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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Sentinel on fire at night

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"In Lagada, la vita
"Tales told over scones and hot tea
"Speak soft my name
"Starbeams on Tulsa

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"In a garden of roses, baby
"Tupac and more poetry
"Poems inspired by maps. Remember 1963?



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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August 30, 2014 at 7:39pm
August 30, 2014 at 7:39pm
... maybe.


Today the high is 70. It will get warmer this week but the heat of summer is gone. Nights in the 40s.

Bought potatoes at farmers' market. Plenty of melons. Getting ready for winter squash. Prices seem high but these are local farmers.

Football season started today. I'm dressed in maroon and grey.

No oomph but otherwise okay. Saw Gretel. Got a hug from Ingrid. Carly is back in town. Folks move away but it's hard to stay away.

If my leg continues to be okay I might risk a long walk. Need to not gain weight. Walking helps.

Two cups of coffee today, a cherry streudel, a fish taco. I'm eyeing the pumpkin pie... LOL.

Spring is my favorite season, May my favorite month. Autumn and September come in second. The lack of extreme heat and smoke in the air should make this autumn enjoyable.

August 29, 2014 at 3:45pm
August 29, 2014 at 3:45pm
Payed my WDC annual membership.


Now... I need to fully use my membership! A promise I haven't kept the last two years.

What would help:

1. A new light weight fast computer that has everything except the capacity to cook mac & cheese.
2a. Discipline. LOL. 2b. Internet at home... which isn't going to happen... so, discipline.
3. Read, write and interact more.
4. Put up new works and edit old ones.
5. Rather than use WDC for storage, use it to promote.

A weak list of 5 but it's the best I can do today.

Hey! I remembered to pay! That's enough for one day.

Other snews? Went to the Peace Garden of One Thousand Buddhas yesterday. Joyce wanted to go so I went with her. Very beautiful time of year to travel. Lovely warm pleasant sunny day with wispy clouds. Great pics.

Joyce made a ham and provolone sandwich with mustard without checking with me first... She guessed right on all three accounts. We ate on a bench in the sun.

That would be my only concern on a hot day. Very little shade. I need shade in the heat. The gardens themselves have some small planted trees around them and the flowers inside are sun-loving.

Not completed yet. Have 900 of the 1,000 statues necessary. When they have that they are inviting the Dalai Lama.

Quite a Buddhist influence in Western Montana.

The actual site is on the "reservation" of the Flathead Nation (Salish-Kootenai). It's in the Jocko Valley. Open flat lands surrounded by short-grass and ponderosa pine clad mountains.

Very peaceful.
August 25, 2014 at 3:17pm
August 25, 2014 at 3:17pm

Well, first there was the frenetic week of editing and posting almost 300 photos at facebook.

Then last week my left leg (the former "good" one) lay me low. Pain! No swelling or bruising but with my history of blood clots...

My appointment is 9/9.

On Wednesday last I went to the Roxy to watch the French film Stranger at the Lake... L'inconnu du lac (2013) ...a murder thriller. Hitchcockian in some ways. Mixed emotions as to what worked or didn't.

Really liked Pierre Deladonchamps as Franck and Patrick d'Assumçao as Henri.

Saturday I went with Joyce to the Vaudeville show in Phillipsburg. Extremely well done. I was impressed with Thain Bertin and how he sang "Figaro". Also loved the duet of "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" with Reid Reimers in 7 inch heels pirouetting in a pink frilly dress and pink parasol. He's tall to begin with! With heels easily over 7'.

I did get to connect with Nick who begins Law school this week. Gave him the suits I've saved for him; one less item on my check list.

On my list: phone issues remain. Must get rid of phone. Did call my mother and aunt though. Keeping in touch is important.

The weather was rainy and cool, even cold, for a few days. Now summer will return for a brief run. Fire Season is over... thank God. I'll be able to go outside and breathe this autumn.

September forecast is colder than normal but this is Western Montana and we get caught between NW monsoons (think Oregon and Washington) and Canadian wintry blasts. Hard to say which we'll get. If we are on the line there will be snow in the mountains... there has already been some north and east of here.

The break in the heat meant that my room finally cooled down and I even got to wear pajamas!
August 12, 2014 at 3:46pm
August 12, 2014 at 3:46pm
Slogging and dreaming.

Slogging through the daily routines. It's been on the hot side and my place does not cool off until after midnight. But... I'm doing okay.

Dreaming. As in, armchair planning of trips. Japan is on my list. Eastern Europe is waiting for a look-see and Senegal must not be forgotten!

Much more relaxing than the actual trip.

Being interested seems to make me more interesting as well. Ran into a young man from Japan yestereve. I actually was able to have a conversation about where I'd like to go and the type of places I'd like to stay (guest houses - minshuku and ryokan - inns). He showed me how to approach a place, take off shoes and then step up, turn around, stoop and turn shoes around pointing out. *Smile*

Never any real news on the personal level. I stay where it's cool and don't overdo it. Hardly exciting but August was always my month to sit and read. Not my favorite month at all. September however...

August 10, 2014 at 8:20pm
August 10, 2014 at 8:20pm
Reading up on Japan. Flights are $1,200 plus. To Osaka. Daily costs would run $100 - 150. I managed on less than $100 in Norway so I just might be able to pull it off. March may be cheapest for me. Beginning with plum blossoms and ending with cherries.

Fighting with my Samsung tablet and Skype... so I won't dither. I won't be going anywhere too soon. Montana is a welcome vacation. ...As long as I can find a/c on the hottest days. LOL
August 5, 2014 at 2:50pm
August 5, 2014 at 2:50pm
I took the on-line "What famous novel are you?" test and came up P&P. Ack... I'd just finished reading it. Many of my friends were coming up "To Kill A Mockingbird". And if you are a crusader that makes perfect sense! I also feel for injustice... just not as keenly. I am capable (at my better moments) of seeing the other side. But then,,, so was Atticus.

I did like Eliza in P&P. More piss and vinegar than sweet Jane and not silly like Lydia. She and Darcy made a good match... or at least, an interesting one. The dysfunction of her parents was more realistic though.


I know I should start planning my next trip. It really takes time to get it right. Last trip was too last minute and a plan B was not in place when I needed it most.

I read a bit about Japan (the Alps) last night. Need to resurrect my other past dreams as well.

Need to check plane prices so I'm not too shocked when the time comes.

Until then... might just stay home and chill. Get back into a routine and focus on other issues that get pushed to the side when traveling.

Maybe being more practical (with eyes open) like Eliza would help!
August 4, 2014 at 1:57pm
August 4, 2014 at 1:57pm
Read the book on my tablet.

About the book:

1. Obviously written in and written about a different time and place.
2. A bit facile with relationships but then maybe that's how society was structured and arrangements were made.
3. Each of the three girls gets a husband just like her in temperament? Bravo and... ouch. Love the Darcys.
4. In some ways the parents are more real. Mismatches are common in the real world.
5. The speech patterns are quaint at times.

I found it a pleasant read and understand now why it was so popular and remains so. There is enough tension to keep it interesting. For nowaday readers there's also that window into a former time. Are the English still that way? Hmm...

About reading it on a tablet.

1. Yes.
2. I was okay with how it looked on the page. I understand it can be manipulated for font size, et cetera. A nice feature.
3. It was free!
4. So, I need to load other free items. Hopefully a thesaurus and a language dictionary. Easier to lug the tablet around than books.
5. I can see how it would be easy to read multiple books at the same time.


I'm wearing orange today. Yep. Yesterday was yellow.

I'm reading and getting back into writing and have thousands of photos to edit and post.

I've seen friends and one dear friend will be back in town soon.

Joyce got me out of town on Saturday. That was good in spite of my not feeling 100% (my lower back).

I'm surviving the heat. About 90º during the day and about 55º in the early morning. Dry. I know where to find air-conditioned cool if I need it.

My mood has improved but it still needs work.
August 1, 2014 at 4:18pm
August 1, 2014 at 4:18pm
I'm glad I wrote what I did yesterday. Today I received a facebook message that clarified a particular situation. Now that the air is clear...

What I wrote still stands.

Hard to be friends with people who do not have the same concept of a friendship or any similar relationship.

When I do go back to Costa Rica I'll have to explain to my "friends" what that word means to me personally. First, I'll need to write an article explaining this to ME! And to others. Cultural and personal barriers can be overcome with understanding. But, oh the pain...

When I moved to Montana six years ago (that long?) I told some people that I don't have friends. Hurt a few... But in some ways it was true back then and to an extent still is.

Friendship is a precious commodity.

And like a fine wine must be chosen and aged properly.

Maybe I'll just stick to grape juice.
July 31, 2014 at 4:58pm
July 31, 2014 at 4:58pm

So many views...

...of so much trash! *Laugh*

Actually, all of it isn't trash. Some old ones are good. My recent blogs have been dreary...

...because I am.

In continued pursuit of that dreariness:


This last visit to Costa Rica was emotionally draining. When I was a student there 40 years ago I swore I'd never go back! And I didn't for 35 years.

Why the upsets this time?

1. I'm NOT family.
2. FAMILY is all that matters.

The word for friendship in Spanish is amistad. The word for friend is amigo.

Ticos don't understand either in a sense that I do.

And because of that I feel neither appreciated nor loved when I visit there.

I realize that friendship is helped by closeness, time spent together, trust, keeping promises.

In Costa Rica none of this matters if you aren't family. So... I always feel frustrated by nice people. Ticos are NICE. Just not trustworthy, intimate or interested in friendships beyond family.

Do I bother to go back someday?


But just to travel, say hello, enjoy myself and not expect to ever develop friendships with folks who do not have the concept beyond words that are empty of any nurturing meaning.
July 29, 2014 at 3:33pm
July 29, 2014 at 3:33pm
The last month has been emotionally draining. The trip back was uneventful but tiring. Today I'm just out-of-sorts exhausted.

I need a vacation.

A vacation in the sense of "vacate".

Maybe a trip east to Ontario to visit friends or going to Eureka...

I need to:

Just hang out, not travel.
Have no obligations nor responsibilities.
Have no expectations.

And there's the rub... visiting friends may come with expectations.

Maybe I should visit the Cotswolds, a place I've never been, and do nothing but walk, take pictures and write. A cottage with a resident cat or dog would do well. A quaint village would suit me fine.

No tourists, no excitement, nowhere to go or be other than just to be.

I may just settle on Missoula. Afterall, I've been on the road for three months out of four. I'm very tired and feeling withdrawn.

Yep. I need to vacate.

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