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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Daffodils from Mandy.

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"In Lagada, la vita
"I, Katrina
"Plain cover jacket

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Winter: 18 Mas'il (December 29)
"Even in chaos ... More hockey poems.
"A Thanksgiving Dinner poem and the WDC Zoo
"Wheat penny. Gave in, started a forum.



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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November 15, 2014 at 6:59pm
November 15, 2014 at 6:59pm
...of the heart...


I had to get up and write thoughts down in the middle of the night. "There comes a softening..." Then I made a list of hard things that go soft (X rated even, but I need to go beyond cliché). I felt like my inner Emily Dickinson was coming out... but, in the middle of the night?

*Reading* Lilith:a snake in the grass by Jack. L Chalker. A bit of sci-fi fantasy.

*Dollar* I took $200 out of the bank and my receipt said I could take more... Only spent $20 in phone calls since September 25th. Not bad.

*Hotair* If I could just hitch a ride... somewhere... cheap... warm...

*Teddy* The Griz of UM won today 35-17 so the town is calm and looking forward to next weeks HUGE game against MSU.

*Mustache* Beard is growing a bit long... folks are starting to call me Santa.

The bank thermometer read 23º, which is as warm as it's been recently. My rooms have been cold (I don't turn on the heat or it's too hot). I bought a bedspread yesterday and that helps tremendously. I even wore the bathrobe too and fro the tub. Nothing like a good hot soak. Took my throwaway paperback with me. Should take a candle!
November 14, 2014 at 4:31pm
November 14, 2014 at 4:31pm
...so I'll just have to be me.

Me... simply me...

Of course, I still have to figure out who I am. At my age you'd think that that would be easy. And... may I say... it is easier in a way. But so many years of having to conform to other people's expectations... and worse, my own... at times, I not so sure.

*Snow2* Woke up to very light snow in the air. Big flakes are lovelier but I shan't complain.

*Waterdrop* The north channel of the river that flows past my place is clogged. The water is flowing down the south channel where it seldom does. Channels might shift. I shan't worry much.

*Camera* I just posted 70 photos from Barga, Portugal at facebook. Even if I don't get to travel this winter, I still have thousands of photos to remind me of voyages past. I shan't be bored.

*Ringssilver* The landscape of marriage in the U.S. is changing day-to-day. But unless someone offers... I shan't be scared.

*Bookstack3* I'm writing on page 3.892 in Book 44 of my journal (a neverending letter to a friend started December 9, 2003). I shan't stop yet.

I can become scattered brained and start tasks and not complete them. Also, I'm an idea person more than an accomplisher. I note my successes when I can. Since I often become depressed, this helps.
November 13, 2014 at 5:46pm
November 13, 2014 at 5:46pm

*Tempcold* Called Joyce here in Missoula. 1º according to her this morning.
*Sun* Called Gare in Buffalo. He's my ray of sunshine. Sunny here.
*Snow2* Called my mother in Buffalo. About an inch at 9 a.m.
*Treefall2* Called my aunt in North Carolina. Leaves were lovely last weekend.
*Phone* My day to make calls. Who's next?

My place is slowly going back to normal, but this is a great opportunity to make changes, so I will.

Must go... lost entry as I was about to post and now they are closing... *Frown*

November 12, 2014 at 5:11pm
November 12, 2014 at 5:11pm
...went to bed early, got up early after tossing and turning, lay down for a few minutes, almost missed lunch!

Me mE Me mE:

I didn't do much yesterday. At home I got a few books out of the freezer and put a few more in them. The outdoors freezer should last a week.

*Coffeer* A late evening coffee is suspect #1 in tossing and turning.

*Angry* Unresolved issues is #2.

*Flower5* I remembered to slightly water the geraniums. They are blooming. I've neglected watering while I focused on other issues.

*Penr* I actually wrote a ditty last night; "Extermination" is it's provisional title.

*Cross1* Edited photos of a church courtyard in Braga, Portugal.

I'm at the Senior Center again. Chatted with friends. Catching up on-line. It's still sunny and very cold outside. It was 3º this morning; now 15º.
November 11, 2014 at 5:32pm
November 11, 2014 at 5:32pm
...Fahrenheit. *Sun* but *Tempcold*


Sunday night the storm came in around 11:30. It was already cold, 40s I figure; but slight breeze. When the winds came howling down Hellgate canyon that all changed. The horizontal rain looked kinda white... it was.

So... *Snow5*

No sleep Sunday night. Wanted to be done with my room by midnight, then 4, then 8... got "done" in time. They sprayed Monday morning and I had to wait until noon.

But I needed to eat. Then I took a nap. Must've been about 3 when I got back. Window was open...

So I closed it.

*Reading* Whatever I can. Most of my books are in storage.

*Sleep* Went to bed last night around 8. Didn't get up till after 9...

*Rain* ...except for a very hot shower sometime during the night. I was cold.

*Flower5* All gone with the deep freeze. The City left the flowers out longer this year instead of arbitrarily killing them. My geraniums need re-potting. They'll be the only blooms around.

*Pumpkin* I'm looking forward to more pumpkin pie this Late Autumn (a.k.a. Early winter).

I hope everyone's day is going well. Feeling much better than last week. I have lots of rearranging, putting things back where they belong. But, didn't see one bug last night, a surprise. I thought I would. I suspect I will.

November 7, 2014 at 1:37pm
November 7, 2014 at 1:37pm
... as in bedbugs, not Bugs Bunny.


*Trash* Everything needs to be bagged to be frozen or stored or... boiled socks last night.

*Medicalblack* Legs are not improving much, still swollen. Bites aren't healing either.

*Poison* Bug man, Gary is scheduled for my place Monday. He was doing two other rooms today.

*Leaf2r* Almost all gone. Mild but windy.

*Snow5* In the forecast for Monday with temps below freezing for three days.


14:00 Notice someone has stolen paintings I put up by my door.

I noisily informed my neighbors. They know I'm NOT happy.

23:45 Talking to Zach when this man came around the corner acting strangely. He grabbed Zach's hand and wouldn't let go. I yelled for help... which actually worked... Zach was shaken.

Landlord has been informed. Neighbors will be too. There have been problems historically where I live. It's been mostly quiet since I moved in 6 years ago, though worse the last couple years.
November 6, 2014 at 2:55pm
November 6, 2014 at 2:55pm
a lot to do!


*Heart* Tried helping someone with a cheap place to stay for a week... we'll see.

*Countryuk* Been finding old letters sent from England and other places by wonderful friends.

*Video* Boxed up most of my old VHS tapes. Chose a few to watch over the next couple months if I don't travel.

*Penp* Found an old Zmitri poem on a pank piece of paper: "In the gloaming (Zmitri)

*Pig* Ham and scalloped potatoes for lunch.

In other Snews: there isn't much. I continue to unclutter. Actually getting something done. Boxing and putting the boxes in storage and putting clothes in bags is next. Cleaning? It'll be easier when there's less stuff strewn around.

Not going to many meetings. I need to stay focused. I take breaks of course. Bernice's had coffee! And last night I needed zip-lock bags. But... not doing much.

Weather has been cool and damp or cool and grey or cool. Snow on the mountaintops and flowers still blooming around town. Leaves are mostly gone with the wind.
November 5, 2014 at 3:49pm
November 5, 2014 at 3:49pm

*Pen* I've set my writing aside as I must work on my habitation.

*Coffeeo* On my second cup. Should I stop?

*Books5* Most of my books have to be boxed and moved out for the winter. What shall I keep? I have devised a strategy... *Smirk*

*Mailv* Foiled again. Poem submission rejected. I was hoping to have more submissions sent by now...

*Snow1* The snow level is lowering. Not yet to the valley floor but whatever warmth is left in the North-west has abandoned us till March.

In election news: a proposition that would have hampered voting in Montana got lots of support but was defeated.

That was the only good news.

Me? I may as well travel as my housing situation may be difficult for a couple months. Reminds me of when I lived in Costa Rica. I had time and a squeaky clean place but little access to culture and my writing.

Clutter and books become me.
November 4, 2014 at 5:38pm
November 4, 2014 at 5:38pm




Exterminator will be here Friday and maybe next week.

*Box* I need to get everything boxed. Away from walls. Cleaned.

The landlord is being very helpful.

But... it's lots of work.

*Idea* Hint: books should be put in small boxes. Large boxes are okay for clothes.

*Boothb* Voted.

*Rain* Drippy day. Mountaintops will be gleaming come morning.

*Man* Because...
October 31, 2014 at 4:38pm
October 31, 2014 at 4:38pm
...for how I feel.


I am shaky today. Yes, I ate. Yes, I'll take my pill as soon as I get home.

There are times I realize I could use some help. Today is one of those. There is no one to ask to help.

*Reading* Time Capsule / 1929. Interesting read. I even get to know more about Rumania.

*Sun* That's outside. I'm very depressed inside.

*Witch* I could use her broom and her help. Cleaning...

*Facebook* Posted first pictures of Braga today... finally. I was only there a few hours on April 17th. It's the religious center Of Portugal.

*Countryno* Wish I were there and not here.

Breathe. Work. Breathe. Work.

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