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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

Previous ... 6 7 8 9 -10- 11 12 13 14 15 ... Next
January 15, 2023 at 8:36pm
January 15, 2023 at 8:36pm

The Original They/Them
~ Kåre Enga

If you need to look into the diapers to determine gender at least change them.


Today's dinner of champions was fried fish and donuts.

Took pictures around Nong Bua. Caught the sunset. The New Year's lights were already down. *Sad*

Saw fireworks out the hallway window when I got home. Unexpected, good timing.

Sent various pictures to Ponnya. *Smirk2*

Wrote postcard #2 to Michael. I really should write one every day. It's good exercise, exorcise and whether folks want one or not, some will be well received.

Writing letters is a lost skill.


Still sad, but it's not the deep chasms of yesteryears. I do need to be careful though.

To Mighty: "Regarding cashmere... why choose? Buy them all!

Motivation. I have a reason to get up even though my reason isn't here at the moment. *Sad* Still, I've been getting up earlier and that helps.

I lost weight this past year and will continue that trend for the next 2+ months in Thailand. Sun helps. And getting out and walking helps. I eat less."

To fathertymme: "The eyes need to be taken care of. In my case it's my hearing but cataracts are common in my family; so, I must be vigilant. Being present and aware is important here in Thailand as crossing any and every street is risky.

It's Year of the Rabbit tomorrow the 22nd. Celebrated in Udon Thani where I am for the next while. The nights are cool and the days are warm; but, the horizon is a haze from rice and sugarcane fields being burnt off. By March 21st it will be hot and the land thirsty.

Each stage of the year has its own peculiarity as does each stage of life."

I got out. Found where the food stalls will be open (tomorrow). Tried black truffle potato chips and seaweed sunflower seeds. Liked both. Bought coffee candy by mistake... I'll deal with it. *Smile* Walked to Nong Prajak, walked around, then went home. Lots of walking. Tired.


It's now a blue day (Friday). Orange was so yesterday! I reread yesterday's post. The drums are beating again this morning. The New Year of the Rabbit is Sunday (a double red day). The cool breeze would be slapping those slats if the curtain weren't open. Just put the kettle on for coffee #2. *Laugh* I'm so "redundant".

Ponnya comes home tomorrow so I need to tidy up a bit. Not much, but without him here I don't care as much. Just sharing this place may help with depression. The hugs don't hurt either.

It's 08:42 and the local Air Force jets are flying. Quite the racket.

At the edge of night
in the whispers of light
carried upon a fading breeze
the calmness questions
why I lay here at ease
there's plenty enough time
once planted in the grave
this echo of a former life
that would not listen
to the whispers of light
at the edge of night.


To Charity: "Travel makes me grateful for being home. Staying home gives me the urge to travel. *Smile*

I may be entering a new stage of life (one toe already in the warm water). At the moment it includes a bathroom, a balcony, a boyfriend... lots of B's. There's plenty of street food and restaurants within walking distance.

I'm slowly coming to understand what I didn't miss (because I didn't have it).

So I'm surrounded by Thailand. Not the tourist brochure, the everyday living... the smiles, my frustration, the acceptance and tolerance, the mosquitoes.

I'm not dead yet, so I have lessons to learn."


21:30 Very sad. I guess I can slog through the next 5 days. No one to talk to or share why I'm unhappy. Very very lonely at the moment.

19. มกราคม

09:08... the pounding drums from the Chinese Cultural Center have quieted. The jets aren't flying overhead and the train has passed. It's fairly quiet except for the breeze moving the blue slatted curtain by the sliding door.

I should go out in the cool of the morning but it's also a good time to write. Thailand is 12 hours ahead of WDC time. Makes it easy to know what time it is; but, I'm easily confused as to the date.

It's always time for coffee; so, maybe I'll put the kettle on and make decisions later.

To wordsmitty: "WDC practices avoidance... how do I know? I'm avoidant. I really don't like confrontation, partly because I don't handle it well.

BUT, I've been screaming the last 20 years after being bashed for most of my life. Big-bashing is obvious. Small-bashing like shunning... not so obvious. I'm definitely 'toxic' to some when I question their values and I have to own up to that. I'm not here to just get more friends and more likes and my writing and photographs aren't monetized. So I engage to feel connected. Many people here at WDC do not want to dirty themselves by connecting.

Mid-Americans (a major part of WDC) do not want to be challenged mentally. Their level of apathy reduces the world to a shade of beige. And those offended and outraged about e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g are the flip-side and also a threat. Perspective? Context? There's another point-of-view? I-might-be-wrong? What's that all about?

Cannot have a discussion about anything serious at WDC and it's dangerous on Spacefook as well."

Went out. Confirmed that there's a fruit/vegetable/fresh-fish/raw-meat market near here, this side of Posri across the tracks. Must take Ponnya (he'll be back the 21st) so we can buy some. I don't know what things are called and not sure what some things are!

Bought 4 more dishes/bowls. At 20 baht each.

Must take camera to Chinese festival tonight.

19:46 the southbound train to Krungthep has passed.

I bought pork lasagna (70 baht) before going to the festival. Good idea. Very good... it was 2 portions.

I took a lot of photos. One woman dropped her bag into the water. It floated; but, I don't know how she retrieved it.

20:44 I'm worn out tired. Far too early to turn in. *Yawn*

18. มกราคม

It's an orange day in Udon on a green day of the week. City celebration around the Prajak monument. Hundreds of dancers wearing orange tops and mut mee bottoms and showing respect. Awesome.

To Charity: "Even so, hubby swears it was the happiest two weeks he's ever had in a truck. Which just goes to show how f***ing miserable and lonely it is.

I know you know that that says a lot... as in A LOT.

I was gone for one month and my puppy boyfriend was suffering separation anxiety. No he's gone for 5 days and I'm missing him.

When I first stepped foot in Kansas I felt at home. When I went to Costa Rica I immediately wanted to leave. Montana has been 'home' now for 14 years... but it never was Kansas; and now, I walk around Udon Thani, a city surrounded by rice fields and sugarcane, and wonder whether I'm meant to be there at this time in my life.

So yes, love this entry, vomit and all.

To Jayne: "I'm okay as long as I write something down somewhere as the thought crosses my mind. I used to be better at that.

I comment a lot here on blogs. That actually helps because it primes my writing pump."

Also to Jayne: "I knew nothing about Oscar (father's side) until my cousin mentioned he died falling off a parade float and good riddance... Supposedly he was prostituting his wife and daughter. Mostly folks got along though and still do.

I still know nothing about Sylvester (mother's side) other than he was good looking. My mother's family keeps an unfriendly distance. Not sure toxicity has anything to do with it.

Apparently I'm toxic to many people in general and that's hard for me to deal with. Shunning hurts."

I need to reassess my needs.

17. มกราคม

Been up 3+ hours. Time to shower and go for a walk. It's a pink day.

Took chocolates to Gay. We're connected now on facebook which means I can work around her schedule. Met Jean from B.C. and spoke to a young gay couple from Udon/Surin.

Fish for dinner. Fried fish costs 12 baht, bread costs 2 baht. A sandwich for 16 baht. A fishburger at Burger King costs 69 baht.

I bought snacks for 10 baht each. I'll take pictures and give a 'review'.

16. มกราคม

Random thoughts:

The beauty of an ugly place - for Pao.
Blemish - the focus on imperfections.
Black is the color of my true love's... The ticklish tangle of a black forest - for Pon.
Tiger before the entrance of the wat. Greying under a cloak the color of butter ~ for Tiger. As one year fades into another.

Write a limerick they said...

Once in a hamlet named Shakespeare
there dwelt/came a young knight who died there
he left all his gold
to bonny prince bold
who squandered it all on a brood mare.

Now all I have to do is rewrite so it makes sense.

January 9, 2023 at 1:20pm
January 9, 2023 at 1:20pm
15. มกราคม

I respond to Annette's critique of my story found in "Sound of one hand clasping (Folder): "This was a wonderful challenge.

Now I can revise! And clear up any confusion if necessary, add popnotes and foot notes as needed as not everyone knows this culture, climate and landscape (it ain't no Hollywood western). Although I tried to use lots of concrete images, even those need footnotes (some things here have specific meanings that outsiders wouldn't 'get'). It has enough images that it could be illustrated... and that might help as well.

I didn't want any dialogue... that Sato-san can hear the One's voice in his head is key. That she (the neighbor, the One) need not speak adds to the supernatural aspect of it.

Lim: maybe just a programmer... maybe part android, maybe not. Pond: the foil (and the glue). Sato-san observes but maybe he's more than that (not android), perhaps an 'angel' that reports to the One... who just happens to be a neighbor (or is temporary in her body).

I need to revise. Because this is place outside of America I'll have footnotes. Like the colors... today (Sunday is red; Monday is yellow; Tuesday is pink). This entire story takes place in 24 hours or less.

Basically: Pond (who is Lao and Buddhist) loves Lim (who is Eurasian Malay and Muslim), but Lim is hesitant and uncomfortable being open about the relationship. Sato-san (Japanese) is quiet, an observer, sees-all-says-nothing. The One is... the One (no name, no gender, no religion). The Programmer is ambiguous (a boss, someone else?)... until the end. Maybe the One is also the Programmer!

I had to start somewhere I knew and felt attached to. So I placed it in Udon Thani where I was visiting and where I now sit writing this response. Pond, Lim and Sato-san are real people who are uber-fictionalized (think of them as talismans). The place names... are real. You could visit Mill Place, have a coffee, take pictures of the butterflies and stop by the smoking gazebo on your way to visit me in Lumphini. We could return, passing 7-11 for snacks, water, milk or Pepsi and take the bridge over Posri Road and go to UD Town and all the markets next to the railroad tracks. You could take the morning train to Bangkok. It leaves at 08:20.

Sunday = red. Ponnya leaves today to sing at a temple north-east of Krungthep. If I had a place to stay I'd go. He has a lovely voice by-the-way.

Groan smiley

14. มกราคม

I may have unwittingly eaten raw pork today (possibly Naem (Thai: แหนม). Do not want to get sick.

To Stik: My boyfriend is a religious and traditional Buddhist (not Zen). I will be expected to act properly at religious events. I will do so when I can join without having to compromise my personal or religious beliefs as Buddhism (and Buddhists... mostly) doesn't care. Atheists may find Buddhists less threatening than some religious folks.

Death... Christians (many are dogmatic) really obsess with salvation for the soul and life for the body. Since I don't believe in their salvation crap (yes, crap; it's mean, demeaning and controlling) I don't want someone praying for my soul (hands off!). And since I don't think of death as unnatural and/or evil I don't quite get that aspect either. Sure, 'pray' for healing... but that's good whether Hamlin lived or not.

I agree with Waltz... prayer helps those who pray. "It is Margaret you mourn for."


Spring and Fall

         to a young child

Márgarét, áre you gríeving
Over Goldengrove unleaving?
Leáves like the things of man, you
With your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Ah! ás the heart grows older
It will come to such sights colder
By and by, nor spare a sigh
Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie;
And yet you wíll weep and know why.
Now no matter, child, the name:
Sórrow’s spríngs áre the same.
Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed
What heart heard of, ghost guessed:
It ís the blight man was born for,
It is Margaret you mourn for.

I'm sitting at home using my phone as a hotspot for my computer. This is going to make life so much easier!

ปัญญา is working. Two keys = two lives. We can support each other without having to be attached at the hip. ปัน sings at a temple next week. He's practicing traditional songs. He'll be gone 3-4 days. What will I do? I thought of visiting a neighboring city; but, there's an event here on the 18th at 07:30. Both may still be doable.

Orange is the color of Udon... color of the flower of Butea monosperma (Flame of the forest, Bastard Teak, Bengal kinotree, Kino tree)

Control fear lest it control you? My response to Caoimhe: "It's one of the reasons why I travel and get out of my comfort zone. Although, that doesn't apply to hot spicy food that makes me choke or crushed pineapple from a can."

13. มกราคม

Blue day = I'm wearing blue.

Eating philly-cheese-steak at Koala. Pear told me about festival on the 18th at 07:30 near where I live.

I think i have my hot-spot worked out.

Awesome onion cheese cup at Yamizaki. 38 baht.

Need blanket, shoulder bag, hat (mwak).

I'm going slow. 15:40 = the sun isn't as hot as earlier. Morning was cool due to fog. Much warmer now.

Returned home early as I'm exhausted. Towel 150฿, shoulder bag 480฿, hat 120฿. Straightened out Dtac hotspot so now I can work from home.

12. มกราคม

An orange day. I saw Gay, brought her Purple Mountain Majesty tea (rosehip/rose/purplish color); bought postcards 6 at half price, 5 free; had duplicate key made; bought food; didn't get a shoulder bag nor hat, need both, size and color matter, but now I know where to find them; got haircut by the same barber, Gung; bought a yellow rose, vase, plate. Fairly productive day.

I can use my phone as a hot spot, but I don't know which password to use... a visit to Dtac.

11. มกราคม

9 hours on the train. One child was precious (in a good way). Long trip in 3rd class, which wasn't much more uncomfortable than 2nd class. Nice chat with lady who got off in Ayutthaya.

Arrived 25 minutes late. Ponnya was waiting for me. *HeartO*

10. มกราคม

Oddly I wore a pink shirt for the trip. Left on a red day that blended into yellow somewhere over the Pacific.

Today... I'll do whatever... sleep?

"I return to Udon Thani tomorrow. I'm in Bangkok now after a 25 hour+ trip. Today I rest, take care of some business, see a friend. *Smile*

I will send postcards when I find some!

I hope to find time to write. Probably afternoons when it's hot. Early evening is when folks eat. Ponnya works during the day. We'll see. Much depends on access to wifi."

I decided to wear deep blue today. Haven't been out yet. 30°C here; 24°C in Udon; -1°C and snowing in Montana. It may rain later today and tomorrow in Bangkok and Udon.

Pork satay with Ped. They remembered me... (old lady is fine) same at Pinto. Max was giggly shocked at my news. She has a younger boyfriend too (two years).

Bought postcards and put money on Dtac. 700 baht should last me three months (that's about $20).

9. มกราคม

3 flights 25 hours and here I am in Krungthep. *Smile*
January 7, 2023 at 3:26pm
January 7, 2023 at 3:26pm
For questions about your policy
Contact AIG to learn more about your benefits and coverage, coverage window, or claims
Policy #1254596978
Expect a response within 1 business day.
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Contact Travel Guard® if you have questions while traveling
Policy #1254596978
(Outside USA)
Emergency only
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Contact Expedia about pricing or cancellation.
Itinerary #72449180229075
If you are traveling in other countries:
these phone numbers.
January 3, 2023 at 7:43pm
January 3, 2023 at 7:43pm
Thoughts on 2023:

1. I start a new stage of life... possibly the final stage.

2. 23 is not my favorite number but I looked ab-fab at age 23 in Kansas. Isan reminds me of Kansas. Will it be healing? The people are nice enough...

3. Will I be inspired to write? I will take notes based on senses and cultural observations.

4. I will spend three months in Udon Thani, more if everything works out with my boyfriend.

5. I want to learn Thai/Lao. This is a good metal exercise.
January 2, 2023 at 1:25pm
January 2, 2023 at 1:25pm


The Thailand postal service recognizes the following structure for a postal address EXAMPLE, not mine:
119 ชนบท 3009 สองพี่น้อง สุพรรณบุรี 72110 THAILAND.


10 in the morning. So much to do. Coffee brews.

landscape of my lover
ripples to the moon-tide's say
under the cover of fog
awakens to the come-what-may
of another languid day

Thailand has changed its entry rules as of January 9th at 8 a.m. I fly in at 11 at night. *Worry*

I managed to get to the library and make copies of my itinerary and most important my travel insurance. I should be okay.

It should be okay for my entry into Thailand... whether I'll be able to catch the skytrain however...

23:30 Almost ready but I'm too tired, so I'm going to try to sleep/nap for 4 hours.

Parked for later. This guy's hotel room is twice the size of the house I grew up in and costs more per night than my monthly income.


Pot roast with Merry and others. Tea with Jay.

Jamie Stone got my postcard.

Bank and post office straightened out.


It's an orange day.

Vote 7, 8, 9, 10... still no speaker.

I'll soon be back in Udon. Ponnya's mother is visiting him. Ah... he wants me to be family.

To huser:spiritspeak7: "I don't seem to need the 'physical' personal space that others crave. It's cultural. I felt comfortable in Tokyo shoulder to shoulder with thousands of strangers. I felt safe. However, I refused to work for one boss because I didn't feel safe 'emotionally' no matter how great the physical distance.

I tend to pick up 'vibes'. In my travels I immediately felt a connection in Belgrade while I felt the undercurrent of hostility in Cape Town."

To huser:cappucine: "I have no reading challenge. I need to learn Thai/Lao.

And write... I need to write. *Laugh*

Small talk in Thailand: Have you eaten? It doesn't necessarily mean anything. Like the weather, people say it when they don't know what to say."

Got some food to Scott because I'll be gone 3 months.


Meatloaf. Friends. Paid rent. *Smile* One less worry.


Immediate thoughts:

Anywhere but Prague. Bratislava, Vienna, Budapest, Munich...

Beograd is a nitty, gritty, shitty, dirty city... and I loved it.

Northern Portugal: Guimaraes not Chaves. One is alive the other is dead.

Anywhere in Japan or Taiwan. Safer than the USA.

Luxembourg: pretty but soulless.

Grenada is the prettiest city in Costa Rica?

Kotor not Dubrovnik.

Tallinn never Narva.

Walking? Sofia Bulgaria, not Bucharest nor Bangkok (absolute nightmare).

Paris... I was charmed by the people!

Breathing? Tromso and the Lofoten... not Missoula nor Mexico City.


To Lyn: "My writing has been chaotic this last year, but so has my life in general.

I will remind myself in Thailand next week that I need to make time for myself as well as time for my boyfriend.

I need balance. I'm not a Libra... but my boyfriend is. *Shock*"

Saw Laxmi and others. Lasagna!

McCarthy (disclaimer: I'm Clan McCarthy) can't get enough votes in three rounds to become Speaker of the House. I'm thrilled. I think there are others better qualified. If 10 or so reasonable Republicans can approach the Dems with a viable alternative then this could be over tomorrow. If not... who knows how long the voting will continue. The rift in the GOP is quite deep and bitter. At least now it's transparent.


Monday musings:

I posted this on the newsfeed: Annette's contest is officially over! I was tempted to ask her whether there was a prompt #8. *Rolling*

These are the 7 chapters. Since I knew my setting (Udon Thani in Thailand) and two main characters (Pond and Lim) in #1 I just tried to go with the flow no matter how qUiRKy the prompts. #4, 5 & 6 took the story in directions I would never have explored on my own. *Shock2*

""Sound of one hand clasping" Chapter#1 A bang interrupts the angst of a new couple. Pond's p.o.v.
"Yellow Means It Must Be Monday Chapter#2 Each day of the week has a color. Yellow is Monday, pink is Tuesday. Lim's p.o.v.
"Dreams of Butterflies Dancing Chapter#3 Choosing a butterfly was fortuitous as it helped with #6. Sato-san's p.o.v.
"Spirit of this Place Chapter#4 Does a spirit flee the scene of their physical death? PondLim & Sato-san commiserate.
"Do Robots Ever Sleep? Chapter #5 A.I? *ack* Do robots know they aren't human? Lim's p.o.v.
"Metamorphosis Chapter #6 Weaving in #1, 3, 4 & 5. From Pond, Lim and Sato-san. Are the Programmer and One supernatural? Hmm...
"Sound of two hands clasping Chapter 7 Resolved. PondLim are closer than ever. Sato-san's task is complete.

They are all listed (in earlier and/or later versions) in one folder (One Folder to Bind Them All) with footnotes. At some point they will be re-edited and made into one short story of about 1,800 - 2,000 words. Genres used or alluded to: romance, cultural, animal, food, nature, (auto) biographical, business, spiritual, supernatural, relationship, death, LGBTQ... among others. Senses are used throughout.

"Sound of one hand clasping (Folder)

To Sterling: "I really enjoyed doing this once I stopped screaming *Shock2* ... a couple of the prompts threw me *RollEyes*. But I mostly figured it out. I believe 10 of us finished!

I had done something similar once at a workshop in town. Having a "guide" to upend one's plotted (potted?) plans really forces a writer to be creative. I had to make one character a tad robotic. *Bigsmile*

I was really grounded in the setting and characters. That made my task easier. Ah... but the details of what the characters would go through... *Whistle* who knew! I didn't.

What part of the task did you like the most? Do you have a favorite chapter? Would you do this again?"

"Invalid Item Am I up for this? I mean, "Beginning is tough; but, OMG, do you; don't do Sally; only Sally can do Sally... and one Sally doing Sally is more than my heart can take! Bless her. Now pass the collards and black-eyed peas. I must admit that Sally's daughter Sarabel Lee knows how to cook. Just the right amount of bacon grease for the collards and the peas are soft but not mushy. Now about you. Not everyone can become a sheriff. It's more than sharp-shooting down on the range; but, you know that. You never did like to waste bullets and you have a heart. And this town needs a sheriff with a heart, I'll have you know. Too bad Old Tom's ticker gave out on his 80th birthday. Now. He knew how to handle Sally. Yes, sirree. Pass the mashed potatoes, please. Yep, he'd please-and-thank-you all day long when Sal-Old-Gal showed up with shoo-fly pie. Yep. He knew how to handle Sally and that wannabe gang that always hung around her like a rhinestone necklace. But. Do you. Old Tom's ghost won't haunt you. Sally? Can't make no promises about that." [179.120]

Express it in Eight:

Dave posted a poem today and this is my silly 8 line response:

I hurry down a grovel path
to hide from mighty blokes
residing where the mountains scream
at rabid city folks.

I soothe my wounds from acid tongues
among these squirrely butts
and count my blessings every time
White Rabbit brings me nuts.

K.E. *Bigsmile* [179.119] Maybe I should title it "Grovel me nuts"

Laxmi gave me a gift certificate. Got a maple-pecan danish and a molasses cookie. Still have some credit. *Smile*

Wrote *Penb* in my journal *Smile* after a two month hiatus *Cry*.

Got Crisco to Scott. Possible ride to airport on Sunday.

Bills - Bengals game suspended... as it should have been.

January 1, 2023 at 11:57pm
January 1, 2023 at 11:57pm
22 is my favorite number so here goes:

2022 was the Year of the Tiger. I'm a dragon so maybe a bit of opposition there?

1. My mother, born in 1922, died in March at age 99. She wanted to outlive the Queen... and almost did. No tears though. She nearly died at age 35, survived a stroke and heart-attack, and traveled until she was 93. Broke her leg at age 97 but lived on her own up till then. She outlived everyone in her family, including her youngest sister who died in February at age 93.

2. My mother's death felt like a great weight lifting from my shoulders. I don't feel a need to share details here. My family isn't the warmest fuzzy out there but I have kept in touch. It's not that they're cold prickly... most are just distant and apathetic towards everyone, including me.

3. I managed to travel in April! I was nervous going to Portugal and was sick (not covid) most of the time I was there. I changed flights to come back early. Met great people like Evelyn, Matthew, Neno... and stayed in two places I'd stayed in before. Worth it but I lost weight and didn't enjoy being weak and sick.

4. I nearly lost my place in summer. Again, no details here, but Bry helped me survive. It did upend any thoughts of leaving in July. Smoke season in Montana is brutal. Hard to breathe and I don't have a/c. I usually leave.

5. I finally traveled to Thailand in November after watching numerous Thai TV shows, studying the culture and language. I had planned on visiting around Isan but ended up staying in Udon Thani... so much for plans! But... I acquired a boyfriend... totally unexpected. That is proving to be a cultural/personal education. I go back soon.

December 26, 2022 at 1:05pm
December 26, 2022 at 1:05pm

Quiet, quiet day. Morning? I was up too late, slept in.

Cleaned coffee-maker because I have ground coffee I want to use up. I had to remove 3 or more years of oily dust. I'm making about 10 cups... that should hold me for the day.

Time to start packing. Could do a wash... or wait till Friday (everything MUST be dry by Saturday). I leave in a week.


*Worry*? Seventh prompt. Writing is due by Jan. 1 at 11:59 p.m. In this final prompt, you MUST wrap up the plot. Do not leave me with unsolved mysteries, couples that don't get each other, or other loose ends.

Needs editing "Sound of two hands clasping Chapter 7; but, at least I'm wrapping it up. *Gifto* I'll make sure there are no 'loose ends'. I think Lim-Pond is resolved as is Sato-san's role (and the Programmer and One).

#6 is split into 3 parts... one for each named character, but the threads are all there 1-6 and tied up in #7.

Great chat with Lundy. He's a poet. We talked about gatekeeping and colonialism.

Pile of mail: letter from Sonali, postcard/cards from Krista, Kit, Grace, Jen, Nanette.

Met Spencer and Julia at Butterfly Herbs... what a hoot.


To Harlow: "I love bittersweet stories. Too realistic for the romance crowd, not enough gore for the horror crowd, no slash and dash for the Alphas.

I love Babette's Feast, Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Rashomon...

There's a certain sense of looking at life as it is not as we wish it to be.

Mind you, I'm an idealist... but I my feet trod on Mother Earth."

To Dave: "Nicely done. Eastern Montana has a BIG sky. I live in the west snuggled between mountains.

I loved the openness of Kansas... one reason why I'm going back to Isan in Thailand. "A little bit of who I am" resonates with wide open agricultural areas."


Worked on my story for Annette.

Met with Billie Jo and Angie. Billie Jo got here postcard.

Scored a container of tuna casserole.


Still damp and dreary.

To Sarah: "You've been busy! And surrounded by people. Me? In Montana I've lived alone in silence for years. In Thailand I share a condo with a TV. Quite the change.

I should do an end-of-the-year perspective. My writing has been off a tad but I stay at WDC because it suits me (for writing). Same with spacefook (for photos)."

To Cubby on the Newsfeed: "I wish this were true. My dialect is NOT supported by spell check or grammar check. At times I feel folks act like English Lit teachers or robotic grammarians. While they are critiquing I'm CREATING! Gatekeepers never understood James Joyce nor Emily Dickinson back in the day and many are still bound by British Colonial norms. I have to fight to keep my voice. There is more to writing than high-school essays grammatically perfect and dead-on-arrival."

ESG: The acronym for environmental, social, governance principles. Do No Harm? The Christian Right already does this, but the GOP objects to others with a differing p.o.v?


01:23 I have my Asiana seats reserved. China is allowing travel as of January 8th so it was necessary to finalize everything.

I'm still nervous about the late-arrival into BKK.

Gonna be a wet day with temps above 40. At least I'll be able to get out.

A disturbing idea: "Common good constitutionalism".

To Fathertymme: "It's nice to have friendly neighbors and family.

It's one reason I may move from Montana. I have little keeping me here.

Tuesday... thankfully... I got out and saw friends. As dreary and gloomy as it is that's better than staying home alone."

To Dianne: "I looked up Timpson. Yup. Not much there... a Whataburger and a Dollar Store. Looks like you can safely walk around town though. Not much traffic.

Once you get to know your neighbors you can put the word out that it'd be helpful if they kept an eye on Dennis if he gets to wandering. Small communities can be good about that... at least Sabetha Kansas was decades ago!

The place I'm sharing in Thailand is nicer than here in Montana. Elevator, on-site laundry, pool, fitness room, and a TV!

Could I live there permanently? I dunno.

Change is hard on everyone. I'm not as sharp as I used to be, my body not as forgiving. Mentally, I'm faced with learning a new language and culture. As hard as that may be it could prove helpful for my health.

No ice there to slip on. Here? I'm very careful. Falls can kill. There... traffic is crazy and it's dangerous to cross a street.

Paradise has a price. In truth, there is no paradise. One adjusts and makes do."

I admired Hiroki's collage. He replied:

Google Photos
-> Pick up photos
-> make a collage

To Robin: "We seldom know how our flame can give warmth and hope to another."


Monday dawned with a frozen fog. White upon white.

To Bikerider: "I wish this were true. So important for me to ask myself why I do things; priorities and perspective shift with age.

I'm going back to Thailand for 3 months to assess where I'm at and where I'm going. Hopefully a change of scenery will help me make wise decisions."

I shopped today: chocolate milk, bread, butter, crackers, ice cream! $22.

I finished "Spirit of this Place Chapter#4 and started "Do Robots Ever Sleep? Chapter #5. The ideas are flowing. Thank you, Muse.

December 19, 2022 at 8:11pm
December 19, 2022 at 8:11pm

The whole can of onion chili, now rice and beans. My appetite is baaaack.

Very hard to explain to Americans that many Asians (Taiwanese, Thais) think about others and not just about themselves. (Elycia's post about Japan)

To Neva: "I feel holed up. The solution is getting out! But... damp cold and ice after blustery winds and deathly temps... I'll stay in. My building is a ghost-town.

Thailand... it's nice there now. Looking forward to daily routines of learning the language and culture. And being able to open doors and windows."


Still cold. Still white. Still crazy (me or the weather... *Rolleyes*).

The concern is real: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/california-tried-to-ban-gay-teachers-in-1978-e...

I will pay 4 months of rent before I leave Montana.

Lumpini Place: 686 ถ. โพศรี ตำบลหมากแข้ง อำเภอเมืองอุดรธานี อุดรธานี 41000


Ham dinner. Sat with friends. Was given an extra din-din to take home. Scored a sugar cookie.

Light snow showers all day... keeping it white. Cold but calm. Still a chilly 4°F at 4 pm.

I did take a shower today, I'll have you know. *Clap* I don't always take one if it's cold and I'm not going anywhere. So dry inside that little 'smells'.

Dreaming of butterflies and metamorphosis. Reading Mrs Polifax... I'm not sure whether I'm in Hong Kong, Udon, Petchaburi, Narathiwat.

Ponnya called. *Hearto*

To Jim: "Ouch... 225# does not sound good. I got worried when I was 200#. Ideally I should be 165#. I'm around 175# having lost weight in Thailand due to heat and no appetite and becoming ill for a week when I returned. My appetite showed up again yesterday. I'll have to be careful until I go back on the 8th.

It's nice that you work in a cooperative environment. Not to wax political, but I think Congress would work better if they would leave the knives in the kitchen and learn to be nice to each other in the family room."

I told Charity: "You have high hopes (sing it). *Hearto*

I will share a not-so-secret. At 70 I often feel like a failure. I'm not, but I blocked myself in so many ways. Now I'm willing to take a risk in Thailand. It's about time."

To Stik: ""the unintended consequences of some of their messaging."

I'm still livid about 6 years of putting up with Trump's tantrums... but his messaging and marketing have been amazing. Intelligent thoughtful people don't seem to understand that glitz and glitter outsells substance.

Packaging matters... *Rolleyes*.

As for cancer. It really helps to have someone who has been there. Empathy matters. *Hearto*"


Cold morning breakfast

I ate a can of stew.
I did not ask permission first.
I ate a can of stew.


I will not give it back.
'Tis happy where it is, you see.
I will not give it back.

© Kåre Enga [179.108] (22.desember.2022)


'Tis happy where it is.
I will not give it back to you.
'Tis happy where it is.

Would this do: tra-la—tra-lo—cook-a-turtle-too

-7°F at 2 pm. Yeah... that kind of kold.


I told Nikola: "It's white with icicles. About 4 degrees and going down to -13 by tomorrow. I may not go out today. I plan to stay home tomorrow. Friday there's a dinner before the three day weekend which is forecast to bring rain.

No pets to pet. I wish..."

QotD: "Too much trauma, possibly starting with a head injury at age 3.

Keith unlocked the poet within me at age 47."

To Susan: "The grass is always greener around the cow plop as well. Under the cow plop? That's where most people find themselves."

-21c at 6 pm. Going down to -29c. Bitter cold with fierce Hell Gate Winds. Visited my neighbor Scott. Did not go out today.

Extremely disturbing: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/8-teenage-girls-who-met-through-social-medi...


Snowy. Not so cold. Ate my meatloaf but not my friends. It'll get bitter cold starting tomorrow into Thursday. Have my long furry winter coat ready... just in case.

I have entered "14 Days, 7 Prompts, 1 Story Contest and must remember to finish and post my first chapter ""Sound of one hand clasping" Chapter#1, found in the folder "Sound of one hand clasping (Folder)

"He said you get old in the winter months. A very good prompt.

I don't get out much in winter. It will be bitter-cold here Thursday. I may buy bread tomorrow... or not. I have enough food.

I've had dry eyes. I put lotion on my eyelids but my optometrist gave me something special as well."

Ponnya wrote: "I count the falling flower petals waiting for the day you come back to me" and sent me a photo of the two roses I gave him before I left.


Thinking of a nature poem/entry: Ivy binds, holly hurts, mistletoe hangs limp and poisonous. Better a whiff of jasmine, hot brewed coffee, fresh grilled fish. The icons of a wintry childhood melt in the tropics. I'd replace the loneliness with a meaningful hug, a hand clasping mine, guiding me to places I've never been.

roll back ashy skin
fork white flesh onto a leaf
place in my mouth

The January 6th Committee concluded its findings with a bang and 4 criminal referrals. Good enough for me. I watched it unfold in-real-time. It was obviously a criminal act then and since.

Monday = meal with friends. Snowy walk home.

December 12, 2022 at 8:09am
December 12, 2022 at 8:09am

04:20 and nightmares... I'm not doing well since I came back to Montana

10 years from now two young boys will meet on a frozen playground in Scotland/Siberia/Sapporo and they will introduce themselves as Lionel and Kylian. Today will be on their mind. Will they share dreams of playing for their national team or will their dreams lie elsewhere?

Can you write their story?

Today, December 18, 2022, Argentina and Messi defeated France and Mbappe for the World Cup.

Remember ask to about sepak takraw.


Went to Butterfly Herbs. Had a cardamom-tangerine milkshake. Saw Lundy, Cathy Mae. Coughed all the way home (I suspect due to the cold air). Now snug in bed and fine. It's 18:48 and I'm bored.


To Elycia: I guess the question is whether you live in a community where people look after each other or whether you're a self-centered individualist. Americans take pride in their perceived superiority as individualists. Case in point.

Cultures vary... so do expectations. These days many people use cafes as their personal work office. Same in hostels. Also... in some cultures folks REALLY don't like being talked to; it's considered rude. I will adjust in Thailand... but... my own attitude gets in the way. If a person is in public they needn't assume a prickly My-Privacy aggressive posture of entitlement. If a person needs privacy... get your own room/office/whatever and spare the rest of us. Among travelers, common in hostels, there's a sense of looking out for each other (as a temporary family). From my perspective the author is overly sensitive.

To Mary: I'm going back to Thailand to a future I cannot predict but one I need to practice saying yes to.

Lunch: fish.


Made rice with pork (onion, garlic, peanut-butter, butter, basil).

*Snow3* Cold.

I think Ponnya is suffering from separation anxiety. *Care*

To Lilli: Conjugate 'sick'.

Everyone here is sick, has been sick or will be sick. It's tense.

Personally... got to grocery store, bought bread, other stuff. Cold walk probably didn't help my lingering cough. I'm okay, just okay.


Phil had extra muffins yesterday. Today's breakfast: coffee and a muffin.

To Ponnya:

หิมะ หิมะ หิมะ


เงียบ เงียบ เงียบ




I was very sick when I got back from Thailand. Couldn't get warm, couldn't stay warm. It's taking over one week to feel 'normal'... just don't ask about sleep or whether I'm getting anything done.

I am supposed to be downsizing here. Anyone want books? I am returning to Thailand shortly. I feel physically and emotionally better there.



Thailand return is booked. I did manage to get to God's Waiting Room. Saw friends, ate. Home = nap.


5 in the morning — my body aches; I can't sleep; I decide on coffee and toast. At 5 am it's 7 pm in Thailand. Ponnya has been lonely. I've been sick... and lonely too.

An article that makes a couple valid points but devalues the human right to choose a faith:


December 5, 2022 at 3:55pm
December 5, 2022 at 3:55pm
11 ธันวาคม

Went to Bernice's Bakery for a cuppa. Got a pastry with it. Nice to sit in the window whilst it was flaking outside.

10 ธันวาคม

Got to post office. A bit worried about what might await me. Nothing. Bank statements. Checked local balance (enough to buy next ticket).

Fire&Ice (gentle on the fire) milkshake at Butterfly Herbs. Shared my good news.

Very cold day. Took bus across bridge to Senior Center where there was a crafts fair. Warmed up.

9 ธันวาคม

I went to God's Waiting Room. Sat with Willie and Bill. Chatted with Laxmi and Jamie.

Didn't enjoy the meal that much. Nothing tastes good.

I may need to write about this topic:


8 ธันวาคม

I put on an orange shirt so I'd at least know what day it was.

Saw Angie... told here about Ponnya. Showed a picture to her, Billie Jo, Jay (he laughed *Smile*), Scott. Scott brought me orange juice, cough medicine, aspirin, bread.

My fever peaked at 102.2. Now 100.7 ... still not good; but I can walk short distances.

7 ธันวาคม

It may take some time for me to adjust. I just ate cheesy mashed potatoes and poured a cup of coffee. I simply couldn't stay awake earlier and now I can't sleep.

I messaged Ponnya: "1°C เวลา 10:10 ฉันหนาว. ฉันต้องการความอบอุ่นของคุณ"

It took me awhile to find my winter socks. I'm freezing.

And I have a fever: 99.6 as 97.6 is my normal.

Sicker than before. Temp now 101. Bad cough. Took aspirin and DayQuill (my neighbor had some). If I were in Udon Ponnya would take care of me.

1 a.m. Still very sick. Can barely walk. Sent message to Ponnya.

6 ธันวาคม

It's 05:35 in Missoula; 19:35 in Udon. Where is home?

I will retire this for now: Kåre Enga UdonThani 🇹🇭

Carolyn and Rod have lost their elderly cat. 17 years. I hope my new relationship lasts this long. I hope I'm cherished. In the past I've wondered whether I'd be missed. *Care*

Now 22:53 MST. I told Robert: "I just came back from Thailand. The happiest region, Isan, is agricultural and family oriented. I went to Isan because I thought it would remind me of Kansas. I wasn't prepared for happiness. Now I just have to let go of my lifelong baggage of lonely grumpiness. *Laugh* Yeah, I met someone.

"The Woebot" sounds appropriate."

I'm being congratulated. DanDan is Chinese and her husband of 15 years is quite a bit older. She lit up when I told her. I was congratulated at the Senior Center as well.

From Jackie: “An áit a bhfuil do chroí is ann a thabharfas do chosa thú - “Your feet will bring you to where your heart is”

5 ธันวาคม

Made it to Seattle. Waiting for my final flight.

Flight had a bit of drama. The guy in the seat directly behind me was very upset... apparently over being refused a drink... In any case they eventually moved him. The entire crew was involved.


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