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by Mina~
Rated: E · Book · Other · #2027833
Blog for Blogging Circle of Friends and/or Blog City
Blog for Blogging Circle of Friends and/or Blog City
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July 18, 2018 at 3:11am
July 18, 2018 at 3:11am
Thunderstorms. Do you enjoy them or fear them. Share a thunder storm experience with us..

Indeed, thunderstorms are amazing and beautiful but I fear when it strikes with gusty wind and lightning flashes ..

But thunderstorm takes a toll on our life. For the past few years’ thunderstorm killed many lives in my country because of the sudden whether pattern change. Many farmers died when they were working in the paddy field. The thunderbolt struck on them, killing them.

I trembled in fear when I was inside the car or bus at that time. Because, car is a metal objects and lightening can travel through from one source to another. I learned that cars are not safe at all. Most often thunderstorm strikes on people while they are work outside or do outdoor activities.*Rain*

July 7, 2018 at 2:21am
July 7, 2018 at 2:21am
Prompt: Include the following words in your entry: chocolate, cherry, strawberry, sundae, pit.

I like chocolate ice-creams
With a cherry on its top
With caramelized strawberries
My mouth never stops
The deep pit sundae cups
makes me smile and thumbs up
But I hate when it fall to my dress drip drops
May 23, 2018 at 2:08pm
May 23, 2018 at 2:08pm
Doubt and fear
The monsters
Swallowing my spirits
Crushing my ambitions
Fell me down into the pit

I want to free myself from the doubts embrace
And go up around the bend to leave my fears behind

May 17, 2018 at 7:08am
May 17, 2018 at 7:08am
Merry, marry, cabbage, petunia and fireworks.

The creepy night alighted
With the fluorescent lights of fireworks
Like the field of purple petunia in the night sky
Like the canvas of van hog’s painting’s
Beneath the fireworks beside a cabbage field
A boy and a girl merrily married
while the stars sings lullabies
April 25, 2018 at 6:07am
April 25, 2018 at 6:07am
If in the event of your own demise, have you considered what happens to your writing here on WDC? Does your family know how to access it? Or would you rather they not see your writing? I know I keep saying I'll get around to it.

First my condolence for our blogger Cheri Annemos . May her soul rest in peace.

Yes, this is question to think about. No matter how old we are. Some die early and some later. But at the end we all going die. It’s a phenomenon that we cannot avoid. And we don’t know when and how.

I have some digital stuff for example: Writing.com, WhatsApp, Skype, g mail, Facebook, Pinterest, viver and many that are protected by password. But I mostly use gmail, Writing.com and Facebook. My sister knows that I have Writing.com account. But she doesn’t know my password. I am thinking that I will make a list of the log-on names, passwords in a diary before I gone. So that if I die my family members will access and explore my account.
March 31, 2018 at 7:13am
March 31, 2018 at 7:13am

Deep shadows fell over the city
When I was left off the bus
Bulbs flickering with the voltages of electricity
I could see a drench crow, flying low towards the trees high
Dry leaves, flags, festoons dancing by with the gusty winds
In the blink of an eye
Corrugated roof fly across the sky

A ferocious Nor’wester storm visited yesterday
Left trees, electric poles and billboards uprooted

April, dear April, pour your rain through and through
Upon the thirsty earth below
upon the young Jack fruits, berries, litchis, mango
Help the red vibrant Royal Poinciana flowers bloom

March 30, 2018 at 8:19am
March 30, 2018 at 8:19am
love of two crows

-"O crow how shiny your eyes are!
Like the beams in the star
The silhouettes of your feathers
Shines like the velvety far" *Bird*

-"caw caw really! Thank you"

-"O crow did you ever taste Mashed potato?" *Bird*

"(Mashed potato) ya, ya, ya, ya... I tasted them once
It burned my throat.. my lunge, my esophagus"

"O crow did you know how to dance?" *Bird*

"Ya, ya, ya, ya I can do; when I get a chance"

-"So, (It's the latest) come on, baby
get up on your tail now
come on, baby let’s go party" *Bird*

-"wait a minute, wait a minute
do you think I am OK in black outfit"

"Ya, ya, ya, ya.... You look gorgeous in black
Don’t be sorry being a bird of black
You the light in my darkness
Don't you know that you're my good luck

Now come on baby let’s go party
Let’s dance together spreading wings
Releasing sorrows and pains to the unknown land
Let’s dance with the beat through and through

March 23, 2018 at 2:11pm
March 23, 2018 at 2:11pm


Spring is here with thousand blooming flowers;
In corpse branches, I could see the sprouted leaves
The northern wind blows passing through the new born leaves;
The matrix of life awakening in every corner.

Honeybees, butterflies eavesdrop on the wind rustling;
The little children’s plucking berries and cherries

The cuckoos coo hiding behind leafy trees
The farmers planting new crops wipe out the weeds
The warmth of sun is like the concession from heaven
Like the soothing vibrancy in nature’s eye

The re-incarnation of mother earth gives our heart pleasure

March 16, 2018 at 1:15pm
March 16, 2018 at 1:15pm

On the Same Page--
Meaning: Thinking alike or understanding something in a similar way with others.
Curiosity Killed The Cat-
Meaning: Typically said to indicate that any further investigation into a situation may lead to harm.
Hear, Hear--
Meaning: A shout of agreement, or to draw attention to a speaker.
A Dime a Dozen--
Meaning: Something that is extremely common.

Steven Hawkins a man of wonder
He knew many things that one can’t ponder
He was not a dime a dozen
He warned us that aliens and human are not at the same page
He assumed that alien’s will come one day
From the planets trillions miles away
So don't contact with the aliens if you want to live
do we stop contact with them?
No; for Curiosity Killed the Cat
Hear, Hear aliens are coming to rules over our earth

March 8, 2018 at 5:42am
March 8, 2018 at 5:42am

I wrote this poem using the above words. I know my poem seems a little off beat but I try to write a poem about International Women's day.

The world is becoming a less safe place for women
For one in three women experience violence each day
Many of us silence around rape and sexual abuses
For we are sensitive, so emotional and defenseless

They (our male counterpart) made us scream and they made us cry
They treated us badly
They heartening our heart
They valued us like an item

but all men are not so bad

we are mother we are daughter, we are entrepreneur
we can help reduce the distance far and near

so girls don’t ever be little girls
break the barrier if you can do
try to be a women
No matter what may comes in your way
Integrated yourself with the education ray

Stand up, speak aloud head up high
throwing the fear into the vast sky
never buried the dirt inside of you
express your pains through the #Me Too

the road seems rough but not limited
so never say “I withdraw
look up to the brand new direction.

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