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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"Speak soft my name
"Mauve Mavis

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"Even in chaos ... More hockey poems.
"Footprints in the snow, in memory of Nyia Page
"Guitarman, a gift for Gary. Aaron Marable's art.



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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January 16, 2015 at 5:02pm
January 16, 2015 at 5:02pm

*Countrymx* I have never been to Mexico. Very diverse country. I will go there if a friend visits and invites me to go with him.

*Duck* I met someone from East Anglia today. There were two Brits in the room at the same time! I introduced them to each other. Just ducky.

*Gold* I have plenty of money to travel... but for how long and how far? Still, I have plenty of money. I remember when I had absolutely nothing.

*Treepine* Snow covered, of course. I'm ready to see trees that flower... with blooms!

*Tulipy* Yep. Soon I'll be dreaming of Spring.


I scored some chicken mushroom soup. Ab-fab.

I played Chuzzle. It's addicting. Quit after 117,000 points. I really don't have the time to spare.

Getting into the thick of my detective novel placed in Montmartre.

I meet a friend at the bakery tomorrow; hopefully we talk haiku.

The sun is out and I'm inside. *Frown*

Not much to say today.
January 15, 2015 at 1:44pm
January 15, 2015 at 1:44pm

*Music2* Thinking of writing new lyrics to a tune I like. Unfortunately it's in a language I don't speak about a place I have only visited once.

*Web4* I like spiders because they eat mosquitos. I really don't like dive-bombing buzzing mosquitos. Plus they carry dengue and chikungunya.

*Choco* I stole a candy bar from my friend Joyce just now. Stolen goods taste best!

*Thinker* Thinking is good. Over-thinking isn't so good. Lost in thinking is annoying when I'm trying to fall asleep.

*Ghost* "I see the ghost of you fishing with your sons. I can almost hear your laughter." A thought for a piece of writing.


Not much to say today. I puttered around my place yesterday and my kitchen is looking a bit cleaner. Went through some papers.

Got my Nick fix by going out to the Break Espresso. So thrilled he's serious about getting a passport and going to China. He says his family is xenophobic so he's definitely expanding everyone's comfort zones.

My family wasn't overly xenophobic or racist or really opposed to much of anything (except my mother's disdain for Catholics). We just didn't have the means and unfortunately, my parents decided to raise us in a blue-collar suburb that was almost the death of me.

I'm glad I left. Life is so much brighter not living under a basket.

By-the-way... did you know how I choose the emoticons every day? Mostly random. I type {e: and see what comes up. {e:smirk}

Ah... the fog is lifting...
January 14, 2015 at 5:41pm
January 14, 2015 at 5:41pm
...and all-too-recent derailments.

*Cupcakep* I've been avoiding cupcakes. I've gained 10 pounds. Maybe I should go on a cupcake only diet?

*Giftv* I keep cards and gifts. Keep coming across cards sent to me from Mandy, Sheila and Linda. I have hats and scarfs that were gifted me... and notebooks (Teresa, Thomas...). I am blessed.

*Gift2* I wonder whether my gifts are cherished. I suspect it depends on the person... and the gift. Some gifts like licorice or moose poop should be used... not "cherished".

*Infov* I wish I could just ask and receive answers. Even with the internet this is tricky. I need to understand patience and that not all questions have answers.

*Tophat* Like... How do I travel with formal clothes yet only with a backpack? Hmm...


I remember the trains that went past my grandparent's place in the hollow in Penn, Pennsylvania. My mother's father would walk the tracks to work at the glass factory. When I was small they still had steam engines and the whistle was never as harsh as the diesel engines. Most of that is gone now.

Missoula had the Great Northern and Milwaukee Road. The tracks in front of my place were taken out. The right-of-way became the bike path. The depot is still maintained and those who have seen my photos would recognize the tower. The Great Northern depot is still used as well. Burlington Northern uses those tracks as does Montana Rail.

They are instituting new safety regulations for trains throughout the U.S. However, Montanan Rail is exempt. The problem? We've had a couple derailments near town. No major disaster... yet. Mostly coal wheat airplane parts go through here. But, I lived in a small town in Nebraska that has a fatal derailment of ammonia cars. Derailments need to be taken seriously.

It is odd that in a time when the infrastructure of bridges, rails, roads, et cetera are deteriorating that the powers-that-be won't find the dough to fix this... and provide jobs as well. Waiting until the situation worsens and labor is more expensive doesn't make much sense to me.

In other Snews:

The gay marriage debate is winding down. The 5th Circuit may very well deny the bans in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. South Dakota's ban has been found unconstitutional. The Supremes may be ready to tackle the issue by choosing from 4 cases from the 6th Circuit (I'm betting on Michigan...).

The situation in France is still looked upon as "freedom of the press". I still contend that the issue of respect needs to be explored. As to the violence? That thankfully is being condemned most everywhere.

I haven't seen anything today about the Kardasians... or Beiber (what's his name). However, the NY Jets got a new coach (because my Buffalo Bills stole their old one!).

In my sorry-so-called life:

Good news. Got a notice under my door that they'll be in to spray on Monday the 19th. This is good because I'll be ready and then it'll be over. I need this bump in my mellow to be over... way over.

Still no plans about traveling but maybe now I can focus on that. Same with writing. I've been editing a series of short poems and putting them at "L'aura del Campo and making individual items and putting them in the folder "There comes a softening..., like "[...to ice cream treats]. Progress.

Reading? Yeah... a detective novel set in Montmartre, Paris. Keeps me upright instead of merely sleeping the gloom away. By-the-way... the sun came out to play today! It's out there now. *Smile*
January 13, 2015 at 4:12pm
January 13, 2015 at 4:12pm
... ... ...

*Nail* Never enough places to hang stuff, especially damp clothes that need to dry.

*Toy* I keep a few silly things around to display outside the door to my room. It is best if they have no value whatsoever.

*Railroad* The place I live in used to be the hotel for the Old Milwaukee Road railroad. They have talked about connecting us to train service again but still no definite plans. In other news the mini-price on the trains in Norway has gone done.

*Pin* Remind me that I need to sew some buttons on where they popped.

*Buttonr* And speaking of buttons... a young local writer has hilarious stories about the Button Prince.


Bingo... is far too loud. *Frown*

The Senior Center plants are watered. My friend Joyce is better but didn't come in due to a toothache so I water. The geranium is blooming and the peace lily will bloom soon. Some of the other plants don't look so well but this season is difficult due to the lack of sun.

My geraniums are blooming as well.

I have an old jade tree, Kenneth. Seems to like the new location better and is putting out new shoots. My cuttings and new plants from leaves grow slow but I have a dish that looks like a mini jade-forest.

Went through dozens of pens. Most still have ink so that pleases me. I write in my journal daily and scribble in my notepad. I go through pens.

Weather is mild. No complaints other than the lack of sun. Good walking weather except for the patches of ice.
January 12, 2015 at 4:09pm
January 12, 2015 at 4:09pm
...are not always obvious either!

*Hammer* ...to my head. Under too much stress because I'm not finishing things! And decisions aren't yet made.

*Countryse* I love having friends in other countries. I met Lisbeth in Poland but she's Swedish, now living in Holland. Traveling does expand one's knowledge and understanding.

*Pirateship* I haven't looked into traveling by pirate ship yet... any suggestions?

*Sanddollar* I love posting photos; love looking at photos. But beach photos just remind me that I shouldn't be here! *Laugh*

*Music2* A local barista was an exchange student in Sweden. He visited Spain and saw Conchita Wurst in a bar in Barcelona. Today's news has her photo at the Golden Globes ...in green velvet. We chatted Saturday about how big Eurovision is.


I'm NOT done yet... this "incompletion" is harshing my mellow. Still, made good progress towards setting up my rooms in a workable way.

The bookcase I salvaged fits books two deep! Really helped. And my futon/coach is comfy and looking good.

No word when they will re-spray... I haven't seen any bugs in ages.

I put stray items including books on the landing. The doll was still there but a plaque, a book and a radio alarm clock are gone. I believe in recycling rather than just tossing. *Smile*

Reading, reading, reading. Unfortunately, it helps me avoid chores. Fortunately, it may help with the depression and anxiety surrounding chores.

Came across another photo of me at age 22 in Key West. And what I believe was my original passport photo from when I was 21. So much hair! Plus, I was a bit chubby in the face. I prefer my replacement photo taken in Peru when I was 22 and 30 pounds lighter. Still... the mop of brown hair! *Bigsmile*
January 8, 2015 at 1:50pm
January 8, 2015 at 1:50pm
...we usually have choices...

...not always good ones.

*Sun* Enough said.

*Vamp* I didn't know this emoticon existed. I need to get back to writing short stories.

*Butterflyo* If I had wings I'd fly away.

*Gavel* I'll be watching the Supreme Court this week. Will they? Won't they?

*Coffeebl* I haven't finished my first coff... give me a bre...


This blog is near its 1,450 entry limit. I'll have to decide what to do with it. I can consolidate old entries, put them elsewhere and then continue with the added "space" or go back to "L'aura del Campo which I am using as my plog. Or... I could start a new one by eliminating one of the "books" I'm not using.

We have choices.

Same with my travels. If I do not dedicate a session to buying tickets for my next trip I won't be going. It's that simple. I have choices. If I don't decide though I'm "stuck" here.

I have felt overwhelmed rearranging my two rooms. The sun today may energize me. I didn't make my last goal but made excellent progress. My new goal is this Sunday. Unfortunately, this goal is more crucial.

I'd rather be planning my next trip... and to tell the truth I'd rather be dreaming it.

Dreams don't get things done however. *Frown*
January 7, 2015 at 3:15pm
January 7, 2015 at 3:15pm

*Seal* Stray thought... when and where did I last see seals? My mind is a warehouse of forgotten trivia.

*Snowman* A ray of sunshine! Frosty is melting.

*Olympics* Always wanted to go to the Winter Olympics. Smaller than the Summer games. But... as they become more of an extravaganza I can't afford to go. Too bad Oslo withdrew their bid for the 2022 games but they didn't want to waste money.

*Cat2* I wish...

*Poseyy* My green "stick plant" has small yellow flowers blooming at the end of stems. No leaves, just green sticks with golden tips.


I'm okay... paid rent yesterday. Money isn't an issue. I say this only to remind me that once it was and to be thankful for the issues I don't have.

Went out in the evening to Writers Anonymous at the library and learned about YA novels in verse. One guy is hilarious with his story about the Button prince with his Zipper brother and Velcro king. *Shock*

Later... my Nick Fix. Nick's looking good. I'm encouraging him to apply for a 4 week Summer program in China through Law School. I think it would do him good. Build confidence if nothing else.

My friend Joyce is healing fine (at age 84); my mother is doing well (at age 92). They make me feel young.

Now if I could get a nice night's rest... gas and nightmares. *Frown* At least my days have been fine in spite of the lousy weather.
January 6, 2015 at 3:06pm
January 6, 2015 at 3:06pm
...and sometimes I use toilet paper...

(as told to me by Kathy at the Senior Center)

*Doctor* Y'know... new year... means I can schedule a visit with my doctor. Medicare is skimpy on maintenance. My legs... my legs...

*Utensils* A pile of pancakes yesterday, pork and stuffing today. Price went up to $4 from $3. Still a great deal but that's $20/month increase.

*Carr* It was very slushy and icy yesterday. A tad better today. More people out as well.

*Bookstack2* I scored a bookcase! It's purple... but it's a bookcase!

*Countryno* Ran into a young woman at the dumpster. I said something in Spanish and she replied. Then she said something about being in Norway for 3 years... Well! Made my day. We chatted and hopefully can meet at the café to chat again. She's lived in Tromsø (up north).


I made definite progress on my place yesterday after an attack of anxiety and a three hour nap. I can see the light...

of my radio blinking.

Still working on poems and still reading. Still tossing stuff and still sorting. Still...


Other than that there isn't much news. I could easily be bored to tears. I vow that next year I leave for a month! If I can avoid the two holidays I'll be fine. Costa Rica would be fine. Colombia? Maybe. Norway? Not a good idea as many places shut down for a week or two.

Next trip? Not planned yet but Norway beckons every May.

The truth? I'd really like to visit some friends. (shhhhhh...)
January 5, 2015 at 4:48pm
January 5, 2015 at 4:48pm
Year? I was hoping for a new BODY...

...and someone to hold it.

*Snow2* Icy today after three days of snowfall. Wet. Damp. Mild (in comparison).

*Folderb* Not all of my writing is in folders but I'm better organized then I have been in 3 years.

*Ornament1b* Everything is getting to look less like Christmas... thankfully. Although... tomorrow is Three Kings Day.

*Crayons9* I keep forgetting that I have a BIG box of crayons.

*Grave* Not planted yet. Every time I go away I wonder who'll not be here when I come back.


I had a goal of having my rooms uncluttered and arranged by Sunday the 4th. Didn't happen. But... I made great progress and there isn't much left to do.

Finding a box of papers that had to be gone through slowed me down. Memories can overwhelm and so many important things got thrown in with rubbish.

So... I'm procrastinating by doing this blog. *Smile*

Actually, I'm hoping to become more disciplined and do my on-line work before lunch so my afternoons will be free.

Would help if I got up before 9 am. *Shock* It doesn't get light here until then and even then... some days are just a wall of grey.

Drippy today.
December 31, 2014 at 1:02pm
December 31, 2014 at 1:02pm
*Turntable* Maybe I should put music on? I love the quiet but I'm facing 4 days of it... at least more places are open these upcoming 4 days.

*Anchor* Lost in dreams yesterday. Went sea kayaking. Eg draumte om ei holder.

*Squirrel* My neighbor Lavinia likes filberts (hazelnuts). I like them too. I should go looking for some.

*Wind* The river frothed last night as spumes of wind-driven ice flew down the channels. Today? All is frozen.

*Tempcold* My temp was 97.3 last night. Couldn't get warm. So I took a hot bath. It rose to 98.4. Then I went to bed.


Lamenting a bit. In the Olden Days when Blogville was more than a ghost town, I blogged almost daily. And folks read my blogs! Now I'm lucky to get one comment per entry.

Not that my blogs are interesting anymore. *Laugh*

Still I blog and scarlett_o_h still seems to be amused by my lists of 5. I try to read and comment on other people's blogs every time I add an entry myself (but only about 3, not over 10 like before).

Same in my personal life. People's lives go on. With me or without. I don't have any enemies at the moment and very little drama this past year. I'm still chatty but there seems to be a lack of connection.

So I lament. Partly it's the Dreary Season but today it's sunny blue skies, no clouds. The snow shimmers like diamonds and the river looks like frozen soap suds. *Delight*

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