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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
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L'aura del Campo Open in new Window. (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

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Hoarfrosts from Hell Open in new Window. (XGC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

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Enga mellom fjella Open in new Window. (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
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On The Write Path Open in new Window. (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
as I need to post there about my travels.

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O Pinions! Open in new Window. (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

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Nurture your Nature Open in new Window. (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
was set up for nature observations and musings.

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Watt's Gnus Open in new Window. (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

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Flash Fiction Open in new Window. (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
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Space Cadet - the never ending journal Open in new Window. (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
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Conquest ... to keep track of contests Open in new Window. (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

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Blogville  Open in new Window. (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

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Bibimbap 비빔밥  Open in new Window. (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

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March 17, 2025 at 6:28pm
March 17, 2025 at 6:28pm
23 mars / มีนาคม

1. Walk to Le Petit.

22 mars / มีนาคม

1. Walk around neighborhood.
Wrote a poem and made an old poem into an item: "Let morning comeOpen in new Window. [E]

21 mars / มีนาคม The day after.

1. Walk and lunch at Sr. Ctr. 2. Walk for groceries.
Got two achievement badges.
Posted: "Opus for OprahOpen in new Window.
Wrote: "Of mice and monksOpen in new Window. Won. *Sad*

20 mars / มีนาคม New Year's day [182 BE]

1. Walk and lunch at Sr. Ctr.
Posted "Howard Cosell Open in new Window.

19 mars / มีนาคม New Year's eve.

1. Walked to Senior Center. 2. Walked with Laxmi to cigar shop and post office.

18 mars / มีนาคม 2 days to go.

1. Walked to Senior Center and back (snow!).
Chatted with friends.
Finished making two old poems into items.
2. Walked to Orange Street bridge.

17 mars / มีนาคม 3 days to go.

1. Walked to Senior Center and ate corned beef and cabbage.
Two new writings in blog.
Chatted with friends.
2. Walked to grocery store twice (left gloves).

Tweaked goals for March 17-23:

         Work on travel plans A, B, C.
         Write entry for Short Shots, preferably finish. "Sand. I'm not your gurl. I'm not your boy. I'm not your toy.Open in new Window.
Twice or Thrice:
         Declutter and/or clean.
Every day:
         Write something new or edit old; 2/day. *Stary**Stary**Starp**Starp**Staro**Starb**Starb**Starv**Starv*
         Go out twice every day (not a habit yet): *Stary**Stary**Starp**Starp**Starg**Starg**Staro**Starb**Starb**Starv**Starr*

March 11, 2025 at 12:58am
March 11, 2025 at 12:58am
16 mars / มีนาคม 4 days to go.

1. Walked to Bernice's and Le Petit.
Worked on potential poems "3/16 locked out from my past / purest heart & happinessOpen in new Window.

15 mars / มีนาคม 5 days to go.

Did not go out. Watched the flakes and parade go by.
Stayed in bed most of the day. Read a bit from "Tapau".

14 mars / มีนาคม 6 days to go.

1. Walked to Senior Center.
Entered into Sh&L "Craters of Your MoonOpen in new Window. [13+]
Wrote "Two way streetOpen in new Window. [13+]

13 mars / มีนาคม 7 days to go.

Cooked Hubbard. Travis and I visited.
1. Walked to Sr. Center. Short chats.
Finished and posted: "Let Two Become As OneOpen in new Window. [13+] in Dark Romance.

12 mars / มีนาคม 8 days to go.

1. Walked to Senior Center. I was mostly quiet.
Finished and posted: " Naw-Rúz in the NorthOpen in new Window. [E]

11 mars / มีนาคม 9 days to go.

1. Walked to Senior Center and ate.
Chatted with Laxmi and Jamie.
Folded and put away clothes.

10 mars / มีนาคม 10 days to go.

1. Walked to Senior Center and ate. 2. Walked to Sparkle to wash clothes.
Made new item: "[This is another note I will not send]Open in new Window. [E]
Chatted with friends.

New goals for March 10-16:

         Work on travel plans A, B, C. *X*
         Write entry for Short Shots. Worked on "Sand. I'm not your gurl. I'm not your boy. I'm not your toy.Open in new Window.
Twice or Thrice:
         Declutter and/or clean. *Sad* Washing clothes and cleaning dishes doesn't count.
Every day:
         Write something new. *Starg**Staro**Starb**Starr* Not quite.
         Go out twice every day (not a habit yet): *Stary**Stary**Starp**Starg**Staro**Starb**Xv**Starr*

My lame excuses: it was cold and I was kinda ill.

March 3, 2025 at 1:27pm
March 3, 2025 at 1:27pm
9 marzo

1. Walked to poetry/story event nearby.
Posted "Passing the penOpen in new Window. [ASR]
Chat with Jay.
Took bath.

8 marzo

1. Walked across the bridge and got mail and saw friends. Didn't go out again.
Posted "Letter from KwnOpen in new Window. [13+].
Parasocial relationships... not happy thinking about those.
Trying to watch Thame-Po.

7 marzo

Received first blog achievement badge.
Edited and posted "PhoebeOpen in new Window. [E] & "PeshashtinOpen in new Window. [E]
1. Walked to Senior Center eat&greet. 2. Downtown First Friday and then to OSFF.
Took bath (lily-honeysuckle)

6 marzo

1. Walked to Senior Center. Ate and chatted with friends.
New poem "DescentOpen in new Window. [ASR]

5 marzo

New flash item: "Owl be seeing youOpen in new Window.; 4 poems "Silly silly silly Open in new Window.
1. Walked to Sr. Ctr. Ate meatloaf and chatted with friends.
Shaved and took a bath.

4 marzo

Took a bath.
1. Walked to Sr. Ctr.
Chatted with friends.
New flash item: "Little rays of sunshineOpen in new Window. [18+]

3 marzo

Rash may be shingles.
1. Walk to Senior Center.
Chat with various friends.
New flash Item: "With a little wand and a little witOpen in new Window. [13+]

New goals

         Take a bath. *Starp**Starg**Starb**Starr*
         Write entry for Short Shots.
Twice or Thrice:
         Declutter (still not happening).
Every day:
         Make at least one new item from old entries (becoming a habit). *Stary**Starp**Starg**Starg**Staro**Starb**Starb**Starv**Starr*
         Go out twice every day (not a habit yet). *Stary**Starp**Starg**Staro**Starb**Starb**Starv**Starr*

March 1, 2025 at 2:29pm
March 1, 2025 at 2:29pm
"first class ticket" is the prompt over at "Walking in MemphisOpen in new Window. Music is "Walking in Memphis"
         I have a first class ticket to leave this mountain town, bound for the wheatfields of Kansas, where my forgotten heart was found.{Why I left it there I scant remember. Why am I going back? I'm not sure why. But my heart is waiting in Kansas where the meadowlark flies, and the blackbirds dive and bomb and the cardinal flashes red, where the wind in the corn reminds me, this is where I've been.

"Lighthouses at Sunset Contest Open in new Window. The wind blows through the Hellgate Canyon, my thoughts now westward bound where the waters flow through town, through other canyons, lakes and falls to where the Mother Ocean receives them all, the flotsam, jetsam, the tatters of my thoughts. The trail rests in the shade; the icicles safe from the sun in the shadows; the brown slopes wait for the coming melt, the green hides in nooks protected by the scree of rocks. My thoughts... The wind blows down the canyon, waving at me in their hurry to meet the day. Someday I may join them. Until then I trudge careful of the icy spots, mindful of the emptiness that cocoons me, ancient slopes that once hid beneath a thousand meters of glacial water. The benches of the former beaches looming over me. In the sunshine illuminating the heights of Jumbo, what do I see? Too early for the arrowleaf balsamroot. Ah, it's the hat of a hiker, greeting the sun on the heights of warmer yesterdays .

Shadows and Light
Ask a Christian: "Grill a ChristianOpen in new Window. truth and lies. What's fact and fiction in the physical and spiritual worlds?
Kit's High Rate
Steve's Horror: Et tu, Horatio? A skull awaits us all... if we're not blown to bits.
Hook "Hook of the BookOpen in new Window. barcodes "I look like you. I speak like you. I'm not you." "How do you know?" AiX looked around the room of centuplets. "My barcode is different from yours." Posted.
Magic "Merit Badge MagicOpen in new Window. #3 Fashion!
"Tales of Seduction ~ March . Round OPENOpen in new Window. Past Love reappears... like pox? Hold me Shingles, mate but not too tight.

Short Shots Image Prompt (March 2025)

Write a short story for "Short Shots: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.

February 24, 2025 at 12:36pm
February 24, 2025 at 12:36pm
2 march: Bahá'í anniversary (50th)

Did not go out.
No one home? Didn't get neosporin.
Made into an item: "Washington Highway 21Open in new Window. [E]

1 March

1. Walk to Butterfly Herbs.
Chat with Lundy and others.
Made into an item: "The little boats are coming home to bedOpen in new Window. [E]
Made a new crossword: "Dickinson — Joyce duologueOpen in new Window. [E]

28 February

1. Walk to Senior Center to rant. 2. Short walk at night to see the stars.
Chat with Laxmi and Dalton. Picked up marble rolling pin.
Finished making an item out of "Shooting the dog Open in new Window. [13+] "Partly cloudyOpen in new Window. [13+]
Entered two items into "The One-Line Lyric ChallengeOpen in new Window.
Entered "Now we are twoOpen in new Window. for "Merit Badge MagicOpen in new Window.

27 February: My sister's birthday.

1. Walk to the Senior Center. 2. Walk to Rose Garden.
Chat with Gail, Ernie, Laxmi, Jamie.
Made into items: "CioppinoOpen in new Window. [ASR] "In the Dog's house? Open in new Window. [13+]
Worked on two poems in "Rome and sands and other thoughts...Open in new Window.
Finished Realities: "Realities February 2025Open in new Window.

26 February: My father's death day.

         1. Walk to Sr. Ctr. and OFF. 2. Walk along the river; saw an eagle.
         Chat with Laxmi and Jamie.
         New items: "Letter to Colleen from SomewhereOpen in new Window. [13+] "Mirror of my mindOpen in new Window. [13+]
         Working on "Realities February 2025Open in new Window.
         Entered Senior Contest.
         Added more to Realities.
         Entered Hook: "Wind whips the waves into a frenzy. We only need to outrun them; yet, furious, you chase me, jowls dripping drool. Perhaps I only need to outrun you."
         Entered Lornda's contest.
         Took an evening bath.

25 February

         1. Walk to Le Petit and Sr. Ctr. 2. didn't go out again.
         Chat with friends. Willie, Kathi, Charles, Laxmi...
         Two new items. "Zmitri PrimeOpen in new Window. [13+] "Snow and riceOpen in new Window. [ASR]
         Used heating bottle Gung gave me in Udon Thani for the first time.
         Added more to Realities.

24 February

         1. Walk to Senior Center. 2. Walk to store.
         Made "YellowOpen in new Window. [13+] into an item after nearly 20 years.
         Reading old blog entries from my first blog "L'aura del CampoOpen in new Window. is unnerving me.

Weekly goals:

         Take a bath. *Stargr*
         Shave my beard off; trim mustache. *Xr*
Twice or Thrice:
         Declutter (since every day is NOT happening). *Xr*
Every day:
         Make at least one new item from old entries *Stary**Starp**Starp**Starg**Starg**Staro**Staro**Starb**Starb**Starv*{}e:starr}
         Go out twice every day. *Stary**Stary**Starp**Starg**Starg**Staro**Staro**Starb**Starb**Starv*

End of month writing goals:

1st&2nd. Entered.
S&L Won for February. March now open.
Trad. Entered.
HighRate+. Entered. Edit?
Senior. "Emily — JamesOpen in new Window. [13+]
Veteran. Entered.
Hook entered.
Humorous entered.

"Quotation Inspiration: Official ContestOpen in new Window.

Lodestar. not likely...
Dialogue500. not likely.
Stupid Cupid... not likely.
Heart Throb. Sonnet... not likely.
MagicMerit. Should but...
"Hearts Afire. February 2025. (Closed)Open in new Window. Sadly... An old flame reappears. Like a relit candle found in the back of a closet.
"The Humorous Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. "My computer tells me who stole ...Open in new Window. [13+]

"Lighthouses at Sunset Contest Open in new Window. Open March.
Dark&Twisted. March 13th.


February 17, 2025 at 5:40pm
February 17, 2025 at 5:40pm
23 February Cherry

Read and commented on 3 blogs: Os, Stik, Viv.
Cooked split peas with bratwurst meatballs.
6 old items reread; the last of the 1 review items with 4.5 or 5.0 ratings. I'm done.
Took a bath.
Walked to Sparkle. Did my wash.

22 February Dragon fruit

Won S&L. Nice badge.
Walked to Post office: bank, eyeglasses, postcard from Schnujo.
Ate at Butterfly Herbs. Scone, milkshake, bought 4 postcards.
Reread another 6 old items.
Read and commented on 3 blogs: Charles, Joy, Grace.
Made 3 new items.

21 February Blueberry

posted in Blogville.
Chatted with friends at the Senior Center. French dip.
Wrote a flash. "The Fox and the AuthoressOpen in new Window. [E] Won.
Reread 6 old items.
Cooked. Cleaned the sink.
Finished Ep. 9 of "Caged again"
Read and commented on 3 blogs: Charity, Grace, PureSciFi.
Took a bath.

20 February Tomato

Chatted with friends at Senior Center: stuffed pork.
6 old items read and edited. What an assortment!
Posted in Taboo: politics forum.
Read and commented on three blogs: Adhere, Marvilla, Neva.
2 new items posted.

19 February Celery

Posted in the Taboo: religion forum.
Read 4 blogs and commented in 3.
Chatted with friends at Senior Center. Walked to grocery store.
Started working on future trips. Alaska.
5 old items reread.
2 new items from old entries.

18 February Pink Lady Apples

Read 4 blogs and commented on 3.
Reread 8 old items that have only one review.
Long chat with Charles at Senior Center.
Walked to grocery store; bought vittles.
Cooked up chicken.
Made 2 new items from old entries.
Posted in the Taboo: sex forum.

17 February Lemon

Made two entries into items
Walked to the Senior Center - not so cold.
Chatted with Willie, Phil, Dalton, others.
Read 3 blogs and commented
Sorted out clothes... a type of decluttering.
Reread 6 items with only one review.
Cooked cheesy rice (rice, tarragon, processed cheese).
Posted in the Taboo: human rights forum.
Watching snippets of "Caged again".

Meekly goals for February Freeze 17-21:

1. Read 3 blogs per day. (Consider elaborating in "Bibimbap" blog) *Star**Starp**Starg**StarO**Starb**Starv**Starr*
2. Declutter daily (cleaning doesn't count). *Star*
3. Take a bath (I usually shower). *Starb**Starr*
4. Make possible travel plans. A, B, C. (Dream, but get facts; post in travel-blog "Travel 2025Open in new Window.). *Starg**Starv*
5. Post a new prompt/idea in Taboo and Blogville forums. *Star**Starp**StarG**Staro**Starb*

February 10, 2025 at 8:21pm
February 10, 2025 at 8:21pm
16 二月

         Sashayed through the snowflakes to Le Petit for a rosemary focaccia $6. Ate maple walnut scone $3.15.
         Chatted with Scott. No word on his job for summer.
         Cooked. Eggs, potatoes, green onion.
         Watching Ep. 5. So... Sun is a black puma. Junior is a penguin. Ep. 6... where art thou?
         Reread 5 old items.
         Made 2 old entries into items.
         Read three blogs.

15 fevereiro

         33° = above freezing at 2 p.m.! *Shock*
         5 old items reread and links put in Hoarfrosts.
         Cooked chicken, potato, eggs. Ate stale soaked bread in broth (and green onion).
         Walked to Butterfly Herbs. Bought incense (rose). Saw Lundy.
         2 old entries made into items
         Finished episode 2 of Caged Again. Watching ep. 3 and 4 in Thai.

14 februar

         +21° at 10! I'll walk to the Senior Center soon. Snow.
         Chat with various friends. Cookies from Anne!
         2 new items from old entries.
         Posted 3 tailgaters on the Newsfeed.
         5 old items reread and thank you notes sent.
         Minor cleaning.
         Cooked potato and chicken.
         Finished episode 1 of "Caged again" บอกกรงๆ...ว่ารักเธอ

13 กุมภาพันธ์

         -16° at 8; walked to Senior Center in spite of it being below zero.
         Chatted with Gail, Ernie, Laxmi.
         Minor cleaning.
         Sent V-Day message to Pannya.
         Wrote three new "tailgaters".
         Entered 3 contests: Shadows, 1st&2nd, Veterans.
         Reread 5 neglected items+
         Wrote 3 new "tailgaters" in "Tailgaters: loveOpen in new Window.
         2 new items from old entries.
         Cooked pasta and chicken

12 febrero

         Got up early... not sure whether this is good or bad. -11°F.
         Changed blogs.
         Walked to Senior center.
         Chatted with friends.
         Chose 5 black underwear for travel, put in backpack.
         Apparently blocked by one new person... 3 since Jan 1st.
         Added Sharmelle on FB.
         Reread 5 items.
         Made 2 new items.
         Washed black sweat pants by hand.

11 février

         Reread, reviewed reviews, 5 items.
         3 more new items.
         "wrote" a found poem.
         Frigid walk, below zero, to Senior Center.
         Chatted with friends.
         Listened to Steven on Aussie radio.
         Cooked rice.
         Washed dishes and sink.

10 February

         Set weekly goals "Feb 10-14"  Open in new Window.
         Reread and read reviews for 5 items.
         Made 3 new items for old entries.
         Got out to Senior Center (frigid).
         Chatted with folks.
         Put away dried clothes.
         Washed dishes.

February 9, 2025 at 3:06pm
February 9, 2025 at 3:06pm
Blogged every day. See "Hoarfrosts from HellOpen in new Window..


9 Feb - Wash at Sparkle.
8 Feb - Groceries @ OFF.
7 Feb - Sr. Ctr. - meatloaf
6 Feb - Sr. Ctr.
5 Feb - Sr. Ctr.
4 Feb - Sr. Ctr.
3 Feb - Sr. Ctr.


02 Feb -
01 Feb -
31 Jan - Sr. Ctr
30 Jan - Watered plants and checked in at Senior Center.
29 Jan - Home? Really? Travis picked my up at the airport. Brr.
28 Jan - To the plane ANA flight to HND, SEA, MSO. A long long pank day.
27 Jan - Pinto. Just hung out. Chat with Felix from China.
January 13, 2025 at 11:34am
January 13, 2025 at 11:34am

20-26 January

26 Udon Thani to Bangkok - Pinto - leaving on 28th for Montana
25 Udon Thani - La Malila


13-19 January

17 Mukdahan - Udon Thani
16 Mukdahan - Kim #2
15 Mukdahan - Kim #2
14 Udon Thani to Mukdahan - Riverfront
13 Udon Thani - La Malila


6-12 January

12 Nong Khai to Udon Thani - La Malila
11 Nong Khai - Mut Mee
10 Khon Kaen - Nong Khai
09 Khon Kaen


30 December - 5 January



23-29 December

25 Udon Thani

December 30, 2024 at 5:37am
December 30, 2024 at 5:37am
16-22 December.

22 Phimai at Benya Guesthouse Rm 2.

         Easy bus ride. Got off by clock tower. 2 minute walk. Saá is wonderful.

21 Korat at Sakol

         Fell due to depression in sidewalk. As of 30th... left hand/wrist still hurts and is weak.

20 Korat at Sakol Rm 52.

         Travel day by train.

19 Bangkok at Daraya

         Booked Pinto for 26/27.

18 Bangkok at Daraya Rm 21, Bed 4.

         Extra day.

17 Bangkok at Daraya

         Trip from Ayutthaya with Laxmi.

16 Ayutthaya at Bang Are Gong Rm 10.

         A-watting with Laxmi.

919 Entries · *Magnify*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole