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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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September 23, 2008 at 9:27am
September 23, 2008 at 9:27am
*Note* About an hour before time to get up, Wimzy got up in the bed and we did some serious snuggling. Nothing like a snuggle with a dog to get your day started.

*Note* The cool weather has showed up. This is the sure-nuff cool weather! Of course, this is Mississippi we are talking about: I think the high today is supposed to be about 88 degrees. The mornings and evenings are nice and cool, though, and 88 is nothing to sneeze at. Nice!

*Note* The fair is coming October 1, which is earlier than usual. I love the fair! Especially the ferris wheel, because you get to sit in your car and look out at everything.

*Note* I have $1200 worth of books to order by September 30. The Fiction section is looking pretty good, but Non-fiction needs work, so that's what I'll concentrate on. Oddly enough, these children like the Non-fiction books, especially the ones about drawing and animals. All I ever wanted when I was a kid were story books. Still do.

*Note* Matt had a soccer game last night. He scored two goals, and several others scored too. He's on a good little team this year. They have won several games. Emily played too - her team didn't win, but it was a good game and they played well. Non-competitive Anna Claire is still enjoying her dance class. The dance teacher, Miss Gerry, has a high school girl helping her teach, and guess what her name is? Anna Claire! My Anna Claire just thinks that's wonderful, that another Anna Claire would be one of her dance teachers.
September 22, 2008 at 12:25pm
September 22, 2008 at 12:25pm
1. My husband and I had a whole week of getting along with each other last week, but he just HAD to piss me off Sunday by telling me that all this skepticism I have is not a Christian quality. All this preaching he does about not judging others, but he has made it his business to judge me. *Rolleyes* What happened was that this guy "made a decision," and I expressed my doubts as to whether it was for real or not, since I think he is probably just trying to get his wife back.

2. My car is still in the shop. The car and the shop are going to get to know each other real well, since it will be $1600 to get it out. Do we have $1600? *Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh*

3. My mother decided that Sam and I aren't good enough parents and threatened to take the kids away from us. She does this periodically when she's aggravated about something else. We officially got tired of it this time and are trying to stay the hell away from her, because we have found out through sorry experience that she is not interested in being reasoned with, just yelling and hurling accusations at us. She is a master manipulator, and wasn't any great shakes as a parent herself.

4. I got home from church yesterday and just got in bed. Coming to work this morning was somewhat of a relief.

5. So, how the hell are y'all? *Laugh*
September 19, 2008 at 1:41pm
September 19, 2008 at 1:41pm
*Note* We are having Parent/Teacher Conferences at work. Since I don't have any students, it's a free day. I'm getting ahead of myself by getting ready for the coming weeks. I have my jazz radio station on, so everything is groovy. *Laugh* The only thing is we have to be here until 6PM. On a Friday! Ah well, in the scheme of things, this is no biggie.

*Note* I called the milkshake diet guy and got him to send a refund. This not eating business is for the birds. Actually, I don't even think the birds would go for it.

*Note* Emily is going to a birthday party. Anna Claire and Matt are spending at least one night, maybe two, with their Aunt Debbie and their cousins, Simon, Jacob and Whitley. Hurray! Aunt Debbie has plenty of good karma coming to her. Whitley is a freshman in college (Ole Miss), Jacob is 15, and Simon is 7 - he is a few weeks younger than Anna Claire. Simon, Anna Claire, and Matt always have a big time playing. Plus Debbie lives way out in the country. Nice!

*Note* I'm going to have a good weekend if it kills me.

*Note* I don't care if I never see another milkshake as long as I live.

September 18, 2008 at 12:39pm
September 18, 2008 at 12:39pm
You know what's ironic? The whole time I was working at the juvie prison, I never had a camera in my room. There was one OUTSIDE my room in the courtyard, which they installed while I was working there, so it hadn't even been there all that long.

Now that I am at a regular school, I have a camera in my room. Two, in fact. Both of which have been installed a lot longer than the one at the juvie prison had.

The difference is that at the juvie prison, I know the people did watch the screen. There was one man downtown who did nothing but sit and watch what was going on, then call the assistant principal about it. Here, I have no idea if anybody is watching or not. I'm rather inclined to think they aren't. At the old job, there were only two places to watch, then when they combined the girls with the boys, only one place. Here there about a million schools in this system - like about 60. I'm pretty sure nobody would be watching unless there were a reason to. I have been tempted to make a vulgar gesture right in front of the camera, or pick my nose.

I wonder who I could hire to dance in front of my camera naked? *Laugh*
September 17, 2008 at 9:51am
September 17, 2008 at 9:51am
Do you know how hard it is to find library worksheets for children? Well, I don't guess you would, since this isn't an issue that would come up for everybody. You can print multiplication worksheets off the internet by the dozen, but library worksheets are rare unless you buy them at a teacher tool store. What I've done is come up with things I think these children ought to know and teach them that. Like:

1. The multiplication tables.

2. The fifty states, capitals, what year they were admitted to the union, etc. You can get lots of mileage out of the fifty states.

3. If it isn't on the standardized test they have to take at the end of the year to pass their grade, they may not learn it. One casualty of this is cursive writing.

4. I found out yesterday that the second graders have no dictionary skills.

5. For the little kids, fairy tales have gone by wayside. A couple of weeks ago I had a big time telling my kindergarteners The Three Pigs. They had a big time too!

I kind of enjoy thinking up what I believe kids ought to know, then teaching it to them. That's the good thing about the librarian not being under a specific curriculum. The only problem is coming up with the resources, because there are mostly just actual library books in here, and not that many teacher-resource type books. Next summer I can see I have a lot of planning to do. This year I'm having get ready for each week as it shows up, which is not something I'm crazy about. I like to be ready for things way ahead of time.
September 16, 2008 at 12:30pm
September 16, 2008 at 12:30pm
I did an idiotic thing. I am about to confess.

I started one of those milkshake diets. It's whooping my butt. I started Friday, and rapidly discovered what a bad idea this is.

Have you ever just gotten sick enough of some negative quality in you to do something desperate? That is my rationale in doing this. Desperation.

I'm about to die for something to chew.

However, from Friday to yesterday I had lost a whole pound. Yeah, I know, big wahoo. But losing ANYTHING is something that hasn't happened for a while.

I've already paid for a month, so I'm thinking that I'll finish my month out and do something else. I needed a kickstart anyway. Plus, I have some energy, something else that hasn't happened in a long time.

But guess what? Broccoli and carrots are starting to look pretty good, something I have never experienced in my ENTIRE life.

Don't tell Bugzy.

I'd pay a thousand dollars to eat an apple right now. That's assuming I had a thousand dollars. *Laugh* Being able to chew ANYTHING would be nice. It's surprising how much you miss it.

Somebody pass the gum.
September 15, 2008 at 12:20pm
September 15, 2008 at 12:20pm
Good morning all.

Is England still standing, since Nada and scarlett_o_h have hooked up? I bet those two are having fun.

My car broke down yesterday - the timing belt, I think. It's a pain to be a one-car family, but not as big a pain as it would have been if I were still at my old job, way out in the boonies. At least our two jobs are both inside the Jackson city limits.

We had some nice cool weather this morning. It's a bit early for cool weather, but I'll take it.

Who else has love bugs besides us? That may be a southern thing. They are driving me berserk.

I started a diet Friday. Bleck. Dunno if I've lost any yet. I'll find out today.

It feels funny to be back at work. Nice, though, kind of. It's good to get back to normal. I wound up getting one more bereavement day than I thought, which was Thursday. I couldn't see the need in coming to work just on Friday, so I took a personal day. This will be a short week as far as students. They get out early Thursday and are out all day Friday because of Parent Conferences. As the librarian, I don't have Parent Conferences - Hooray! - so that will be a catch-up-and-get-ahead day.

That's all that's floating around in my brain. Have a great day.
September 10, 2008 at 12:39pm
September 10, 2008 at 12:39pm
Major life questions bouncing around in my brain.

1. What in the heck were all the Walton kids names? Betcha don't remember them all without looking them up.

2. I have no idea what "Kiss my grits" meant. Why did I fall out laughing every time I heard it?

3. I guess the Flintstones lived before pants were invented. But I remember Fred and Barney going bowling. Did men feel that it was more necessary to invent something to get them out of the house at night than it was to cover the lower half of their bodies?

4. Fonzie always hit the jukebox and made it come on. Did he do that with the pinball game too? I don't think my kids know what a juke box or a pinball machine even are.

5. Remember Hazel? The maid? The lady she worked for - I have no idea what her name was, but I do remember that she didn't go to work every day. How did she get lucky enough to have a maid AND not have to go to work?

Just a few of those things that make me say "Hmmm."
September 9, 2008 at 8:35am
September 9, 2008 at 8:35am
I have today and tomorrow off - I am going back to work Thursday. Good thing, too, I have to clean up my house. Everybody is having to get their clothes out of the laundry pile, so I'm about to get started folding now. I have The Waltons on for entertainment. I imagine I'll go by my mother's after a while.

I assume my assistent is running the library, I haven't talked to her. She's been doing it since before I ever heard of that school,. so I assume everything is going well.

I got up and washed one dog - Katie. For some reason, her fur gets dirty and stinky a lot quicker than Wimzy's. Now, why would that be? Katie is pure beagle, and Wimzy is a beagle and Jack Russell mix. Maybe that has something to do with it. There is nothing worse than trying to hug a stinky dog.

Hanna kindly decided to go the other way, but Ike seems to coming toward us. I know it has to be hard on the people who live down that way to be evacuating all the time. Plus, the Red Cross was asking for donations, since Gustav cost them something like $70 million, I think.

I guess I have to stop procrastinating on folding. Bye, now!

September 7, 2008 at 8:17pm
September 7, 2008 at 8:17pm
As most of you know, thanks to Mr.Monk- GPs for the poor , my stepfather passed away Thursday morning. He was diagnosed with acute leukemia Saturday and went into the hospital Sunday night. The doctor at the hospital told my mother that this form of leukemia was like a tsunami or a volcano erupting, because it takes you quickly. The funeral was yesterday, The out-of-town relatives left today. My mother has dealt with everything extremely well. I'm proud of her. My grandmother is with her right now, but I believe she will be going home tomorrow. Mama acted like she was kind of ready for everybody to go home so things could settle down and she could deal with it on her own terms. She is a strong woman.

Thank you to Mr.Monk- GPs for the poor for checking on me, and for the c-note from *Barbara Maria* . You guys rock.

I have tomorrow off. I may have Tuesday and Wednesday off too, I think. I'm just going to rest, I think. I believe the kids and I are fixing to put on our pajamas and veg in front of the TV.

Nighty night.

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