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by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.

In a text-based world, I'm beautiful.

My favorite things in life:

         *waking up from a good dream with that good feeling that comes from good dreams.
         *banana paraphernalia (chips, smoothies, ice cream....)
         *knowing that I am understood.
         *good pens/pencils
         *writing down my thoughts
         *conversations of the deep sort.
         *spending time with those that I love.
         *a cleansing bunch of noise once in a while
         *quiet the rest of the time
         *blogging my lil heart out
         *noticing the little things that generally don't matter.
         *being just a little bit different
         *pretending to be a poser

"You must do the things you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt.

This is straightforwardly me.
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October 2, 2005 at 5:22pm
October 2, 2005 at 5:22pm
I come out of visits from my family too exhausted to think.

Today, there were two main objectives from two people.

My brother Lank wanted to buy 2 shinai (that's spelled phonetically, fyi). They're these bamboo swords that make noise when you hit something. They were $60, and he only had $52.

Mom wanted us to take a picture for the church directory.

Lank was a jerk. Every ten minutes he'd say, "So, you gonna give me the money?" Or, "Let's go buy those shinais."

Mom kept saying things such as, "Oh, I want a picture of you here..." Or, "Ask that person to take our picture here."

I like having my picture taken, generally. But for some reason, pictures that Mom is going to keep, I don't like. Maybe because she doesn't take care of them... Maybe just because she annoys me. Maybe because we've never gotten along well...

I don't know. Sometimes I think that I've forgiven her, and other times I think I haven't. Which means that I haven't. To forgive, (at least in Biblical terms) means to forget and never mention or bring it up again.

I guess I've never really forgiven anything.

you know... that girl... what was her name?

Sometimes it's
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September 29, 2005 at 5:59pm
September 29, 2005 at 5:59pm
Short story, then my point, I promise.

This summer, my friend Jared and his girlfriend Jen began a bet. They are a very touchy-feely couple. The bet was to see who would touch the other first.

Well, they were doing well after 24 hours. They hadn't touched each other at all.

Lank and I, as well as his girlfriend Melanie, began to place bets to see who would touch the other one first.

I said that I thought that Jared would lose, just because he'd unthinkingly reach over to show her affection.

Melanie disagreed. She said that Jen's love language was touch, and that she would begin to feel the distance very soon.

That got me to thinking.... (I do that sometimes). My language of love is words of affirmation and time together.

If you tell me that you enjoy our time together, you're appealing to both of my languages.

So go ahead. Tell me. *Pthb*

Anyway, what do you see your love language as?

you know... that girl... what was her name?

Sometimes it's
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September 28, 2005 at 3:53pm
September 28, 2005 at 3:53pm
This is a little quiz that everyone seems to be taking.

My results are funny, but whatever. *Smile*

Beloved by all, puppies are energetic, playful, and loving. Your playful and outgoing nature is part of what makes you a puppy. Known for their loyalty, puppies make great pets for young and old alike. And an innocent puppy face can melt anyone's heart!

You were almost a: Pony or a Lamb
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a Groundhog

you know... that girl... what was her name?

Sometimes it's
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you know... that girl... what was her name?

Sometimes it's
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September 26, 2005 at 6:16pm
September 26, 2005 at 6:16pm
In a normal Aradne-mood, I'd say that I'm perfectly happy with my weight. Heck, I'd complain if I was losing weight, because my clothes wouldn't fit right.

Well, I don't know if it's the weather, the chemicals, or what, but I'm losing weight, and I'm liking it! My comfy, baggy clothes are becoming more comfortable and even baggier!!!

Usually I lose weight from my neck/face and arms, and maybe some around the stomach.

This time it's all coming from the hips, tush and legs. I HAVE NICE LEGS!!!!

I was a ballerina from 3rd grade to 11th. My legs the entire time were muscled and firm, but they looked funny. Ballet works all the wrong muscles for your body to be the typically 'beautiful' body.

Just don't say anything about clothes to me for the next couple days, huh?

Where do you lose weight from?
September 25, 2005 at 3:58pm
September 25, 2005 at 3:58pm
Well, it turns out, I was right. *Smile* I didn't get fired. I didn't even get written up.

The other drawer from the night my drawer was short? It was over as much as mine was short.

That means that somebody must've gotten change from me but didn't give me the $$ in return. *Smile*

Is that ever a big 'PHEW'!!!!!

*happy now* *Right**Smile* See????

In other news, I'm straightening my hair today. That's right!!! I'm putting effort into my looks!

Oh, something else I learned from the teens this summer: If there are 14 girls on a trip, you need at least 6 hair straighteners.

There were 14 girls on our trip. We had 8 straighteners.

Honestly, there were times when two or three girls were straightening one head of hair.


But I can't complain, because I did help one girl straighten her hair too.

I'm quite happy today. As soon as my roommate returns, we're re-arranging our room. (YAY, no more top bunk!!)

Knee is afraid of heights...
September 24, 2005 at 4:20pm
September 24, 2005 at 4:20pm

I've had passing thoughts about quitting my job lately. Nothing that I would actually act upon, but my crew and I are being treated rather badly this year.

Now, granted, we are still getting better treatment than average student workers, but I think that they are trying to tax us a little too much.

Oh, my point: Last night my bank was $40 short.

That's definitely write-up worthy. ($2.00 is write-up worthy)

It would be my second write up due to a short bank.


I was being dramatic last night and apathetically asking my coworkers, "Do you know of anywhere that is hiring?" *Laugh* {e:dies}

They shouldn't fire me, mainly because they are so short on workers. That makes me feel better. *Smile* *Wink* (and if they do fire me, they'd have to fire J, the other girl on my bank)

On a happy note, I have a gallon of cookie dough ice cream ALL TO MYSELF. Would you like some? TOO BAD!!!


I'm having it for lunch.

September 23, 2005 at 7:45pm
September 23, 2005 at 7:45pm
I was writing in my prayer journal yesterday evening. I had just written this:

         "Lord, help me to find a niche in (the Christian fellowship group I've joined), please? It'd help me a lot just to have Christian friends around me.
         And help Micaela and I to get a friendship going, Lord."

Now, I generally don't pray for specifics things. Mostly I end up saying, "Your will be done, Lord."

Just to prove to me how awesome He is, do you know what happened?

10 to 20 minutes later there was a knock at the door. It was Micaela. She wanted to walk to the meeting with me. *Smile*

God is powerful beyond words.
September 20, 2005 at 8:30pm
September 20, 2005 at 8:30pm
I might be doing a webcomic with a friend.

I just hope that this thing actually happens. It seems like so many times I have started something only to quit after a few days.

We have completed our first comic. I'll post it when I get a chance. (I'm not on my own computer at the moment...)

Quick funny: I heard that there was a mandatory student worker meeting on Tuesday. I went to the building and was waiting around. Finally I called a friend and found out that I was a week early for the meeting. *Blush*

Oh, last thing: It's a possibility that it's Steev the Friction Wizurd 's 87th birthday this week. Who knows for sure, though?

you know... that girl... what was her name?
September 19, 2005 at 5:23pm
September 19, 2005 at 5:23pm
Has a tough day today. Classes weren't hard. Just a tough day.

I might have lost my mind in Logic. For a second I actually thought I needed ritalin.

When I'm overly emotional, I get hyperactive and chattery.

When I run low on energy, though, I really crash and burn.

Where in time is Carmen San Diego?

you know... that girl... what was her name?
September 17, 2005 at 7:39pm
September 17, 2005 at 7:39pm
I love these things.

(stolen from Melissa is fashionably late! 's blog.

25 Questions You'd Never Think to Ask.

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?:

My chin, checking for any zits. .

2. How much cash do you have on you?:

Right now? *Blush* $2. But I just got paid on Thursday and I haven't cashed it yet.

3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?:


4. Favorite plant?:

My lucky bamboo plant.

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell:

Without looking I can almost guarantee it's my mom, but I'll check.

Okay, I lied. It's my older sister Anna.

6. What is your main ring tone on your phone?:

Right now? Dies Irae. I change it every time I get bored.

7. What shirt are you wearing?:

A beat up ugly teal and purple striped shirt with runs and holes in it. It also happens to be my favorite shirt.

8. Do you "label" yourself?:

Sometimes. Mostly I just stick with 'loser'.

9. Name brand of your shoes currently wearing?:

Barefoot! I guess you could say that I'm wearing homegrown Aradne shoes. *Smile* (not made in a sweatshop)

10. Bright or Dark Room?:

However it is when I walk into it.

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?:

She's the awesomest gonna-be-a-soccer-mom ever. *Smile*

12. Do you know what an 8-track is?:

I had a daddy who listened to them.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?:

Working. I was probably making wings or mini tacos...

14. What was your last text message you received on your cell:

That would be yesterday, from Anna again. It was "No- Working" in response to my text, "R U in class?"

15. Do you ever click on Pop-ups or banners?:

Once in a blue moon. (Which happens about twice a year, btw...)

16. What's a saying that you say a lot?:

"Take your time leaving, hurry back!"

Or from Usual Suspects last night, "There is no FUCKING crack on this boat!!!"

18. Last furry thing you touched?:

Blue furry socks. I did some laundry.

19. How many hours a week do you work?:

Depends on the week, but an average of 20 or more.

20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?:

I still have film from my trip to Mexico 4 years ago and my trip to Colorado 5 years ago. Probably 10+ rolls.

21. Favorite age you have been so far?:

15 was okay. My grandpa hadn't died yet. 17 was cool because I had life figured out pretty well, but I was putting up with a lot of crap.

22. Your worst enemy?:

A rash.

23. What is your current desktop picture?:

A vacuum cleaner that says "KDE, clean and bugfree*


24. What was the last thing you said to someone?:

"Have fun spending money!"

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to erase all of your regrets, what would you pick?:

Neither. Both would make me into a horrid person.

Hope you enjoyed!!!

you know... that girl... what was her name?

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