being born. Yes, we can change but that change is also pre-programmed. All are lessons.

The way I see it anyway.

June 19, 2011 at 7:18am
June 19, 2011 at 7:18am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Heaven cannot be handed to us on a silver platter without any effort on our part. Heaven on earth can only be achieved with our own effort and with our own work every minute of every day. God will never judge us if we do not live up to these high expectations. He, His angels and spiritual hierarchy know that we cannot be vigilant every minute of every day but He does expect us to do His work faithfully. If there is a momentary failure on our part, He expects us to correct this lapse and return to His work without delay. The work will not be done if we are not willing to do it. None can do the work but us. There is no one else. We came to an agreement before we were born, while we were still in spirit and we are now reminded of that agreement.

Many years ago my friend Derek was asked by his guide to purchase a book for me. The book, “The Book of Revelations: a Commentary” contained relevant information that I was to have.

I will speak more of the author, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov some other time but here is a bit of his knowledge.


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