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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"Between us
"I, Katrina
"Plain cover jacket

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Winter: 18 Mas'il (December 29)
"Even in chaos ... More hockey poems.
"A Thanksgiving Dinner poem and the WDC Zoo
"Guitarman, a gift for Gary. Aaron Marable's art.



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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July 3, 2014 at 11:56pm
July 3, 2014 at 11:56pm

One should go on vacation to relax.

Not me.

I travel and take photos and engage strangers and...

wipe out.

My trip isn't going "as planned". But, then again, I had no plans!

Other than to meet up and travel with Bryan while he was between semesters. Well, he had phone problems, has to work, visit family and... the day we did meet up, he got sick. Spent a few hours with him though and that was good.

Now I'm in Perez where I've lived, have friends, hang out.

Sound relaxing?

I've run into many of my friends. I'm in the same hotel where they know me. Have eaten at Soda El Molino where they know me. Today, I went to the farmers' market... where they know me. Walked around the market and park...

You-all get the idea. I should be relaxed!

But mostly I'm worn out. Feel weak.

I'll go to the doctor when I return to Montana.

Yes, one should relax in Paradise. Wish I had enough get up and go to sit down, relax and enjoy it.
June 24, 2014 at 2:51pm
June 24, 2014 at 2:51pm
Fours hours. I moved the bed, the counters, went through stuff and stuff and stuff, twice, thrice... 10ish until 2ish in the morning. It took four hours to find my passport where it was supposed to be, a place I'd already checked at least twice.

Got to sleep around 3 am. Walked around like a zombie yesterday.

But... got to bank to transfer money. Informed them of my dates. Checked mail... none.

I have vowed to take less. I'm only going for one month (32 days) and there shouldn't be a climate issue unless I climb a mountain.

And I've done this before.

My fist flight leaves tomorrow at 5 in the evening so no stress there.

Gets in at 6 in the morning Thursday. Wish a friend would message me... Is he meeting me at the airport or not?

Communication is always nice.

No definite plans on this trip. Have a short but not hysterical wish-list of places to visit. I've been most everywhere! I may be traveling with a friend so that may make it more interesting than normal.
June 22, 2014 at 10:47pm
June 22, 2014 at 10:47pm
...or some such nonsense.


Lovely weather... warm then threatening... then not much of anything.

Montana... a drama queen. *Laugh*

In going through things I found postcards and brochures from England '11. Nice, but how does that help me?

Or receipts from last trip? *Rolleyes*

Not packed but not worried.

At least I won't have many dirty clothes to come home to. Got to some Spring/Autumn over clothes.

Lord of the Rings has helped distract me a bit and I've even read some poetry while eating out of my fridge. Small victories.

I've made lists and now need to check them daily. I'm pretty good at lists.

No great wisdom to impart today.

No World Cup predictions either. Nice game between Korea and Algeria today though. I'm not fond of zero zero ties played in the midfield. Ack.

So the plot sickens... but my team is through. *Smile*
June 21, 2014 at 11:48pm
June 21, 2014 at 11:48pm
I picked 7 flowers from across the street where I live.

It's a Scandinavian custom according to Lisbeth... of course... it's probably has something to do with young maidens... LOL.


Another beautiful day. Now cooling just past sunset.

Finished watching Fellowship of the Ring. It always reminds me that the book was better.

Listened to music in Caeas Park by the WhizPops. They sang dinosaur songs for the kids. Margi has an amazing voice.

Stopped by the Saturday morning market and Butterfly Herbs. Won't see my peoples again till August.

Slowly... but still make progress every day in spite of it not seeming so.

Time to go back to my place and find a couple more things to do. *Wink*
June 20, 2014 at 2:01pm
June 20, 2014 at 2:01pm
I will post more on this topic later, but for now... Ganamos!

Costa Rica 1-0 over Italy. Great day for La Sele. The Ticos are celebrating for sure. First advance to the knockout phase sine 1990.



It seems that all my Tico friends are out celebrating!


Joyce took me out to lunch at the Uptown Diner, an icon in downtown Missoula. I've been here almost 6 years ...first time there.

I really liked the cherry malt.

My photos have come under scrutiny... Apparently some people like them. I do try but I also realize that taking photos most everyday helps. That and the willingness to just shoot and ask questions later. I do believe in seeing what others do not.

Lovely day out there. I may even get to enjoy it.

Until then...
June 19, 2014 at 7:31pm
June 19, 2014 at 7:31pm

Am I prepared for the Costa Rica v Italy game tomorrow? Nope. But I will be. On at 10 am our time.

Must say that Suarez' goals for Uruguay was sweet. Someone said the final score was Liverpool 2-1 Liverpool.

If there's a tie in tomorrow's game, England is out.

So... what's my goal? Missed one meeting today as no one told me where it was. Met up with Ingrid. *Smile* Barber was closed; out of town? Carl... maybe tonight?

As long as I do something everyday I won't be dug into a deep hole two days before my flight.

I have "Fellowship of the Ring" on vhs-tape to watch to distract me but I just don't want to sit in front of a screen much these days. I sit in front of the computer for far too long!

Whatever my goals may be, may there be a GOL! in my future. *Laugh*
June 18, 2014 at 1:13pm
June 18, 2014 at 1:13pm

No idea...

I did write something last night although it isn't a keeper. Might be able to use part of the idea though.

We did a poetry/art session. Wrote secret messages in white crayon then revealed them with water colors.. Works well, except you can't see what you just wrote! And revision? Forget that.

It's hard to exactly explain what I did... I folded one piece of paper over mid way. wrote across it then opened the paper using the what was already writing on the left side to write something else on the right.


- C
- K

and then:

- M
- QR

When the paper is folded one only sees the top part.

Of course I put it on a wider paper that I had written on down the middle, so:


would also be hidden unless one lifted the top paper. Follow this?

Anyhoo... I attached the two papers with a necklace of beads and a flat ring.

Everything was brushed over with watercolors...

I'll use the idea to work on a new one that's well thought out. "Moon reflected in the tiger's eye" will be my prompt. The one dangling bauble looks like a moon and I have a necklace of tiger's eye beads I haven't done anything with...

So, a new rough draft:

"Moon reflected in a tiger's eye"

You sing
as the night
falls as the
twilight lingers
as the Moon
out shines
your fading

You look into your
mirror. A tear
falls in the
as deep thoughts
out weigh
your trembling

How the
in the
tiger's eye.

© Kåre Enga 18.June.2014

Or... something like that.
June 16, 2014 at 12:38pm
June 16, 2014 at 12:38pm
...or a Tico without the taco. *Laugh*


I leave on the 25th, arrive on the 26th. Come back the 28th of July.

A friend wants to meet me at the airport... at 06:45? We'll see! In any case I bought the ticket and I'm going.

If our football team (La Sele) advances... we'll know on the 24th... there'll be a game on the 28th or 29th.

So I'll be in Costa Rica for the final World Cup game in July. Nice to be in a football country for the BIG game. I was in CR when Germany beat the Dutch in 1974. In 2010 I was here in Montana but the U.S. isn't the place to watch it in spite of numerous Spanish and Dutch fans.

10 days to arrange everything... plenty of time. Not like I haven't done this before! Already counted my pills... won't need to re-order. And my black underwear is folded and ready. *Smirk*

Have no clue what I'll do this time. Depends on my friend. I'll make a wish list. For sure, I'll visit folks I know.

The 25th of July is a national holiday and that will be nice.

When I'm back I'll probably stay home the month of August; although, it's not my favorite month in Montana as it can get hot. Hopefully no smoke this year. I love September here but I may be off to somewhere again. England immediately comes to mind! Wonder how Ireland is? Of course, Asia and Africa must be considered. But Africa may be best in December.

October? Another glorious month here in Montana. Would like to convince a friend to visit. If not, it's the book fair and football games. Or... a trip to Kansas or Oklahoma. I'm overdue to visit both.

November? So far away... LOL.

I went to a poetry reading on Saturday. Read two poems from my chapbook, "This and every November". Fact and Fiction still has copies.

June 15, 2014 at 5:45pm
June 15, 2014 at 5:45pm

Doing fine.

Costa Rica won its match against Uruguay 3-1. Everyone in CR is happy. They celebrate but don't turn as nasty as some people do. They aren't Hooligans.

Good news: goals are being scored this tournament. No 0-0 games yet and that's really good news.

One ball came down out of the sky in my life. A friend has rented an apartment and will not be taking over mine. So... plan B. Unfortunately, conversations with a Tico friend are confusing. Am I visiting him or is he visiting me? Either way is good but I need to know... like yesterday.

Off to - ita matrix - to look at airfares.

Today is sunny and cool. I know some folks want summer to come quick but need I remind them about fires and 100º temps?

My room maintains heat so I leave the windows open.

Cool enough to sleep. Used a sheet as a cover last night. Been waking up early which is good if I'm planning on CR soon. Been getting up "late" but that's not so much a worry.

Flowers are in bloom in spite of the dry conditions. The zinnias at Higgins and Broadway are spectacular. Planted and maintained by someone who sells jewelry I heard... Very nice. I posted pictures at facebook.

When I see zinnias I think of Zippity Zern a.k.a. Linda in Florida. She has lots of zinnias in her garden. *Flower5*

June 13, 2014 at 5:00pm
June 13, 2014 at 5:00pm

We got rain last evening. A couple booms and a few drops.

It wants to rain again today. But... some sun and definitely cooler.

I've been back one week.

Progress: I edited photos from Poland and Norway today. I'll make "Best Of..." albums when I'm done.

No progress: still haven't spoken with a friend whose input is key before I buy tickets to go to Costa Rica.

At least football games end. Netherlands trash Spain 5-1. Ouch.

Political process? Never ends...

I have kept up on my underwear... I have not tackled my two rooms yet. I'm not even finished unpacking; although what remains is unimportant.



...no progress.

Story of my life recently.

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