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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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October 12, 2008 at 8:44am
October 12, 2008 at 8:44am
Matt won one game and lost one yesterday. Under-sixes are too little to play two games in a row - all of them got worn out for the second game. But there was a cool breeze, the kids were cute, and it was a good day. Several people from our church came to see Matt play, so that made him feel good. He scored several goals.

I had promised the kids that we would get a movie, so we went by Blockbuster and got several. If you have small children, don't let them see The Last Mimzy. The box doesn't look like it would be a scary movie, but it was. Matt laid there and went to sleep, so he missed it. Emily, at almost 11 years old, handled it fine. But Anna Claire got so scared that she started to cry. I took her to her room and sat with her until she went to sleep. I felt a little guilty for not sitting in the room - I usually make it a point to watch any new movies with them to make sure it is okay, but since we had been at the soccer field, I was trying to get a few things done around the house. The one time I flop on that, it winds up being a bad movie. *Rolleyes* It's hard to get movies that a 10-year-old, a 7-year-old, and a 5-year-old will all enjoy.
October 11, 2008 at 10:26am
October 11, 2008 at 10:26am
Good morning!

Matt has a soccer tournament - there is actually a soccer tournament for the Under 6 players! Should be cute.

We went with friends last night to Backyard Burger. Their kids and our kids are the same age. Backyard Burger has a spectacular play place, so we get to sit and have adult conversation. Nice!

I'm off to soccer-land now - y'all have a good day!
October 9, 2008 at 12:49pm
October 9, 2008 at 12:49pm
I had to write a student up today. He is the first one I've had to write up since I've been here. Haha! Which is better than writing up 10 or 12 a day as I WAS having to do elsewhere.

What this boy did wasn't as important as his general determination not to mindor have a good attitude. His actions were just a form of general stupidity. I pulled a trick out of my hat from my old job. I wrote down every single irritating thing he did for the whole hour he was in the library in a list, then turned that in to the office. I really could have written him up last week, but let him slide. This week I decided that the buck stops here.

What's odd is that his mom is a teacher at another school in our school system. Most teachers take their child with them wherever they wind up having a job. I can see why this one didn't.

The thing is - and this is the stupidest thing ever - now I feel guilty and wish I could un-turn the write-up in. But if I went one more week without doing something about his behavior, I would have regretted it later. Ah, well.

One naughty child out of the three hundred and something who come through this library isn't bad. So why have I let that one get on my nerves for the whole day?
October 7, 2008 at 12:52pm
October 7, 2008 at 12:52pm
These are a few of my favorite things . . .

Movie The Sound of Music

Song Take My Breath Away by Berlin

TV Show Boston Legal

Thing to do on a free Saturday Follow the open road

Meal Fried chicken with rice and gravy, or chicken pot pie.

Website What do you think? *Laugh*

Color Purple

Book No idea, I've never been able to narrow it down to one

Month October

Present to receive Money, or Barnes and Noble gift cards.

My least favorite things

Food Brussels sprouts

People Political candidates

Characteristic in somebody else Unforgiveness.

Color Chartreuse

Thing to have happen to me Have my head talked off by somebody boring. This is worse than being stuck in traffic.

Song Horse with No Name by America. You're in the desert with nothing else to do. Think up a name for the dad-blamed horse!

Present to have given to me Knick-knacks for the house. These are the most useless items ever, especially baskets.

Book Stuart Little. The book is good until the end, which is atrocious. There is no resolution. It's as if E. B. White just stopped writing.

Thing to spend money on Insurance. I don't mind paying the electricity bill or anything like that, but it drives me berserk to pay for car insurance because I'm not getting anything tangible back. Or at least, I'm hoping that I'm not. So, I'm paying for something and hoping not to use it. How ignorant is that?
October 6, 2008 at 9:25am
October 6, 2008 at 9:25am
Nine weeks tests today. My assistant and I have to help proctor. Which just means that we have to sit in the classroom with a teacher and help make sure everything is going well. I got luckier than my assistant. She got assigned to a fifth-grade class that is well-known for being unruly. I think they did that because she IS kind of mean and scary. *Laugh* I got put with a very good third-grade class.

Which brings me to something I must tell on myself. When we came in at the first of the year, there was this sweet first-year teacher who just graduated from college in May. I felt a little sorry for her, because I had decided that these children would eat her alive. Turns out, she does excellently well with her class. A lot better than some of the veteran teachers. They are among the best behaved students in the school. Anything we assign them to do, they hop to it. When they come out for a tornado or fire drill, they behave perfectly. They turn in their homework and read for fifteen minutes every night. It taught me a lesson in judging - one I thought I had already learned, but I evidently needed reminding. This lady is who I have been assigned to this morning.

Good thing I never said any of my thoughts on this out loud - one thing I have learned is to make my words sweet in case I ever have to eat them.
October 5, 2008 at 12:13pm
October 5, 2008 at 12:13pm
          I got some kind of virus and spent the whole day yesterday lying around in bed and on the recliner. Which was kind of nice, even though I was sick. I'm all better this morning, but I skipped church anyway just to make absolutely sure I had plenty of time to recover. *Bigsmile* Wimzy was my little nurse. She spent the whole day taking care of - i. e. snuggling with - me.

          I just got through watching Cheers, and now Hogan's Heroes is on - two of my favorites. I rarely just sit down and watch TV unless I'm sick. I'm not a big TV fan anyway. I'm a radio person - I've found a radio station with all the "oldies" that I like, like Karen Carpenter and Jim Croce. I told y'all I was a closet old person! *Laugh* I really don't see the point of relegating all the oldies to one station - it seems like we could have a mixture of old and new on one station, but they didn't ask my opinion. It makes me feel funny that all the songs that were popular when I was in high school are now oldies! However, I have to admit that I'm glad to have high school in the waaayyy past.

         Wimzy said to tell you that as my medical advisor, she is telling me to get off the computer and get my behind onto the recliner. So I guess I will obey orders!
October 3, 2008 at 12:44pm
October 3, 2008 at 12:44pm
Yesterday, Anna Claire was in a program. The whole second grade at her school did a show about "What I want to be when I grow up." Cute! The music teacher at her school always puts these shows on and does a fantastic job. Earlier in the week, she came home and said "I'm the littlest second-grader." Which I figured, because she was the littlest kindergartener, and she hasn't gotten busy growing since then, but I wondered what brought it up. When I went to the program, it hit me: they had lined them up according to height. It doesn't seem to bother her. Indeed, she plays the cute thing up to get what she wants. And it tends to work, especially on too-susceptible Daddy. *Laugh* God help us when she wants a car. *Rolleyes*

October 1, 2008 at 9:48am
October 1, 2008 at 9:48am
October the first! To me, we are always on the downhill slide to the Holidays when we hit October. Our high is only supposed to be 79 today! The cool weather is finally here. My kids wore long pants to school today for the first time. Autumn never fails to be my favorite time of year. Spring is nice, but in the back of my mind, I know we are heading toward hot weather. I can enjoy fall without having to worry about what's coming. *Laugh*

Y'all wish bugzy is baaaccck!! a happy birthday!

September 29, 2008 at 10:48am
September 29, 2008 at 10:48am
*Note* I finished my $1200 book order. Actually, $1217.16. I spent $1217.11. It's hard to get it right on the dot. I ordered Black History books (come February, they will be all checked out by the teachers), all the Betsy-Tacy-Tib books, a bunch of how to draw books, a few Newbery Medal books, a few Caldecott Award books, plus a little of this and a little of that. Spending Mississippi's money to order books is great fun to me.

*Note* I called in sick Friday with Matt. He had a terrible ear infection. He's all better now.

*Note* One of our teachers resigned, presumably because he was on drugs. I'm glad he resigned, but I'm disappointed at the same time. They haven't replaced him yet. I feel sorry for his class - it's hard to learn anything with a permanent sub. I resign from the juvie place where 99% of the students were on drugs, and come to a place where I have a teacher on drugs. The odd thing is, he was a good teacher.

*Note* Friday will be here one of these years. *Rolleyes* I feel like it's a million years off.

*Note* The fair is coming Wednesday. I will be sure and eat a funnel cake for y'all! *Laugh* I love the fair.
September 24, 2008 at 4:26pm
September 24, 2008 at 4:26pm

In addition to suspending his campaign, McCain has suggested cancelling the debate between himself and Barack Obama Friday night to address the financial crisis. More specifically, according to the website I posted, he wants attention focused on the Wall Street meltdown.

Normally, I wouldn't care whether the debate went on or not. Although I have a sneaking interest in politics, debates bore me to tears. Usually, in spite of vast amounts of verbage, neither one of the candidates manages to say anything worth listening too. Plus, the media will put their own spin on everything anyway.

However, I was looking forward to this Friday's debate. Why? Because it is scheduled to be held in Mississippi. Specifically, at the University of Mississippi, more commonly known as Ole Miss.

Mississippi has been proud to finally have something that will help lend credibility to the state. We get so much negative press on everything from being the most overweight state, to being perceived as backwards, even down to being on the low end educationally. All of which I can understand, mind you. It's just that having a presidential debate here is a morale booster.

It makes me wonder if McCain just doesn't want to come here. Why is cancelling the debate going to help the current financial crisis? In fact, it will hurt the area surrounding where the debate will be. I don't remember the amount, but they were talking on the news the other night about how how much they have spent to get ready. Just the news media present for the event were expected to pour vast amounts of money into the economy. I think McCain is scared to come to Mississippi because of our reputation.

Boo, McCain. I'm dissappointed. This is just another let-down for us.

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