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by Mina~
Rated: E · Book · Other · #2027833
Blog for Blogging Circle of Friends and/or Blog City
Blog for Blogging Circle of Friends and/or Blog City
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August 16, 2016 at 5:35am
August 16, 2016 at 5:35am
After a long, hard day of work, you return home—the only problem is, your front door is wide open, all your lights are on and there's a sword stuck in the ceiling. The rest of your house looks normal, but you also notice several holes dug in your backyard. What's going on?

All the signs tell me that something is happen. The front door is wide open, all your lights are on and there's a sword stuck in the ceiling. The rest of the house looks normal, How this is possible? I also notice several holes dug in my backyard. What's going on?

For my memory is not so dull. I am quite sure that When I leave home I pull the door closed. Then I realized who is behind the scene? It must be him. We had a few magical days but he left me suddenly. As soon as I walked I could see him. I ran as first as I could to catch him. But I don’t catch up. He was tall and strong. I know what make him did like this. He comes here to look for the treasure I guess.

“Hey, STOP I wanted to talk to you”
He stops for a moment then he said in a calm voice, “you have to believe me. I didn’t do it . They forced me. Don’t call the cops please”.
OK, I assured him. Where have you been all the years?
“I’m stupid. I give you pain. Please forgive me what I have already done.” He said.
I looked up at his face. I saw those black eyes full of pain. His eyes melt my heart and I smiled.
June 3, 2016 at 7:23am
June 3, 2016 at 7:23am
You've just woken up by an odd sound to discover your naked on a cold metal table in a morgue. It's your blog show me what happens next. Have fun!

I’ve just woken up by an odd sound
Where an heavy silence all around
And my mind running fast
Where am I? What is this place?
I turn my head but nobody else there; only me
And I found myself without clothes wrapped in a blanket tightly
And my mind was racing fast
Why am I lying on a cold metal table?
Then I realize it is a room for autopsy
I jumped up, and I know where I need to go
I took a cab, reach home to drive very fast

They saw me walking, and cry out in fear
"It is a ghost!" "It is a ghost!"

when they realize I’m not a ghost
tears come into their eyes to see alive their Mina dear.

April 26, 2016 at 3:56am
April 26, 2016 at 3:56am
Prompt: Albert Einstein’s formula for success is: “If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.”
What is your formula or what does success mean to you?

In my formula
x= accept the things comes in life. (In our pathway we face so many obstacles while we are working our goals. Some helps us to reach our goals and some throw us out of the window. They think that we are their opponents. They jealous us, interrupt us for no reason. So we need to accept those things. )

Y= earn money and give a small portion of it to the poor. (To earn a lot of money is not success because one day we will be tire to run after it)

Z= love and respect our own life. (Because we get life only once and in life we have many things to do— Not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones)
April 22, 2016 at 6:05am
April 22, 2016 at 6:05am
judgement, burning, fashion, cynic, consumer and bloodthirsty

Into the mouth of an underneath cave there was once a fashion house. People called it a haunted fashion house. The owner of the fashion house was a beautiful woman but people called she was cynic. She had a very good idea what the consumers in her area really wanted, she had a good taste. All the high officials loved her products and sometimes they had helping her to judgment.

Unfortunately the house destroyed by a sudden earthquake. The women and her fashion house had gone under the sea. Since then before any earthquake the villagers had seen her walking by the side of the cave.

Her skin shinned by the moonbeam, her eyes were bloodshot and they burning like the ball of fire. She looked like a bloodthirsty monster. At that time she comes back to life and
she killed the cows, grabbed them to the cave and ate them.

Then one day a man came to this village to see her grandmother. The man was so brave. He saved many people. He swam through the waves and save the people who worked in the old fashion house.

He heard the story then he said
“I want to release the soul of the women. Are you scared? If not, come with me. I hope one day we might sleep safely again.”

The next night he lay down by the cave. He could hear his own breathing. The magic sword was in his hand which he was gifted by his grandfather.

“Look! There’s she” whispered a villager.

He then dived into the water and strokes her in her heart. With a scream she vanished in the blink of an eye in the sky with a black dust.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

March 23, 2016 at 4:26am
March 23, 2016 at 4:26am
"Why can't I try on different lives, like dresses, to see which one fits me and is most becoming?" Sylvia Platy Do you ever feel like this? Write about it.

People are afraid of change. They always like to do the things in a particular way and they didn’t like to take the risk. They didn’t like to embrace something unknown. Because they think if you they embrace the unknown things something bad might be happen any time. So people prefer to remain within the bounds of their own.

We can’t try on different lives, like dresses, because the dresses we try on remains ours but our previous lives gone forever if we try on different life.

Prompt: March 23 is Near Miss Day. On this day in 1989 a mountain size asteroid missed hitting Earth by 500,000 miles, which is near miss in interstellar terms. Write a story or poem about a near miss. It can be any kind of a near miss.

I'd been on a bus with a friend and our bus stopped on the opposite side of the road. While I was crossing the road I was a little absent minded. Then I saw a large bus just stopped near me. The bus was too-close-to- me. Then I realized that I narrowly escaped from a big accident.

March 15, 2016 at 3:25am
March 15, 2016 at 3:25am
Prompt: Johnny Depp said, "My sickness is that I'm fascinated by human behavior, by what's underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people." In what ways, do you think, can you see through what’s underneath the surface of a person?

No, I can’t see through what’s underneath the surface of a person. I think not only me but also all in this world can’t see what is going on behind the door of the human mind.

Human mind—it’s like an ocean. Sometimes it is stormy; sometimes very quiet. Sometime it reflects through our eyes and sometimes not. It is very difficult to understand what is going on others mind. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand because all the peoples mind are not equally same.

Ocean is deep but human mind is deeper than ocean. Science and technology are progressing too fast that may be someday we’ll discover in this vast ocean. But the human mind? We never explore the complex human mind (mysterious sea).

share with us an activity you are doing this month.
As my upgrade is going to be expire soon. So, I think throughout this month I will do some reviews to earn GPS.
March 1, 2016 at 4:25am
March 1, 2016 at 4:25am
Prompt: Oscar Wilde says in his The Ballad of the Reading Gaol, “Each man kills the thing he loves.” What do you think he means?

This is the first time I read this poem by Oscar Wilde. The poem is beautiful.
I think in this line he is saying the inner beast that lives inside of our mind. This inner beast is our emotion, our anger and doubting mania, which I think he means that this beast destroyed our loved one at the end.

Let's talk about our blogs.... Do you have commenting guidelines for your readers? Today is a great time to let them know the commenting policy for your blog (or set some new expectations).Would you read a personal blog without a comment section? How do you feel when a comment section is closed?

I am a new blogger. I found myself blogging has sharpening up my thoughts and increasing my writing skill. I learned a lot from the awesome writers in the blog city. I know my writing is not good enough but I try to write. I am trying hard to be a good writer. I like to write on a particular prompt given by the leaders each day. I know that writing everyday is not an easy tusk but I try to write, even though of my language barrier.

Comments encouraged me to write. I think comment is needed so that a blogger can understand what other people thinking and what else people want to know.
February 16, 2016 at 2:41am
February 16, 2016 at 2:41am
Do you ever play board games? If you do which one is your favorite? Do you think there will come a time when board games will vanish in favor of electronic versions on computers, phones, etc.

My favorite board games are “Ludo”,” Snake and ladder” and “Karam board” (square smooth flat wooden board for 2 players and it is very popular game in my country) and cheese (of course the physical version). When I was young, I with my family members would keep playing this board game in the rainy day. Sometime I used to playing this game myself until I won. Now a day digital version taking place this game but I never find the same level of enjoyment here.

Now, people are spending too much time in front of computer downloading game. Yes, like them I also spending hours in front of computer but for me, I would say I always prefer the physical version of the game rather than electronic version.

We all know that spending too much time in computer is like the slow poison. It is harmful for our physical and mental health especially for our eyes. I observed that little children are too much addicted in computer rather than outside activity.
January 16, 2016 at 11:30am
January 16, 2016 at 11:30am
Have you ever heard a song and it immediately brought tears to your eyes? What song was it? Why did it affect like you like it did, was it the song or was it what was happening in your personal life that it struck a cord.

One of my favorite songs is Ceylon Dion’s My Heart Will Go On . This song brings me tear. I don’t know why? I like the words of this song. This song reminds me my younger brother who drowned. He was fell down into the river while crossing the bridge.
This song always brings tear to my eyes.
January 13, 2016 at 3:26am
January 13, 2016 at 3:26am
Tire tracks in the desert sand

I have never ridden on a camel before. This was the first time I rode on a camel back.
One camel was tied to another camel. The group leader was leading us on and I was the
last one of the group.

While passing through the Sahara desert, I was sleeping on the camel's back. Then I feel down and hung there for a few seconds. Soon I realized what was happening to me. I yelled out loudly, but unfortunately they didn’t hear me. Then I was falling over the hot
sand of the desert. They didn’t notice me and had left me there alone. Even our
guide did not notice me.

I was so scared to be alone in this desert. I peered around me, unsure what to
do. Should I start searching, or just wait for them?
Then I start walking. After a few miles walking, I was exhausted and
tired. The hot bright sun almost blocked my vision. But I continued walking and looking in
the distance in search of my group members. After a while I saw some tire tracks on the
desert sand which led to the West side of the desert. Then I started to follow the thin
tire tracks. About fifteen minutes walking the truck tires began to fade away later to my
surprised, I saw all my team members’ running toward me.

“Aah! We have found her” they were excited to see me.


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