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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

Previous ... 9 10 11 12 -13- 14 15 16 17 18 ... Next
August 1, 2022 at 2:09am
August 1, 2022 at 2:09am
*Flagr* 07 *Sun*

67 and the flag is limp. 11 am.

Meanwhile at YCC:

• DrCane1985: Two Rebellious Fishes later.... and Im gone. Jesus, take the wheel!!

• TybeeTime - SavannahStorm: Jesus turned a little too much water into wine and needs a DD.

The Tropics are a bit calm, so the weather/climate blog is slow.

Wordle: 0/2/4/15/14/3 = 38 since I rebooted this chromebook. I had only missed once previously in 100+ tries. My goal isn't to make it in 3, but to avoid losing. Word #6 three times? *Worry* i don't like losing. Today's word was a typical #4. I already had 4 letters, one in proper position. Thank you 'S'. *Bigsmile*

Why I travel: before I enter God's Waiting Room to sit and rot... I choose to live.

"I dance among the fireflies at twilight as Wednesday becomes Thursday." I need to work on this image. Thailand has colors for each day. sunday is red, Monday is yellow. Wednesday is green, then becomes grey in the evening, Thursday is orange. My colors are green and orange. Befittng a story, a poem and/or a song.

I did minor cleaning in a corner I seldom get into. More stuff to throw out or wash.

85 at 5 pm. May not reach 90.

In response to Adherrenium: "I wonder whether financing a year abroad to learn another culture and language would count...I mean... crowfunding crowdfunding seems to be common these days. Maybe Ivanka's daddy could supply the dough? I think not. He prolly still has his mother's first tuppence. She was Scot, y'know.

Did you know you can live in Bangkok on $8,000/month or in Chiang Mai on a measely $2,000 ($537/month rent for 3 bedrooms). Thailand is "cheap". *Shock2* Oh... can you hear my sarcasm dripping? I'd settle for a one bedroom at much less in Isan. I find ex-pats and their priorities disturbing.

But... if you know someone who has an extra $12k/year sitting around I know someone who would gladly invest it in himself (me) and share that experience with others."

Krungtep (Bangkok) on a Quarter-million: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I11Z9udn38Y
Chiang Mai on less: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/how-to-retire-in-thailands-%e2%80%9crose-o...

I did get a wash done. So, something today.

70 degrees at 22:00.

*Flagb* 06 *Sun*

67 at 10 in the morning. Will warm up in the afternoon into the 80s.

75 at 5 in the afternoon. Apparently didn't get much above 80, if at all. Very pleasant day and it will cool down nicely before midnight.

Blueberry pastry from Irina at market. Huckleberry-lime milkshake at Butterfly Herbs. Read some old flash fiction from 2019 I had printed out: dialogue, no dialogue and mixed. What to do with them?

I forgot the butter yesterday when making mac&cheese (or did I?); anyhoo, added butter to the chicken I was simmering in the skillet with a can of cream of mushroom soup, black pepper, paprika, onion flakes. Very good.

I posted my musings on the Newsfeed:

"I forgot to add the butter to the mac-and-cheese yesterday; but, not-to-worry, I added it to the chicken today!"

Sail sat there, turning her head to one side then the other trying to make sense of what I just said. And... that was the problem. It made no sense. She tried to understand everything that her literal mind couldn't cope with. She'd be rocking in her chair, thinking, and rethinking. For days, if I let her.

I gave Kyle that look and he came bounding over. "Let's get Sail and go for a walk." Sail wouldn't budge until Kyle whacked her with his tail and slobbered all over her. Then she smiled and slowly gave me her hand.

Today was August 6th. It was almost 22 years since she'd entered my life.

What happens next? And why? That might depend on what you know about Sail and whether you think there's a medical, mental, physical, emotional issue that clarifies her actions and defines our relationship.

I send kind thoughts to Cubby. Still camping? I missed '1st Chapter" last month and this is how I write when I enter her contests. By-the-way, the opening line is 100% true... the rest is absolute fiction."

60 degrees at 22:22. Oh my bleating heart! *Hearto*

*Flagw* 05 *Sun*

55 calm degrees at 8 in the morning. 80 at 2:30 with a light breeze, "wispy cataracts cover the blue-eyed sky." Temps easing. We needed the break. Trees and flowers are thirsty. Not a drop in sight before Wednesday.

Need to go through old poems and submit to appropriate contests.

Need to clean out a corner of the kitchen today, clear off the table, go through a couple boxes.

Situation in Taiwan is unnerving.

There was a thought... a fleeting thought... but no worries... it's gone now. Ah... "A poem of little insight".

*Flag* 04 *Sun*

67 at 9. $4.29/gal gas. Fans blowing.

Big contest is "what a character" and I'm not sure yet where to go with it. Some magic is small, like rotting vegetables turning into compost or personal, like your mother's ashes becoming a porcelain urn (the urn that's empty of ashes) [or your mother's ashes as a glaze, your father's mixed with clay = "Together Forever"]. But what is magic? I imagine twins, one injured or deformed. Would a uninformed magician presented with one and then the other be shocked to the point of a heart attack because they believe/disbelieve in magic? What happens to a faker when transported to a world that's magical. An 18th century Ben Franklin might cope with 21st century change but would a small town priest who's overworked? Not everyone is flexible enough to transform themselves. Transform... whether it's outer matching inner or inner matching outer (becoming the mask) there's a price to pay. What about sub-genres: western, slipstream (surrrealism),lgbtq, romance (romancing the urn?), children, immortality, sports, time travel, psychological, medical, utopia/dystopia, mystery. goth, thriller, AI, dark, historical, autobiography (real or imagined), ghosts, comedy, horror, Lovecraftian, occult (cult?), holiday, biopunk, cyberpunk, steampunk (silkpunk), inspirational, military, food!

A link re genres: https://www.servicescape.com/blog/144-genres-and-subgenres-for-fiction-writing

To Mary on fb: "I don't understand why Texans put up with horseshit and bullshit. I know they-all aren't illiterate."

At 5 pm, 86 degrees with 18% humidity and a stiff westerly breeze. Not too bad.

To Paul: "My brain = scrambled eggs.

You wrote: "a Robin Hood type that gives all of his booty away to charities."

I read: a Robin Hood type that gives all of his body parts away.

Which begs the question... while he's alive? Eyes, a kidney, a slice of liver (hold the onions)???"

74 at 21:30. It's cooling down. Lovely sunset tonght but I didn't go down to the bridge to savor its reflection in the channel. Watched for awhile as it faded from copper to rust and wrote a serenade.

Entered "Cherries before chores [48] into Stormy's newsletter as deadline loomed. Need to take care of other deadlines soon.

*Flaggr* 03 *Sun*

62 and cool at 9 am. Time for market.

Chocolate milk, ground pork and chicken thighs at Orange Food Farm.

Picked up free canned mushroom soup and beef stew at Senior Center.

Sat with Merry, Laxmi, David...

88 and breezy at 2:30. 13% humidity makes it bearable. What chore comes first?

Note to Petra re Jamiroquai: "Funky acid-jazz! Not what I expected. A kool-kat-in-the-hat soft-shoeing across a sliding stage wasn't what I was prepared for. Very talented.

Jay Kay is now 52. No idea of how old he is in this video."

*Flagbr* 02 *Wind*

80 degrees and freshening at 11-ish. The door to the fire escape is open and oh-what-a-difference! Hopefully it blows out the ennui along with the trapped heat. It's been a brutal week. Today may be cooler? And tonight 60.

I went through pants (mostly jeans) last night and rolled them up and put them in a drawer today. Most were wearable.

I'm eyeing the kitchen area. I think straightening that out and repositioning the table would be a worthy project. Bry had a family situation; so, not sure when she stop by this week.

I'm leaving shortly to visit God's Outer Waiting Room. Ravioli beckons me. *Bigsmile*

David may have a portable a/c for me! Tomorrow...

$4.34/gallon gasoline. Slowly coming down. 86 degrees at 2:02 pm. Need to change clothes.

Need to edit "The Winter Rose [295] (253words26lines) and submit to Senior Forum.

Important info on AI writing: "Becoming Obsolete

Only 85 degrees at 5.

First Place in Round 9 of Journalistic Intentions

I told Stik: "Thank you for reading and recognizing my effort for JI. It's a difficult contest for me because at times I have trouble wrapping my brain around it. Oktober? As long as it isn't cliche Halloween... unless we get to turn those cliches on their pointy little heads. *Vamp* There are reasons why I like the Taboo Word Contest and Darleen's Dark Dreamscape. JI has the advantage that one gets to choose, which means one can also avoid specific prompts. The way 30dbc was structured for years left me angry at times or gasping for breath. Triggered my traumas? *Rolleyes*

I could use a non-home workspace but if I have to walk there in the heat it may not happen. Fewer options close-by then pre-covid. Much less in the evening.

Hard to predict responses when one crosses cultural boundries. My friend Ronald from Costa Rica found out how different Hondurans and Guatemalans are culturally and I can vouch how utterly different Salvadoreans are from others in the region. Broad brush, I know; but, that's one way of interacting until one knows individuals. I don't trust Costa Ricans in general but I'd trust Alberth with my life.

Enjoy your trip to South-of-Wisconsin, East-of-Iowa, West-of-Indiana and Thankfully-not-Misery."

67 degrees at 11 pm. There is hope...

Orioles won. They are now 53-51. Last year they finished 52-110.

*Flagst* 01 *Sun*

74 degrees at midnight and it's just not going down. I'll take a shower before I nod off but that only helps for awhile. I sweat profusely and I've been having nightmares.

Managed to get two entries to contests done before the bell was rung: "Stranger in a stranger's land and "Dancing in the Earthlight. My chromebook was running out of juice. It's charged now.

Today may hit 100... again. I have lots of cleaning to do but the heat may limit certain tasks. Bry comes in Tuesday morning.

This daily blogging in one weekly post isn't working; but, nothing I have done has worked.

Did Wordle in 5. I've only missed once in over 130 tries.

My anxiety was high over the weekend. We shall see...

72 this morning; maybe it won't hit 100?

Awarded *Ribbonb*: "After oolong tea (Round 9). Also won Journalistic Intentions (June).

Merit Badge in Test Your Poetry
[Click For More Info]

Heartiest congratulations on winning Round 9 of TYP!

85 at noon-ish. I went to God's Waiting Room and parted with 2 books (37/100). Did not find my hat. I decided against death-by-salt (chili dogs w/ fritos). I'll eat cottage cheese with raspberries... at home.


93 and *Wind* at 5 pm.

I commented to Kittiara: "Well... now I know where some of my 'scandalous' writings might fit. *Shock2* ["Kit's Higher Ratings Contest]

I swear WDC can be a bunch of Catholic grade-school brats afraid of Sister Mary-Marcia of the Sobbing-Story (who secretly writes XGC porn... whatever...). And, yes, I know that sounds harsh.

Vetter... I read up. He has 3 children and he's 35? I'd retire too. Fortunately can afford to.

Vroom I played with cars in the dirt as a kid and went to the local speedway and even the Grand Prix. But... I hardly count... unless it's blowing dust going down a dirt road at 80 mph in my '60 Pontiac Catalina. *Bigsmile* Finding the car enthusiasts and biker-babes at WDC is hard-part #1. Getting them to write is #2.

Share my faith... ["Share Your Faith] I really wanted to write to 'joy' but July was Panic-Attack '22. 'Love' doesn't quite inspire me... yet. I think of the line from Paul Simon's "April come she will": August, die she must. Maybe I could write to that."

Cher: Is there Life after Love? Me: Is there Love after Life?

To Kmac390 re aliens from the Pleiedes revisiting us: "I wish! *HeartO* But maybe they already have? Oops... now I see you said another. We humanoids don't do our homework diligently, do we... maybe we're just as deaf (or deafer) than the stones we stand on."

July 25, 2022 at 12:30pm
July 25, 2022 at 12:30pm

Last day till August*Sun*

100 degrees today. Flag limp. Later, breezy. Outside... inside it's hot and stuffy. Doing as little as possible. Wrote: "Moonpies on Mars and "Along the Po [52] [~530 words]. Don't have anywhere to send either at the moment.

Tuna patty, pork patty, swiss cheese, coffee.

I'm doing okay.

2 days till August *Sun*

Having problems in the morning. Due to the heat? Anxiety? Uncertainty? Took shower before going to bed, but not sure that helps.

Saturday = market day.

Need to find a cool place to hang.

BP 161/82 pulse 62. Could be part of my problem. Later: 145/79 pulse 69.

To Beholden: "Once a rat, always a rat... unless you are furry and can fly... then you're a squirrel.

To all aliens: it's the humans I'd be more wary of.

Signed, *Squirrel*"

To Diane: "19th: I think I last read James [NT].
20th: Just ask [for help].
21st: Humans can justify (make excuses) and sanctify (legitimize) anything... and misuse Scripture to prove it. (Yes, I know that that's cynical).
22nd: Better to write a religious entry capturing the essence but avoiding these cliche words (like the Taboo contest). Not sure what a good prompt would be... 'my personal journey'? That, or use the words in an unconventional way... a recipe for moonpies on Mars? [Write an entry using these words: cross, God, Bible, tree, Spirit, garden, and sky.]"

To M. le Cyril at YCC re chosing to fly:

"I have no other option.

I make choices. I don't have a TV, Netflix, a car, a/c, fancy toys that everyone else can't live without. I don't do bottled water, order on-line or do delivery. I stay in hostels, mix with people from all over the world, interact with locals as much as I can. Speak Spanish fluently and French-Portuguese-Norwegian poorly. I don't stay in resorts, play at casinos, shop at Prada, go to amusement parks.

I crunched numbers last year. It was cheaper to stay in Oslo (I've been many times and know how to pinch a krone) than Mississippi where there's little public transportation and no hostels. Even getting there wasn't that much cheaper.

When I go to Thailand for one month (hopefully this October/November) I'll spend less money than most spend on a cruise or a week in Orlando. Going to a Thai restaurant or watching Thai TV lakorn isn't the same thing as visiting Khon Kaen, Maha Sarakham or Chaiyaphum in Isan (NE Thailand). As a writer, I need all the senses, not just audio-visual and I want to understand the culture, not just snap photos of Bangkok. I can't do that at home.

I want to make about 4-8 trips/year (I prefer 2 months but my body isn't as supportive or amused), but in this touristy, rapidly gentrifying town folks fly between homes, work, summer homes every weekend. That's not me.

Butterfly Herbs: raspberry-cardamom shake, a cinnamon roll from Irina, lots of water, advice from Lundi.

When I got home I sat with Dirk in the shade (I didn't have my fob). Hot but pleasant. When we went to go in, door wasn't locked... oh well.

98 degrees at 7 pm. Tomorrow? *Fire*

Have my fob now as Bry found it.

Watching "Vice Versa".

80 degrees at 22:30. Too hot inside to sleep well.

3 days till August *Sun*

86 degrees before noon. It could reach 100 today, tomorrow, Sunday, Monday...

Found old poem. I really was a better writer years ago. In "On Mersenne Prime

Futon, frame and another piece of furniture are gone. Very hard to let go. It's necessary to let go.

So... Bry is a writer of short stories. I really liked "Little America". Her wife's name is Katrina, so I had to read "I, Katrina". "I, Katrina

98 degrees at 4:30 pm.

Okay now... 9th inning and 'my' Orioles are winning! 6-2 middle of the 9th.

82 degrees at 22:00. I feel sticky.

Gasoline: $4.39/gallon = falling.

4 days till August *Sun*

Paid for my p.o. box. Due every July. Yes, it's double what it was 10 years ago. No, I don't have twice the income. No, I don't know whether I'll be here next year (or even alive). Yes, it had to be done by tomorrow. Yes, it's a relief to have it out of the way.

I told Robert: "I agree with the general idea of "if you live below your means, you'll always have enough." I live below my means and part of the problem is recognizing I have enough. So... I hired someone to help me clean. It's slow but we're making progress.

I also 'hire' pilots to fly the plane, train, bus. What I save on not having a car (maintenance, taxes, gasoline) allows me to travel while I'm still vertical.

I live on so 'little' (less than most folks) but I'm not poor! I know what poverty is..."

Leather bag has a new home! Jay works with leather.

Gave see-through (like a slide) postcard to Angie.

Gasoline 4.54/gallon. Temp 93 at 14:30. Hot and rising. BP: 129/69; pulse 68. Do I believe that? I feel okay... so maybe.

Very stressed out this morning. Not as bad as yesterday though. My anxiety needs to abate.

To Stik: "Algebra should be taught as soon as a child can learn it (much younger than curriculums now advise) and Maths aren't the only subjects disrespected.

I would like to see them teach Anthropology in grade 7-9 instead of optional (and poo-pooed) at the university level. There is so much ignorance out there about other cultures. Dinosaur bones may be neat but gender/family/death/birth... oh so many variable aspects of daily human life are reduced to 'norms' (as practiced by powerful people of the dominant culture).

"Oh, but it's not relevant in MY life" is the cry of those who stereotype various minorities."

5 days till August *Sun*

It was 94 degrees at 6 pm.

Shopped in the morning. Cottage cheese on sale and I bought mac&cheese for ~60 cents/box. Bought Amish butter as well, as the cheap stuff costs almost as much.

Bry came by and we moved the futon&frame into the hall. It frees up lots of space.

Feeling less overwhelmed at the moment.

I may or may not get to contests... focus is elsewhere.

The heat? I'm okay as long as I don't move.

6 days till August *Sun*

70 degrees at 9 am. Gonna be hot today.

I'm feeling okay at the moment but no motivation.

I responded to Ned: "I usually tell folks how I am... if I can figure that out. I mean:

Depression: not great, not bad.
Anxiety: up and down. I need to do stuff and the heat is draining me. Once done, anxiety will abate.
Teeth: lost one but it's easier to eat now!
Legs: iffy.
Breathing: so-so. I huff&puff up 42 steps.
Back: okay if I don't do anything to annoy it. Very bad a couple weeks ago.
Sleep: not wonderful. Better when I travel.
Dust: very dry, I sneeze, dry mouth, itchy eyes.

Friends worry that I'm losing weight. I think I'm at a plateau and want to lose more. But... it's nice that they are monitoring me as I'm struggling.

Overall? I'm doing okay. So that's what I usually say: I'm okay."

87 and rising at 2:25.

Sat with Kathy, Nancy, Pat... shrimp po-boy for lunch; cole slaw was very good.

Going through pens and plastic bags. I didn't realize how many bags I had!

Spoke with Michael and Jay tonight about leather, cookies, teeth, futon and frame. I want that futon and frame gone. It takes up too much space.

Beautiful sunset.

76 degrees at 22:33. Stuffy inside. Fan barely helping.

7 days till August *Sun*

My least favorite time of year (in the US). It's Guanacaste Day in Costa Rica. 10 years ago I took a picture of the president of CR in Nicoya; but, I was too shy to speak with her.

Felt cold in the early morning. Covered myself! Now 65 degrees at 10:15.

Body is cranky again in spite of late night hot shower. I'd blame my age but that's just an excuse. My lack of daily exercise is the more likely culprit.

I look around... and feel overwhelmed. Lots of empty boxes but still too much to sort. Bry comes at 2 pm. Meatloaf is served at 11:30. I have an hour to do something.

We sorted out shirts last time and that was helpful. I don't like being shirtless but being pantless is worse, so I want to go through some pants before Bry gets here.

My wash dried over night. Everything is hung or folded.

I'm somewhat recognized as a writer here. Barely acknowledged in town where I live. Most friends and family ignore that aspect of me. At times I've felt invisible.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a common issue with writers.

32°C at 17:00. 22% humidity. Not bad but I have stuff to do and dislike heat. It's hot inside.

Bry came and we made a bit of progress. She'll be back Wednesday. Gave her copy #14 of "Where grows the compost heap.

One of the perks of rummaging through old papers, books and odds-and-ends is finding 'stuff'.

I used an elastic band recycled from Haines underwear as a head band. Tickled Dylan all pink and aquamarine.

82 degrees and almost 9 pm. I'm eager for the temp to go down. Plummet would be nice.

Highlight of the evening? Michael brought me snickerdoodles.

Must rewrite and submit: "Teeth-of-the-lions [49] ~275 words
July 18, 2022 at 11:22am
July 18, 2022 at 11:22am
18 juillet *Wind*

Nice morning but afternoon will be gusty and won't get as hot as yesterday. Average this week will be 92/55. Excellent rafting and tubing weather. I don't do either. 🦩 The business below my window has pink flamingo tubes. They go in groups. Flocks?

Heat in England and France ... death toll will be high.

9 am. Coffee and a piece of cake. Bry comes at 2. My nerves are already shot. There is no reason for my anxiety to be so high. We've made progress. Stuff has got to go.

Yesterday's bp reading: 134/77 with a pulse of 74. In other words, okay.

To Gemini: "I'm not big into commercialism nor consumerism. I'm sorta anti-brand. WhamMart, Ammazzon, McBurger, Starbooks... a ka-ching everytime someone mentions them... so why bother to complain? Because the local market, coffee shop, drugstore, diner can't compete and local businesses fail. Food desert? Dear Americans... if you cannot walk to pick up groceries you live in a food desert. Our city won the rights to our water in court. We.had.to.go.to.court. Let that sink in."

69 degrees with a breeze. Didn't get much above 72 today. It will be warm the next 10 days.

Bry got the old computer down to the dumpster. Threw out some shoes. Shelves looking better. What to do tomorrow? Bulky stuff, dusty stuff. Papers are a real problem. I'd like to get rid of the futon and frame.

Laxmi is back after a month.

Down to 58 degrees at midnight.

19 juillet *Sun*

I've run out of steam. Making Ethiopian coffee with fennel so... very fragrant.

Will be hot this week.

Staring at ceiling won't get work done. Need to figure out what to do next and then how to go from there. I have lots of boxes to go through, but I don't need help doing that other than maybe getting through two/day. I need to reset objectives and reset the overall goal.

I need hooks...

Place looks trashed. I know better but until more stuff goes out I'm moving it around. That said, there's been progress.

Ate lunch, sat with Laxmi. Teeth gave me problems.

Bry and I went through clothes. Looking for fit, stains, tears... She'll come back Monday.

My goal is to go through 2 boxes/day.

I felt very weak around 6. Had to move stuff off bed to lie down. Landslide = more work.

Sneezing and eyes hurt.

66 degrees at 11 pm. Not cooling down quick enough imho.

20 juillet *Sun*

90 at 4 pm. I'm worn out. Only went to market and God's Waiting Room today. Sat with Robin and Laxmi.

Gasoline down to $4.69.

I responded to QotD: "I read everybody's answers. Some were quite amusing. *Bigsmile*

I'd go with those who quoted their cats: "we wants, we needs, we demands — staff."

Seriously. *Sad* No joke. *Worry*

I have money... plenty in fact, but not because I have great income (I'm just at poverty level) but because I refuse to spend it and do without... like I have for years.

People do not understand how I can travel ... I can travel because all other wants are put to the side and I neglect my own needs. I need staff.

The question begs for frivolous answers, but I'm not frivolous, even when I'm wearing a neon-orange or candy-apple-red shirt with my green bell-bottom polyester pants (think 70s). All second-hand. Add my white vest and I'm a walking Irish *CountryIE* or Italian *CountryIT* flag. *Laugh*

So... lots of money? Maybe move to a place without 42 stairs, with a cross-breeze, my own bathroom... a small town with a train/bus stop I can walk to in Taiwan/Portugal/Norway that connects me to an airport would do."

I took a nap. Feel much better but no energy. I'm eating greasy rice.

I'll start noticing the shortening daylight soon. Unfortunately, the heat will persist. 90s forecast all week.

Hard to be one with people who wish me dead... just saying.

Hogg versus Biggs: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/video-of-david-hogg-blasting-committee-on-guns...

The whirl and swirl at the playground, a merry-go-round I want to get off. The letting go and the sprawl as my face hits the ground, the soiled clothes, my frown turning upside down. I'm free. Free of the endless circle, the vortex pulling me down, free to fly to another yard, a garden full of flowers, far away from the bee-stings and bruises that defined me. One last go-around I said to everyone. And I meant it.

fifth floor rooftop watching the fireflies blink on and off while you hold me forever ... through hail and blizzards as city lights fade in the fog as seasons of dust or frost become blurred like papers shuffled then tossed to the skies... if you guard my coccoon long enough maybe i'll transform and sprout wings... oh, to glide through the fireflies float over this concrete jungle return to the sun

Finally down to 72... outside... at 10:32. It's still warm inside my two rooms, and stuffy even with the fan on. I'm fine as long as I don't move.

Dylan liked my chocolate-lavender cake and returned my bowl. He only has 3 bowls? Well I gave him a set of two plates, three matching bowls and four mugs. He gave me Yorkshire black tea. We both happy. *Bigsmile*

21 juillet *Sun*

Quiver: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/the-untold-truth-of-quiverfull-christiani...

Quaver: intransitive verb. 1 : tremble. 2 : trill. 3 : to utter sound in tremulous tones.

The sons and daughters may quaver but the patriarch and his womb-on-loan seek a quiverfull.

I left rather than disobey. I shall not marry Michelle. I'd rather service a sow. Is she that bad? No... she's quite nice but she wants a quiverfull and my life isn't being bound to a bed full of babies. You don't like women? Yes, I do. My aunt showed me how. I liked it a lot. But, I want a helpmate not just a church with her legs spread apart waiting to be blessed. I have better things to do.

Margaret Atwood did it as well as anyone. That's dystopian to moi.

87 degrees at 14:30 but only 17% humidity. We are under fire alerts. Other than that? Pleasant if one doesn't exert oneself.

Saw Angie and Billie Jo.

Wise River: The squadron gathered at the edge of the glade. It had been slim pickings the last week, but dinner had just arrived. ... The dawn woke him up. He went out to pee. No signs of the red-suckers. He decided to move the jeep. No juice. Keeping the a/c going had drained the battery...

Should check my contest list. Darleen has put her "Dark Dreamscapes" contest on hiatus... hopefully only till October, but a lack of interest is killing all types of contests. I'm concerned about those who run them.

89 degrees.

Am I losing my battles? Are they worth fighting? Is this merely a transition into the next stage? What will that look like...


92 degrees at 5:15. Lavender-fennel-Ethiopian-Coffee... and a cheeseburger (muenster on beef)

And now I should write about the color yellow for Schnujo? At least that's an easy prompt. Jaundiced comes to mind, as does sunny, yellowed with age (me?), go slow, eggyolk, happiness, drop dead, motivated by fun, cowardly, envy, jealousy and betrayal (France/Germany), pornography (China), mourning (Egypt), wealth (Japan, Africa... which countries?), lucky color for Monday (Thai)...

86 degrees at 9 pm. It will cool... eventually. Flag has been limp most of the day. Me too.

On FB, Linda Visman posted: "A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: There are stars whose radiance is visible on Earth though they have long been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark. They light the way for humankind. -Hannah Senesh, poet, playwright, and paratrooper (17 Jul 1921-1944)"


22 juillet *Sun*

Spoke to my sister. Harebells and Mittens, a white-whiskered black kitten.

Only 65 at 9:30 but it'll go up to 90?

My world is very small...

85 degrees at 4 pm. Gasoline $4.59.

Sat with Dalton, Don, Laxmi, Willie. Scored a chicken salad sandwich. Jamie is back and Kathi is on her way. BP: 160/89, pulse 69. Not good.

Marshall Shepherd @DrShepherd2013 "I was told to GFY because someone apparently disagrees with my latest Forbes piece on Lake Mead.. so Gonna Find Yogurt :)

Wow, it's that serious for some behind the keyboard armor. Bless their hearts."

Only 85 at 7? Temp will fall below 60 tonight but my room is always toasty.

I had trouble connecting to WDC this evening but not elsewhere... still, internet at thisend has been iffy.

Two beef burgers tonight. Not the way to lose weight.

A drabble:

I'm here to return a heart.
We don't...
It's slightly worn and very tired, but it still beats.
...don't accept hearts. I know. This place operates without one.
Don't look so shocked. I used to live here. I had to leave just to find a heart. None for sale or rent within 100 miles.
like it that way. I understand. But this heart is special.
Oh... don't look so afraid. I traced it back to it's owner.
It once belonged to you.

© Copyright 2022 Kåre Enga [179.47] (22.juli.2022)

Might change title to "Returns". In "One beat [47]

23 juillet *Sun*

53 degrees at 07:45.

Fui a la feria. Un pastel de frambuesa y un saco de cerezas. Butterfly Herbs: un batido de fresa.

I went home and lay down. Very weak. *Worry* Agora... cafecito!

Under the headline, "The President Who Stood Still on Jan. 6," The Wall Street Journal editorial board harshly criticized the former president.


Divider line

24 juillet *Clouds*

67 degrees at 11 am. It would sure be nice to get some sprinkles. 100 is back in the forecast but that's not abnormal for late July, early August. There's some smoke in the air but not bad.

I made progress with boxes yestereve. Need to do more. I'm at the stage where I want it to be done... but it's not.

Cherries *Cherries*. Rainers are red/yellow, meaty. Late this year.

To Norma Jean: "I live alone, so I tell folks if I'm really sick."

Good news flash: thunder = showers. Ah... a stiff breeze from the east. It's only 65 degrees at 11:30! It's supposed to hit 100 this week and I melt in the heat.

I have loads of uncluttering/cleaning left to do and the heat drains me. I've been resting a lot, too much napping imho.

Temp has fallen to 60 degrees at 1 pm. *Shock* and still raining. *Dropb* 8 pm. sunshine and warmed up to 80.

I lost a tooth today.

Khlui (Thai flute):

69 degrees at 22:00. Pleasant... outside.

Did my wash. I hope it's dry by noon.

July 11, 2022 at 11:57am
July 11, 2022 at 11:57am
*Sun* 11 *Sun*

It's Caleb's birthday. Just called his father, no answer.

Supposed to be sunny all week. Days over 90 predicted.

Today is Meatloaf Monday at God's Waiting Room.

Time to turn NPR on?

Got meatloaf. Kathi had me speak to Bree... so we meet Thursday. Hopefully she can help resolve a major issue.

Books... who wants books? Got small boxes to move them out.

Box #1: 13 books gone. Goal: 100.

It's 2 p.m. 79 degrees. 3 p.m. 81 with a breeze. Very pleasant outside. 100 in the forecast for Saturday now.

Sunday afternoon

Twirl to the sound of the machine,
the swish of shirts begging to be clean,
the cleansing of the day long before sunset.

The swirl of thoughts create an unheard thunder
throbbing in my head; the urge to scream
stifled by the need to stay calm.

Let the blanket of grey part before sunrays.
Pray that they block the burn.

© Copyright 2022 Kåre Enga [179.44] (10.juli.2022)

Recycling the words

Door steps, used as bricks,
kicked, dropped, a wall of words
built from faded tomes,
call it a library
or a pile of clutter,
a treasure trove for bookworms
and lost thughts.
What's bought can be resold;
what's free, gifted to others,
those brothers and mothers
who inhale their fragrance, caress
those coffee-stained pages,
imbibe their wisdom.

© Copyright 2022 Kåre Enga [179.45] (11.juli.2022)

“I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.”

-Andy Bernard

*Sun* 12 *Sun*

86°F at 2:22... and rising. Watching the January 6th committee.

Earlier: Box#2: took 12 books to God's Waiting Room. Goal: 25/100.

Sat with Don and others. Both burrito and stew were very good.

Task: clear off counter and table. Find where things go. Put them there!

93 degrees with 19% humidity at 7 pm. But not oppressive.

Not making good headway with cleaning today. Books... don't ask about books. Anyone want some books?

January 6th investigation? I watched snippets. Any bombshells? Or just more nails in the coffin. Bolton said Trump didn't plan a coup and that he has and should know! Does this mean it was all just a clown show?

Beautiful sunset. Orange streaks across the sky.

Once I was loved by a man, but then he found greater loves and left me. Bare is back without brother. Bare is back until another... there was never an other to hug me. Once I love a man. Once I had a brother.

Funny... so few read my laments. So lonely the land of tears.

To Beacon re new critters: "Me! I'm a musty-duster. I reside in closets, read books and dream. I scrounge for what I've got... and seldom let go. I fear and admire out-theres. I move slow."

*Clouds* 13 *Clouds*

Nerves gone. Anxiety rises. I'm making progress, just not fast enough.

Box#3: 10 books. 35/100.

Gasoline $4.84/gallon

Sat with Don, Bob, Dalton. Shopped. Bought coffee.

1:13 and overcast. 79°F 39% humidity.

Picked up a couple boxes. Today: clear surfaces, clear a path.

"I am unwilling to let what happened to my family, to my babies, on one of the most celebrated national holidays, a day that represents freedom, be another thought and prayer," Abby Brosio.

At YCC: That's why I pronounce it "ho-MEOW-ner"

Jyothi Rao re Thailand: Kåre Enga, I have found experiences are coloured by individual perceptions. Just a couple of things, do your own research and tour stops. Slow down, there's a lot to see and explore. Food is good for the carnivores, especially if you like new stuff. Streetside cafes are great. But beware the durian (ทุเรียน)... Milkshakes, icecream, anything can have it and it's a strictly acquired taste. Siam Niramit was worth it in my opinion, especially with limo pickup and pre-show dinner and artiste interaction. Have fun, post pics!

Two pot pies: 396 grams. Calories: 730. Daily values: fat: 51%, cholesterol: 23%, sodium: 69% (which is why it's tasty and why I don't add salt), carbs: 27%, protein: 18g, iron: 12%, calcium: 4%, potassium 6%. Not exactly healthy, but cheap. $1.98/for 2.

I like coffee light and sweet... not exactly healthy either.

*Sun* 14 *Sun*

89 degrees and rising at 3 pm. Mid 90s by 7?

Good news: Bry has accepted the challenge of helping me unclutter and clean. We begin tomorrow morning. *Bigsmile*

Revised two old poems that were set on private.

Viridescence  (E)
Dappled shade illuminates the alleyway, an apple green, a light among soft shadows
#1538771 by Kåre Enga in Montana

A doe's conversation with ... (death)  (13+)
I will not dread the moment when I'll be fed to others, like I fed myself,
#1539484 by Kåre Enga in Montana

*Cloud* 15 *Sun*

Bry came by at 10 and is helping me. I had to call quits after 2 hours. My back and dehydration got the best of me. Some progress today. She comes tomorrow at 2.

It was 71... sun came out... now 85 at 1ish. My room is hotter. Fan's on.

There are other things I need to do... books are due at the library and I need cash. Drinking coffee. Time to eat before I head out.

Dropped off books. Pucked up mail. Bank atm gave me option of $5, $20, or $50 bills. I don't do $50. $5 is practical for a pastry, a milkshake, lunch at God's Waiting Room.

Very nice chat with Dirk and Charles.

Picked up new bus schedule. Last #6 leaves at 21:45 M-S, 19:45 on Sundays! Yes... we now have Sunday service. *Smile*

I wet my t-shirt and put it on to cool off. I'm sure it hit 90 today. 65 at midnight. Fan will run all night.

Can't go to bed until my bed's cleared off. *Laugh*

*Sun* 16 *Sun*

Gonna be warm. 72 degrees at 10 am.

Gasoline is $4.74/gallon.

Bry came by. More progress. Found some stuff (from April, 2021)... but not the three pairs of lost glasses.

35°C at 4 pm. Toasty. Bry will be back Monday... it's supposed to be cooler.

To Beacon: I gabbed. Gary listened... or I thought he did. Gary liked girls. I liked Gary. I never had the gumption to ask him to marry me. I moved away, then farther, then further. I stayed away from states, cities, streets with a G in them. I already had a G, as in Gary, and none other mattered.

93 at 8, prolly hit 98 today. Dry heat, okay if you drink water and stay out of the sun.

Reread an old vamp story today. I still like it.

*Sun* 17 *Sun*

Up at 9-ish. My rooms never cooled down, even with the fan on. I took a shower and slept naked with no cover. That's not normal for me. I sweat all night. I did get some rest though.

Today will be scorching. Tomorrow's forecast to be pleasant. Bry will come at 2 tomorrow. Today I'll go get a milkshake. At home there is much to do, but I'll be careful with my back.

1st coffee is finished. It's 10 am. 74 degrees. Up 6 degrees in one hour.

I broke the blender. *Sad* Actually... the blender broke whilst Zak was making me a strawberry malt. I settled for a rootbeer float with salted caramel ice cream.

83 degrees at noon.

Back home. Put fan on.

I may need to strip to stay cool. *sighs*

Melting time.3 Time to find a shade tree or a big—cold—beer.11
A/C time.3 Can't go home 'fore sunset till the unit's—re—paired.12

Comment I left on Joey's FB page: "Nathanael Yowell: Yep. And it isn't criminal [for men] to seek medical insistence. An std isn't grounds for imprisonment. AIDS affect both men and women, but Reagan (remember him?) believed it was a gay man's scourge; therefore, no real money for research like covid received. AIDS pills to up the immune system became very expensive because of a cis-man's greed. At the same time the little blue pill is available over the counter, very legal and uber-marketed. But there are threats to make birth control illegal... again. "On March 3, 1873, Congress passed the new law, later known as the Comstock Act. The statute defined contraceptives as obscene and illicit, making it a federal offense to disseminate birth control through the mail or across state lines." Eisenstadt v. Baird, 405 U.S. 438 (1972) decided 6-1 is a key case, resting in part on Griswold v.
Connecticut (1965) decided 7-2 overturning a Connecticut law from 1879. Note the dates. The Supremes may turn the clock back to 1873. But the Vatican (Pius XI in 1930; Paul VI “Humanae Vitae” 1968) and others were late to the shit-show. There is NOTHING in the US Consitution to uphold bans... but don't expect those who follow the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to concur. Women don't die in childbirth like they used to due to medical support; but, that's about to change... so they will."

93 degrees. I's gonna bake me a cake. Yes-sirree.

94°F 34°C at 4. Number 4 for the win.

Re Taiwan: “waishengren,” literally “people from outside the province.” The term contrasts with the “benshengren,” “people from this province”

I had a craving. I ground lavender and coffee. Boiled it, strained it, added it to a mix. Made chocolate lavender cake.

Didn't get much done. Found bag of moth balls.

July 4, 2022 at 1:04am
July 4, 2022 at 1:04am
*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* 04 *Rain*

It will rain.

Posted photos, may add more: "🇵🇹 Fotos de Portugal

Scored a lump of beast. It's thawing in vinegar. Sauerbraten? Also ground beef and bacon and what I presume is chicken...


I get the idea that internet and wifi has become an addiction; but, she didn't know about the area and her husband had to tell her? How disconnected from reality was she?

Here: lovely calm morning will be followed by rain.

To Stik re "You need to learn how to face the pain: "Clear focused writing as always. Perhaps I was wise to approach this task by staying in fiction.

I prefer bittersweet, saudade, quiet suffering and unresolved endings. "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" and "Rashomon" immediately come to mind. It's not that there isn't joy, but real life isn't just sunrises and sunsets.

Some in the MAGA world are so convinced that they know the Truth that they forget that they can only see part of it. MALA? *Sad* Makes me want to move to somewhere where I can watch the horror movie from a distance.

As for me... my 'activist' days seem to be over. I can still observe and squawk but once-upon-a-time I actively worked on 'community' facing up to racism and religious divide by bringing folks physically together. Lots of work."

My travel blog "On The Write Path received 2nd place in the Bard's Contest. I can now revise and add photos!

America is a tapestry woven from cotton picked by slaves, dyed with the blood of a million immigrants, covering a festive board provided by the sweat of migrant workers, a gathering disrespectful of those who lived here first, trampled by the narrow-minded who will not open up their arms to embrace all that it can be... as anger breeds anger, as fireworks terrify dogs and cats and pistols are pointed at each other, unaware that this too shall pass. K.E.

To Jim: "An odd question... Are most of your co-workers/clients male? I ask because some fields are almost mono-gender and that can lead to unexpected blind spots. Same with mono-cultural environments. I suspect (from prior personal experience) that diversity can threaten some people; but different p.o.v.s are essential to understanding anything, even technical fields."

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* 05 *Sun*

I've left my eloquence at the corner of L and Quincy.

To Hermione Cortez on FB: "Nice update... I just want friends who'll sit and chat. That concept has gone out of style. At WDC I want connection... but people don't blog anymore and those that do don't leave comments. The society, even among writers, has shifted away from comunication, verbal or otherwise. The Queer Qommunity there is struggling."

To Nick Engler on FB: "Makes its point but it's a bit harsh. Women should dress however they wish. A handmaid's uniform is most proper for church... find your nearest Southern Baptist outlet, your local Catholic pay-for-sins pavilion and any LCMS storefront... not to forget the LDS magic boutique. Since they are all tax-free admission should be free... except for the LDS... they check your temple card/passport."

"Snowfall in Loei" possible GL with the color white symbolizing different times if year: hot, dry, wet, cool. It's a province (changwat) of flowers, fruits and coffee. Coffee flowers are white and very fragrant. Sounds? White lights like fireworks/rockets. Taste? White fruit/food. What turns white as it dies?

"Pathumma of Chaiyaphum" (ปทุมมาชัยภูมิ) (walk through pathumma in Chaiyaphum = เดิน
ผ่านปทุมมาที่ชัยภูมิ) Pathumma/Krachiao can be white or violet or? In any case a love affair/attraction between two men of different generations. I imagined two particular actors for the role, but may need three.

Red glow to the northwest hugging the jagged horizon.

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* 06 *Clouds*

Warmish morning, supposed to get toasty.

Uneasy night. Possibly ate too much yesterday.

At least I paid my rent. I never miss it. But I don't necessarily know what day it is other than today is grocery shopping. I have enough food but need bread.

Found tickets to Thailand in October... do I dare purchase? And what to do or where to go before then? I feel my axis of anxiety/depression wobbling. And that's not good.

God's Waiting Room: sat with Merry and Kay.

Tuna was on sale.

Wants to sprinkle... will it?


Blame the trannies since blaming niggers won't workkk...

Why do I use these terms? Because the underlying hatred hasn't changed. And while woke-folk argue over properly correct terms the haters just go on hating with impunity.

To Gen Z: I was woke before your daddy was a wet-dream. Interestingly enough, There are haters among you as haters spawned haters, the unwoke, a Gen z-as-in-zombies when they refuse to think or check facts. They hide behind unholy treatises and books just like the sycophants in Germany, 1934, or the ignorant during the Inquisition. Hatred and ignorance, just like the trauma it inflicts, can be multi-generational (ask the Serbs and Croatians) as many religious groups are good at indoctination to ensure that each and every generation carries forth their legacy of supremacy of us-over-them.

Rather than a trial to assign blame and pass judgement, mere slaps and bandages, I'd rather have an inquest to look at the origins of Gen Z's sinners. Were they raised this way? taught in school? inseminated by a cult-leader of a so-called church? or a pied-piper-politician? Are they sins of ommission, commission or just ejaculation? Are they truly held beliefs or merely peer-pressured-poison? Is their insistence of my-way-or-the gas-chamber a real threat or merely smoke and illusion? Would a rainbow add color to their monocular black/white world?

I'll be long-dead, but Gen Z must face up to these threats or merely become another historical footnote in the dog-eat-dog dystopia they inherited and then gave birth to.

17:40 *Lightning2* Thunder... not very common in Western Montana, but then neither is the rain or green-green hills.

Well-worn copper

Lincoln never visited Denver a mob-ruled town
where "a man's life is of no more worth than a dog's"*
Now I gaze at his worn face minted in 1999
stamped with a D.
But not D for Dad who died in 1999
when this coin was a shiny copper.
And not dust as surely both now are,
as surely as I will be some day.
I toss it into a jar.
How can a penny be worth so little
when once as a child I counted every one.

© Copyright 2022 Kåre Enga [179.43] (6.juli.2022)

* William Hepworth Dixon

Rain around 19:30. Chatted with Birgit whilst eating penne with spicy yellow tomato mash.

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* 07 *Clouds*

FB re America was founded by Christians: Regardless of the religious beliefs of the invaders, can we move on from that. I believe we are living in a post-Christian world. Some folks seem stuck in the past.

At least I was up by 08:30.

Hermione posted a meme on fb. "How do you tell someone "you're stupid" politely?"

Wisdom has been chasing you but you've always been faster.

My response: "And here I thought I was a slug. Maybe wisdom took one look and just said ugh."

Posted the Newsfeed:

"No one can see my meltdown from a distance. I've mentioned my anxiety and depression; but, this may send both to heights and depths I may or may not be capable of dealing with.

If you were here I'd ask for help but at a distance there's nothing you can do. It's up to those physically here to help or not help. So, this message is to inform, not ask advice.

I remember 7/7/77. It was a very bad day. This 7/7/22 just needs to be endured and gotten past."

No details will be forthcoming. 🤐

To Jeff: "I really should rate the Thai TV series I've watched. Some were absolutely awesome... others... fell short. I cringed at times.

But the WHY is more important than the rating. I think I've watched enough now to have some insight into Thai culture (those things that foreigners don't understand and complain about). I may make a separate listing of "what I've learned".

Whan I go to Thailand I'm in for a shock! TV isn't reality but I know I'll be somewhere and have the feeling I've been there before. At least Thai TV is closer to reality than Ye Olde Hollywood (but suffers from similar issues) and feels more real than much of what passes as entertainment in the US. The tropes are different, in the sense that the spice is different, as is the taste of the audience."


Some right-wingers are trying to hang the label 'trans' on shooters as a deflection from 'AR-15 is a military assault weapon'. That way they can ban anyone who's trans instead of guns.

Got to chat with Birgit. *Drop* We did have some drops. Beautiful sunset.

Watching ขั้วฟ้าของผม | Sky In Your Heart ... a light rom-com. Not learning much.

Article re Zuckerberg admonishing him: "Research shows that employees thrive in an environment that promotes psychological safety, where people feel safe to take risks and make mistakes. By "turning up the heat," as Zuckerberg put it, the company adds unnecessary pressure and makes a bad situation worse."

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* 08 *Drop*

The first shoe dropped...

Abe assasinated... wonder whether Americans know or care.

Must go to God's Waiting Room.

PO Box due $166/year.

Zak made me a wonderful banana-chocolate milkshake. He was wearing a tiara of daises. He's been bugged by bees.

Spoke with Kathi and Charles today. Charles knows how to resolve my book burden. Kathi knows what I need and that I'm willing to pay... she will make some inquiries. She also has a grand-daughter with many of the same issues.

Met Jocie at Butterfly... Wyld Womyn and Arthur Rimbaud.

I'm doing better today.

New luggage: flexible polycarbonate or ballistic nylon? My old one is worn but still usable.

Hodgepodge: Robertas's hedgehog was a button-nosed ball of white knives and hiss, a veritable hodgepodge of mammalian lore, if you want my opinion.

To Carolyn: "I'm in a situation that I need a plan A, B, C... and I'm going to have to beg for help. I don't want to... which is why I'm in this situation..."

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* 09 *Coffeer*

May rain. Need to finish coffee and go. Gasoline $4.89/gal. I'm very jumpy.

One aspect of my plan this month is to scale back social media, including WDC.

A lemon danish at market. Didn't find who I was looking for.

Muggy 82°F with clouds gathering overhead. Will we get a drop?

Some good news: fresh strawberries at the market on Tuesday. Cherries will be slim-pickins and late. Peaches doing well (I love the white peaches).

Rewording what I commented to Patricia: I live in liminal space. Never quite here nor there. I prefer edges unless I can hide in the core like a worm... in a place nobody notices until too late.

From the New Yorker: A friend’s twenty-eight-year-old son offered the most philosophical explanation. “Maybe we buy as much stuff as any other generation, but much of it is digital—in-app purchases or memberships or things to be stored in the cloud,” he said. “This allows us the illusion of being minimalist. We’ve substituted spiritual clutter for stacks of paper.”

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* 10 *Sun*

Up at a decent hour. Showered. Drying off before going out in the cool morning sunlight. Coffee.

2 hour stroll with Birgit. I'm sweating. It's only 75°F, very pleasant.

Now for another coffee. Time to turn on the music.

MSN: "The ‘Doorway Effect’ Is Why You Forget What You Were Going to Do When Entering a Different Room"

I can see implications about care of the elderly (and not move them), why it may be important to move, buy new clothes (mentioned by Birgit), et cetera.

In "Parallel worlds where issues are global, not just local.: The assasin of Abe in Japan may have been motivated by hatred of the Unification Church that 1. he accused of bankrupting his mother, and 2. supported Abe.

The parallels in the U.S.? A Catholic Supreme Court that just limited the rights of a woman to her own body in a move that blurs the separation of church and state.

Catholics need to speak up. Secularists need to redo their narrative. The Southern Baptists and Mormons need to rethink their positions. Women need to demand this.

Those promoting violence need to back down. Those who think they've won one for the White Patriarchy need to think about the consequences of criminalization.

Going forward: rights should be explicitly enshrined in the Constitution. Rights are NOT priviledges like owning a car or gun and should never be voted on.

I need to cut back and focus. *Worry*

Did wash. Saw Dan-dan.
June 27, 2022 at 12:38pm
June 27, 2022 at 12:38pm
*Flowerr* 27 *Sun*

It will be hot today. A warm 65 degrees at 10 a.m. Should top over 90.

I have contests to finish. Heat bothers me and my rooms get hot. So we'll see how this works out.

I left "🇵🇹 A hosteling we go on private when I posted. Corrected that just now, but still... not a good error on my part. I know why. I tend to put stuff on 'private' until I'm finished. I'll have to double check previous entries.

I went to God's Waiting Room because I had nowhere else to go. I told this to Don. He gave some decent advice.

I've been unhappy here in this changing town for quite awhile.

Edited comment to Hooves: I thought a woman was fully human... obviously not if her uterus belongs to any man who comes along. It's a basic human rights issue imho, but then again, rights only belong to white land-owning, female-owning males.

I need to update my list of issues that folks, including fantasy writers, need to consider in real life. It would be nice if some writers would actually write about them; maybe, share personal stories or insight from the experience of those close to them.

Severe weather: a mass migration of trash cans.

Started Micro 100: "Micro100#1 sleepwalking [37]

*FlowerY* 28 *Clouds*

Do I explain why I'm upset or do I just ghost some folks at WDC. I've been shunned in the past and that's not quite what I want to do. I could just hang out where I feel loved. Like Missoula... I've felt a need to move on for quite some time.

I find rigidity and 'positivity' toxic. My creativity was squelched in school; I'm having flashbacks here at WDC. As for 'be positive'... I understand 'bittersweet' and 'saudade' better. One is French, the other Portuguese; neither is American, Australian or British.

I have no close friends. That's part of the problem.

Made rice with chicken. 86 cloudy degrees at 1 pm. Sun's zenith is ~13:45. Fan is on for air movement.

Depressed and listless.

FB: Cantaba mamá "Flores con alas son mariposas, flores con alas los niños son."

Got up to 90-something, Glorious sunset. Nice chit-chat with Birgit.

"The hand that threw the brick stopped the train [38] 275w

*Flowerb* 29 *Sun*

I'll be serious. I was raised by news junkies. It's a bad habit. Unfortunately, it has also made me intolerant towards the ignorant and apathetic.

I need to finish up stuff, but it's 11:18 and haven't had a coffee yet. Warm, 70, but it won't get hot today.

Sat with Dalton and Bill. Very good clam chowder made by Judy. Saw Roberta, her pet cat and hedgehog.

Pork at $1.49? Hot dogs at 1.29. Cottage cheese on sale. *Smile*

Peonies and roses in bloom.

Finishing up Portugal. Can load pictures now.

"🇵🇹 Naked, Gift of the Gab, The Happy Swede, Oh...

Tomorrow I tie up ends (other contests), see if I can add an entry to Journalistic Intentions as I have until the 4th.

*Flowerp* 30 *Sun*

Up late... will I catch up?

FB: "Love your comment. People forget that others get hurt by these types of decisions. I go on and on about the CMTA (sing it!) but only hear crickets. CMTA = Christian Military Theocracy of Amerikkka. Read the 2016 GOP platform or the Teachings of Saint Michael Pence for details."

Sat with Billie Jo, Angie and Jay.

Made three different types of pork burgers. It's going to be a porkish weekend.

Done with: "Net [179.27] "Gingerbread Man [39] "Mystress of May laments [40]

To Beholden re how many types of stories there are: "If the powers that be say 7 ... then it's 7 because... they have already decided.

I'd love to read a link. This WDC site is so Western-Judeo-Christian and English-monolingual that I suspect... that if a story doesn't fit that paradigm it's demeaned or discarded (much like the opinions of women).

Creativity isn't always rewarded."

*Flowerw* *CountryCA* *Clouds*

The buzz of the generator below my window... summer has returned.

67 and light grey. They say... sunshine and toasty later...

Bri is in town. Saw her last night and will see her later today.

Bought me some taters. $1.99/5lb.

Ripple, reflection, brink of the river bank, red, fragrance of rose, ruins and rust. Rap, tap, tap, tap of the red-headed woodpecker, Ruby and Ruth. What is written, removed, replaced.

81 degrees at 3.

To Charlie re ongoing health issues: "Well... imho... part of the 'problem' may be that you manage to function in spite of it all. Kudos, if that keeps you going. The alternative may be one year (or as long as it takes) sitting under a coconut tree at an undisclosed address, surounded by those you choose... until the fog lifts or a coconut bops you on the head.

When I say 'problem' I think of how I got through school because my grades were okay and I didn't start any trouble. If I would've punched the kids that deserved it or screamed at the f-ing teachers I may have gotten the help I needed.

So, these days I scream here and IRL... to folks who are deaf ostriches. *Worry*"

$4.92/gal gasoline... price easing.


Gnus: Wine-Banks said the “best” crime for Trump is 18 U.S.C. § 2383 — the crime of “rebellion or insurrection” against the U.S. — because the penalty is tougher than just prison time.


*Flowerv* 02 *Sun*

Nice chat with Charles. Banana bread from Irina. Salted caramel milkshake. Warmish 80s. A couple sprinkles on the way back.

Need to finish writing.

#7 for JI "Polly-shrek-anna

Hoping it cools down inside tonight. The fan is on.

*Flowert* 03 *Dropb*

65 degrees at noon. There will be some cloud-shedding drops later.

There's a breeze blowing through the building; coffee clearing out my mind.

Time to write Coffee Melody.

Done with Journalistic Intentions: "Coffee Melody [18+]

FB: "This is a place where that romantic French lifestyle is still attainable—on a budget as low as $2,485 per month." ME: *Ha*, have you seen my social security check?

Gatekeeping v gatebreaking: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/the-internet-really-hates-gatekeeping-soci...

June 20, 2022 at 1:39pm
June 20, 2022 at 1:39pm
*Broccoli* 20 *Rain*

I woke up late. Now sitting with a coffee before venturing out for lunch. It's Meatloaf Monday at God's Waiting Room.

Laundry is hung up and drying.

54 degrees at 11:00. Cool 'spring' day.

The meatloaf and mashed potatoes were both spicy. I sat by myself, jumped when Bill greeted me from behind. I'm edgy and not feeling 'well'.

It would be unwise to take a nap. Getting anything done would be a good goal.

Nice evening chat with Birgit. Jay has had all his teeth removed and now has dentures. What a smile!

*AlienG* 21 *Sun*

No rain forecast for the upcoming week. Apparently summer has arrived.

Did not go to God's Waiting Room today. Cooked pork.

Having computer connection issues at home.

2:22 and what have I done? Ate the pork and a banana with peanut butter. Still drinking coffee.

The January 6th Commission keeps nailing the coffin shut but Count Donald will not give up the ghost.

Comparing France and Thailand. Similar size, similar population. Very different demographics. Both protect their historical sites and both have systems of public transportion. Texas, which is slightly larger... does not.

*Monster4* 22 *Sun*

Sat with Don. Saw Ann at market. Spent $21. Got milk? I do.

Nice chat with John and Garion on way home. Met Catriona (Scot name). I feel better when I connect.

Warmish in my place. 81°F at 3ish.

Got up late. Need to work on two contests today.

"For the love of a button [35] (284 words)
"Interruptus ruckus? Nah... just a button.
"🇵🇹 Nearer My God to Thee on the Elevator to Glory

*Tree2* 23 *Sun*

Up by 08:45. Forgot to put fan on last night but it's on now. 60 degrees @ 9. It'll get warm later.

"The Miracle of Teddy Bear" is intriguing. I can't find an English-subbed version. So... watching it in Thai. Much is obvious... but the 'why' isn't clear to me at times. Up to episode 7 of 16.

Thursday. *Yawn*

Visited with Angie and Billie Jo. Ate two pork burgers.

Confused brown rice with barley. Gonna be eating lots of barley. *Shock*

*Coffeeg* 24 *Rain*

Sat with Willie, Bill, Dalton and Monte. Nice talk with Jamie in God's Waiting Room and with Karen at the Peace Center.

The 0% chance rained on me.

Woe vs Rage just rained down upon the Eyes of Texas. Let the Civil War begin!

Kansas on August 2nd? A battleground.

Incredible fallout probable. I can see a woman's basketball team refusing to play in certain states.

I travel all the time but I hesitate to monetize my musing. I'm so NOT giddy. Tourist bureaus would hate me. Take Missoula as an example. Outdoor activities galore? Not during smoke-choke Fire Season. Ski? University activities? Not in December/January during grey-sky Inversion Season when the students vacate the state or go to sunny Bozeman. Liberal? *Laugh* Wanna meet some local Oath-Keepers?

I posted at fb:

In this Age of Woe v. Rage
can you sing
"Oh, say can you see,
how my country hates me".

*Balloong* 25 *Sun*

First Day of the Handmaiden's Tale...

It does set up a Civil War.

Sunny 63 degrees at 11:18. Everything looked normal the day the war began.

The White House needs to act swiftly and forcefully. It should've been ready one month ago. *Sad* Alack...

I have some writing to do by the end of June. 4 for offerings to the Bard. 3 more to Journalistic Intentions.


"Just about half past ten [36] ~160 words
" 🇵🇹 Not a Lighthouse (Faro, Portugal)

*Martian* 26 *Sun*

The Supremes are "Frozen in Amber".

I've seen chess pieces carved in amber. Is Alito the king? Thomas the bishop? Kavanaugh and Gorsuch matching knights? Barnett is the queen...

Vertical. The Marathon runs by and there's rally at the Courthouse. I need to get moving.

Dangerous times. If I read right, my friend Mattias Carlberg was in Oslo this weekend for the Pride parade and at the London Pub earlier that evening. Parade canceled? Folks went anyways.

Gasoline still $4.98/gal.

Rights Rally? Hundreds, prolly over a thousand showed up and most marched around town. Quite an outpouring. Only took a couple photos.

I told Sorji: "Yep. Things are going to get real on the Illinois border with all of its surrounding states. We had a rally/march today.

It's impossible for me to ignore politics unless the news doesn't cover it (I'm a news junky and coffee addict; I need to join NJA and CAA). Plus a friend was in Oslo at the London Pub just before it got shot up. Good times. *Worry*

Regardless of where people stand I suspect that it's going to be a HOT SUMMER."

Just met Ankara who is Uighur. We'll have lots to talk about!

Finished/posted: "Jaded... before the rain.

My chromebook doesn't have enough memory to function properly. I'm trying to close tabs... which for me is kinda like throwing away books. *Sad*

Pic of bamboo nose flute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paiwan_people
Bingo-Lingo: https://readthailanguage.com/getaudio/
woman with pistol: https://www.writing.com/main/em/box//msg/32808/dl/telegram.jpg

To Chris McGatha on FB: I think Biden should sign an executive order stating the Medicare covers ALL woman health issues and that anyone receiving medicare payments CANNOT refuse medical care. And... Medicare will cover the transportation to anywhere that a woman needs to go to get that care... including anywhere in the world, but especially Canada and Mexico. Texas sucks; the Dakotas blow.

June 13, 2022 at 9:26am
June 13, 2022 at 9:26am
*Poseyv* 13 *Wind*

Up by 06:40. Must've slept okay.

Cool breezy day forecast but a couple rays peeking over Mt. Jumbo when I got up. 48°F.

Lupine and iris in bloom.

This is the last week of spring? It may get toasty Thursday and Friday, but otherwise cool.

When you walk through a storm keep your head up high. When you crawl through a window pray your pants don't tear (or... your ass don't show)... *Music1*

Pull-pork for lunch was good. Saw Mary and her husband Ron. Later, sat with Monte and Bob.

Watched the Congressional hearings this morning. Talking to Bob (age 91, a former minister) I mentioned that Trump was amoral; he agreed. Monte added "no moral compass". I do believe that's worse than immoral.

Looked up all the tropes for "Journalistic Intentions.

Wrote: "Not in Kansas anymore [179.30] 195 words

Wrote: "The moss covered mountains of Kansas

Predicted to be cold and rainy, possible snow in the mountains, flood threat in the valleys.

*Flagb* 14 *Snow3*

Snow on the mountains on a cold breezy Flag Day.

I had the fan on all night as my place gets stale and stuffy. It's oddly cool cold inside. Had to put more clothes on to keep warm.

Made 'something' by mixing ricotta, corn-flour, plum jelly, egg, oil, baking powder, water, cardamom ... and baking. A sweet corn bread? Maybe...

Finished editing "Serenade to Odin's Day and submitted it to Shadows and Light. Submitted an 'old' poem "After oolong tea to Test Your Poetry. Both contests have a 14th of the month cut-off date.

Gasoline rises to $4.98/gallon.

*Owl2* 15 *Sun*

Supposed to be sunny today and warm up... 49 degrees at 8 a.m. I was up at 7!

The Yellowstone floods are due to a massive June snowfall followed by warm rain and rapid melting. It's been damp here and there's snow in the mountains; and yes, the river is rising. I look out at it every day. Flood watches have been posted.

Personally... I do need to travel a.s.a.p. Staying home isn't healthy. I've been back 4 weeks.

I don't have a crystal ball. I was thinking about a kind message sent to me by Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love. If I would've gotten an RV and a cat and a dog in March of 2020 I would've done better during the Century of Covid. But I didn't.

My houseplants did mostly okay whilst I was in residence. A couple croaked whilst I was gone for a month. *Sad* The geraniums pouted but stiff upper lip as their petals would say.

I shopped today. No Brit 'food' just cheap vittles. Spent about $18.

I thought about Schnujo's in Alabama *Heartv* and her merit-badge contest. She's trying to encourage 'heart-felt' messages. I guess I didn't fully understand what she's trying to accomplish. When I sent out a fistful of badges in November each one had a personal comment of awe and/or encouragement. So... I didn't realise that others weren't already doing that.

Sat and chatted with my neighbor Birgit. I need interaction with people on a regular basis.

Quill Nominee Signature 2022

"A Big Flashy Fun Rainbow Ball

*Grass* 16 🌕

Up after midnight. May reach 86 degrees today. *melt*

Sat with Angie and Billie Jo. Skipped lunch. Ate two mustard-pork-burgers at home.

Took two hour nap in the afternoon as I was chilled to the bone. Now at 6 p.m. it's 83 degrees outside. Sipping coffee. Waiting for rice to cook.

Posted these 15 pieces that only had 2 reviews, hoping to get a 3rd.

2009 "4th period composition " *Check*
2021 "Flower of the fern [98]" *Check* *Check*
2021 "Who moved my meds?" *Check*
2020 "What's for dinner, Doc? [241] (298words)" *Check*
2020 "You dreamed this path" *Check*
2021 "Delta" *Check*
2015 "Living ruins - fragment"
2019 "Time to let go (294 words)"
2021 "Our Beloved Country"
2021 "Adam's Apple "
2020 "Cleaning up the mess [270] (211 words)"
2020 "Five Simple Steps [177.11] (298 words)"
2020 "The Winter Rose [295] (253words26lines)"
2021 "There comes a softening — to cantucci "
2007 "December's bath"

I feel fine; but... I'm really not well. I'm adrift... not a good sign.

Finished and posted: "🇵🇹 Beachy, just beachy (Lagos, Portugal)

🏵️ 17 *Sun*

85°F = 29°C at 2 pm. It may go up a couple degrees but lovely summer day. Tomorrow it goes back to cool and rainy.

Beef stroganoff for lunch. The meat was a tad tough.

Nice chat with Dalton, Fred, Phil, Don, Maureen and Bill.

I got up after 11... very late.

🟠 Orioles won 1-0. Trying to get to .500.

Finished "🇵🇹 Didya see my butt sticking out da window?

*Dropg* 18 *Lightning2*

Someone was moving furniture at 4 a.m. ... or so I thought until I saw flashes before my eyes.

Email notice reminded me to renew my books. There is that...

Coffee = the breakfast of wannabe champions.

Too much sugar ... and now it rains. A real downpour! Rare in Missoula.

I told Gary Lundy that he was drinking the evil brew. He said it was an Americano. Ah... a cup full of conspiracy.

Nap. Now coffee and a burger. Saw that the futon is gone. I'm relieved. Hope it found a good home.

Catching up with photos.

Having to close tabs:
Thai: Cupid's last wish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyVjRrhzbUE
Lao: Thieves rob: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa5HgA1o07g
Lao: ໂຮງຮຽນ ປະຖົມ-ມັດທະຍົມ ຮາກແກ້ວ filmed at school in Vientiane.
Thai: https://mydramalist.com/52575-love-poison
Thai/Isaan: https://mydramalist.com/699719-siew-sum-noi
Thai/Lao: 7 หนุ่ม 7 วัน / 7 ຫນຸ່ມ 7 ວັນ (7 boys/7 days)
"15 Best Murder Mystery Books That Are Total Page Turners"
Japan: https://mydramalist.com/13642-seven-days-monday-thursday
Elfdalian, Gutnish, Meänkieli, Kven: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Sweden
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9lrxKzADTA (71 views)
Sleeping in airports
Love Victor S2ep4: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2009178881?bstar_from=bstar-web.search-result.0...
Steampunk: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rdRnI2nWaMAnQKs1mGltNnWr1yq41T5m2Sh1QfjIlHc/...
Bubblegum Jones: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqZTXh4GhjQmDMw3Xcmu2A/featured
Very annoying: https://www.journeyranger.com/tips-tricks/things-american-tourists-do/?utm_sourc...
Cabot bacon cheddar: https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/we-tried-7-mac-cheese-brands-and...
สลัดปลาหมึก = squid salad
TOP INN โรงแรมท็อปอินน์... ถนนริมคลองสมถวิล ตำบลตลาด อำเภอเมืองมหาสารคาม, 44000 Maha Sarakham 3400B/week

*Grass* 19 *Rain*

Up by 9 a.m.

Feeling somehow diminished today. I just need to work my mind around that.


Anxiety: 8 / 6 / 4 / 4 but up and down
Depression: 8 / 5 / 4 / 5 on the rise
Mental: 4 / 5 / 5 / 5 steady
Physical: 2 / 5 / 6 / 4 slipping again
Emotion: 2 / 5 / 6 / 5 mostly apathetic

Just ate a peanut-butter & plum jelly sandwich without tasting it. Not a good start to the day.

Damp, dreary day. 57 degrees at noon.

Important: https://www.thethailandlife.com/whats-behind-a-thai-smile

Saw Drew. Did wash. Forgot to hang it up when I got home. Hung and drying now.

Finished: "Once on Lois Lane [33] (300 words) *Ribbonb* and incorporated it into "And I'm the Prince of Poetry and Prose.

June 6, 2022 at 1:03pm
June 6, 2022 at 1:03pm
Twelfth of Never week of the Nu Year? Is that the year after Mu?

Is next year Xi or do we skip it and go straight to Omicron? Or are we already in the Year of Omicron?

*Grass* 6/6 *Cloud*

Nightmares last night. Not a good sign.

11 and time to shower and leave and go to lunch. Today is Meatloaf Monday.

Had my sliced of loaf-of-meat and mashed potatoes for $5 at the Senior Center. Bought a sourdough baguette for $4 at Le Petit.

A couple of downpours... I mean... real rain! This is a rare event here in the Land of Drizzle. Remaining cool. Except inside on the 3rd floor with south facing windows.

Any other snews?


🇺🇦 *HeartBroken* 🇷🇺

To Kathlene Kelly re Native American trauma: For me... obviously not this generational trauma... it's I can't heal from past traumas while you're bashing and bruising me in the present. "Don't Say Gay" reminds me of how unworthy I am to some people (especially those in control with power and guns).

To Linda E re Heard v Depp: Just think of how much time and money was wasted in this pissing contest. Like... they couldn't just sit down at the kitchen table with their lawyers and work it out? It also belittles the court system."

Maybe I'm ambivert. As I told QotD: "Both. I'm feline. I want to be petted... thank-you... now leave me alone.

I crave connections and covid disconnected me. Bad, bad, bad.

I NEED socialization (needed it yesterday) but too much = too much.

I write from random thoughts and observations. Quiet is helpful after the storm (no matter how lovely and invigorating).

*Grass* J7 *Sun*

Beautiful warm day.

James Eugene "Jim" Seals (October 17, 1941 – June 6, 2022)

I do wish I were accomplishing more. Washing the dishes and taking out the garbage counts for something...

I'm wearing a light-dusty-orange shirt today with light-grey vest and medium grey pants. I try to mix it up. It's time to raid the closet and wear all my short sleeve shirts at least once this summer. That way they will also get washed at least once!

$4.79/gal for gasoline.

*Grass* J8 *Cloud*

Dark. Overslept until after 10. Now I yawn and wait for the water to heat up for coffee. Today is grocery day. 14°C here. Will reach 41°C in Evora later this week.

Over-bought perishables. *Worry* Bought two types of mustard (honey, sweet-spicy) to put on the shelf. Only bought 6 eggs are eggs are expensive. Spent $20... which is about right.

Sat with Laxmi. Played bridge with Dalton, Lane, Bob.


*Grass* J9 *Sun*

Up at 9. Coffee. Banana with peanut butter. *Yawn*

Rep. Ted Lieu (CA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pYQXewUxNU

Sat with Billie Jo and Angie. Ate mustard-pork sandwiches.

Chilling before tonight's presentation on the White Christian Nationalist Insurrection of 2020.

Woozy and fuzzy = not a good combination. *Worry*

Watched "Trump's Insurrection", part 1 on ABC.

*Grass* 10 *Rain*

Signed up for Bard's Hall. *Plane* *Trainb*

Up 8ish... dark and wet. All day... Gonna flood next week.

Stew for lunch. Sat with Monte, Bill, Bob. Chat with Laxmi before she goes on her trip.

"Before you decide if the former president is responsible for the Capitol riots, remember that in America you're innocent until proven guilty, then proven guilty again, then proven guilty again and they hold a hearing in primetime to show everyone how you're really, really guilty." --Stephen Colbert

*Grass* 11 *Rain*

Still trying to figure out a trip to Thailand.

To bed at 2 a.m. Up at 09:30. Off to market soon. I'll wear green. I'll get wet.

Bought a Middle-East pastry and bread. Both had coconut. Went to post office. No lottery winnings, but my bank account is in great condition. My only complaint? How to spend it wisely and get out of town a.s.a.p.

Not getting much done at Butterfly Herbs. Time to head home while there's some sunshine.

$4.89/gallon of gasoline.

Very quiet. Too quiet.

Nap... then nothing. I'm not doing well. *Worry*

*Grass* 12 *Rain*

I really don't think I've ever seen Montana this green. Very wet and cool spring makes it so.

I found another Thai BL that will punch me in the gut. "The Miracle of Teddy Bear" is a 'lakorn' = 'TV soap opera' of 16 parts, each 90 minutes long. That's 24 hours of viewing... like watching a movie every week for 16 weeks. Ouch. It does NOT have a "happy sappy" ending. But...


Also, a how-to-Thai: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=uiZOVZs2v74&list=RDCMUCVEgdOtNrzgI7Tv-dyPdjRw

Up around 08:30. It's now 10 and although no rain it will start up again this afternoon. There's an 'atmospheric river' passing overhead.


Forgot it was Sunday. Didn't do wash.

But finished Bard#1: "🇵🇹 Vomiting in Brazilian (Évora, Portugal)
May 30, 2022 at 11:33am
May 30, 2022 at 11:33am
*Grass* 30 *Rain*

Wet and green. A very cool damp spring.

Hurricane Agatha gonna hit Oaxaca... so it could be worse here... just saying.

Up before 9 in spite of the drear.

Jay Van Bavel, a professor of psychology and neural science at New York University and director of the Social Identity & Morality Lab, said it's easier to mobilize anger and hope. But anger dissipates and hope wanes. Grief is paralyzing.

The USA seems to be in deep trouble. Can't tackle violence when we glorify it, defend it and make money off of it.

5 minutes to 1. Well... took a shower. Most of my wash from yesterday has dried. I hang it up all over my two rooms.

Caught up with Portugal trip in my journal. Now to catch up with the last two weeks. *Laugh*

Prices at The Break have gone up $1. But... they were open.

*Grass* 31 *Sun*

Very green, bit of a breeze.

Got queen-size mattress and boxspring out to the dumpster... with help.

Lunch with friends. Got bbq chicken breast because I always eat thighs.

Yesterday cooked thighs in orange juice, lemon pepper, pepper, paprika. Then used the 'juices' to cook a cut-up red potato. Very tasty.

Nap. I should prolly not nap. I get all nappy.

I have 2 south facing windows. I gets hot in my room from now until September. The fan helps at night. Not being here would help more. The dust sucks out my moisture.

I'm watching "Meow Ears Up" น้องเหมียวในห้องผม. Silly but kinda cute. A cat/human changeling. *Smile* YA in many ways.

*Grass* J1 *Dropb*

June started out damp and dreary (not exactly according to the forecast). Up by 07:30? Hmm... but it's now approaching 10 and I've accomplished a couple things. Visited QOTD and posted on the Newsfeed.

Thinking of Darleen QoD: "welcome to my world that oozes green, a land of ichor and sickly things..." "wastelands of fire and eyes that burn, where maggots midst the bones now churn..."

Lunch w/ friends was a turkey-pesto sandwich. I ditched the canned pineapple.

Groceries done.

Mattress/boxspring gone. *Smile*

70 views and 7 comments in one month. Whoopee. I used to get that in one day... back in the day.

*Grass* J2 *Clouds*

Purposely slept in. Got up at 9:14.

Showered, ate yoghurt... where's my coffee...

A dog in Uvalde

He will wait at the door
until you come home.
He will wait there forever.

Time does not matter.
The scent of you will fade.
Your voice will be no more.
But he'll sit by the door
and always remember.

© Copyright 2022 Kåre Enga [179.xx] (2.juni.2022) Note to self: could be #24+

"Don't say I'm dead; go look for me, picking pathumma1 among the stone pillars of Chaiyaphum2." KE

Short stroll to Caras Park. Met Nate and Rose (and Rachel-of-the-swallows and Cole).

*Grass* J3 *Clouds*

Up at 08:30. Dreary. It will shower for the next three days.

Gasoline $4.64/gallon.

I suspect interest rates will need to rise to 10% to curb inflation. That and a return to taxing the wealthy. Plus, overturning Citizens United v FEC.

Since the #1 sin in America is poverty I don't expect any change of heart. I see none on the horizon.

I took a shower before going to bed. This is relevant because our facilities are cleaned at 10 on Fridays and therefore temporarily unavailable (one floor at a time). It's 09:55.

Pride weekend starts today. *Rainbowl**Rainbowr* It may rain on the parade.

Played cribbage with Laxmi. Fish for lunch. *Fisho*

Someone wakes me up from my nap by moving furniture?


Ah... petrichor perfumes the cobwebs of this old dusty place...

Julian's boyfriend is going to a wedding so we're going to the parade together tomorrow. *Rainbowl**Rainbowr*

My Muse seems to be back in town, by-the-way.

*Rainbowl* J4 *Rainbowr*

Drear, drear, drear. There will be dust and drought, and scorching sun, but not today.

Nice chat with Dylan's Aunt Donna yestereve. Her Brooklyn accent was soothing.

Up at 08:30. Will coffee wake me up?

Pride parade. There was a great turnout in the rain. One thousand? More? Not feeling peppy today. I didn't join in and in spite of a cherry pastry and a milkshake I may need to go home.

Saw Julian, Birgit, Cathy Mae...

Glad I got out but the outing exhausted me. Tonight... think I'll enter Bard Contest (travel) and Journalistic Intentions (tropes). I'll also try posting a poem/day at Express it in Eight... but not necessarily following the prompt.

As for travel plans... It's expensive to travel out of small airports like MSO. Can't even reasonably take train (there is none) or bus (10+ hours to SEA; 24+ to MSP). May have to get creative.

*Grass* J5 *Clouds*

08:48. Sipping coffee.

I usually check the news and weather. Will we have an interesting hurricane season? Will the January 6th commision provide lightning? Will I need to take a nap this afternoon?

Ah... TS Alex headed towards Bermuda. Someday we'll have a TS Eliot.

Rain forecast on-and-off all day today and possibly tomorrow. 54 degrees at 9. Won't get warm.


1  ปทุมมา, RTGS: pathumma
2  Thai: ชัยภูมิ, pronounced [t͡ɕʰāj.jā.pʰūːm]

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