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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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September 5, 2008 at 4:35pm
September 5, 2008 at 4:35pm
Poor Juanita, she's having such a hard time stuck with a charismatic, nutjob, drunk. She has her faults too, this won't be, a total lost, they'll both pull out of it. Poor Derrick, playing the basket case, these characters will regroup, you'll see!
August 30, 2008 at 11:54pm
August 30, 2008 at 11:54pm
I wrote this short novel two years ago, with hopes of it being a short video. I can see some of the scenes in my mind. I'm content, for it to remain a short story. I struggle with the scene, where, the couple confronts their crisis. I didn't want it to be all sweet and light, but not a total disaster. You'll have to read on...Thanks, I appreciate you!-rixxie
August 28, 2008 at 4:15pm
August 28, 2008 at 4:15pm
I enjoy the dynamics of the characters, I want to get more into Derricks head. I'm going to create a background, for him. I don't want him to be just another, married running around drunk. He has alot of personality, maybe that's was the real attraction. He is so obnoxious right now, in the story I had to stop writing, and tear up pages. I toned him way down, but like Juanita says she has her faults. too. I think, brining in a couple of his relatives, will show another side of him.
Take Care--rixxie
August 21, 2008 at 10:59am
August 21, 2008 at 10:59am
Juanit and Derrick, seem to be heading for some kind of crisis. Juanita has a good, head on her shoulders, and has tried to anticipate the worst. Derrick is still, running around getting drunk, even early in the morning, at home. Hopefully, when the other shoe falls, Juanita will be able to handle it.
August 17, 2008 at 7:30pm
August 17, 2008 at 7:30pm
I wanted to show a strong family bond with Juanita and her, extended family. They are the reason, she makes it out of the crisis towards the end. I'm going to introduce a couple of Derricks', family members also. He'll need help in the end, he'll reach out to family members to hold on. I don't want him, to be just another drunk. I'll get into his motivation, for his wildness, later on.
Thanks-for reading--rixxie-8/17/08
August 12, 2008 at 9:26am
August 12, 2008 at 9:26am
I'm glad you're getting into the story. The longer version, was just called, Saving Self". The story started, when Juanita was going to take the, Notary Public test. I was going to include it in, with my book of short fictional stories, that was just published, (http:www.createspace.com/3343748). I felt this story, in it's a oringinal form, was too long, like a novella. I'm gonna bring some of the essential elements in, like her sisters, her nice-non-chemically dependant, brother in-law. I think the story will still keep its, spark.
August 10, 2008 at 11:23pm
August 10, 2008 at 11:23pm
It seems like, "Saving Self..", mostly features Juanita, in the first couple of chapters. Derrick, asserts his, drunk self and a ugly public way, which leads to changes. I don't want to spoil, any surprizes for you, so read on, thanks, for sharing in on this story.
August 3, 2008 at 1:16pm
August 3, 2008 at 1:16pm
Juanita, is a strong charismatic lady, with her own mind, will she go or stay? What her street-chasing, husband doing? The answers to theseituations and more as you read on. Saving Self was going to be a novel by itself, I decided it was too short. I wrote it two years ago, before my heart surgery, now I have to take it easy. I think this story ends in a good place, without being too, sweet.
July 26, 2008 at 3:49pm
July 26, 2008 at 3:49pm
I hope you've began to read the new story in this series. When Emerging ended a few days ago, it was the fourth chapter in the series, "Changes", the next story has started as of three days ago ; "Saving-Self ;Picking Up The Pieces". It was oringinally called, just "Saving Self".I hope you enjoy the stories, they arent overly violent or vulgar, I wanted something more mainstream.
July 22, 2008 at 4:21pm
July 22, 2008 at 4:21pm
Two days after Juanita, had passed her exam, to be a Notary Public, she wondered if she could stay in her marriage. She was thirty-six years old and had been married, to Derrick, and his problems, for seven years. He's frantic after goals, and then, dumps them just as he's progressing. He's been chasing the streets real hard, and Juanita was starting to wonder if he had a drinking problem.He had been out chasing with no good brother-in-law, Leonard. Her younger sister Carolyn, had Leonard jr., he's four years old and autistic. leonard Sr. couldn't handle something about his life, wouldn't be perfect.
I think he's a flake, all that prenutial mess and then trying to worm, his way out. My husband tried that stuff, on me but I shut it down real fast. I talked to that fool and talked to him. If we split, I get no less, than a thousand dollars a month, and the small cottage way in back. It was a maids' quarters once upon a time, small two-bedroom, one bath. And the car I drive the most whichever one it ends of being. It's not a fortune, but hey, it beats nothing, I ain't doing no angry black woman scenes with him. I see the writing on the wall, I'm not gonna stand here and watch the other shoe fall. They say love is blind, but you have to peek out every once in a while to see where your're going.
Derrick had been running the streets hard, I had my mine made up if he left, i would be financially prepared. And I wouldn't fall apart. I had managed to put a little away, I worked three times a week, a gofer, for a busy clinic. Derrick, called it her, "play job", it's like Juanita got this little thing, she does that, gets her some more tacky shoes. He came home one night drunk, and dropped $4,897.00, on the floor of the den. He threw up all over the floor, from one of his drunken runs., and fell asleep on the sofa down there. Juanita, quickly swooped up The $4,000, and left the rest where it was. She put $3,000, in her account, and bought clothes for herself, and presents for her little nieces and nephews. The nut had secretly, taken out a small loan on the house without telling her.
Jaunita thought about her own faults, when he came in drunk two months ago, she got all romantic with him. She got angry with herself, everytime, she threw up, early in the morning. She hears some noise downstairs, that bring her back to reality. She went down stairs and saw, Derrick, in his pin striped navy blue suit, digging around in the barbecue wings. She had made them, for his companys picnic, he was crunching two and washing them down with Malt liquor.
"Derrick, please! It's too-early in the morning for you, to be drinking and eating greasy stuff. I ain't cleaning up no vomit this morning, I thought you went to work already?" "I had to come back to get some forms I left, downstairs. When did you barbecue these chicken wings?'' "They're for your companys' picnic. it's not going to be enough for them, if you don't stop eating--it's too early to be drinking forties--Derrick ple-eas-se!" Derrick, sits the malt liquor down, and kisses her on the cheek." 'Maybe I don't care, if them freaks, get something to eat-they got wives. I'm sorry baby, I know it's too early, for me to be drinking like this, I'm worried about this promotion."
Derrick, was leaving and came back and got his keys. " Don't forget, I'm having my poker party tonight, I invited some new guys. You better sleep upstairs, I don't want them disturbing you. I don't want you bumping into no hardheads, going to the bathroom." "Yeah-whatever, Derrick, I don't know what, you up to, but leave me out of it." Derrick, grins wipes his mouth with a towel and leaves. Juanita had an uneasy feeling about the poker party. He had been doing them for so long, this is the first time he warned her. Her stomach, was upset she was a little sick, the flu, or the fact that she was, "late", didn't help matters.
Juanita, thought about her older sister, Linda-why couldn't she be like her. She's got a great, supportive husband, Herman sr., and two beautiful kids, a seven year old girl, and a eight year old boy. Herman goes to church with them, leads Sunday school lessons,he encourages Linda alot. She wanted to start a online business selling, black cloth dolls she made ; he said, "I think you'd do good". She is doing good, right now she gets orders for five-to six, hundred dollars worth of dolls a month. Her business is picking up, she gets more orders all the time from all over, the U.S. She started it, to help out with the bills, and still be there for the family. She buys groceries, and handles the utilities, Herman, can't stop grinning.
Juanita, was about to call her big sister, when the phone ring, the caller I.D., said, Detroit. It must be her mother, she had told her she'd call her soon, and got busy. Derricks' running around, and this all out of the blue, pregnancy, was all she could handle. She was always, glad to hear frome her despite, all that.Dorthea on the other end, Juanitas mother, was a little hoarse, but happy. "HI, baby, I told you, I'd call you, you were kind of down last time. You sounding better--oh, I'm hoarse, 'cause me and Mildred, won at church bingo last night! I won $150, Mildred won a hundred we screamed, all the way back home!" "Oh- Mama, I'm so glad you always, make me laugh, you gonna buy a hot dress, and go out with that handsome Deacon?" "Ha-ha-ha-ha-girl, don't you mess with yo' Mama, I'll come through this phone after you." "Mama, you are, a mess! What am I gonna do with you? I was down and out, behind my crazy husband-and now it looks like I'm pregn--" Dortheas' loud screaming, cut, Juanitas' last sentence off."Oh-honey, I didn't think I would ever get a grandbaby from you. I'm sorry, for hollering so loud. How far along are you-does Derrick know?" "I'm about two months, mama, and no he does not know he's acting a fool, he may never know." "Don't say that baby, I know ya'll, having some problems-all couples do. I'd like to see you hang in there, if you can't, take care of you. You know I'd love to see my new grandbaby, and help out." Juanita, paused and looked out the window at the kids playing up and down the street. She felt like she was in her own, world and nobody knew what she was feeling. She could always count on her mother, for a sympatheic ear. "I'm trying to hang in here Mama, he's drinking so much, and clowning.." "Do what you need to do baby, and I will always be here for you, you've got me to fall on." "Thanks, Mama I always feel better when I talk to you." There was a long pause, before her mother begin to speak again. "You get an appointment real sure and make sure everything is okay, with you, honey. Mama's got to go, but I'm gonna call you, or you call me anytime. Derrick, will alright, he could go to those meetings, you your cousin Benny, went. "I know mama, thanks for calling, I've got to go too, I'll let you know what the doctor says, bye-now." Juanita, quietly hung the phone, feeling less depressed, and lonely.
Juanita, suddenly began to smell the chicken wings, again and realized, she forgot to put them away. The house was slightly, out of order she had a basket of clothes to put away, and a few dishes. Her stomach, suddenly began, to ache. She felt like throwing up, in a real bad way, she looked at a picture of derrick, and tried to scratch his eyes, out of it. Him and his stupid party, tonight he better not get too loud, either. The phone rang again, and it was Derricks' sister, Anisha, she was sweet, young-twenty-six, with one little three year old. Juanita, decided to let the answering machine take the call, she really was going to vomit. She wondered, after she cleaned herself up, from being sick when she should tell Derrick. She put away everything, in the kitchen and took some non-aspirin cold medicine. She went upstairs, put on her blue flowered gown, and fell into a dizzy sleep.
She woke up feeling a little better, not knowing if it was day or night. She put on her robe, tumbled into the kitchen, and bumped into Derrick. He was throwing sandwiches together, and smelled of alcohol. "You back to the living-huh? You got the flu, stay back I'm getting ready for my poker party?" " You better go to h.." "Aw-ww, baby I was just playing, here's a sandwich, go back to bed, don't forget to use the upstairs bathroom." How could she sleep that long? It was the cold pills, she had been taking, she was hungry, more than she knew she took the sandwich, and went back to bed. She didn't know why, Derricks' drunk behind, didn't want her at, his little drunken poker party. She made a point to wake up in the night, and find out, she hoped she did not have to catch a case behind this nut.
It was only about seven, in the evening, she ate the sandwich, in a rush. She took more cold pills and drunk some water. She really was pregnant, that had to be it, on the cold pills. This wasn't the best time for this to happen, but she didn't want to lose it either. She picked up the phone to call her younger sister, and let her know. Carol, picked up the phone yawning, and laughing, "Hel-lo-o-o?" "Girl you need to go to bed or laugh, or something-what are you doing?" Juanita, laughed out loud at carol, carol-howled. "This bad-tail man, was messing with me while I was sleep." "Well-don't, let me interfere in you and yo' husbands' marital escapades!" "Ha-ha-ha-ha-I'm mo' come through this phone, and kick you!" "Don't do that, I'm knocked-up, by my drunk pathetic husband." Carol screams, and slings the phone down, she composes herself, half laughing and choking. "Wait, until I take the phone downstairs, girl!" "While-you're getting over that bombshell, how's Leonard, since he went to rehab counseling?"
"I can't, believe it!, I'm glad you're finally having a baby. Girl, Leonard, okay, I gave that fool an ultimatum, he's struggling, but trying. I actually, went through the motions, of trying to leave, I got a bus ticket. We just sat down and talked, it's not easy. You know Leonard, and Derrick, run the sam streets, and hang out in the same Hell-holes. You could try, getting him into a twelve-step program." Juanita, hears some rustling at the door, and tells her sister, she'll call her back, in a minute. Derrick, enters the room, with a tray with soup and crackers, and one long rose. He's dressed in nice slacks, and a dress shirt. He comes over to the bed, kisses her on the cheek, fluffs her pillow, and sat down on the bed. " You alright, baby? You've got the flu-huh? I,m gonna crack the window a little bit, you've been throwing up, it's a little sour in here. It's okay, I,m gonna fire up these scented candles-did you see them, their lemon and tropical. I wanted to talk to you, baby." Derrick, lays his head on her lap, and almost has a tear in his eye. She hadn't seen him like that in months.
"You're having a poker party tonight, aren't you?" "Yeah, them punks, can wait, Juanita I--" This time she sees the tear, she sats up a little and holds her stomach. "What's the matter baby, you catchin' the bug too, you look tired." "I am , Honey I'm tired of work, I'm tired of running with these drunks, I'm--. The doorbell interrups, Derricks' next sentence. He stands up and kisses her on the head. "I"ll talk to you, after the party, I'm gonna keep it short." "Okay." Derrick left the room, and went down to his party guests, beginning to show, up at the door. Juanita went, back to making phone calls, she called her older sister, Linda.
Juanita, called her older sister, laughed with her niece and nephew, and told her everything. She howled too, juanita laughed and told her she'd talk to her in the morning.
Juanita, fell into an, a terrible uneasy sleep again. She wakes in a rush, to go the restroom, it's in her room, she was going to stay in the room; she heard loud howling. She got up and put on her, pink flowered robe, to see what Derrick was up to. She got to the top of the stairs, and pungent geryish smoke, hit her in the face. She could hear the loud yelping, and shouting of men, and the giggling of loud females. She took an old broomstick and went downstairs. She saw women in gold shiny bikini looking outfits dancing and howling with men. Her firt instinct, was to kill them all, just spray them with her pistol, and plead pregnant instanity. She hurled herself running sdown the stairs, she looked for Derrick, he was in the corner. He had a nasty look on his face, and was grining doing some strange sitting down dance watching the whole thing. "The party is over, get the hall out my house, before i call 911, and tell them it's a whole bunch of hookers and junkies in here! Get out! Get out! She swung the stick wildy, everyone ran in their shorts, not taking time to put heir pants on. Derrick, began to speak, he was stinking drunk. "Don't be upset baby, we was just having a strip poker party, I'll clean up." "Have you lost, your damn mund, get your crap and get yo' but up in the guest house. You are going to rehab tomorrow, and by the way i'm pregnant you drunk Jackel!" Derrick, was hurt and drunk he took his shirt and his wallet, she threw him a back pack of stuff from the hall closet. Mostr of the guest were out and gone, Juanita threw the shoes and pants of the last two out the door. She locked them out. "Derrick, take your cell phone, you son a bit-he slammed the door in her face , and cut her off yelling nonesense.
She woul call her Mother and tell her in the morning, in the meantime she was going back to sleep. This was a horrible end to her night, but maybe it was a new start for them.

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